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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 10 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    Wait for the preview of the next awesome release. You'll be hyped then, then when the release date comes, you won't care anymore either. ;)

    This is what happens when a company hypes us too much too frequently : you just stop caring about the release itself, you only crave for the new stuff that will be announced next.

    I honestly felt the same with 40k 10th edition. AoS 4th is going the same way, to me.

    IMHO, it is not about the company but about the customers not putting a limit on themselves. I won't be hyped about everything as I have clear that I have two armies and that's all. It has to be something truly captivating for me to feel hyped about something outside of my area of interest to the point that I will collect it (as it happened with the FEC refresh when I only had 1 army xD), but I don't consider that falling to over-hyped products, but just really liking a new range whose lore was tempting me already.

    For example, the next big hyped release? Chorfs. Will I be hyped about it? Nah. They are not my soup, but I would enjoy the release and all that comes around.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, Envyus said:

     Nah, they will likely be similar to how they were in the past.

    The Legions of Hashut are a different thing to mere Chaos following Duardin.


    Ok, and who will be their named hero if it is not this fallen Fyreslayer?

  3. So... what do we know about chorfs characters so far? Very likely their named hero will be the fallen fyreslayer? The one that was one of the sons of the main fyreslayers, right? Is there a hint of any other possible named hero?

    • Like 1
  4. 34 minutes ago, Elarin said:

    There will be a Spearhead: Fire & Jade Gaming Pack containing game board, terrain and cards. I wouldn't be surprised if they announced it next Sunday or in two-weeks time

    New Starter Sets are coming for pre-order on the 27th of July

    Any hint about if those boxes have new scenery?

    • Like 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, cyrus said:

    Only Indomitus preorder went bananas and scalpers made a lot money . GW partially repaired with a made to order for those remained without box .

    Dominion was probably overproduced ( 32.000 copies on EU website with gadgets) and there was no problem to get a copy.

    Leviathan was sold out ( 50.000 copies on EU website with gadgets) but with new queue system apparently everybody managed to have a copy. 



    Where did you see those numbers? Out of curiosity. 

  6. Btw, one Hammer and Bolter free episode. The one featuring Callis and Toll:



    You can also whet your appetite for the grubby underside of the Mortal Realms by watching a free episode of Hammer and Bolter on Warhammer TV. Undercity finds Witch Hunter Hanniver Toll and his long-suffering associate Armand Callis investigating the mysterious disappearance of a person of importance in Hammerhal Aqsha. Callis and Toll are among the many characters that provide a ground-level view of the Mortal Realms, and this episode is a great exploration of the darker, grittier side of Warhammer Age of Sigmar as the Hour of Ruin approaches.

    On Warhammer Community next week there will be more Warhammer Age of Sigmar coverage while we wait patiently for that all-important Skaventide pre-order date.


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  7. 14 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

    Strictly while stocks last. Sigh. Why can't GW make it made to order if ordered within the first two weeks so people don't have to stay queueing super early. 

    I do quite like that notebook though...

    If they would have a healthy release chain, I would agree, but thinking about how messy they currently have it, wouldn't surprise me if they don't want to print more boxes. Even if they would lose money with this decision, but printing more Skaventide boxes would mean delaying other products that are already delayed like Warcry or ToW.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    The Destruction tribes of Ghur:

    • Ironjawz
    • Kruleboyz
    • Ogres
      • They even make mention of City ogres

    also the creatures of ghur is the right side make mention of scourge serpents like the bio-engineer ones order serpentis make?


    That one reminds me of the Incarnate of Ghur.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Some more thoughts after finishing the Darkoath novel.

    * cogforts play a massive role in the narrative. What with the hints here, I can definitely see them coming at some point.

    * cities is led by a character with the title of warpriest. Perhaps we'll see a reimagining of the excelsior warpriest model at some point as a new generic  hero for cities. 

    * it doesn't feature in the book, but a major character in skaven, which seems to be only second to the horned rat itself, is referred to throughout as 'rat daemon'. I wonder if this is the new avatar model we've had rumours for. 

    Cogforts always played a massive role in the narrative. Hammerhall is surrounded by a cogforts perimeter that creates a magical barrier. When they city wants to get expanded those cogforts move to win more space. Even if it is just that, having a perimeter of them in the most important city would be enough to be a key to the narrative.

  10. 1 hour ago, AquaRegis said:

    I think, this will be resolved with the 2nd factory that's soon to be opened. The haphazard releases and terrible stocking is almost certainly down to product issues within the warehouses and factory. It's quite wild that a  successful Global business like GW have been operating with a single factory for so long. 



    I thought they already had 2 or 3 factories working.

  11. 3 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

    Doubtful. I think it'll be Skaventide and, maybe some tie in merch (a novel perhaps, or some poster or something).

    Here's the WarCom article for the Leviathan pre-order for comparison: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/06/10/saturday-pre-orders-a-new-era-of-warhammer-40000-begins-with-leviathan/

    So maybe some tokens and play mats if you order from GW.

    I had the same question, If we would have something else announced today. Also, we already know the extras from ordering in the different ways: Pre-order Skaventide and Get One of These Awesome Rewards - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)

  12. 3 hours ago, cyrus said:

    About Skaventide preorder announcement this evening: should be there also a separate core book , paper faction pack and so on on sale ?

