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Posts posted by Aeryenn

  1. 6 hours ago, dirkdragonslayer said:

    I love playing Bretonnia in Total War due to their mechanics, but I have to admit they are rather forgettable. While a lot of WHFB factions are derivative in some way, Bretonnia is (visually) one of the most generic factions GW has ever produced. You could ask a stranger on the street to draw a knight and you will get something really close to a Bretonnian. I don't get the hype for bringing them back as they were.

    If GW does knights again, I would like a cool twist on it. If I wanted generic knights I could check out other companies like Perry, Fireforge, MomMiniaturas, Westfalia, Warlord, etc, etc..

    I'm really sorry for what happened to Bretonnian players after End Times. I really am. I'd be furious if it happened to my beloved army. But let's face it. There's no place for Bretonnia in AoS. It would be a freak by being too normal. 

    "Let's see, we have reforged humans riding small dragons, blind aelves flying on eels, dinosaurs riding dinosaurs, naked fire dwarfs on a magma bleeding giant lizards, classic european heavy cavalry on Andalusian horses, ghouls on giant ...  Wait. What the hell is a horse?"

    • Haha 5
  2. 1 minute ago, Sorrow said:

    I have collected Skaven since WHFB 5 edition. But are Skaven truly so popular to warrant a Chaos treatment?

    That each clan becomes its own faction as each Chaos god now has its own faction.

    I'd say it all comes to execution. If the minis are great even Johann's faction could be a bestseller. If the minis are bad even the best concept can be a failure.

  3. 32 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Skaven were also not developed purely for AoS; they have a history and in that history they were 1 single army. They worked with that and were built around it. "Gaps" in one subgroup were filled by the others. Moulder didn't need a ranged siege weapon because it got the lightning cannon. 

    History seems to be the last thing GW is concerned about in AoS. Starting a completely new setting after End Times pretty much sums it up. Skaven are one of only few armies that haven't been yet AoSified. I know what you are trying to say but with AoS I believe it doesn't work. Skaven being a one complete army in the past means nothing if we consider what GW did in AoS. There weren't Chaos God Specific factions and it doesn't seem to bother anyone. There was one order dwarf faction, not three as in AoS. There are more aelves and the number of aelven factions may in the end be like six or seven. How many death factions were there? Or destruction armies? AoS works on its own rules. There might be more Order factions in the near future of AoS than all armies combined in the Old World.

    I understand that somebody might like Skaven at their current, united state. It's just in my opinion it stops this faction from development because AoS updates and releases are build around a certain theme and we all know that. GW will either add one single hero per edition or develop one clan with like 2-3 new units that will doubtfuly work with units from other clans. Dividing their force would make things more simple actually for future releases.

    • Confused 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Ratboy genius said:

    In skaven's case, their factions were never meant to be split

    I wrote it in a different forum but it's worth to mention it again.

    Just think of the possibilities if each Clan had space to develop on its own.

    Skyre as high tech faction, with rat mechs, walkers, cannons. Kharadrons shouldn't be the only advanced faction.

    Moulder with all its mutations and numbers.

    Eshin is difficult to develop but not impossible as well.

    We had a take on Pestilens and I think it could work if given enough attention.

    If Aelves can have a dozen factions, why can't Skaven have more than one?

  5. 26 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    At the same time, Cities have had rules supplements in three of the four Broken Realms books. Outside of straight new models, that makes them one of the most supported factions currently.

    And models are all that matters for many people. The great problem with Fyreslayers is their lack of models. Theyu have great rules, that make them one of the best armies to play. Somebody above wrote that they had resigned from collecting this army because it's tiresome to paint dozens of same units. Even today I spoke with a friend if he will start an army for AoS (he's a 40k player). He said he likes Fyreslayers but doesn't want to paint 80 same models of naked dwarfs. I myself was THAT close to starting a Fyreslayer army. Guess why I didn't.

    Cities have so many models, so many themes that's really, really hard to bring anything new to them, that will match them all or give them a clear direction. Much more difficult than to give Wave 2 to Ironjawz or Fyreslayers. I've written it's a bit different for them because in case of Cities merging was the only way of survival. It was either that or slowly disappearing by not getting new models, new rules etc. This way they can be still playable but I really doubt that we will see a wave of models for Cities. If for example there was a Witch Hunter faction in plans for AoS I think that GW would rather make it a seperate faction than give it a Cities keyword and allegiance. Cities is nothing in terms of design as are new AoS factions, with a strong theme and direction, that's why I don't think any new models will be released for them. Well, maybe one hero model once per AoS edition. That's all. For me, that's a death sentence for a faction. We don't have to agree on that.

    35 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Correlation doesn't equal causation. I think a lot of people are a touch short-sighted when it comes to future releases. In terms of meaningful waves of minis the maximum they've done for AoS is 6 per year. That means a minimum of 4 years to do every faction. 


    The combination of bonesplittas and ironjawz gave both factions and the combined big waagh a new lease of life on the competitive scene despite the lack of new minis.

    Oh it's quite the opposite. I think of merging in a long run.

