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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. Checking a bit more the new warcom site I just realized that we could have another short story next week:


    We got the Skavens one the day before the preorder, so if we get SCE announced this Sunday, as we are expecting, maybe we get a short talking about them next Friday. It could talk about the new character on crow.

    • Like 5
  2. 18 hours ago, Vaellas said:

    I wonder if they are meant to be or it was an issue with the update. I know when our work website was updated some pages seemed to dissapear so needed to be sorted out as to why they were not showing.

    I noticed in some cases there are errors and some seem to have disappeared. The last Skavens short story doesn't work with the previous link, but it is still there. On the other hand, all the Forbidden Power shorts are not there anymore :(

    For those cases, if you have the link (as I do for the Forbidden Power shorts, as I had them pending), you can use the wayback machine to see them:

    Tales of Forbidden Power - Sacristy - Warhammer Community (archive.org)


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  3. 13 minutes ago, Vaellas said:

    I wonder if they are meant to be or it was an issue with the update. I know when our work website was updated some pages seemed to dissapear so needed to be sorted out as to why they were not showing.

    I think it is an error. Classic web migration side effects.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

    New WarCom design is here:





    Positives first: I like the labels on the articles and the expanded sorting options when you go to a specific game system.

    I don't care about the read timers since they are pretty useless with short articles like this.

    But on a whole it feels too cluttered to me. Like they just wanted to fit in all the features they saw on other modern websites without thinking if it would actually improve the website

    It looks clean to me. Let's see how it works when a few days have passed and a real interaction happened.

    Also, no new paints with droplets,

  5. 2 minutes ago, Vaellas said:

    I think it would be really interesting if the Blacktalon 2 ends up at the start of the next narrative campaign so that we get to continue the story.

    I didn't read the book they released after the series, but maybe it could be linked to it or continue it in some way.

    Blacktalon (Warhammer Age of Sigmar) by Liane Merciel | Goodreads

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  6. 6 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    It would be funny if it's the exact same plot than the first, since

      Reveal hidden contents

    she forgets the truth when it's revealed to her because she's reforged, and the shadow clearly tells her it's not the first time and she usually chooses the same option every time :P

    But I guess it will be mostly about action. Could be good by focusing more on her friends' past instead.

    What about introducing other characters like Callis and Toll or Hamilcar? It could be a nice way to reuse them from Hammer and Bolter. Or introduce any other brand new (in the series) character to stay this season with Neave.

  7. 7 hours ago, Vaellas said:

    Now that I think about it one model that could be really cool to see get an update looking at Chaos considering how it can be used over so many different armies and systems is Chaos spawn with lots of customisation items to really get several look different.

    IMO that's one mini that we will see refreshed with the rumoured 40k demons refresh.

  8. 6 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    BTW some artwork of the Stormcast from the Loremaster video someone screenshot 

    Has a weird alternative head for the Lord RelictorStormcastrelictor2.png.4f6c10a41f6ad2b6f98ebf6abbafbd27.png


    also some memorian scale compare to Stormcast that i like to see (the same one from the General Handbook)


    Maybe that's artwork from the new BT.

    • Like 2
  9. 14 minutes ago, Sarouan said:


    At least, we can't complain anymore about points since they're out of the book now, but I don't really think they need to change core rules / profiles that fast. Feels like they're trying to micro-manage too much the meta balance.

    Though I do agree I'm from the old school part of the players and I feel like my way is now out of touch with the current generation. I do understand there is a demand for having constant updates / patches that "fix" the balance at a faster pace.

    I'm not against changes, even in Spearhead, but I feel like in our Hobby, where it takes a lot of time to build and paint a whole army...it would be better not to follow the same pace than a video game. It's not like we can just push a button once the game is patched and play immediately. Well, for most players, at the very least.

    It may sound like a small thing, but recently in my club discord, a new player was looking for a player to play at AoS. One of our veteran players answered, and said "don't forget to get your list updated with the current FAQ and metabalance !". No malice in that at all, he's a tournament leaned player, but when you're new and you read that, I believe that the first thing that may come to your mind is "I have to learn something else than what is in the books I have to be able to play ?". Not sure it's that enticing, IMHO. And we're barely a few months after the launch already...

    IMO this is something, indeed very influenced by videogames, that is becoming global. Nowadays there's not a single videogame where someone is trying to be a pro player and that is something that is turning into everything.

    The aim in the end is trying to get a field as even as possible, if the team would reach that point I think we wouldn't see so many changes, but that's the problem, they never achieve that balance.

  10. 1 hour ago, Sarouan said:

    Not especially, they usually advertise something for Warhammer TV on wednesday.

    The Hammer and Bolter episode not being like the same style than the previous one is the real news, to me.

    TBH, I liked Blacktalon series but it's not like it's great plot. Interrogator was more elaborated, to me. But the pace at which real content of interest is released is not worth taking a yearly subscription. Just one month, you've seen it all.

    It will be interesting to see what's the plot for Blacktalon 2.

  11. 17 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    It would be not be as problematic if they would allow an easy way to buy the rules in the app.

    Rules digital only and the battletomes would become lore tomes with lots of hobby related stuff. Different paint schemes, conversions and etc. A real hobbyist / lore tome.

    What is the  value of a battletome that has a big chunk of it invalidated at the end of the month.

    They are just a fee you have to pay for your lore.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I don't mind Versus boxes because if you can sell the army you don't play on Ebay and combine it with the savings of stuff you actually want, they've usually worked out pretty good for the wallet.

    Army Boxes aren't bad, but they usually have less of a saving. It's better than nothing of course, but if you only want the models out of it and aren't needing the Battletome/cards you can probably just wait for the Spearhead that will likely contain the same models for £20+ cheaper.

    IMO it is the other way around. I've purchased all the VS boxes of the third edition purely for the narrative book, and the CoS and FEC army boxes multiple times to get more units.

    BTs are not hard to sell at all, and the savings from an army box are way better than the ones from spearheads. Also, I never had a problem selling both sides of the VS boxes, and I think an army box and a VS box are around the same level, and spearheads are a couple of steps below in terms of savings.

  13. 1 minute ago, Snarff said:

    I think if VS boxes failed (I don't have the numbers on them) it might be because they usually just included 1 new hero per army and coupled it with some of the most undesirable (either in terms of power, in terms of sculpts or in terms of being ubiquitous in every other box) kits in the army. Not even to mention locking that hero behind a box for up to a year.

    That said, I did love them to start an army. Fury of the Deep was a great deal to me, as was Aether War. I could split both with friends.

    IMO a clue that we are shifting away from the VS boxes is the upcoming narrative book. Before the little narrative supplements were part of those VS boxes. If we are getting them as stand-alone books, it could mean no more VS boxes.

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