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Posts posted by Aeryenn

  1. I have 2x this year's battleforce and Aether-War half of Tzeentch.

    Can I ask you for some suggestions on a 2k points playable army? It doesn't has to be a tournament kill them all ultimate list. Rather something that will be fun but not weak. I can buy a few more minis if they are required.

  2. 1 hour ago, meatpipeline said:

    Why would Nurgle receive more mortals?  There are already multiple mortal battleline options (Blightkings, Chaos Marauders, Chaos Warriors) with Pusgoyles being battleline if. 

    Naaah. Slaves to Darkness models are not Nurgle models. I don't really care about list building. I just like cool, atmospheric models that create a coherent collection. 

  3. On 12/18/2020 at 12:42 AM, Neverchosen said:

    Sylvaneth need Kurnothi Aelves 

    I suspect that while Sylvaneth represents the flora, Kurnothi might be their own force representing the fauna. Like Green and Red in dc comics (Swamp Thing and Animal Man).

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  4. I'm impressed how GW was restrained with flooding us with stormcasts for a more than year, two even I think. I can forgive them a new starter. Just please don't make them ubiquitous like 40k marines - they are literally the last army I would consider to collect because I'm tired just by reading about their 200th model released in the past years.

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  5. 5 minutes ago, shinros said:

    The sentiment has been building for awhile I think. The reason why it's coming to a head now? I think it's a symptom of the fact more than half the factions in 40k is some variant of power armour. In my eyes it's strange considering how huge the galaxy is and the fact space marines are meant to be a rare elite force despite the waves of releases. That's my view. 

    Yup. 40k has been beyond boring for me for a looong time. I browse their factions once in a while and it seems that nothing has changed. Dozen of boring space marines factions that in my opinion all look the same and should be one faction equal to eldars or orks in terms of mini count. Space marines are everything but elite. There are more space marines minis than flies near the privy on a hot day.

    Each and every year AoS gets more novelties in 12 months than 40k got in 12 years. AoS is great at keeping it fresh, with new ideas for factions that surprise us every time. Hope they won't go that way and not make a horde out of stormcasts.

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  6. 7 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    That’s why the old sculpts sell for over 10 euro per model 😂

    You know. Opinions differ. If there is anything that's holding me from starting a Slaanesh army, it's those ugly faces of Slaanesh deamons. I was hoping for some cool corrupted nobility for Slaanesh mortals' battleline.


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  7. GW lost a lot in my eyes for their groundless price rise. Everything is wrong about this release. Not so big gargant models priced higher than their equivalents like 40k Knights. Old as hell mancrusher gargants increased in price as well. Really, this kind of actions turn me from GW fanatic into dissatisfied customer. They do this once more and I will stop buying at all. There are several other miniature companies on the market.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Cordova said:

    Actually casting the models is cheap, but designing the models and making the moulds is less so.  According to N1SB on the Bolter and Chainsword who's gone through their accounts, their profit margin is in line with Lego - about 75% (obviously, that includes logistics, store costs, pensions, etc), which is still seriously high.

    We are not talking about rocket sience here. Even Kickstarter projects run by a small group of people have more often a quality of a GW model. I won't believe that designing those mega-gargants cost GW hundreds of thousends pounds. If a fresh graduate of 3d graphics can reach that quality it is much, much cheaper. At least 50% of AoS model price is the Warhammer logo on the box. I'd assume it's much bigger fraction...

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  9. 29 minutes ago, Greybeard86 said:

    To sum it up, just keep your cool and don't spam the buy botton (swatting my hand away from a 300 bucks NIB Giants of Albion set).

    This is one way to put it. So far if I liked a model, I just hit the buy button. Prices seemed ok to me. If now, the very same company charges me twice as much for pretty same product I feel uncomfortable. I run a shop myself (jewelry) and it never crossed my mind to suddenly double the prices without any good reason. I would just lose customers. GW is rising prices in time of coronavirus, when most people suffered from economic lockdown. I don't get it. I'm sorry but I won't support this. It just feels wrong to me. People interested in 3d printing know how little it costs to produce these kind of miniatures. GW is making like 500% profit on every single model and they still think that's not enough. Well, I do. I'm not buying until they come back to normality.

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  10. If those prices turn out to be true (150 euro for mega gargants) it will be the first time I wish GW's product doesn't sell. If we accept those steep prices we will sadly witness GW to charge 200-250 euro for a single behemot model in a few years. I won't pay for anybody's greed.

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  11. Sorry if it was already discussed but did you pay attention that in an article on Warhammer Community about aelves they mentioned about Kurnothi and aelves that want to follow Archaon? As for the Kurnothi I really would love (my most anticipated army) to get a full army of them but then the warband from the beastgrave ended up in Sylvaneth forces. Are there some kind of chaos aelves under way out is this just about Malerion? Also a few weeks back there was a similar article about Aelven gods with a mention of Tyrion. Do you thing he's getting his own race or will he be a part of Lumineth expansion in years to come.

  12. I just want to vote NO. AoS is perfect right now. Throughout human history women played only marginal role in warfare. It's only natural to our biology. It's cool to see armies like DoK from time to time, yet demanding parities for every group that is dissatisfied at a given moment is insanity. It's artificial, unnatural.  Go, create your own wargame and stop demanding people to obey your demands. Just accept their vision or leave.

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