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Posts posted by Aeryenn

  1. 1 minute ago, Sleepa said:

    You can use Woods with the TLA or the spell, or you can teleport with Dreadwood (Dreadwood is the most reliable, but magic works against KO so you have options)
    You'll want to buff their charge distance with the Spiteswarm Hive Endless spell.

    Yup, i chose the spiteswarm hive in my list. Defenitely will help. Still like Winterleaf more.

  2. 40 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Yeah I know what you mean. 

    But you also know why I responded. Words carry meaning and you can't see how it comes across on the internet. 

    Have you seen the ' Why the detest of Narrative' thread? Personally I don't think there is any detest, but saying things are only 'real' if they have competitive value, can't help. It's a sad sign if someone's community drives them to even asking that question. That situation simply sucks.
    (just to be clear not blaming you)

    Personally I would really like to try narrative game but the only group in my area I heard of has broken since covid. 

    When it comes to competetiveness it's not the most important thing to me. I started collecting Kharadrons when their rules sucked but I loved the models. However I knew that one day they will receive new rules and be at least playable. I'm not so sure with warbands (majority of them) to get rules good enough.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Plus all the players who don’t define things being ‘real’ solely because of their perceived use in matched play. but just want to play the cool models they painted and have fun. 

    I have pretty little use in matched play, does that mean I’m not real? 🥺

    You know what I mean. I'm not really all that competitive as well but still want to buy and paint models that might actual see a play on the table. That's why I'd rather welcome a 10 men box with AoS 2k points tailored rules than a warband.

    • Like 4
  4. 16 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    DoK are getting a new unit with the warcry warband. Between the box set, warcry and underworlds DoK are getting three units this year. With the rules updates that are presumably coming that's not a bad little update. 

    When you put it that way... But still those warcry/underworlds aren't 'real' units because they have little use in competetive play. I've never played with someone using those teams in a 2k match.

    • Like 1
  5. If DoK and Slaanesh start a new cycle of faction updates I'm again disappointed that they only receive one new model each. DoK could use a new battleline unit. If they were to receive more, GW would put it in this box. It decreases the chances of a decent updates for other in-need armies like Ironjawz and Fyreslayers. 

    • Like 1
  6. In GHB2020 I read that faction terrain must be set up more than 3" from any other terrain and more than 1" from any objectives. Does this overwrite the rules of setting up Awakened Wyldwoods at the start of the game from Sylvaneth's latest battletome?

  7. 3 hours ago, GeneralZero said:

    One of them is usually the poster boys, stormcast. Pretty sure we won't have the gobs, the DoK, the Lizards and nighthaunts...(which have been done last year).

    Yeah but didn't all AoS armies have battleforces already? Bonereapers, Ogors, Lumineth and SoB are the only (?) ones left. Hope they don't quit releasing battleforces. Maybe they will start a second wave with armies that received those great boxes in the past.

  8. 8 hours ago, badnewsbeers said:

    Which armies are the next to be abandoned do we think?

    After the shitshtorm GW experienced after deleting TK and Bretonnia I'd say none. They will think think twice before risking another group of players to loudly proclaime their dissatisfaction. Even if GW has no plans for expanding f.e. Cities of Sigmar they will keep them and update the rules once in a while.

  9. 22 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    Good for you! That's cheating.  If you want options, get more toys. :)

    Cheating who? GW? I can't recall any warnings on the box that people are not allowed to make any physical modifications to the miniatures they bought. If magnetizing is cheating, so is kitbashing or any kind of conversion including bases made from other products than those sold by GW.

    So far I didn't have to magnetise anything but never thought it was unfair to anyone. If at all, I'd rather think GW is cheating us forcing to buy several copies of the same product to have more options.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  10. 46 minutes ago, amysrevenge said:

    I am not aiming this at any specific person...


    If someone is pushed out of the hobby by the manufacturer's mandate to increase diversity, I will be glad to see them gone.  They can't leave soon enough.  I would rather they leave now, forever, than to stick around and moan about it.

    Probably people you mention would like to get rid of you as well. Hatred is not the answer.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 3
  11. @Overread

    Some good points there. 👍

    I'm not going to repeat myself over and over again. If you've read my previous replies you already know my position on certain matters.

    1 hour ago, Overread said:

    You can't change the SAS in the Axis army to be multi-cultural multi-gender.

    Oh you know that's not true. Some malice people falsify history either by casting in a role of Caesar or any other historical character People of Color or they attack for example game developers who create a title set in medieval Eastern Europe that it lacks POC. They are either completely uneducated or they are frenzied fanatics of political correctness. I keep hearing this kind of falsification all the time. But leave this topic as it is.

    • Confused 1
  12. 23 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    So what did they do? They introduced 54 new Stormcast sculpts not counting hounds and warmachines of which 16 were female. That's just under 30%. Gw did not try to make a 50/50 split, like some are suggesting they will do. I think the fears that gw are suddenly going to massively change the way they do things are massively overblown.

    They've announced their new diversification policy just recently. We have to wait with the judgment on how does it really affect our hobby.

    @zilberfrid Great post. I, however, am (guess what) of conservative beliefs and in my opinion our biological differences (of men and women) determine our interests in this respect (to some pint of course). I can't call raising up boys and girls differently social engineering if it is not forced. I have two kids, two boys  actually. I didn't have to convince them to play with toy cars and transformers. They wanted them for themselves. If I had girl I wouldn't forbid her to play with the same toys of course if she really wanted two.

    I'm saying that we might want to attract gropups of people into the hobby that don't want to be attracted. And that's wrong. We have to be welcoming for anyone but can't be changing the natural groups of interest. And absolutely we shouldn't expect any company to soocial engineer thair employees group by parities.

    • Confused 2
    • Sad 1
  13. 8 minutes ago, Roark said:

    GW is a corporation. Profit is their prime motivation.

    This is the obvious answer. But people here are talking about social justice. I think that's not the right path because - read above.

    10 minutes ago, Roark said:

    That said, do you actually lose anything in the process? Are you concerned about (eventually) becoming part of a minority group yourself? If so, that could be quite revealing in itself...

    I'm a person with a physical disability for more than 10 years now. I know how it is to be a minority. Yet I never demand special rights for myself.

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