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Everything posted by HadrielCaine

  1. This is my main thing I guess. I have an AoS specific Wood Elf Wanderers force that I did before the Order battle tome came out. So the 'legacy' stuff is my whole army. I don't think GWs intention is to let stuff Atrophy. In fact I think the whole point of AoS and the compendium was to allow people to continue to use their collections without forking out hundreds of pounds on new factions. And I think that's the potential success of AoS in the long term- allowing anyone to use any models- why else would they have provided points costings for Brets, TK and the older WE warscrolls? Just my two cents.
  2. Just seen in the pack that Compendium warscrolls aren't allowed... why is this?
  3. Alex Ley and I from Angel Wargamers (club) and Yorick Gaming (YouTube) are paid up and attending! couple more incoming too I hope. But Alex isn't on TGA yet
  4. Will see what we can do then awesome. I love AGOM and smaller points games generally so this should be a blast.
  5. This sounds like a GREAT excuse to visit my parents on the Saturday and then smash some games out pre clash! I'm putting a team together from Angel Wargamers and Yorick Gaming... how would you feel about YouTube coverage on the day (depending on the others' avails ofc)?
  6. Glad to see you blogging on here Tyler. Closely follow your twitter. Very smooth finishes. I look forward to more.
  7. WIPwednesday of my Aspirant for #roadtoRAW2016 with @Mitzy @Thornshield et al and the legendary More on my page!
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