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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. My two pence.... No idea if Beasts will go away from Age of Sigmar. However, if it was me, I would be thinking about keeping the following models and developing new kits, and everything else moving to The Old World. You can come up with new and exciting models and get players to buy new kits. I can totally see them making new Gor models as well as more themed god specific models. However, just to add and point out - Until it happens, all of this is speculation and rumours!
  2. This Just look at Space Marines. Strictly speaking they were "finished" 30 years ago but GW have been refining the idea and developing new models and units. They can do this for anything really. With 40K, it's just a new STC has been discovered or a part of the culture of a race we've not seen yet. With AOS it's an open sandbox where anything can happen. It's great that they can do this and keep coming up with new kits. If you'd had said what things would have been like 30 years ago to me, I wouldn't have believed you. I always thought GW would go out of business! So in short, nothing is really finished. Things change and sometimes that change is annoying. Your models and rules don't just disappear if GW stop supporting them. Lots of people are still playing 8th edition Warhammer Fantasy, there's Epic Armageddon still being played and there's even Warmaster still going. Anyway, back to rumours...
  3. I didn't know that! Also your other points make sense and I didn't think of those
  4. I don't think GW will ever do that (yes I know about Inquisitor!) as keeping the rules using D6 makes it more accessible to the general public as that's what dice are Also I don't know if it's easier/cheaper to produce D6 vs D10/20 on mass or if the mark up is better when you sell your own branded versions.
  5. I'm not expecting it until after FEC release. Just checked and nothing ships until 17th Feb, so I'd expect it after that.
  6. Possibly but I think it docked at end of 2023/start of 2024 so it wouldn't leave much time to have it go to the US warehouse and then get shipped out. Very possible though as I don't know the lead times on packing and shipping items from the factory. I'd assume for a summer release of a core game, it would be shipped around now to ensure there is enough stock in place but don't know if that's me being too cautious about it.
  7. Maybe, however if you look at the quantity and weight of the shipping (1423 Box and 4021K) I suspect its more smaller kits along the lines of The Old World or Lord of the Rings. Thats only if you look at the average weight of the items. Going back to the one I'm excited about, which is 24737 BOX and 7842K, it screams boxed game to me.
  8. Yup. Not a lot from this one apart from the numbers and the second line has a interesting amount "24,737 BOX"
  9. Lets get things back to rumours... Okay, checking details about shipping manifests was all the rage a few years ago but GW cottoned on a got all that info excluded from publicly viewable information (I'm guessing you can read privately). Anyway, could this be part of the puzzle about 4th edition Age of Sigmar or is it just general shipping stuff? I'm not an expert and all this says to me is a lot of stuff has been shipped to the US. Anyway, rumour away folks!
  10. It's a smaller percentage of the player base but tend to be the loudest. I think the steer towards competitive style rules is partially down to members of the studio liking competitive gaming. I suspect we will see more of a balance with the next edition as I think this is something they want to address. Competitive gaming is fun personally but it's not for everybody.
  11. Just a general what do you listen to when gaming or painting Age of Sigmar? Does anybody have any cool playlists or albums they have on when playing a game? Do you just have the radio on instead and listen to a particular station? Just being nosey When I play it's normally at a club so no music but when painting I listen to a mixture of things.
  12. I agree. Although I do think part of the sales issue with the current set (ignoring Covid and general rules grumblings people have) is the name they chose. Dominion. That's not a word I associate with Fantasy unless it's like some dark horror daemon type thing. It's like a switch that just dials back the fun whenever I see it!
  13. I think it's because what people were saying they wanted and they shifted design to that way for this edition. I think 4th will be more something for everybody but lets wait and see. They do it with any new edition!
  14. It’s the Warhammer World Store birthday. Just lots of activities to celebrate it.
  15. I think they just come out around the same time. There’s no direct link between them as managed be separate teams. Suspect the delay is either due to one of the following… 1 ) some internal resource issues (people who do it may be sick, have personal issues like a family death or could even been involved in jury service, etc) 2 ) new edition means they are just less focused on it 3 ) issues with the data / stats (may have lost the data for example like a corrupted database). A combination of these can easily snowball no matter how well prepared you are.
  16. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Can any discussion about the cost of collecting new Battletomes, please be a new topic Can we now get back to rumours
  17. I think they are just bad at communicating. What they should be saying (in my opinion), is "We've listened to feedback from the previous WarhammerFest and want to make it bigger and better than ever. In order to do that, we've decided not to do it this year, but we have these other cool things going on." (or something like that )
  18. Take away - they are thinking about the feedback and going to do something better next time they do it. I would still expect an Open Day at Warhammer World at some point though I'm also sure there will be lots of upcoming previews as well, so don't panic
  19. I get that but at same time, it's my free time to play a game and unless we're on the same page, I'll choose how to use my free time in the future However, I do agree, it's a tactic and part of the game and personally wouldn't have an issue with it. I like to play tough competitive games. Not everybody does though, hence some of the views popping up.
  20. Really depends if it's click bait for videos or a genuine issue, Personally, I think it's something that will come up in a couple of situations but most of the time wont happen as people won't want to play that way. Also if it starts happening at events (which is where I think a lot of the noise is coming from), event organisers would do some house ruling. If it happens at a club game, just don't play that person if they keep doing it.
  21. Please bear in mind these are rumours and general thinking aloud. It's quite possible they do a massive refresh and redesign everything and nothing gets dropped. I know a couple of members of the studio like Skaven
  22. Yeah I think it's because I see them more as the crazy animal tamers and breeders rather than that. I think it's become more like that over the years but I'm fairly sure the original book had them more pigeon holed as the animal tamers. I think this is what they will do with Warcry. Not going to disagree but if I was going to do a refresh, I'd pick one and focus on it. Probably makes it easier for shelf space and design and wot not. Other themes you can explore in other games
  23. This is what I would expect the theme to be for Skaven going forwards. I think the Eshin, Molder, and Plague Monk aspects will be condensed and refined into the mad scientist theme. I've always wanted to do a Skaven army but they've never quite hit it with me in AOS. Hopefully they will get a refresh into something cool.
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