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Posts posted by Aeryenn

  1. Just now, Ching Wing said:

    Also just played fyreslayers and had a very successful game with Alarielle she definitely was worth the points in my game. So much healing. 

    Depends on your opponent. If he just wounded many of your units without finishing them off so that you can heal them - that's great. Worse if he is targeting one unit until he's dead and then turning to another. In my game I haven't healed a single point with her. She was useful with sniping, setting woods and moving around the board.

  2. 25 minutes ago, Havelocke said:

    Thanks for the observations! Drycha and Spites are my favorite Sylvaneth units, so I love that they performed well for you. What glade you were using for this game?

    I'm definitely not trying to start Alarielle debates again, but I think you mentioned before that at least one of those games was in second edition. Have you had the chance to try her in third yet?


    I'm still holding out hope that the defensive bonuses given to Alarielle in third edition (through heroic actions, rampages, and smaller units) will give her the extra bit of survivability she needs to be useful.

    I was playing last Thursday against Fyreslayers with Alarielle on the board. She's clearly overcosted same as most Sylvaneth units. She was useful but certainly it would have been a better deal to take f.e. Drycha and Durthu in her place. She helped me snipe Fyreslayers small heroes although I had really bad rolls (turn 3. throne of torns: double 1, metamorphosis: 1 and 3, mystic shield: double 1. my opponent laughed). One good thing was that because of heroic action and her healing spell my opponent wasn't targeting her at all afraid that she will heal up before he can kill her. 

    • Like 1
  3. 17 hours ago, NinthMusketeer said:

    "At the start of the hero phase, starting with the player whose turn is taking place, each player can pick 1 Hero to perform a heroic action"

    Thanks. Polish manual is worded differently and it is not clear.

    • Like 1
  4. I'm going to try it.

    The price is attractive (it might be even better if we get specific prices for other regions than UK/US). Good move with the free mini. I wouldn't buy any of these two alone since I don't collect wh40k or Ironjawz but as a freebie it's great.

    White dwarf collection - great.

    Painting tutorials... I'm already long enought in the hobby I probably won't watch it.

    Battle reports. Maybe, just maybe. I don't have this much time for a mediocre content.

    Loremaster - why not if it's interesting

    And most important - animations. My biggest concern is that they will feature 2h worth of content at launch and slowly expand month by month. Which may take a while before the librabry is big enough to hold me for longer.
    Overall I'm pleased with the offer.

  5. On 6/21/2021 at 1:51 PM, PrimeElectrid said:

    Not only that, but Kroak and Alarielle both stayed the same


    Alarielle why from 600 to 740.

    She had a Warscroll and points updated just before AoS 3.0 with those kind of points level in mind.

    Is she worth 740 points in 2nd edition with her warscroll reworked? No, she's not. She wasn't worth 600 points before the update. Best they did if she got her warscroll update and stayed 600 or 660 max. Then I'd say she was worth her points. Now she's overcosted again. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Trevelyan said:

     If a tweak to the points is all you want then, assuming your assessment is correct and Kurnoths are overpriced for 3E, we absolutely will see a point drop before the edition is done - how many points changes did we see in 2E?

    If points aren't the problem I'd gladly accept discounts on Durthu (as did Katakros) or 190 points on Hunters (as with Annihilators). For once, just for once set points in our favor, not against.

    We've been waiting for long now. Really long to receive a boost for a faction that is the weakest tournament faction on par with Beasts of Chaos. 

    Let me rephrase your question: how many points changes in 2nd edition fixed Sylvaneth?

    Guys, you may defend GW as long as you want. You may wait for erratas, FAQs, whatever another 6 years. I would like just devs to be reasonable about setting points. If a faction is a looser for last few years why not give it some discounts or don't touch it at all? There are factions that were mostly untouched with points. Fyreslayers, Nighthaunt (at least my build). And some were heavily damaged. Sylvaneth, Slaanesh, Tzeentch. Basically my old list lost a Durthu. That's huge.


    Take a look at Necropolis Stalkers, my favorite OBR unit. Points increase? None. This model plays EXACTLY the same role as Kurnoth Hunters do. 3 model unit, 4 wounds each, great offensive and defensive profile. Couldn't the points stay the same for Hunters? Ehhh...

    • Like 1
  7. 30 minutes ago, Trevelyan said:

    You’re right. it’s always entirely possible to judge what a new edition will bring right at the outset before it has even been released. No faction ever changes it’s performance as new battletomes are released. The points established in the first Generals Handbook of the new edition always persist until the next edition.

    Woe is us, our chosen faction is destined to suck forever, dead on arrival into AoS 3E. All that remains is to set up a curb side stall to sell our salty tears as refreshments to people playing stronger factions in tournaments. Maybe if we offer them a discount they’ll go easy on us at the table? 

    Or maybe, just maybe, we could save the wailing and gnashing of teeth until things at least have time to settle, and wait until we’re past the inevitable first round of FAQs and errata, before we declare that the sky is falling? 

