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Posts posted by Aeryenn

  1. 18 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Except for the lore, models, setting, terrain, features and theme ;)

    You can say that Underworlds is AoS as well using these criteria. How many of you use Shadespire / Underworlds models in your 2k points armies? Don't have to answear. I read lists/builds in various topics across all GA. Close to none is that answear. 

    • Like 1
  2. 17 minutes ago, IRifter said:

    Go ahead and base that beautiful piece of plastic!

    I held back so long because I couldn't decide how do I want to base it. I gathered some old bark and burs from my garden to glue them to the bases. Need to move my ass. 

    Vesperal Gem on Branchwraith means guaranteed 50 dryads by the 5th round if you can keep her alive. Nice. Edit. My bad. Only lore of D. 

  3. Thx for suggestions. I'm not fancy in buying another TLA though. Wonder if you see possibilities for Alarielle with magic heavy build since I already own her (plus, Drycha, TLA, TL, Durthu, Arch-Revenant).

    I made a lot of effort with my Alarielle. She has to be on the battlefield. Every. Single. Game. 😉


    • Like 4
  4. Does anybody have a suggestion on good "similar to Gnarlwood" build with the new battletome leaks? I mean magic heavy build? 

    I doubt that some tables refer to "treelords" as they don't share same keywords. But maybe it states "table X is for TLA and SOD". 

  5. I've just quickly ran through all the changes. For a person who played Gnarlwood Wargrove it's hard to comment without swearing. I'm not sure how to name what Gnarlwood was changed into now? 

    From my perspective most of the things I cared about was changed for worse. As if this army needed any nerfs. Biggest disappointment in AoS so far I guess.

    I see how people running dreadwood are happy with the changes but my playstyle seems no longer supported. It will take some work to adapt to new battletome. Don't like it at first glance. 


    • Like 1
  6. 16 minutes ago, DantePQ said:

    Are new endless spells even coming ? I think they would release them along with Forbidden Power or GHB. 

    I hold to my opinion that ID and DoK will be the last to receive Endless Spells because it will be a release as always combined with a battletome. They can't do that now or they will ****** people off since the last battletomes are only 1 year old. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Lucur said:

    It's in the Stormcast allegiance now, called "scions of the storm", which allows half your army to setup anywhere on the field, outside 9" from enemy models at the end of your movement phase.

    I've not seen someone run Paladins recently, though i could imagine Decimators thrive in the hordes that are around these days.

    It's not as good as that teleport was. It was like? 6" from enemy models?

    46 minutes ago, XReN said:

    You haven't been around SCE for a whille it seems

    You don't play paladins pretty much at all now, because evocators. There is a place for decimators and Skyborne Slayers are still somewhat decent, but most of the time you just don't play paladins.

    Seems like the perfect famous GW balance all the way sadly.

    I was wondering whether to expand my SC forces to a full playable 2k army but I always prefered the original Stormcast models from 1st wave.

  8. 2 hours ago, ChaosLord said:

    This makes sense to me. Each of the orc factions is so small, having more options within a single orc faction would make them more appealing. Overall the factions seem too fragmented, especially elves, so I hope this is the trend going forward.

    This is one way to fix things. The better one however would be to simply add 2-3 units to both Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz. That would help with army building options and remaining unique themes for those armies. Simple as that. Don't tell me I'm expecting too much. If GW can release Stormcasts every year or a dozen of Warcry warbands then it can easily create just a few more models for existing factions. 

    • Like 4
  9. 24 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    I have the army painter Quickshade washes set and the new contrast paints are close to those ones, maybe with a little more paint component than shade.

    To be tested.

    The only drawback is... I have like...I don't know... 50 Citadel paints? Most of them in good shape. Do I really want to buy another 20 or so just for speed? I'm afraid I do. Another expense.

    • Like 1
  10. 13 hours ago, Mirage8112 said:

    Lol. I like you. You’re tenacious and a wee bit salty. I’ve looked through your posts over last couple of months and you show a clear disdain for things you don’t like and dismiss anybody who thinks otherwise.

