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Posts posted by Aeryenn

  1. I really don't get this "keep low your expectations attitude". It's not our job to adjust our expectations to GW products. It's GW's job to deliver products suitable to OUR expectations. That's how a company should work if it wants to sell its goods. It's not about overreacting and shitsto.rming but one might be dissatisfied with X release. After such great releases like Kharadron Overlords, Nighthaunt, Idoneth Deepkin (and MANY more!) I won't pretend I'm cool with 1 new model for Deathrattle and a battletome or past 2019 releases like updated Fyreslayers. I simply skip those armies and buy those that required some effort. It has nothing to do with hate or negative emotions. As a customer I want to be appreciated and feel that these minis are worth my money.

    • Like 3
  2. 44 minutes ago, CommodoreCass said:

    I don't think skeletons will be update, they are already in a AoS box with round bases.

    My whole hype for Deathrattle (and it was huge) is now gone. Old models are like from ancient times, different game for me. Can't accept them keeping in mind they will be backbone of that army. 

    • Confused 1
  3. 1 minute ago, HollowHills said:

    Does anyone know if there is an actual preview seminar at the event? Possibly our best hope for a big announcement. 

    Two battletomes is already a lot. I don't expect anything more for AoS (don't confuse with warcry, shadespire...). Maybe some endless spells for them. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Azamar said:

    There’s a black guard on the lower row (banner 2nd from left) so at least some darklings hopefully are in. 

    Hopefully they are as I would like to get entirely new Malerion faction without 10+ year old models. 

  5. 13 minutes ago, Minis by Night said:

    It's only a disappointment if your expectations are too high. 

    No, we were told by GW to expect at least one new battletome for each GA by the end of the year. There are not many more "warhammer days" left in 2019 so I worry they will not keep their word. WarCry, Shadespire... These are bonuses, not the main dish. The longer it takes them to update all the armies to 2.0, the longer the game is unbalanced. Ask Kharadron, Ironjawz or Slaves to Darkness players what they think of high expectations. 

    • Like 5
  6. 20 minutes ago, Raviv said:

    There's a new banner on WarCom, saying that the 6th Warcry band will be revealed tomorrow at 9pm EST.

    If they wanted to get me excited it should have said "New AoS army revealed this Saturday." 

    If that is supposed to be highlight of the evening then it's another disappointment in a row. 

    • Confused 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

    That's one mini a year isn't it? (40k seems to have its own resources). That's nowhere near enough production capacity for that. Plus I'm assuming it's a single character who goes in a small box.  How many factions have been released this year? Gloomspite, FEC, Skaven, Khorne, Slaanesh, would have been Slyvaneth. BoC was last year but towards the end

    I really doubt that a large international company present at a stoke market doesn't have resources to produce 1 new mini with every book they release. 

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  8. From every battletome release I expect at least 1 new unit to be introduced. That is the very minimum I can accept. If GW has time and resources to create store exclusive space marines and stormcasts, then they defenitely can provide every updated faction with a unit or two. That's why Fyreslayers' battletome let me down. In case of small factions like Fyreslayers and Ironjawz I expect 2-3 units to be added. Daughters of Khaine is a perfect example how it should be done. Maybe only Legions of Nagash battletome are an exception as it covered a vast number of factions. 

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