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Posts posted by Aeryenn

  1. I haven't seen Tzeentch Battletome review so sorry for my ignorance but since I ordered Aether-war for Kharadron Overlords I wanted to ask if it is possible now to build a 2k Tzeentch army without Horrors that is playable. Always liked Arcanites, Tzaangors and LoC, not that much horrors. 

  2. I was waiting for looong time. Would want to be magic heavy as Tzeentch is. Mistweaver-like design and I'm in. However, if GW makes the same mistake as with Witch Elves and makes old sculpts the backbone of the army I will ignore them same as I did with DoK. I still expect GW to make an expansion for DoK with new models for battleline. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Allornone said:

    Yes, but actually no. You can, but they changed the arkanaut pistols range to be 9", so you can only shoot with special weapons or with thunderers

    If I am away 9" from enemy unit I can't shoot it with a 9" range weapon? In my understanding they are just the right distance away to do that.

  4. So how does it actually work? Can you fly high with an ironclad with 10 arkanauts in garrison 9" away from the enemy and shoot with them afterwards? Can the same Ironclad with Arkanauts fly high 9" away from the enemy, pull them from garrison in the enemy units direction and then charge them? 

  5. Always wanted ships to be expensive and deadly. If their role is reduced to dwarf taxi then it's a disaster. Frigates and especially Ironclads should be fearfull machines that are capable of destroying whole units of basic infrantry in a single turn.

    • Like 6
  6. 7 hours ago, DantePQ said:

    Also don't see any sense in Kurnothi release, it's another wood-themed Aelven force. It makes much more sense to release Shadow and Light Elves, and maybe then Sylvaneth BT with Kurnothi in them as an expansion. 

    Well, if "woods" are all that makes them connected to Sylvaneth then there are other examples of unnecessary armies. We don't need anything naval or airborne as those positions are already covered by Idoneth Deepkin and Kharadron Overlords. I think there are a lot of redundant undeads since Legions of Nagash... We can go with this list.

    Kurnothi might be entirely different army both in terms of gameplay and design. Gameplay being fast and missile focused and as we saw from the Warband mix of animals and elves rather than trees and elves.

  7. 49 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    If they want to keep selling mini's, expanding the ranges with small amounts of sets does make a lot of sense.

    Of course it does but not at this pace (regarding battletomes). End of 2020 or 2021 is the fastest I can think of an update to existing 2.0 factions. In my opinion there are factions that already should have had 2nd waves but got just a battletome instead. 

  8. I think some of you have unrealistic expectations, Like anticipating GW to release a second wave of Kharadrons or Ironjawz in 2020 just when they've received (or even not) a new battletome. That would be really negative trend to reduce battletomes' lifespan to under 1 year. 3 years seem like a good compromise between imposed expenditure and being up to meta (with some FAQs and GHB in between).

    They clearly wanted to bring all the factions to 2.0 and I don't expect they will take off right off the bat with first faction at hand to start some 3.0 battletome with new mechanics. Maybe some 2.0 factions that have imperfect rules will see an update like Nighthaunt or IDK.

  9. Wow. They keep the pace. Another box and another great units. I already have a lot od unboxed Kharadrons waiting for new battletome. Wonder if the new hero (aside from great miniature) is worth the shot. There is always the risk I'll be tempted to start Tzeentch as well even if I get the box only for Kharadron side.

  10. 47 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

    Presenting pictures of tournaments held in the UK or US

    ”Hey there are only white males!”


    You can’t be serious.

    You are free to post a picture of AoS Tournaments held in Botswana.

    Sadly I don't have the data but can we assume that at least 90% of GW customers are from the West? I'm not asking for much I suppose... Otherwise I'm sure we would see a lot pictures at w-c.com from Africa or Asia, right?

    And what better representation of multi culti than GB or US...

    • Like 1
  11. 21 minutes ago, Lightbox said:

    The hobby is changing as It has been since the 80's in various ways and as it will continue to. Noone is forcing you to accept people into your group or to use female models or whatever but that should be no reasons to decide no one else can have them.

    And noone said that the future of AoS is 50-50 female-male ratio in minis. Why should it be? We, the Warhammer Community decide on this with what we buy, what we say on forums, at tournaments, events but also WHO we are. Some of you want GW to have representation in their minis of people who actually at the moment are not interested in the hobby.







    I've typed "tournament" on w-c.com and this is what I get. Pictures from 3 first results. Tell me, what do these events have in common?

    Let me help you - white males. All of them but maybe 1-2 persons. Those are GW's customers. They are the people that want representation in Warhammer minis. You create a problem a problem for people who are almost don't exist. Deal with. It's a white men area. That's a fact. It may change over time but right it's just as we see it. I'm sure that if more women or people of color were interested in the hobby, then GW would produce more minis of sort.

    • Like 3
  12. @dekay I understand your example. It's fine. It's just I get the impression that usually successor is usually made with little to no effort at all of the original. It's poor, lazy, done only to appease to certain social groups. It doesn't have to be the case all time of course.

    Regarding tournaments and events and their representativeness. I must confess I haven't been to any GB or US Warhammer event of any sort but from what I can tell from the pictures that are published for example at w-c.com there are close to none people different from white males (with beards and glassess ;) ). Isn't it a bit overkill to look so much after people that don't fit the description above? Should GW really stroke for that 5% (number made up, just guessing) of players and now starting to release 33% of asian/black/female/left-handed audience? It IS clearly a white guys domain here. I'm not offensive. Just asking. You know, after all a company needs to seek for their target audience in the first place.

    However it might be true that if 50% of models where female then more women would enter the hobby as they would feel more welcome.

    I'd say that now GW has found it's golden mean. There is enough of everything in their minis. I'd just bring more asianpeople minis as there are really few. Can't name one in AoS.

  13. 20 minutes ago, dekay said:

    there is no such thing as 'replacing ( stealing)'. If I own those things, I am allowed to change them as I see fit. It's best if my customers like the change, but again, no one is being robbed of anything.

    How about not take it literally? It's a metaphor. Trying to explain replacing is wrong no matter who is being replaced. Last mention, promise - I'd rather they killed a white male superhero and started a BRAND NEW ONE minority hero than to replace him with 90% same powers but different skin color/sex. That's lazy, unfair and bad taste. Be original. Everything they can come up with is black Spider-man, Spider-Women and Noir Spider-man? Groundschool kid would have performed better if asked to create a new hero... 


    There is one Captain America - Steve Rogers. Doesn't matter who was put in his shoes, white or black. You're done with ideas how to continue his story? Kill him and create sth new you lazy writers. 

    Thing is lately there is a huge and visible shift to replacing whites whith blacks or women/minorities. Captain America, Hulk (Amadeus Cho), Spider-Man, Iron Man (Riri Williams), Thor (Jane Foster), etc...

    • Like 2
  14. 18 minutes ago, passtheKhorneplease said:

    Yes that is because if Black Panther is replaced than number of comic books starting a solo black superhero would be down to like 2 (Luke Cage and ah ummm,)

    If you steal from a poor it's wrong because he will have nothing left but it's ok to steal from a rich because he will still have enough.

    That's how I see your sentence.

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