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Posts posted by Aeryenn

  1. @Nos

    Human race/faction is usually the most popular in fantasy/sci-fi games. It's thanks to how easily it is to identify yourself with them rather than Undead/Orks/Fire Golems as you mentioned (funny how racists undertone sounds from that regarding our latest quarrel about the need of diversity). Most of your post was written from an insider position. When John Smith enters GW Store he doesn't know all the story behind the world, who's the boss, who are the good and bad guys. I doubt he chooses his army based on that. He won't ask the store owner "hey, who is the Gandalf of AoS? I want his army."

    People differ but when John Smith sees Stormcast helmet on every second box he might be tempted to go for the popular guys. Even I who dislike WG Stormcast policy bought Soulwars because it was economically good offer even if I wanted just Nighthaunt, book, markers and dice.

    I'm not sure if that was the case if they had equal visual presence in a store. If they were just 1 of 20 released armies. 1 release, 1 battletome. No posters. No presence in Blighwar, Soulwars box etc.

    But yeah, I understand their purpose for GW. If you ask me, Stormcasts had enough. There is no need for Stormcast deamons, Stormcast, war machines, Stormcast, savage tribes, Stormcasts riding octopuses and Stormcast vomiting with rainbow. They are alredy everything and everywhere. Enough to drive the story on their own, fighting with themselves. I'm not the only person here who is tired of yet another Stormcast model and you know that. Enough is enough. There was a time when Stormcast had more models in GW online store than whole Death combined. It's a caricature of Grand Alliances and their purpose.

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  2. 16 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

    I would always take anything like this with a large pinch of salt, I've lost count of the number of times I've heard or been told "no idea" for it to appear within the next year.  GW staff are super careful about admitting anything coming out before it's been released.

    It's highly unlikely GW will release new units *just* after bringing new battletome and even more unlikely Fyreslayers will receive next battletome in a year or two. Not popular enough. 

    I would love GW to seperate model releases from battletomes but so far there are no signs of that.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Nos said:

    Plenty people want new Stormcast. They wouldn’t sell and GW wouldn’t make them otherwise.

    I am just referring to community feedback and exaggerate intentionally.

    It's a viciouc circle with Stormcasts. They sel well because they have great, constant support with models and books and they receive new models because they sell well. I am absolutely sure that the same case would be with pretty any other army if it received same support, name it Ironajwz or Idoneth. If they got original and cool new minis every year they would have been as popular as Stormcasts.

    When they leave Fyreslayers unsopported with minis they will be unsupported by clients' purchases.  The message I received from GW about Fyreslayers from Adepticon: No new minis until maybe AoS v.3.0. Maybe never if they remain unpopular.

    13 minutes ago, Nos said:

    The real issue with Fyreslayers is the price point I think. Just don’t get enough bang for your buck. There’s already plenty arguments against collecting them but the fact they’re so expensive hardly helps.

    I'm not really convinced with the price argument. We all know how costly this hobby is. Whenever I start a new army I am aware it will take 1100-1300 PLN for me to gather 2k army. It makes really no difference for me to spend additional 200-300 PLN for a more expensive Fyreslayer models to reach 2k points. I spend like 2500-3000 PLN a year on AoS so 5-15% more spendings is not the case. As for me it's the monotony of Fyreslayers and the neccesity to paint multiple multiple *same* models. It's just boring.

  4. I'm pretty sure there are still  some battletomes planned for this year. Ironjawz from Destruction is a sure thing as they are as old as Fyreslayers. Sylvaneth due to vs Gloomspite box. Seraphon probably and maybe Kharadron Overlords with Tzeentch. And also it's high time for Darkoath to emerge. 

  5. 6 hours ago, Mutton said:

    I think it was silly for people to expect whole new units for the Fyreslayers update.

    Nobody wants new Stormcasts yet they get new chamber opened every year! 

    To be honest I didn't expect FEC to be updated at all and GW kinda impressed me with hero, spells and terrain. It was my fault to consider them pre-AoS temporary faction soon to be forgotten. Wonder if they will update Bonesplitterz as well. 

    With BoC and now Fyreslayers GW messed it up. It would have taken them really little effort to bring some new life into those lines just by introducing 1-2 new non-hero units.

    Is there a single person that was on the fence with Fyreslayers and after latest announcements wants to start a 2k points army with them? I was and spells, book, scenery don't change a thing for me. I still don't want to glue and paint 90 naked clones to be competetive. It sounds like a torture and I'm mostly a painter rather than gamer with AoS. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Furuzzolo said:

    Cause you hear the 0.05% of Fyreslayer's players voices.

    You mean all the 5 Fyreslayer players? There is a reason why Fyreslayer Discussion thread has 8 pages although it is one of the oldest armies. I can tell you that - you won't be seeing neither new pages, nor new players any time soon. That's not how you revive one of the least popular armies. 

