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Posts posted by Aeryenn

  1. It would seem strange to get yet another Stormcast battleforce. They already had plenty sets. But since everybody are in love with Stormcasts.... Even so I'm happy GW refrained itself from releasing another SCE army this year. Much needed break.

    If those rumours are true I would 100% take Gloomspite and maybe Nighthaunt if it's packed with units I lack (already have over 2k points of them painted)

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  2. I'm really afraid of this Marvel announcement. I have Marvel Unlimited since April, and since March I'm rading DC Comics. Warhammer deserves grim dark, not Disney clowning. Political correctness and overall childish aproach to many titles is repulsive to say the least. At the same time I'm like through 30 TPB of DC's New 52. Most of the titles were mature, kept in dark colors with uneasy situations (dinner at Batman: Death of a family to name one). Warhammer would be so much better at DC.

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  3. I would keep current design. Armies like Sylvaneth, Idoneth, Kharadron Overlords, Nighthaunt, Kurnothi, Gloomspite Gitz, Ossiarch Bonereapers are what I expect from Warhammer right now. With all the respect - I can't imagine something more boring like reanimating Bretonnia, an unoriginal faction of conmon knights and soldiers. This is THE MOST IMPORTANT aspect of AoS for me. Brand new armies with al lot of details even among basic troops making them look like heroes. It's a joy to paint and look at them. 

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  4. For the Kurnothi, we’ve had our first look at what seems to be a brand new race in the Mortal Realms…

    For me that's enough to believe Kurnothi will get their own army. They wouldn't get a place in a new Beastgrave box as well if they weren't planned for something bigger. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Overread said:

    You might have a very long wait sadly. 

    To be honest I'm ok with that. I'm the kind of prrson that buys a lot of in advance whenever I see something interesting and discounted. I still have more or less 2k points of unopened boxes of Kharadron Overlords, Idoneth Deepkin and Gloomspite Gitz each. It goes even worse with video games. Since I can only spend time on my hobbies between 8 pm and 10 pm few days a week it takes many months to finish painting an army. 

    Bonereapers are too fresh for Battleforce imo. If I were to guess - Nurgle, Nighthaunt, Slaanesh and Gloomspite have the highest chances this year. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Kyriakin said:

    You mean Orruks and Cities of Sigmar?

    Warhammer Weekly from around 23:15 (Vince was at the seminar):


    Sorry but this is just... well for me it's pathetic. If Khorne and Fyreslayers received their "Endless Spells" there is much more sense that CoS and Orruks received them in the first place. Lazy release. My firend playing Ironjawz sure will be dissapointed.

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  7. 19 minutes ago, Scurvydog said:

    I would not recommend anyone to start a force which is not uniquely created for AoS, and even then support seems shaky, like Orruks being a hot mess, now receiving what sounds like a bare minimum effort release with just a book and not even an endless spell.

    Are we sure or is this just an assumption?

  8. 13 minutes ago, michu said:

    Remember that they were originally from WFB, which was more like fantasy version of our Earth, so it was more justified. AoS is something different and NEW factions won't be using just one culture as their inspiration. 

    Fair point but I don't think that it was most important for GW to consider. I'd lean more towards creating original, not seen before concepts and maybe IP rights.

  9. 21 minutes ago, Nos said:

    I mean if you can’t tell the considerable  difference between skeletons that have fists as large as their heads and curtain rods for spears and the newer versions were not going to find common ground for debate here

    I wasn't comparing old Deathrattle Skeletens with old Deathratlle Skeletons. I was comparing both of them vs Ossiarch. The other (round bases) are better, yet still much worse than new Ossiarch infrantry IMHO. The amount of detail and overall quality of the sculpts are waaay better in what OBR have to offer. I wish GW did the same with basic infrantry of DoK and GG - I mean, don't mix new and old models to create new/updated faction. The gap is too huge but you are free to have your own opinion.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

    Not sure why people are comparing the foot soldiers to skeletons. They're not the risen bodies of the dead. Think of them more like if you built a robot then put some AI in it. The AI takes over the host it was given. These guys are supposed to be more of a proper military organization for Nagash and not some trash you raise from the ground to do all your work for you. They're not beefy skeletons but constructed war machines with the souls of trained professional soldiers  

    I compare them because with Bonereapers on the horizon we have very little chance of another Skeleton army in AoS (GW themselves called them Skeletons on warhammer-community). Thus, they are THE PRESENT SKELETONS. No Deathrattle update happening, I'm pretty sure. Too similar.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Panzer said:

    See people with ridiculous strawman arguments on the rise.

    You are comparing old and outdated models with completely new up to date models. A better comparison would be the Sepulchral Guard which don't look generic/boring at all


    I pointed exactly at old Skeletons Warriors. Nobody uses Sepulchar Guard as their battleline but many use Skeleton Warriors. It's like with forced old battleline with case of Stabbas for GG or Witch Elves for DoK, which I mentioned...

    +++ MOD EDIT +++

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