    Oh you would have known me even better if some of my latter posts weren't deleted by moderation.

    13 hours ago, Mirage8112 said:

    But you know what? I wont make assumptions that you don’t know how to use them (since that seems to bother you so much). I’ll just ask you: how are you using them? How many are you taking in a unit? How many units are you taking? Do you deploy them immediately or keep them off the board? What’s your WW placement like? How many WW’s are you taking? What’s your army list composition like? Are you taking battalions? Are you single dropping? Do you try for first turn or nor?

    I don't want to be rude but to put it simple: I don't want to spend an hour or so writing essays. It's not a pissing contest, nor do you need my curriculum vitae to talk about a certain units' flaws. Nor I want to put you in position to judge me. That's not the point of this chat.

    13 hours ago, Mirage8112 said:

    Changing the Hunters with bows hit to 3+ boosts their dmg output by 8%. On average that’s 5.8 damage vs 4.4. So right now they’re garbage because they do 1.4 less wound than you would like? Cmon man don't you think you’re exaggerating a bit?

    I will reverse the quetion: If this is such a minor, meaningless improvement why not implement it? Everyone will be satisfied. You must be aware there are some issues with shooting now the other way. At first it was too strong, now it's too weak and armies like Kharadrons suffer much. In my opinion the other KH are better enough not to even bother with KHwB.

    13 hours ago, Mirage8112 said:

    If you’r really dedicated to improving KH damage output at range you can add +1 attack to them via an arch revenant and boost their damage significantly between a command ability and RR1’s to 7.6 damage per turn. To make use of that you’ll have to pay a 100pt premium since shooting units have a higher tactical value in the game. There you go. Problem solved 

    Not really. Yoo suggest what I wrote before - taking a good unit to buff a weak unit in order to make an average unit. It's smarter to take a good unit (KHw Swords/Scythes), buff it with AR and receive a great unit.


    11 hours ago, Mirage8112 said:

    Lol. It’s not unpleasant for me actually, providing the discussion doesn’t go around in circles and that we don’t start misrepresenting each other’s position to make ourselves look better.

    I don't want that either. That's why I'm not going to force my opinion over yours and will actually agree to some of your points.

    13 hours ago, Mirage8112 said:

    You complain about how easily T-revs die. As I said above “If you don’t understand why that’s useful thats 75% of your problem”. So, since you asked nicely, I’ll not make assumptions and ask you a direct question: do you know why that’s a good thing? or not?

    You talked about "chaff" which was troublesome.
    Seriously, what trick is this? Making fun of me? It's your obssesion with food and cooking? You want to see Tree-Revenants with pitchfork or what? What good comes from this?
    Jokes aside I googled the right thing. Read the examples of chaff tactics. Answearing your question directly: no, I didn't use Tree-Revenants in that way. Just for VP capturing unit or harassing support units on the back. For "chaff" I used Wyldwoods, like placing them on potential charging routes of opponents units or units that wouldn't be obliterated on first contact.
    So in the end thank you as I've learned new way to use TR.
    However, I wish they were something more. A unit that could succesfuly harass weaker battleline and force opponent to guard his VP more,  giving me space to control the board. Their potential dmg output is low enough to ignore them in most cases.

    13 hours ago, Mirage8112 said:


    13 hours ago, Mirage8112 said:

    And T-revs to 2 damage apiece? 3 damage on a Scion for 80 points? Your kidding right?

    I'm not a mathhammer kind of guy. I will trust you on this one. All I wanted is a unit that has other abilities than blocking strong opponent's unit by getting itself killed. Like recapturing VP. If it meant point's increase - that's fine for me. After all GW does it all the time (well, once a year) in GHB.

    Since you look like a skilled player I would like to know your opinion on this: what would you change in TR so that they can play the role I suggest (not only me according to forums).

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