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Posts posted by Aeryenn

  1. 2 hours ago, BaylorCorvette said:

    Probably all of the heroes will be useless in AoS matched play unless they are 50 points as were heroes from other boxed games except maybe for tzeentch.

    Actually GW could make them 50 points or less to make them actually useful just as objective grabbers.

    • Like 1
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  2. 1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

    I know this is strange but I really hope that Zombies and Skeletons get different summoning/resurrection mechanics. I am thinking it would be cool if zombies get more models by slaying enemies "turning them into zombies" and obviously from things like corpse carts and other methods of shuttling corpses. Whereas skeletons are raised from the ground maybe reworked grave sites or from a terrain piece? It would give different synergies and allow for different builds or a mix of the two.  If Bloodlines return then maybe some will focus on Skeletons and others Zombies with a generic bloodline that has no buffs or drawbacks for either.

    Considering your summoning mechanic for zombies it would be really tough for them against elite or shooting armies. It sounds cool but then imagine zombies with like 5+ hit 5+ wound 1 dmg against Fyreslayers. Not to mention Gargants. You probably won't summon a single rotten zombie against them 

  3. 23 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:


    I mean I think that he is extremely large... for a Demon Prince. I think that for 40k he will have rules like a Primarch and the size will be balanced by the rules. As for AOS he is massive compared to the other demon princes either the standard one or Syll'esske. I think that size is always relative and in this case I do not think that they were exaggerating.

    "Now, we said Be’lakor’s new model is “enormous” (other descriptions included “massive”, “titanic”, and “bigger in some dimensions than a rotisserie chicken”)"

    That's from warhammer community. It doesn't say "big for a demon prince". After these quoted words I expected him to be a head taller than other Chaos minis. 

    • Confused 2
  4. It's the second time when they advertise a product as massive, gigantic, titanic and then they show the mini compared to other long ago released minis and they don't seem that enormous at all. By the video he seems to be of a standard Bloodthirster size. Same story was with Mega-Gargants. I haven't seen them in real life but on the pics taken by people they weren't so big at all. Smaller than Archaon or Teclis if I recall correctly.

    Great mini by the way, just don't like the way it is advertised.

    • Confused 4
  5. 11 hours ago, Souleater said:

    I am a little old fashioned in wanting vampires to be rare, powerful creatures with different servant creatures filling the mid to low tier ranks.

    If it takes 3 Vampires + Man-Bat or 4 Vampires in a warband to be on par with 3 stormcasts in a warband you know they can't be really powerful. Sorry.


    I really hoped it was Kurnothi. That would almost guarantee GW will release them as a full faction in the future. Hope they just don't stay as a single warband and that's it.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, Overread said:

    You realise this is all intentional?

    They tease in the preview - they inform in the weekly community pages in the run up toward release. This means that they've got fresh information to give you and  build hype up right before release. There's no point in hyping up the full vampire release with all the information today when its likely 3-4 months away from actual release. What will you do with that information - you can't do much until the full release so it would still leave you frustrated and annoyed at being shown things so far off release. 

    This is how GW has operated for years now - tease at previews; drip feed info through the weekly community pages and then speed up as they get nearer to launch. 


    GW wants you viewing the community site every day - they want you keeping in the loop and keeping up to date and checking their website and getting tempted to buy other things and read other articles and such. 

    This is one way to put it.

    But some of us are really tired of this formula. Why bother if those shows tell me nothing? It's like fifth time in a row when I'm disappointed with their "reveals". Don't get me wrong - I love the minus and have them much more than I need but the shows alone are just disappointing.

    I'd rather visit warhammer community once a week from now on than wait for another disappointing show.

    • Thanks 2
  7. 16 minutes ago, ArmyOfGrodd said:

    Potentially they were going to show the other Lumineth models that were revealed earlier in the week too but their leak made it pointless?

    Unfortunately it’s just never enough for some people. They need it all and they need it right now.

    That's why they should present those models that were just silhouettes in the video.

    I guess they miss the point of these shows. Instead of keeping some of us hyped, they make us pis**d. 

    All of us wait in great anticipation for that show and all we get are more questions instead of answers. I still don't know what models do Lumineth get and how they play. I don't know what kind of release will be Soulblight Vampires. Few units mixed with old death? New faction like Idoneth? When are they going to hit the stores?

    Even Curse City is just a silly teaser that tells almost nothing.

    And you know what? They are gonna answer these questions on a random Monday or Wednesday when no one is expecting them to do so. They did that many times in the past. Firstly a weak show keeping people underwhelmed and then out of a sudden 3 weeks later an article on warhammer community revealing units for a certain faction. This show is the time and the place to do that! Not later!

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  8. For some time now GW are masters of disappointing shows.

