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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 6 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Not really. The not 40k preview was announced on June 26th and happend on July 1st, just 5 days later. AoS has been following the 40k pattern very closely, just two weeks late.

    I'd expect and announcement on July 15th to avoid drawing attention from the AoS launch and then a show on July 20th featuring agents of the imperium, kill team, heresy admech, possibly underworlds and maybe a blood bowl tease. Then at the begining of August we get Skaven or Stormcast followed by the other faction at Nova, hopefully with a roadmap.

    Yeah. I don't remember the non 40k one, but also makes sense that they stay radio silencio to do not opaque the Skaventide launch.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    The old Warhammer Fantasy models will definitely be out eventually, but I am not as convinced as some that Cities will become a human only faction.

    The rules have definitely leaned into making the HUMAN, DUARDIN and AELF keywords relevant when they really didn't have to. In my mind that signals a desire to keep these three races part of Cities. This is also what makes me think that new Dwarves are in the works: Cities with just the new Freeguild and old Dark Elves is not very cosmopolitan.

    Yeah. Before I thought that it would be only humans, but the recent mentions, not only in the rules, seems to be emphasising the mixed races.

    • Like 4
  3. 38 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I can tell you that all they are making me do with this is zero-dip on dwarves. Even if they are good in the Cities index, I will definitely view them as temporary and 3D print or kitbash them if I want to use them.

    When I started with CoS that was my approach with all the range. I didn't buy a single mini that was not released for AoS because I know their time will come.

  4. 1 minute ago, RyantheFett said:

    Pretty sure its the strange GW rules/rumors that only one team gets the credit for the models and they really don't want people using models in more then 1 game at a time. 

    My friends and I were guessing they put The Old World on hold just to switch over dwarfs (which is crazy if true). Best guess is that Cities is gonna be one of the first factions to come out and the Dwarfs will either be removed or get a lot of new stuff?

    The only funny thing will be if they do remove dwarfs and leave the dark elves and pirates still in the faction lol. Gonna be the funniest thing...............

    Keeping DE makes sense. They are not ToW core and their time will come with Malerion.

    • Like 5
  5. 10 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Next big event seems like it's going to be the NOVA Open at the end of August, probably with the 'Battle for Hel Crown' winner some time in late July/early August?

    I wouldn't be surprised if Warcry ends up on the backburner for a bit when the next big 'skirmish' release is probably going to be Kill Team Season 3, particularly with Briar & Bone still stuck in a Realm Gate somewhere. 

    Last year we had a non 40k preview. Maybe they do a non AoS preview which would be the perfect excuse to avoid Warcry.

  6. 24 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

    It may be that we're due an early edition battletome for CoS that'll include new duardin. This way they don't have the issue of people still buying old models that are about to get replaced, and which they want to move over to TOW anyway.

    If they did keep selling those models for AoS then remove or replace them in the new battletome we'd hear another round of complaining from folks, so I guess this way they can avoid that.

    If that were the case, I doubt we would get 1:1 replacements, so the warscrolls would make no sense still.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    Finally! So a CoS player can find the the old dark elves still under the CoS category, but the dwarfs they need to buy in the TOW category? Bizar. Hopefully when CoS receive their BT, they will get a new range of duardins.


    Unless they re-release them, that looks like it will be the case.

  8. 1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    First time I’ve heard of it

    Well if you want Hogh elve in your cities, it might be worth waiting for a bit before you try and pay money for overpriced minis on eBay.

    (unless a friend is selling it to you for well cheap or you found a really good offer).

    High elves are getting their range back sometimes in the future thanks to tow,

    although the timeline isn’t sadly given.

    Like for example……… the human part of the army?

    I would say High Elves would come at the end of the year or early next year.

  9. 4 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    For me the two that I mentioned (longbeards and shadow warriors) kind of fit the most generic iterations of Dwarves and Elves in terms of old fantasy models and that is their appeal. Namely that if they make city duardin or aelves they would easily fit the bill, which is also why I kind of don't want to invest in them as I know there will be a cooler version that will more seamlessly fit into my city army one day. 

    I would add to that list the eternal guard and/or the glade guard. Imo those two are the best ones to represent generic wood elves. And idk why, but wood elves and duardins are the ones that fit me the best for a CoS mixed army.

    Glade Guard - Age of Sigmar - Lexicanum


    In terms of duardins I agree the longbeards are the most generic ones:


    And the fit pretty well with the new plastic kit:

    Adepticon TOW Mar20 Image1

    But my favourite ones are the other helmet option...


    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

    My gut says it’s to archive the whole edition rules so people don’t lose convenient access to the books and materials they purchased even though they’re officially unsupported.

    Imagine if they did port the new edition into the app without any access to the digital archive. People would lose it.

    It could be from 2nd to 3rd. From 3rd to 4th, it is just easier to build it again. They could use some common base, but they don't need to maintain the old one to use that base.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    Dwarfs are officially all gone on the GW store in US

    this week will announce TOW dwarven mountain holds it seems

    AdeptiCon Preview – The Dwarfen Mountain Holds - Warhammer Community

    Will be interesting to see if they launch them repacked for AoS as well or just put more bases in the ToW box.

    • Like 1
  12. 9 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

    Looks legit? I thought they already revealed images of the new app, but maybe I'm crazy. 

    This is exactly what I expected. I am curious as to why it is easier for them to make new apps instead of updating the old app to the new edition. Any developers or folks on the inside have any insight?

    In this particular case it is pretty easy. As the game itself has changed drastically, all the code has to reflect that drastic change.

    This same question would make more sense from 2nd to 3rd ed. My guess? It could be possible that is done by different companies.

    • Like 1
  13. 38 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

    I would be wildly surprised if AoS was even a blip on the radar of 99% of people working on D&D products.

    AoS: Soulbound is fun but it's a very small fish in the rpg pond, while D&D remains the blue whale taking up most of the space and the oxygen from everyone else crammed in around it.

    I am, of course, hoping it's true that AoS is genuinely spiking in popularity, and that it's going to go from strength to strength as a product, IP, and game in the future! I just doubt the D&D head honchos have the slightest tremor of fear about AoS.

    Also, this is from the Spanish replaying industry, so that could be the key. I guess it is completely different. Said that, my company works with Wizards (on the Magic side, not D&D) but they are performing way worse than a couple of years ago. I can assure you that.

  14. Btw, someone from the role-playing industry told me recently that AoS is spiking in popularity, both in wargame and roleplaying terms, but that as D&D is doing poorly lately some people who work with D&D are starting to be afraid of AoS.

    IMO it is good news. The more players/ enthusiasts the merrier.

    • Like 5
  15. 59 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Just wanted to inform everyone that in the past 24 hours a couple of incredible things have happened.

    My wife and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

    And Im officially, finally, Cancer Free.


    That's better than an Ogors refresh. Gz! Is the first little one, right? Enjoy it!

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