    It's easy to merge to factions. Much worse is dividing them again. You give the example of Legions of Nagash. It's true to some point but it was a faction of old models, same as Cities are. With Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz it's different. Ironjawz was a completely new faction. Now, after merging Ironjawz players bought some Bonesplitterz models that might work well with Ironjawz under Big Waaagh. I think a lot of players did it just this way. Is it possible to divide Ironjawz and Bonesplitteraz again? Well, it is but GW would ****** hell of a lot of those customers that would now have to abandon half of their Big Waaagh models to form again either solo Ironjawz or solo Bonesplitterz factions. That's why I'd say we will never again see an Ironjawz Battletome, just Orruk Clan's all the way not to abandon those players who mixed their armies. It probably will affect releases for those factions. Ironjawz Wave 2? I don't think so. I'm afraid it will be one new hero once in a while that matches both armies. Believe me, I want to be wrong on this one.

    22 minutes ago, ian0delond said:

    Yeah sure because merging Moonclan, Spiderfang and Troggoth into Gloomspite Gitz was a death sentence for them too.

    We have to wait to judge this one. So far no good news for Spiderfang fans except for rules update.


    It's easier to just run some factions seperately in the long run. Can you imagine future releases for let's say Dwarf Clans faction that combines Fyreslayers, Kharadrons and Dispossessed? How would it look? One new naked hero for Fyreslayers, one new flying warmachine for Kharadrons and a unit of shielded dwarfs for Dispossessed? Or maybe a naked Fyreslayer with a jetpack and a shield unit? Great taste.

  6. 10 minutes ago, RamsesIII said:

    I'd argue that fyreslayers would need a turn in their aesthetic and premise to survive as their own army (nothing as extreme as combining two completely separate armies though). The slayer theme isn't bad, but I'd argue they're hurt a bit by the lack of variety in designs and colours.

    Oh it's easy to be fixed. Just leave naked dwarfs in wave 2 and add more salamanders, fire/earth elemntals, some kind of runic priests unit, golems or underground creatures, tamers, riders. Dwarf/Magma hybrids.
    With Ironjawz it was also easy. Wywern, Wyvern riders, shootin balista, catapults, archers, weird boyz, berserkers. It took me 60s to come up with these ideas. Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz don't really fit together. It's like teaming up paladins with cave man. Same goes with Fyreslayers and Dispossessed. Everything but short height and beards makes them different. Better develop one cool theme than force it together just because it's easier that way.

    • Like 5
  7. 32 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    I don't want to remove any faction but the reason I got some disdain for some factions is simple: they get too much stuff while others get nothing or not even half as much. It's simply not fair. Doesn't help that some of the IMO derpiest factions get so much stuff either but that's personal preference. It's not that they shouldn't get lots of new kits but when i look at factions like Skaven, BoC, Cities and Seraphon and then compare those to some others like LRL or SC, it feels pretty unfair. Same with say those half-armies we got (Ironjawz, Sylvaneth, FEC, Fyreslayers, Idoneth etc.) that feel like first waves and not like complete armies. Feels kinda unfair compared to the recent uber-releases of say LRL or Slaanesh now too. In their defense, the messed up release schedule made things seem worse than it is.

    Oh and entirely subjective but AoS has too many Aelf factions now. I hope we're done after Malerion. And personally I hope that some get merged. Malerion and DoK for example. I'm sure some disagree but I find armies best when they got lots of options and don't look the same. Guess that's why I like Chaos.

    I agree that they should step away from some factions and return to Fyreslayers, Sylvaneth, Ironjawz etc but PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE don't ever again merge any factions. It's basically a death sentence if we look at what happen to them. Take skaven. One of the most iconic Warhammer armies of all time. What did they receive after merging them? One model was it? What happened to Ironjawz? No new models. Cities? Ok, it's a bit different with them but it was one unit of witch hunters, correct? Basically dead in terms of new releases. If they do something similar let's say to Fyreslayers and all Dwarfs that's basically it. It should be called a crime against humanity. Develop factions on their OWN. It takes nothing more than goodwill. I can think of like 5 new sculpts for Ironjawz right away. Same with Fyreslayers. DON'T KILL CONCEPTS by merging them into armies with no real theme.

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    • Confused 5
  8. 30 minutes ago, Talas said:

    You know, a lot of people don't like the vamp-taur models but at least in my local group, everyone is talking about that figure, even the 40k guys. I suppose that's going to change with today's announcements, but at least for a day, AoS was in the mouth of almost everyone in the hobby.

    At least it's interesting. You can't find anything like this in other universes. And the sculpt itself is executed perfectly.

  9. 19 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    Never met one person who has kicked up a fuss about using reasonable proxies. 

    I would never use Morathi as Alarielle as 2 completely diffrent armies and they don't look remotely like each other but can't see an issue with using a vampire as a vampire Lord. 

    Diffrent strokes for diffrent folks I guess. 

    Ok, I agree. I gave a bad example.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    CC is a great start for a gravelords army. 

    I have a vampire lord, a Necromancer, 10 skeletons and 10 zombies. 

