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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. They are probably going to be removed from AOS but used in The Old World. You’ll probably find a lot of models will start being removed like this unless they are a core component of an army (and probably get an updated model). I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what we will see with Flesh Eaters and the current models will be retired to The Old World and all the new stuff we are seeing is a brand new range. We’ve just seen this with Ironjaws Ardboyz.
  2. Lots of wishes but I think we will see what you have said. As the reveal is for more systems you won’t see much more than that.
  3. Also just to remind people asking about the next Dawnbringer book, there’s a Warhammer Day preview soon (couple of weeks I think). As for talk about Valrak and his rumours - always remember he makes YouTube videos as his job and he needs you to click and watch them. He’s going to drip feed stuff to keep you watching. Also depending on where he gets his info from, it can be Chinese whispers. For example, a rumour at the start of Age of Sigmar could have been talking about a big dragon thing, that could be a Maw Crusher. 😉 I love the enthusiasm Valrak has, but always have a pinch of salt for rumours.
  4. Believe it. I don’t have insider knowledge but spoken with people in the past from the studio and they are always surprised when it comes up in conversation.
  5. He may or may not know stuff but at the end of the day, his job is making videos. So he’s not going to say anything until he needs too 😉
  6. That’s good to hear. My wife randomly mentioned you and your missus the other day, wondering how you were getting on! No idea but I’m just hoping for lots of Kruleboyz stuff as I’m currently putting an army together for them 😁
  7. Well over on Facebook my local store has posted a picture of stuff they are sending back to head office to make more shelf space for new stuff. Should be no surprise to anybody but the Start Collecting Flesh Eaters Courts was in the picture. So my guess is they will show Flesh Eater stuff off at the Warhammer Day preview. Not sure about the above comment about buying the new kit and showing it off. My guess is unless they are decent pictures, we won’t see anything official soon.
  8. I think Dwarves and Elves will still be in it in future, just with new models. I’m hoping we see new factions based around them but who knows what the future holds
  9. Maybe but my take on it is they are there to add a bit of flavour about how cities work but main focus is humans. I’m fully expecting they will get their own stuff in future. However with The Old World round the corner, these may be replaced come 5th edition!
  10. Going off topic but it’s the rumour thread 🤣 I am indeed. Also using my admin powers, if you are who I think you are, did teaching go ok? Please don’t repeat what the children used to say to you!!!! 🤣
  11. Not really apart from people guessing. But anything that has been shown at a preview is usually out over next few months (apart from Legions Imperialis grrr..).
  12. It could be one persons Dragon is another persons animated construct? Just remember that these are rumours and sometimes being told by people who don’t have 1st hand knowledge of the systems and models. As they’ve come from Chapter Master Valrak, as he’s more 40K focused I think some of these things you may have to squint at to get how they are being described. Also this is all rumours 😉
  13. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Enough about the Ps and Qs about whatever variant of English we use. As mentioned, I come from the Black Country so I tend to take a lot of this in jest (seriously listen to how we speak! I have to make a lot of effort not to drop into it) but enough about this now. Now back to something something old models….
  14. I’m a Black Country lad, so it’s probably the wrong question to ask me! 🤣 I don’t think it can be changed but this may also be a setting on your machine rather than the forum. Check your settings are the right locale for you.
  15. I was hoping they will have redone the core models for Tomb Kings but if this rumour is true, I agree it will be a mistake. I don’t think anybody was expecting all the sets to be redone, but I think there was an expectation that dated kits would be updated. If this rumour is true, I think it’s an own goal as majority of the target audience will probably shift to other manufactures or print their own stuff. GW make some amazing models but I can say that the Skeletons for core Tomb Kings aren’t in that category!
  16. Awesome! Forgot they did an updated roadmap and my brain just says Cities is out now 🤣 (doesn’t help there are loads on eBay at moment). Winter sounds like it will be fun too
  17. Without derailing the rumour thread (!?!) anymore, yes I think that’s the main target. You will honestly be surprised. I do have to add, this is going into a GW store. Indie stores and websites do not count as people will be thinking about getting a good price or getting other items (like paint ranges). The GW stores are designed as one stop shops for parents of new players. Anyway back to rumours… With the Destruction releases coming up and Warcry, I don’t think there is much more this year for AOS outside the Christmas boxes. Has anybody heard different?
  18. Oh also just to say, new Ironjaws and Fyreslayers look ace and this is what AOS has needed for a long time - more variety and ranges being their own thing.
  19. Not going to disagree but for many casual gamers just starting out, you aren’t thinking about FAQs and things like that. It’s not until you’ve got a few games in and drifting away from getting everything from one place. Pretty sure the typical customer for GW is women in their 30s/40s buying something for their children. All of us who use the internet, are older and doing our own thing aren’t the target audience 😉
  20. In my opinion, this is what they should do as it would be easier for them to manage the rules. However, I fully understand they need to make it accessible to new players to walk into a shop and have everything they need to play, so this won’t happen.
  21. Ah! For some reason I thought they were! That makes sense then and yeah gives plenty of time
  22. I think it’s a brand new Warscroll for Ardboyz so technically you wouldn’t be able to use the old models. Looks like GW are phasing out some old models in readiness to resell for The Old World. Really curious what this means for Skaven.
  23. As mentioned, still can get it in UK and I’ve seen loads of bits of eBay from the set
  24. All I know is I’ve been looking at Kruleboyz lists and quite fancy giving them a go! 😁
  25. This. I think we will see updates like the Ironjaws now for a few armies. I think it’s unlikely for anything else as it looks like a run for 4th edition now. As much as I would love to see Chaos Dwarfs in AOS I don’t think they will appear unless it’s for something like Underworlds or Blood Bowl at moment. Maybe for 4th edition and even maybe in the box set but I don’t think it will be before.
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