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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a reminder that not everybody may have been playing for as long as yourself and may not be aware of FAQs or how the rules interact with each other. So just bear that in mind when replying to questions like this 😉
  2. Is this on iOS or Android? I’ve never noticed this on iOS. Might be worth giving them some feedback if it does for you
  3. Yeah I think it’s this. I also don’t think AOS fans were less fanatical when it came to the special edition box because they either just wanted to collect their faction or had seen (or experienced) what happened with the 40K set. Personally for me, I have a £25 gift voucher burning a hole in my pocket and this set is now really tempting!
  4. It’s all about building up hype. That’s it. They control it all as well as the app allows them to keep things up to date as well as the obvious benefit of signing up to Warhammer+. They’ve experimented with digital but they have decided it’s not for them (I would assume costs and getting the formatting correct). They control the previews with when the info comes out (usually). All under new AOS app now. My beef was it was a blocker for new players but too be fair it didn’t stop me and I would guess it was a lot of work to maintain it as free pdfs.
  5. It’s for the hype and getting people to start buying kits. They know that some people will copy rules for their gaming group but most players will buy a copy. But what they really want is for you to get excited about a kit and buy lots and lots of them.
  6. Yup. I’m hoping for some tweaks to the rules as well such as similar rules around vehicles for 40K but I think I would settle for a new set and easy to gain entry into the game. Anyway, AOS stuff…. 😉
  7. Not entirely practical for when playing a game though if I ask to see the rules for something… “Hang on, just got to wait for this advert for Call of Duty to finish, then I think it’s around the 13 minute mark I think..” 😁 You are right there are ways to gain access to the rules but then this drifts into another topic some people were passionate about how some people gain access to build hype about things.
  8. The GW site. Anything else is piracy, which is against the rules of this forum.
  9. I’ve got a five to six hour drive followed by a children’s party, so I’m watching on catch up on the night (most likely with some beer). Im hoping to see something Chaos Dwarf related that is for AOS rather than Warcry or Underworlds but if I’m honest, I think I’ll enjoy everything. Really hoping for a reveal of the Horus Heresy set (got some vouchers I’ve been saving for it). Honestly no idea what will be shown off due to all the disruption this year so I’ll be pleased with seeing lots of cool stuff.
  10. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a nudge - Back to rumours. Any FAQ discussion should be discussed in a new topic
  11. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Nudge Nudge Back to rumours please
  12. That’s a sweet looking vampire! Really like the pose although not a great picture as took me a few moments to realise she was pointing at me 😁 Hopefully the stream will showcase a lot of cool stuff.
  13. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a nudge here folks, but if we are replying to this thread can we keep it on topic?
  14. Bit of a fun challenge (hopefully) for you all. With the new edition, there are players who want to start a new army or enjoy playing the game if they have never seen it before. So no hard and fast rules but if you were to advise somebody new to the game or an army, what would you suggest? My attempt is Ogors. List is simply a Stonehorn and lots of Mournfangs. It has some staying power, can smash things up and is straight forwards to use. Allegiance: Ogor Mawtribes - Mawtribe: Boulderhead - Mortal Realm: Ghur - Grand Strategy: Beast Master - Triumphs: LEADERS Frostlord on Stonehorn (430)* - General - Command Trait: Lord of Beasts - Artefact: Brand of the Svard - Mount Trait: Rockmane Elder UNITS 2 x Mournfang Pack (160)* - Gargant Hackers 2 x Mournfang Pack (160)* - Gargant Hackers 2 x Mournfang Pack (160)* - Gargant Hackers CORE BATTALIONS *Battle Regiment What would you suggest to somebody? Again, no hard and fast rules. So you can be super competitive, themed, easy to paint, easy to use, etc.
  15. Any issues use this link https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/3DSRJ8N?utm_source=WarhammerCommunity&utm_medium=Post&utm_campaign=TryOutWarhammerAgeofSigmarTheAppandtheStormForgeArmyList-buildingToolRightNowforFree15092021&utm_content=TryOutWarhammerAgeofSigmarTheAppandtheStormForgeArmyList-buildingToolRightNowforFree15092021 Updates seem regular (on iOS) and recent one was a few days ago. Might be an issue with your copy? I’m not subscribed to Warhammer+ and can still see everything (apart from rules from new Stormcast and Orruks but I see Warscrolls fine). I’m on a iPhone.
  16. I second that. Never seen them painted like that so not sure if just out of somebodies collection or sneaky look at a cities update?
  17. You can’t do that as the internet would melt from the excitement and then rage about not knowing when they were coming out due to the issues! 🤣
  18. The problem GW has is that investors tend to look at stuff like this and they can wipe the price off the stock value if it comes across as they were having issues. So if you look at the problems we are aware of: 1) Rumours about mold problems for a kit. 2) Issues around transporting products (HGV drivers in the UK, fuel) 3) Complications around Brexit 4) Complications with Covid 5) Complications with failed ERP update internally Throw these all together and it’s a tricky situation to sort out and they may not know the full plan. They may be firefighting to get things out now, such as the Stormcast releases but this will impact future releases due to production runs and storage. Plus we don’t know all the details. But I strongly suspect that if they started making announcements, people would get twitchy. Yes I know it’s frustrating but they want to release stuff. They also don’t want to spook people either! Anyway, rumours please
  19. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Nudge Nudge, back to rumours please 😉
  20. Visit https://warhammerplus.com and sign up. You can download the app for android or IOS devices which has the up to date rules. It’s currently in Beta but you can see all the rules but you will also need to subscribe to it after the beta finishes. It’s £50 for the year of you pay in one go and you get access to lots of other services. Otherwise it’s the rule book and battletomes but unless you are being super competitive and playing in lots of events, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. As long as you and your group play the same, you’ll be fine.
  21. I’d suggest that people check out the terms and conditions of the giveaway as you don’t need to subscribe to Warhammer+ to enter 😉😉
  22. I think a lot of this discussion, depends on how you see GW. I don’t see GW as a horrible, evil mega corporation. I just see them as a company with lots of employees who are very passionate about what they do (making miniatures). It doesn’t always mean they are good at other things but I suspect it’s because I’ve worked at a few different companies like this and I’m not surprised. Also it always comes back the question - If you want X, then you sign the NDA. If you don’t like the NDA you don’t sign it or even discuss changes with them about it. If my lively hood depended on me being aware about such stuff, common sense says you would get legal advice! I’m not justifying it, I’m just saying if you don’t like it, don’t sign it. That’s the case for anything like this, especially if my livelihood depended on it. Also I think too many people are in the Review mindset and sort of comparing this with Video Games. Advance copies of stuff aren’t for reviews, it’s about building hype. For example, GW release a new battletome. Now what are my options here? I can’t go to another company for rules to play in age of sigmar, so it just boils down to the advance copy video building hype for the release by showing off the rules, background and what models you can use.
  23. But things like this do happen. People are under pressure or just generally don’t read things and sign them. One of my old bosses wrote a clause in a SLA that if X thing happened, the department who caused it had to get cakes for everybody. He did it to see if anybody read things. He had a lot of cakes until his message got across 😁 But going back to the topic in hand, no matter what you think about the NDA, you still have a choice to sign it or not. As mentioned previously, if you feel you can not follow the terms, don’t sign it.
  24. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a reminder as this seems to be going around and around, please email aosfaq@gwplc.com. You can articulate your thoughts in the email with the detail you have been discussing here. 😉
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