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Posts posted by Aeryenn

  1. Generic battalions... Hope this is just a rumour. It kills diversity. Everything generic is the opposite of what we should want for AoS. It's the diversity in rules, models, playstyles that makes this game interesting. Just as with other rules, some need to be balanced. There is a lot of useless ones used only to lower drops and many that seem op like reroll all hit rolls. That they are not balanced isn't the fault of them being specific for every faction but the battletome writers. It's like removing allegiance abilities because some are better than others.

    • Like 4
  2. 24 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    Pre-booking tantrum excuses is a bold strategy, looking forward to seeing if it pays off!

    Nah, don't expect rage.

    Lately GW greatly improved their previews. It seems they are listening and what really pays off are previous tantrums as you call it. If everyone was ok with poor previews GW wouldn't feel the need to improve.

    • Like 3
  3. 5 hours ago, Koradrel of Chrace said:

    My prediction for next week:



    Possible full-blown tantrums laying on the floor kicking and screaming.

    How are the rest of you planning on reacting?

    That's 100% up to GW what the reactions are going to be.

  4. 7 hours ago, Indecisive said:

    Really hope that "backlash of life" or whatever quote holds true.
    Ideally with Sylvaneth getting some love. One thing I don't like that much is the the tree spirit man, revenant guys. Feels like blue elfs in bark power armour.

    I on the other hand love Revenants. They should have Aelf keyword.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Beliman said:

    It's not "how far they can go", it's just how seriously you take your hobby.

    You don't need to buy from GW nor accept their philosophy. Just don't buy from them, it's your choice (I'm in and out of the hobby, so, if something is not for my taste, I just take a break).

    This is true but I'd rather try to influence a change to their actions than abandon my favorite hobby.

    • Like 1
  6. Sorry, it's just messy and I see no explanation for that. They could have easily either wait two months with the battletome or include these warscrolls in the new battletome and say "sorry, we have transport troubles, expect these models in two months". Easy.

    It's almost as if GW is testing their clients how far they can go. Judging by previous responses in this topic - pretty far. Expect an era of battletomes & supplements. "Want complete rules? Get the new Slaneesh supplement for only $xx! But that's not all! In six months we'll release new battalions in Slaanesh Excess Supplement!"

    Have fun.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  7. I've encountered another problem. The warscroll says that only one model in a unit can be a Kairic Adept. Unfortunately the unit's boss is called so, then another with a dark scroll is also Kairic Adept and the one with a bird as well. Does that mean I have to choose or i can have all three as this "one per unit" only refers to the boss?

  8. Ok, I'm really confused now. I'm building my first Kairic Acolyte 20men unit. The warscroll says that 3 in every 10 models can use Glaives. That means a unit of 20 can use 6 of those guys. Now....

    I find that there are only 4 Glaives on the box (pic, parts 69 and 70) since Kairic Adepts weapon is called a blade (though it looks much more similar to a glaive than a blade). So, what is the truth behind that?



  9. 1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Nop, never!
    I would rather stop playing the game in total then having to see the skaven being ripped apart again.

    Gw tried it, it didn’t work, the end........

    I'm afraid this way Skaven won't see any new figures at all. The unit pool is so vast both in terms of count and design that it stops need for more. One new hero once in a while and that's it.

    Skaven may have common battletome but if each clan had their own allegiance... Like Space Marines in 40k, there are several stormhosts with their own rules. 

    I just think that each clan taken individually has more chances to grow than one great faction with no clear direction.

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  10. I get the impression that GW made a great step recently in improving their communication with customers. Better and more open Previews. New Mini every Monday. Answering some questions on fb. Teasing things way ahead of premiere. They announced the fourth BR book when only the first was out. Good job overall.

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, DoctorPerils said:

    WRT mechanised KO: how about Battletome Ironwrought, which would include both Kharadron Overlords and Ironweld Arsenal - rather than reinvent the wheel, put the two thematically coherent factions together

    Similarly, how about "Forest Folk" for Sylvaneth and Kurnothi? You could perhaps also include Root-King

    To be honest I really don't want that. Ironweld is... old. Old design with traditional dwarfs. I don't see Mechs and exoskeletons to fit here. I'd rather that tech ground dwarfs were completely new.

    • Like 2
  12. Where do we start?


    Total remake of Bonesplitterz. Current look just like poor relatives of Ironjawz. Underworlds warband gives the good direction – more tribal look. Feathers, totems, primitive claws etc. Make them more colorful, more diverse.


    Idoneth Deepkin – second wave. Basically more sea monters. Crab cavalery, kraken/octopus units. Aquaman movie is great example how it should be done.


    Kharadron Overlords Ground Forces – I would keep it in KO family but give it totally different Alliegance. I’m thinking Mechs, Mechs, Mechs, maybe tanks, power armors, exoskelletons, flamethrowers, artillery.


    Insects – the more inhuman the better. We have tons of humanoid models. Time for some mantis, ants, dragonflies etc. That would be far more interesting than another human/elf faction.


    Seraphon - refresh


    Ironjawz – second wave – Wyverns, more magic, shooting


    FEC – remake


    Nurgle – mortals. Need to say more? Look how great are 40k mortals.


    Nighthaunt – second wave. This time more distinct sculps. Not only blanket with a sword and hood/helmet.


    Fyreslayers – SECOND WAVE – This should have been done so long time ago… What are you waiting for? Great army with potential for creatures (lizards, moles, underground bugs), golems, elemenals, other infrantry with armor, shields, suicide squads


    Skaven Clans – I’d say it was a poor decision to bring all the clans together. They have so much potential being developed alone! High tech Skyre, mutations, abominations Moulder, assasins faction Eshin… If there can be like six or seven Aelf factions there is surely a place for three Skaven factions


    Gloomspite – remake Spiderfang. Totally.


    Sylvaneth – models are great. Just develop from here and give them some good rules. They really deserve it.


    Malerion Aelves - it's time. I want Drukharii in AoS


    Last but personally most important – KURNOTHI – basically bring Wood Elves to AoS with a twist. Fauns and Centaurs is a nice way to start. There are many people who are waiting for them.

    • Like 6
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  13. 1 hour ago, SirSalabean said:

    What’s everyone’s thoughts on the battleboxs?

    Lately I was thinking about giving my skellies some mobility and wanted to buy one box of cavalry. Don't think I need two. I also have Liege Kavalos but wanted to also have the named version but to be honest probably wouldn't buy it just to keep it on shelf. Now however I think I might grab this BR box. I will pay less than for 2 cavalry boxes and get the hero free.

    I'm also collecting all the BR books, just for the story.

  14. 10 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Pro tip. On Friday set your GW store to New Zealand - witness all the release stuff before its released.

    Second Pro Tip. After viewing the future set your store BACK to your local region before trying to buy anything (or going to bed and waking up to then buy things.



    Note this trick does not work for those in New Zealand nor Ozland. 

    Brilliant! Thanks!

  15. How do you build your Kairic Acolytes and Tzaangors? I've been thinking about Shields since these units are rather weak in melee so I'd rather use them as screens and objective holders. What's your take on this?

    Did anybody try to play two Lords of Change?

    Do you think it is  worthwhile to play Kairos Fateweaver?

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