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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 6 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

    Yknow, people over on rumor were discussing the de-hype a couple pages ago, and I feel it. Felt like it was better posted over here, though.

    Ive been trying so hard to stay hyped for this release, but its really been an uphill battle.

    They dropped BoC which I always loved the aesthetic of, and I have local people who had half their Stormcast army tagged for shelving soon. But I don’t play SCE and I’d already sold my BoC army because I needed the cash and wasn’t playing it as much as my main two armies.

    The war game is leaning more to game than war, which I know sounds like a nonsense phrase, and I told myself that’s fine it can still be fun, I have Heresy for my crunchy war game and don’t necessarily want another one that involved anyway. I like a happy middle.

    the Ogor preview took some serious wind out of my sails but I told myself “hey we just saw the barest preview, and we’ve always been rules light and the blizzard thing does look cool”

    And the other previews came out and most of those had a lot of cool stuff but nothing that really sucked me in, except kruleboyz a little bit.

    then I talked to my friends who have AoS armies and a lot of them are “I’ll try spearhead but I don’t think I’ll get into the whole game”. I’d been trying hard to get some traction with my local community, so that sucked pretty hard ngl, but hey I can’t tell people they should spend time and money on a product and system I’m myself feeling doubt about.

    getting the notice today that they’re making a new AoS app instead of updating the existing one honestly fills me with bad feels, because our current app is pretty great and I know the new one will have a paywall like the 40K app, which I hate.

    i dunno. I want to be excited and it’s like everything is working to make it feel sucky. I don’t even know when or if I’ll get games in after launch.

    Updating the current app was not viable. They even have the current app and the 2nd edition one being both editions way more compatible, so it was obvious that a new edition with a game breaker change would have its own new app. Will it be locked behind a pay wall? Very likely, but at least that paywall can be covered with W`, you can enjoy content and sell the free mini.

  2. 3 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

    Call me cynical, but my guess is none of those books have anything to do with Skaventide at all. There just seven relatively new AoS audio books they've decided to promote off the back of Skaventide hype.

    At least the Darkoath one has a direct relation with the Skaventide.

    • Like 3
  3. 1 minute ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    Except since AoS has changed to a completely different army composition system I'd imagine it would have to be rewritten from scratch. 

    But still having a base (and the fan base) it would be better than nothing, IMO.

  4. 1 minute ago, Vagard said:

    More likely the 2nd one as no preview has been yet announced for the 13th I guess? 

    I think they will announce it on the 5th or 6th of Agust once we have the contest finished. Results and when are those minis going to be previewed. Maybe even a little tease.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 minute ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    The guy who made it has decided to no longer update it- It’s not GW’s website. 

    Honestly, I think it wouldn't be that crazy if someone ask him to get access to the code so it can be continued.

    • Like 2
  6. 9 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Spearheads are supercool cause they‘d give me an excuse to maybe collect another army without having to commit so much to it. 

    I‘m still very miffed about perhaps not being able to use Tzeentch-marked Slaves units tho in 4th. I got enough Slaves to field a full force but mixining things is fun. 😭

    This is how all begins and you end up having a whole collection of that army.


    • Haha 4
  7. 1 minute ago, Snarff said:

    It is for sure, and I don't think it's worth it. That's why I'm too lazy for it. I was just thinking that it would be interesting to have the data neatly summarized.

    At least we can compare the RE ones, but deffo the Monday minis feels higher for NM and BB.

  8. 1 minute ago, Snarff said:

    It sometimes feels like they just announce a Necromunda or Bloodbowl model just so they can say they revealed a model on monday though. Some of the more niche game models take ages to release after they're announced.

    Then again, it might just be the settings being completely unrelated to AoS. Necromunda models fit 40K quite well, and Blood Bowl models can be converted to TOW models occasionally, but there's no niche AoS game being promoted. If they did reveals like this for Warcry or Underworlds (or even better, a new AoS setting game), I don't think I would notice the BB and Necromunda 'bias' (for lack of a better word) that new model mondays seem to have.

    Yeah. Exactly this. And on many occasions they are resin models that even if they could fit the AoS universe, I wouldn't be interested in.

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    I actually like Mondays revealing Necromunda and Bloodbowl content as it keeps the smaller games with dedicated communities in the public eye and also frees up time from large previews from focusing to heavily on what amount to niche products. So it kind of keeps expectations in check but simultaneously they need to drop something big on Monday ever few weeks to keep the larger communities coming back. 

    While I agree, I would prefer for them something like what LOTR is getting lately. A monthly tease that is revealed after that month with the release of the new tease. Give them that and a chunk of the Monday models rotations rather than monopolizing the Monday minis for a while and then forget they exist.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    It'd be interesting to see how many new model mondays are dedicated to Necromunda and Blood Bowl, because it feels like it's almost every monday but the reality could be quite different. I wish somebody made a list of how many mondays were dedicated to each game.

    I'm way too lazy for that though lol

    It is a decent chunk of work xD

  11. 14 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    I fully expect Chorfs for AoS, (& Emperors Children for 40k) to drop in 2025. 2025 does not feature the summer launch of a new edition of either 40k or AoS. There will be significant releases for both systems to make up the shortfall. (I expect we will see new stuff for both HH and ToW as well as other games, I wouldn't be surprised to see a new box for Quest 40k) 


    But it is HH new edition launch, right? Or at least they will release something big by that time.

  12. 1 minute ago, JackStreicher said:

    Wth, it started right there with me too. It simply got worse and worse and worse afterwards.
    TOW is fine for me but my interest in anything tabletop is somewhat deminished

    We clearly missed two Season of War books, so it is normal that GW couldn't maintain the attention of some players, as what we got has been clearly a patch, but hopefully, with the Skavendoom, all become more exciting.

    • Like 4
  13. Just now, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Really hoping they make a desktop version. I am not looking forward to doing all my list building on my phone.

    Or worse, in Microsoft Excel. 😩

    Honestly, the tool is not that tricky. It is purely all about the data. Mantinaing it all has to be a nightmare, and such a game breaker change... not worth for the guy.

  14. 4 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    This is always a danger with GW, that they make a good thing and then just have it fail through mismanagement.

    But the reviews for Spearhead have been so positive and the game mode seems to be designed with so much intentionality to act as an entry point, that I am personally pretty confident that the designers have long term plans for it.

    In my mind, the not updating/supporting the mode would only be the second worst thing they could do. The actual worst thing would be to bloat the mode with unnecessary complexity, which I think historically has been the bigger problem for them.

    And we also "know" that the Hachette collection will be built around spearhead, so that will be another massive push for it.

  15. 4 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I really think this is one of the positive effects of AoS finally having a real entry point. Motivation is always hard to muster when you can't clearly see a path towards a defined end goal. Spearhead is well designed in that regard, with both the path (what models do you need) and the end goal (what do you need to do in order to play) being very clear.

    I hope they just don't forget the game mode exists. That would be even worse than not having any entry point. Imagine getting an entry point that does not match the big brother anymore.

  16. 6 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    It would be funny if the competitive scene notices something "unbalanced" in AoS 4th rules, then GW releases an "emergency balance update" that invalidates the written rules merely a month after release, like they did with 40k 10th.

    Basically, how much time before we get a balance update / FAQ that you will have to add to the books you paid, and you have to jump on the meta game train for another hell ride to be "playing the game right".

    Give it another month as much.

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