    After the leak everyone expected a full presentation of second wave of Lumineths, a full presentation of Vampires and perhaps a dual box of those two. What did they show? ONE NEW MODEL for Lumineth. Joke that isn't even funny.

    Yeah the cursed city is cool and the vampire warband is just ok but that is nowhere near a fine AoS presentation.

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  9. 14 minutes ago, Nasnad said:

    Now I am worried that the soulblight release will be nothing put a new vampire, and some rules in broken realms

    That's the worst case scenario. I'd rather vampires were hold on with a release for another 5 years rather than give them a few new heroes and recycled LoN. Vampires should have like 15 units of their own theme.

    • Like 1
  10. 58 minutes ago, Bayul said:

    Please don't feel insulted, but this is an unexpected lack of media literacy. May I suggest to check the source and the context of suspicious AOS news the next time you share it with us? It could prevent some confusion.

    The image was passed to me by a friend with no source written down. He was really crushed by this message as he is a LoN player. His emotions influenced me as well so maybe I reacted a bit too soon.

    Hope no battletomes were burned or Nagash miniatures decapitated as a result. 😉

  11. So Soulblight replaces Legions of Nagash. That's terrible. I was hoping for Vampires to get shiny new units designed exactly for their faction. Now we probably will get a LoN 2.0 - maybe five new units out of which 3 will be single heroes for Vampires and 20 units recycled from LoN.




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  12. Just when you think Stormcasts on giant turkeys looked stupid a Lumineth Aelf riding kangaroo enters the party. I think it's really convenient to shoot from a jumping kangaroo. Ideal mount for a profession requiring great precision.

    As for the Vampires. Well, he looks gothic to me so maybe my source wasn't right after all BUT look at their name - Gravelords. It might point at their leadership of all the dead creatures that sleep long dead in the grave, so skeletons and zombies.

    • Like 2
  13. Rumour:

    Indeed Vampires are coming. Part of their army will consist of current zombie and/or skeleton models. They are not the usual gothic, noble vampires. Expect a twist to them like some other armies received. Legions of Nagash will be transformed into something new, some models will be torn out from it. Shouldn't say where have I heard it.

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  14. 3 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

    You're probably gonna need a few more minis to specialize the list into one of the subfactions. What you've got currently could be built out into guild of summoners, pyrofane cult, or cult of the transient form (this one is very weak).

    Here's a sample pyrofane list:

    Allegiance: Tzeentch
    - Change Coven: Pyrofane Cult

    Lord of Change (380)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Shrouded in Unnatural Flame
    - Artefact: Chainfire Amulet

    30 x Kairic Acolytes (300)
    10 x Kairic Acolytes (100)
    10 x Kairic Acolytes (100)

    6 x Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc (360)

    Witchfyre Coven (160)

    Total: 1400 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 88

    There are extra points left to fill out the list, and if you aren't feeling the big unit of enlightened you coukd cut back or swap them for enlightened on foot to save points. Pyrofane cult buffs kairic shooting, and witchfyre coven lets one of the units shoot in the hero phase. 30/20/10 is another option. If you wanted to hold off on buying more for now you could try 20/10/10. Lord of change with the wand is the best recipient for pyrofane cult's artifact, which is why I included him here. A good addition to this would be a fatemaster, to give kairics reroll to hit, which goes well with the subfaction command ability that lets them reroll wounds.


    Here's a sample guild of summoners list:

    Allegiance: Tzeentch
    - Change Coven: Guild of Summoners

    Kairos Fateweaver (400)
    Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch (240)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Prophet of the Ostensible
    Magister on Disc of Tzeentch (140)
    - Artefact: Brimstone Familiar

    10 x Kairic Acolytes (100)
    10 x Kairic Acolytes (100)
    10 x Kairic Acolytes (100)

    Total: 1080 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 55

    This list has a lot more wiggle room, since there are more leftover points, but is a bit fragile since it only has 9 spellcasts with what's there, which means if you fail a cast it will push back your first LoC by a turn (and the first is the most impactful). Running an extra cast or two could help alot here (balewind/cogs/other wizards). The rest of the list can just be filled out with anything really, but more wounds and bodies would be good. You'll also need some pinks/blues/brims for the gaunt summoner to summon. Blue scribes would make a great addition here, since he can give all your wizards rerolls.

    Wow. I really appreciate your vast response. Thank you.

    I was thinking about Summoners list but one should probably run three Lords of Change to use it effectively, right? I have two, and one to build one as LoC and one as Kairos, because I like diversity among my minis.

    How would you build Kairic Acolytes? Shields?

    I also like the model of Ogroid. Would he fit any of the lists?

    How many Horrors do I need? How many Spawns?

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