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Posts posted by Aeryenn

  1. 27 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    I have a feeling there's movement from one of the ruleswriters to tone down books in AoS 3, but unfortunately they're not being very clear about it and it doesn't quite balance out with AoS 2 battletomes. 

    In my AoS playing group we joke that rules writers should have their name written down on the front page so we could know what kind of power level to expect.

    "You bought a battletome from writer A? Ahhh, I can't match that with my battletome from writer B. How about this time you bring your old army with battletome from writer B so we can both have fun?"

    • Like 2
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  2. @novakai

    Yes, I see your point. I would gladly see Deathriders go down in points. Their only role is to move for objectives. Yet I still think that Blood Knights will turn out underpriced considering their warscroll alone, not to mention probable buffs from allegiance and spells, command abilities etc.

  3. 3 hours ago, Lich King said:

    +++ MOD EDIT: Please no leaked photos +++


    Kavalos Deathriders 10 points cheaper than Blood Knights with better save, higher damage, able to heal themselves, able to move out of 3" without penalty, mortal wounds on the move, possible to set up anywhere on the battlefield and able to upgrade upon killing something. Imagine them if they were 20 points more expensive. 😮

    • Like 1
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  4. As for the second faction of AoS 3.0 starter I think GW must go safe. They are taking Stormcasts and Space Marines for every starter  for a reason. They need to aim for the most wide tastes. I doubt we will get something other than some kind of Greenskinz.

  5. I wonder if they points will be set accordingly. Compare them with Kavalos Deathriders from OBR. Those vampires are twice as good. Healing, save 3+, mortal wounds on moving, dmg 2 on charging, able to upgrade to dmg 3 after killing a 5 wound lone hero, ambush, rerolable fnp. They should cost 400 points compared to Kavalos. And we know they won't... We love your balancing GW.

    • Like 1
  6. It's like the opposite of dwarfs getting love. Fyreslayers and Kharadron have nothing in common besides beaing short and having a beard. They have strong enough themes, potential and minis to be developed each individually.

    • Like 6
  7. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/05/10/4-things-you-need-to-know-about-the-next-edition-of-warhammer-age-of-sigmar/


    I'm not sure I'm happy that one of the 4 most important news of 3rd edition is a rework of narrative mode. I'd really much preferred an info about: 

    balancing armies

    some of those major changes to core rules

    wave 2 for armies that long deserve it

    It's about time somebody spoiled us what really is the second army of the new starter box. You know, not the exact name, just something like flying dwarves, sea elves or swamp goblins...

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, cofaxest said:

    The dwarven part is the most obnoxious, to be honest. Not only Grungni helping Sigmar (AGAIN!) instead of his own people, but at the same time, all dwarves souping together without any real reason and for sure will not get any new models for the next 2-3 years (at best). I see this as bs even if it's true..

    Aelves can have half a dozen battletomes but duardin will be capsulized into one. What a failure. Hope it's a fake.

    • Like 1
  9. Really poor move with redesigning SCE in my opinion. Those sculpts clearly replace Liberators and Paladins. This lady angel also seems to replace celestant prime. Well, maybe they will keep both products but the new one seem so similar there's no really a room for both. We are talking here about sculpts that are 5 years old. Not an old, 15 year old army that seems outdated.

    I really hope they're hiding a lot more for fixing double turn than the one that goes second gets an extra command point. If I am to play a double turn with Kharadron Overlords and shoot my opponent to oblivion or pass and go second for an extra command point guess which I'm going to choose...

    • Like 4
    • Confused 2
  10. 54 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:


    "As they hibernate and slowly pupate in their hidden cocoons"...




    "Age of Infestation" 🤞

    Yeah it took my attention as well. Have Silent People been described as insectoid creatures? I can't believe that GW would leave them just as a background race that doesn't see models.

  11. 14 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    What if...
    ...the rumor about new Generic CA: Charge Reactions can only be used when you are scond in a double turn?
    ...and there are new Generic CA: Shooting Reactions too?


    If not it will only empower shooting armies. Your shooting unit is charged? Retreat with a command point. That would be a total disaster with a Kharadron Ironclad escaping every fight.

  12. Just to add my 2 cents.

    Basically anything that will change double turn from execution.

    Give the player who takes double turn a penalty -1 to hit as a fatigue or whatever or give the defender a +1 save.
    Or give the defender more ways to counteract like ability to cast 1 spell or ability to retreat a unit on a 5+ or something. That's a job for mathematicians to calculate what is fair and balanced. Anyone who faced a double turn from a shooting army (I have Kharadron myself) knows this is far from fun. Annoying at best.

    Or move away from double turn completely.

    I'd also move away from the lowest drops gives you to decide who goes first. It greatly limits build variation as everyone tries to have the lowest drops and all lists among one army look pretty much the same.

    Random dice roll should be enough.

    I would also empower charging units to fight first or something.

    • Like 1
  13. On 5/4/2021 at 12:45 PM, dmorley21 said:

    Sadly, you can't do this. The rules state, "On a 2+, you must allocate a wound or mortal wound to one of those models instead." 

    This also made the new Knights of Regret rule not quite as good as Dolorous Guard, as I had to whittle down my Hexwraiths. 

    The other thing to keep in mind with Olynder's battalion, is that it's just not as efficient as the Hexwraith rule in Emerald Host. Hexwraiths are 2 wound models (thus they only die every two wounds) and are 13 pts a wound. Myrmourns are 17.5 pts per wound and Harridans are 18/16. 

    I think it has play, but the reason to play it is wanting to play Reikenor's Condemned and wanting access to Lady O's Command Ability while getting a Command Trait. 

    Oh, no doubt. I don't think anyone doubts Grimghasts. It's just when they went up in points, they went from an auto-include to being no longer a favorite. I'm hoping they get their points lowered as they won't be part of Legions of Nagash anymore. And they are far and away our best big unit. 

    My problem with Shroudguard was that in any sort of competitive environment, the KoS or Reikenor was deleted very quickly as they don't benefit from the 5++. The other problem is that Bladegheists are designed to wheel around the board, making it inefficient to keep them in a bubble. Especially two units. 

    As for my list, I'd swap artefacts on the Krulghast. My Harridans helped nab some objectives, but I never got them into any meaningful fighting. I'd really like to up the small unit of Hexwraiths, but based on rumors I don't think it's worth the investment. Especially as I really dislike those models. 

    I'll probably end up running the same list more or less until there's new rules. I really enjoyed having the three hammers of the Reapers, Lady Olynder, and 10 Hexwraiths. 

    What rumours regarding hexwraiths? Or Nighthaunt overall?

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