    I think that will be announced later on, with the Start Here boxes and the Start in Warhammer Age of Sigmar magazine.

    • Like 3
  13. 4 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    I was certainly convinced that we would get legacy factions becoming core factions after the first months of TOW. Certainly Vampires. But now I have no idea. While I believe that TOW is a succes and I hope that that succes will be mentioned in the financial report.

    Hopefully there will be also some more clarity with what they mean with the "scoop of the project has changed".

    Currently I have no clue what to expect anymore for TOW. GW release schedule seems such a mess, even if TOW is cash cow for GW. I don't know how they can support it better/more. Warcry Briar and Bone is still not released. AoS 4th edition delayed for two weeks if we have to believe the rumours. We are still missing the Ogdruz Swampdigga mini for O&G.

    There is so much stuff coming for AoS, what with underworlds and warcry, will they finally produce more Kill team box sets, so people can actual buy them.. than there is the big guy (40K), HH, the Epic stuff, middle earth and finally TOW. I love TOW, but where is the room for it withing GW release schedule? Currently I don't see it.

    GW seems overstretched. It feels like a miracle that GW did such a fantastic second half of the financiel period june 2023-june 2024.

    I have no idea what you mean with people like me.

    Do we know a rough date for the financial report?

  14. 3 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

    What's iteration with Kislev is this?

    I am not sure 100% about the armies that were thought to be included, according to the rumours, but it was something like Kislev, Empire with some different armies and Bretonnia, IIRC.

    I think this was the initial plan.

  15. 3 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

    So my FLGS has Dominion in stock, and I'm seriously considering buying it primarily for the SCE Spearhead.

    I already have a Thunderstrike Chariot that I picked up from Stormbringer (indeed for a conversion that didn't go ahead), and can pick up 10 Vanquishes from it too. That leaves me with the Thunderstrike Command. My options are: (i) buy the command by itself for a stupid amount, (ii) buy the Spearhead or (iii) buy Dominion fur like £30 more than the Spearhead, and get 10 Vindictors, 3 Praetors, a Knight Arcanum and a Lord Imperitent extra, plus a bunch of Kruleboyz to sell. 

    As an aside, I really wish GW would stop selling the big sprue from their starter set at such a ludicrous mark up.

    Honestly, if you want it I would do it. In the FLGS stores I visit they have almost the same price with discount as a spearhead box. And you can always sell the Kruleboyz, for example, and get some money back.

    • Like 3
  16. 11 hours ago, ArcLight said:

    Why wouldn't they? Isn't that essentially what they did with some of the basic Freeguild troops? They did the same with the Seraphon refresh (Chameleon Skinks > Hunters of Huanchi, Salamanders > Spawn of Chotec, Saurus Knights > Aggradon Lancers).

    I'm sure there are more examples out there that I can't think of too.

    The difference between the examples you provided and CoS is how the army started. Seraphon started as a proper army meanwhile CoS was the place where you put random stuff together so the WHFB players could keep using their minis. A lot of that random stuff has been pruned over time to give the army a more coherent range, and we are not done yet.

    We got the Freeguild replacement because it was the base of that new identity, but it is not clear yet how far that multiracial aspect will be maintained.

    • Like 1
  17. 7 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    I fear that, that will be the case. What the future will bring for Beastmen in TOW is also unclear. I mean it could be an update like Bretonnia or it could be like O&G. Which means zero new plastic sets and only two resin foot heroes. I do hope beastmen get cool stuf for TOW, but moving to TOW sadly doesn't mean lots of new stuff.

    Maybe they can get a use for the terrain. The endless spells are more complicated to fit in.

  18. 12 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    I don't believe it anymore that BoC was moved to TOW because of TOW. TOW is probably just a convience to soften the bitter pil and this only works for people that are interested in TOW. The ones that aren't, basically lost their army.

    We have only rumours.. nothing concrete of why and how. My guess is TOW was coming full force with all the factions of old, Chaos Dwarfs (The legacy Chaos Dwarfs armylist is almost of the same level as the core factions, it's the most fleshed out legacy faction.) and Cathay / Kislev.

    That was imo the very early plan, than something changed (did they realize it was a to big of an investment, fear of failure or whatever). So the scope of the project changed to what it is now. Still fantastic, but ofcourse 50% of the factions are more or less legends only.

    Now it isn't noticable, but when all the Arcane Journals are released + campaign books. The legacy factions will feel outdated. (Same as what will happen with BoC and BS in AoS, when all the other factions got their battletome).

    Somewhere mid-late spring 2024 the scope of the project changed (again) and we will see in a year or more what it means. It can be pure marketing talk without zero effect. Which isn't unusual for GW. Or it means that maybe Cathay is coming or maybe a legacy faction becomes core or maybe it just means that all core factions get an additional Arcane journal. Lol, or it just means a new dice set.

    From all the rumours we had, including some with decent sources, none of them ever mentioned a scope (because we had like 3-4 different scopes so far) including all the previous armies. In fact, what we currently have is the biggest in terms of factions of all the iterations the project had.

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