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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. That’s my guess as well. I’m not expecting anything AOS in the advent reveal and if they show stuff off over Christmas, I’m not expecting a lot then. I suspect the supply issues have knocked them for six as they know the demand around 40K and been able to make a lot of the up front. I’m guessing AOS is a bit of an unknown quantity and the minatures and sets are completed closer to release date.
  2. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Right! No more price discussions please! The prices are what they are, there seems to be some decent savings which get better if you have a indie retailer who can do a discount. It’s okay to list the prices as a rumour but that should be it on this topic
  3. I’ve removed the double post but just a nudge, I know this is a bit tongue in cheek but it can also be read as negative. Just bear that in mind 😉 Also if there’s a update coming out soon, we might see tweaks to LRLs (simple tweak for example would be not allowing Sentinels getting battleline for example). Anyway back on topic….
  4. What could this mean? A Maggotkin Neverchosen special… https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/11/29/neverchosen-the-quest-begins/
  5. Miniature wise it’s just the new sorcerer but from what I’ve been hearing the army has been tweaked and sounds cool. Be interesting how it will fit into the meta at a tournament level but from a narrative point of view it sounds cool.
  6. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Back to rumours folks. Pretty sure there’s some more Maggotkin stuff not mentioned yet. 😉
  7. Just to point out, GW have said what the next few codexes are as they should have been out now (or very soon), but they have been cagey about AOS. This says to me the AOS schedule has been turned on it’s head whilst 40K has been going almost to plan. Also guessing there have been delays in producing minatures which I’m guessing g has caused loads of production problems and delays. For example the Dragons would have caused a big problem. Looks like it!
  8. Just in case no body was aware, GW are running a contest to win every release in 2022 if you buy stuff from their Web Store (every £10 is a go). Now if I’ve read the terms and conditions correctly you can also enter by answering a question… https://www.warhammer-community.com/win-warhammer-for-a-year/
  9. This! I think it’s very easy to fall into the trap of “it’s matched play or nothing” but with the Generals Handbook and I suspect the upcoming update, the game will have a official tournament mode and then you use what you want to play locally. So if your group hates the double turn - house rule it!
  10. Going off what the Maggotkin reveal was, it could be this. I’m not too sure what they could do with Ogors as they have some amazing models already and a decent amount of units to choose an army from. Yes obviously I would love to see a big monster/god type model but from a practical point of view, it’s an easy release for GW. Which is a shame as Ogors are ace. I’m kind of excited but got a lot of work on at moment so not been able to focus on it too much. I’m hoping for a Advent Calendar Rumour Engine as well! 😁
  11. Also as much as I want to see the silent people or children of Hashut of the tabletop, I’ve also accepted we may only see them as a Warband in Warhammer Underworlds. Anyway 30 sleeps until a possible Christmas Day reveal 😉
  12. I’m kind of doubtful about a scroll change for Dragons, especially considering how new they are but I think it would be good to see that GW are willing to do this. As the update will be focused on Matched Play, thinking about it, it could happen! Totally agree. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were already doing a hybrid way of working and this would only effect activities you have to do at site (such as manufacturing).
  13. I think that’s the only road that gives access to Warhammer World and the offices and factory! It’s all on the same site! I suspect it will have an impact but with all the issues at the moment I’m hoping they have prepared and won’t cause an issue. I remember when similar work was done in the town where I live and it closed off one of the main roads for a few weeks! The AOS teams event has been cancelled for this weekend and I suspect if there is an event for next weekend it may be cancelled as well.
  14. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Can we get back to rumours please.
  15. No idea about any leaks but I’m expecting around £100 for the big boys and around £50 to £60 for the riders.
  16. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Okay folks can we get back to rumours. (Pretty sure we should see Maggotkin stuff soon) Also, this is not the forum to discuss this at all. There is no tolerance for anybody who has these views on this forum and society. Anybody who supports hate of anybody because of their race, Religious beliefs, who they love, how they look or if they have any disabilities, are not welcome here.
  17. As I’m playing through Hollow Knight with my son at the moment, this would be quite cool with a GW twist. The lore of the game is nice and grim and I think would be idea. Personally I would love something like the Guardians from Breath of the Wild crossed the Daleks but I’m hoping that’s more for Tyrion’s faction of Aelfs (something around restoring order no matter the cost like an opposite of Nagash by using living beings). Anyway, that’s enough wishlisting which I kind of suspect those rumours are above. I’m sure the closer we get to Christmas (35 sleeps!!!!) we will see more and some announcements about what’s coming up.
  18. I think the problem is for some people you have to state it. One of the reasons why pop bottle tops have “open by hand” on them.
  19. I don’t think we will hear anything now until Christmas/New Year. It’s possible with the delays they may choose to do some funny teasers (Say Nick and Peachy singing Under the Sea for a Deepkin Reveal) but I’m not expecting much to be shown other than cool hobby. (Side note - I’m curious how 40K will be with the update). GW are in a tough spot as unless they can sort out the supply issues, reveals will be different. I suspect we may see a flurry of AOS releases if they have little model updates (DoT and Khorne) to tide things over but it depend how they can juggle the releases due to the knock on effects around producing things and storing it
  20. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Ive issued a temporary point because this ignored my nudge to get back into topic of rumours and is talking about piracy which is against the rules. ++ Mod Hat Off ++ As far as I know they have never mentioned anything (even in end of year reports). I’m hoping with the delays, we see things shuffled around rather than being shoehorned in but we won’t know until next year. Nothing yet but guessing about the generally positive reaction the the 40K update, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a AOS one at some point.
  21. +++ MOD HAT ON!!! +++ Folks, back to rumours please!!!!!
  22. 100% agree here. I wouldn’t be surprised if the ascetic is very different as well. I’ve stopped thinking too much about it as I was hoping for a Warmaster inspired game but sounds like it’s not going there. I’m just going to sit back and wait and see what they do.
  23. +++ Mod Hat On +++ This is not the forum to discuss this at all. There is no tolerance for anybody who has these views on this forum and society.
  24. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Can we please get back to rumours and not speculating about support of AOS.
  25. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Really not impressed here folks. @CarkFish - Calling somebody a tool isn’t on. If you don’t like how somebody has point their points across, you can express this without name calling. Or better yet, don’t engage and let the Mods know. @Aezeal - Your attitude here is terrible. If somebody is asking a question they either don’t know the answer or want some reassurance. Whilst GW have made massive improvements in how they lay out their rules, it can still be confusing if you having been playing games long. You can answer the question in a helpful way (such as it’s in the FAQ which can be found on the community site) or not engage. Now let’s get back on topic..,
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