    I'll also be using the 3 vamps as vampire heroes if such a thing exists, the grave digger as another Necromancer and the big wolf thing as a vargulf courtier in my flesh eaters army. 

    Not to mention objectives markers

    Worse if you encounter a player or tournament with "what you see is what you get" rule. Or somebody simply wants to have everything compatible with actual rules and doesn't want to have any proxies.

    One can always pretend that his Morathi model is Alarielle for the purpose of Sylvaneth army but it somehow kills the immersion for me.

    • Confused 1
  11. 22 minutes ago, Iksdee said:

    They cant force anyone who wants a comp army to buy cursed city or any other boxed games for that matter just because there is a limited run model that is OP in some way.

    Easy. They could have designed sprues the way to be able to sell these models separately later on. It was possible with Radukar, it was possible with Ogroid Thaumaturge and Gaunt Summoner in the previous Warhammer Quest so it could be possible with every single mini in Cursed City. It was GW decision to make CC Soulblight minis weak for AoS which in my opinion was really bad.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    In a Warcom article they actually said that the box was a good starting point for a SBGL army. ^^ (but who knows, they tend to edit their articles every now and then to "correct" mistakes)

    I am really looking forward to seeing the rules for the army! :D I hope you can make a crazy wolf-build which buffs dire wolfes to be scary in combat :D

    For some reason I can't add any more reactions today, so I just want to say thank you for reminding that GW actually did advertise CC this way.

    • Like 1
  13. People have very different tastes you know. For me the best model of Gravelords are the zombies. Next the new skellies. Then Vampire Centaur. If only Zombies or skellies got 2 more units and a hero I would start a SBGL army. Right away.

    I absolutely dislike Radukar (didn't like him in CC also) and I get pissed every time when I look at this old hag on wolf. It's ok, I feel kind of reliefed I can skip this army and continue to work on my pile of shame.

    But one thing that I feel bitter about is how Cursed City doesn't integrate with AoS Gravelords. I'm making a guess that like 1/3 of all people who bought the box treated it like a starter for Gravelords in AoS. Yes, GW didn't promise that but also there was not enough communication on their side that it simply won't work. They just said that you can use CC models in AoS. Yes you can, if you want to loose to any "normal" AoS army. Let's be honest here - you are not going to win many matched play games by taking 680 points of random heroes. We can assume they won't have any battalions and their rules are simply symbolic. I really don't understand why they kicked their customers by making it obligatory to take all of the CC or none basically.

    I just sold my CC copy today and it felt really good. Have a friend who I play with a lot and he bought CC with the same goal in mind. To have a starting point for SBGL.

    Gravelords look like a really solid army. They will be played a lot.

    • Like 1
  14. COVER

    Add 1 to save rolls for a unit if all of its models are wholly on or within a terrain feature when the rolls are made. This modifier does not apply in the combat phase if the unit you are making save rolls for made a charge move in the same turn, and never applies to units containing models with the Monster or War Machine keyword that have a Wounds characteristic of 8 or more.


    So, if I have a unit of dryads wholly within a Awakened Wyldwood and there's an enemy unit attacking them, also wholly within this Wyldwood... Do both units receive a cover +1 bonus? I'd say yes but strangely never played it this way. We didn't apply the bonus to any unit in this situation. What's correct?

  15. 2 minutes ago, Sorrow said:

    Once again, quite possible.

    I have to say that GW did well by making new Vampires East European, good timing, as Resident Evil 8 is about to come out.

    I'm East European and don't see those vampires this way. 😛

    • Like 2
  16. 4 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

    There is only one answer:


    Please tell or give a hint that Kurnothi might receive a major release in the future as a new army or part of Sylvaneth or whatever. Just that they will happen one day.

  17. Great preview... but really, really sad. Kragnos didn't turn out to be Kurnothi nor Beastmen. He's just a Be'lakor of Destruction basically, not a leader of a new faction. 

    What really bothers me it's that he is a centaur. Kurnothi warband has a centaur as well. Now I'm afraid that Kurnothi warband was just a one time thing. 

    As for the Gravelords I think I will pass. I was most excited about the zombies, and all that really is new for them is this unit of zombies. I don't like dogs or hounds so no for zombie dogs really. I had hope for some zombie heroes, new corpse cart, maybe zombie behemoth. Same with Skellies. All the spotlight goes to strange (some are cool) vampire heroes. 

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  18. 2 hours ago, Yondaime said:

    Yes and no, batallions have they pros and cons, and atm the cons are far more greater because:

    -in a competitive play 99% of the times to have a low drop is a huge advange, this makes some batallions mandatory, and this is bad because it makes 1 max 2 batalions per tome actually viable, and some tomes dont even have that luck (CoS), so list building becomes more and more restrictive and less fun

    -it makes some armyes power spike even more (look at changehost)

    If you want my opinion batallion should be free upgrade that you get when you bring specified units on the battlefield and initiative is decided by a dice roll like 40k, so we wont have lists like 1 drop sentinels spam that are unfun to play with and against 

    I've always said drops should be ripped from battalions. It's the most boring and sadly most important part of them at the moment. Unique ability and a bonus artifact is interesting enough.

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