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  7. First of all while still hot after announcements:


    My fears with Fyreslayers made flesh. Battletome, scenery and spells. For a faction that has THREE units other than heroes (correct?). Army of clones that could have been easily expanded in the theme of lava, golems, fire hybrids whatever. No. You give them spells.

    Why would you make new Fyreslayer units if you can create 10 new Stormcasts every year, right? GW gave me ZERO motivation for Fyreslayers and I'm pretty sure it will stay that way for years. Probably same treatment for Ironjawz on the way which need more units just as much. 

    Forbidden Power is just ok. I like the design. They'll be probably obligatory for competetive play.

    Then we have a teaser for Sylvaneth vs Gloomspite. As Sylvaneth is my main force this is the most exciting news for me. With FEC vs Skaven boxed game we received 1 new unit per side and I expect nothing less from that release. It will be autobuy as I was already interested in Gloomspite. 

    I don't care about Shadespire warband but they caught my interest with Warcry. Iron Golem tribe looks awesome. Actually it looks better for me than... Slaanesh which still is nice but not my thing though. Keeper of Secrets is great but I can't stand the faces of normal troops. Especially that on the Endless spell. 

    And yeah - no mortals? They want to hit two birds with one stone and adjust the release for both AoS and 40k - I don't like it. Expected more. So far every Chaos force had more interesting mortals for me than deamons. Same mistake (my opinion) GW made with Nurgle. Blightkings are the top design minis of all time but instead they'd focused on funny/ugly deamons. 

    Adepticon was much better than GAMA as expected. A bit surprised they are still holding up with Darkoath. Seems like it might be the main 2019 AoS release instead of Slaanesh which is strange but who knows what they prepared for us. 

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  8. GAMA was a bit of a let down for AoS. Even though 40k is on a roll I expect 1-2 new battletomes to be announced and maybe some more light on Forbidden Power. So far it were the first halfs of the year for AoS to get its announcements so Adepticon and later Warhammer Fest are our best bets for AoS news.

  9. 34 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    +++ Mod Hat On +++

    Not happy with the discussion in the last few posts. This forum is for everybody, but please leave some discussions at the door because they are offensive and not what we want being discussed here!

    Do not do it again

    I won't continue the subject but with all the respect - you literally deleted ONE SIDE of the discussion, leaving the other intact. There are still posts encouraging multi-culti/ racial diversity/ social justice in Age of Sigmar. If you deleted my voice of objection, so should be done with posts of @JPjr and @Nos who want their beliefs to be represented in our hobby. Just to be treated equally. I won't come to the matter again. Sorry for the offtopic but I didn't start it.


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  10. Rules aren't the only issue. I, and I'm sure many others, choose armies based not on their rules but on their looks and design. Even though Kharadrons suck I bought them because I love their design. Even if (or maybe especially if) faction X was winning all tournaments but it didn't meet my design expectation I wouldn't spend a single penny on it. Giving Fyreslayers new battletome doesn't change a thing for me to consider buying into this army because as is it is boring in model range. Give them lava golems, fyre-elementals or dwarf-golem hybrids and I'm interested even without new battletome. 

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  11. 43 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Don't look at Chaos/Khorne threads. It seems that Khorne ended in bottom tier.

    In two weeks I will have an small tournament with at least 3 khorne players. Time will tell if they are "that" bad.

    Might be wrong but I interpret most changes as ok. At least for my build. Will see myself. 

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  12. So Games Workshop actually fixes Khorne by warscrolle changes. Great changes. I really like what they did with Blodsecrator and Wrathmongers. Getting the book defenitely. Now it's time for Kharadron Overlords to have their warscrolls rewritten. 😀

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  13. With battletomes updates I have a question to people who own/compared 1st edition battletome to 2nd/3rd. So far we had two editions of FEC and Khorne and three (or four?) of Stormcast Eternals. I want to ask, how different are battletomes from each edition? Is there new lore? Artworks? I want to know because I'm not sure if it's worth buying new Sylvaneth book (in my case) if the only differences will be like 3-5 pages with allegiance and spells. For warscrolls I use exclusively tha AoS app which is more handy than the book.

  14. I expected that faction updates will be more than 1 hero + endless spells and a scenery but seems to be the case at least for FEC, Skaven and Khorne. Probably it will be the same for Sylvaneth. What do you expect from a new Sylvaneth battletome? What kind of new allegiance abilities can we get or any at all? What new?

  15. 5 minutes ago, alghero81 said:

    1) brand-new armies: that’s plural and does not include what was presented in the past or Slaanesh or StD as those are already existing! Super excited!

    The thing with Slaves to Darkness is it might be named differently i.e. Darkoath and new minis might be a majority of the range, thus treated as a new army.

    They also might not had been super careful with wording. If Slaanesh receives same treatment as other 3 chaos gods then I would treat this as a *new* army.

    If they are about to update all the existing armies I'm not sure how much room is there left for big releases. Std and Slaanesh are almost a sure thing. Will there be more?

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