    We evaluate what we get. Can't judge on things that may or may not happen. I don't expect much from errata for Sylvaneth. Everything is clear here. I run also 2k points of Bonereapers and there is errata needed if they will be able to use new CA (especially all out attack and all out defence since they are powerful and will nerf obr a lot if they won't be able to use them).

    But some examples are just clear even for newbies. Like Sentinels +10 points where community ask for fixing them for couple of months.

    Look. Some of us are really tired by hearing promises that next edition has the best rules and then see obvious mistakes. I would really like to take my Sylvaneth, which always have been my favorite army, and don't feel before my game like I'm entering an execution. They had great opportunity to make us equal by making only small point adjustments. Not Durthu +40, Kurnoths +35. If they did Durthu +15 and Kurnoths +10 then maybe, just maybe, Sylvaneth would appear in top 10 on a tournament. Guess balance is something to dream of.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 2
  8. 35 minutes ago, Doko said:

    The problems arent points,we lost attack twice,blocks of 20 gone,stacking +3 saves gone and now only +1 and also our priest have lost the 50% of their utility(from 2 prayers to only 1) 


    Every new rule is bad for fyreslayer and makes us bad this edittion.

    Points dont make sense as the useless unit  got a 20 increase and the good unit got only 5 increase,but points are fine vs others armys

    Thanks. That helps me understand the problem better.

  9. 1 hour ago, Trevelyan said:

    Yeah, it’s terrible. What was GW thinking? It’s almost as if they feel that the complete change to way competitive lists are constructed means that some units translate better into the new edition than others, so the points changes shouldn’t be equal across every faction. It’s madness!

    Yup. Laugh. Take pleasure in another edition where Sylvaneth is at the bottom.

    We already know all the rules. All the points. Some of us, like me, play AoS from the very first day it was released. But yeah, it's so HARD to compare units across factions, right? That would like almost force you to use your brain! Madness!

    • Confused 2
  10. Look at Fyreslayers points. Much better army than Sylvaneth which was proven on countless tournaments. Runefather on Magmadroth 15 points increase. Durthu 40 points increase. Drycha 30 points increase. Kurnoth Hunters 35 points increase. Hearthguard Berzerkers 5 points increase. That's just sad.

  11. 4 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

    +++ MOD HAT +++

    Could I ask people to steer away from comments about "the devs have no clue" please?  There will have been some logic behind the points changes even if we don't (and never will) know it - that logic could be flawed, may not necessarily work and need changing in the future, but there will be logic!

    Ok Sir but at least now devs will be aware of the flaws players see at first glance. It is mind boggling that a company which has 30+ years of experience in wargaming, 6 years with AoS alone, still makes obvious mistakes in writing rules and setting points especially when having a vast community that constantly supports them with game experience and comment. As if GW didn't care at all.

    • Like 2
  12. Seriously the longer I play this game the more I'm sure that people without any qualifications write the rules. Total amateurs that set points based on their feelings not math. I'm not sure even feelings are taken under consideration. 

    People read these points and in a heartbeat see how nonsense they are. How random, how unfair. GW get yourself up. Hire people that know how to write rules.

    You will loose customers otherwise.

    Oh, and to people writing "less emotions, be patient, be positive". Here's my advice: don't be childish.

    Wishful thinking won't solve anything.

    • Like 3
  13. Massacre. I lost close to 300 points on my current list. Sylvaneth might be unplayable until battletome or next edition. Great support for the worst army.

    On the other hand I will barely feel changes to my Kharadron Overlords list... Make GW hire somebody who knows how to count.

  14. 23 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    Every piece of terrain gives cover against shooting, and tables should have 8+ pieces of scenery.

    All woods block line of sight, and there is a universal spell to make any piece of scenery block line of sight.

    That is a tremendous nerf to shooting.

    ...except Lumineth Sentinels, obviously. They're not allowed to be nerfed.


  15. 22 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    Every piece of terrain gives cover against shooting, and tables should have 8+ pieces of scenery.

    All woods block line of sight, and there is a universal spell to make any piece of scenery block line of sight.

    That is a tremendous nerf to shooting.

    ...except Lumineth Sentinels, obviously. They're not allowed to be nerfed.

    Kharadron ships have flying.

  16. 13 minutes ago, Third said:

    Let's agree to disagree shall we? I am borderline in love with the priority roll ❤️ and would probably stop playing if it was removed fully. 

    Most of the new changes have me excited, and it looks to me to be a more dynamic game. 

    Looking forward to see pitched battle profiles to get a better grasp on what the game will really look like 🙂

    It didn't have to be removed. Simple things could have discouraged players from taking double turn. Idea:

    Roll a dice for each of your unit if you have a double turn. 4+ nothing happens. 1-3 this unit suffers -1 to hit until the rest of the turn. Easy? Easy. This kind of things. Instead they give additional command point for someone that goes second and had a chance for double turn. Misunderstanding

    • Confused 5
  17. GW had one task with 3rd edition. To fix double turn. What did they actually do? Make it more powerful by encouraging to go second have chance for double turn. Bravo 

    From the positives: heroic and monster actions. 

    Negatives: removal of warscroll battalions. Whole broken realms books with warscroll battalions and boxes suggested that they stay. ****** move gw...

    • Confused 2
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