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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. I think the actual issue was a lot of people wanted Man O War but got a cool board game. I enjoyed Dreadfleet but I don’t play board games enough to warrant keeping a copy. Anyway, back to rumours….
  2. As mentioned by @Chikout, it’s Ben Curry who owns the forum and he has nothing to do with GW apart from being friends with Ben Johnson. Also mentioned by @Chikout, this topic has gone on for ages and apart from pokes you have been given chance to say what you want within the rules of TGA. Ben created this forum as he loves Warhammer and he wanted a place for people to talk about it, be excited about it and arrange and play in events. That’s it. There’s no alternative motive and it’s not a ploy by GW to brainwash people. Just a place to read about stuff to do with Age of Sigmar, such as battle reports, painting, background, events, etc. The limit is you guys and if all this forum becomes is a place to moan about things, do you think people will want to post cool stuff? The world is grim enough already, don’t add this forum to it!
  3. I do think GW make the best models in the world and that’s for the following reasons… 1) They generally look amazing (subjective I know). 2) They are amazing to assemble when looking at their plastic kits (which is most of their models). There are some amazing stuff from other manufactures and what you can do with 3D printing is amazing as well, but it’s not quite at the same level as the GW stuff. They aren’t far off, which I think is great because it means GW need to keep upping their game. I’ve assembled models from when GW first started and I’ve assembled kits from other manufacturers (shudder at Privateer Press). Just a note - I really do think 3D printing is amazing and if I had the time I would be looking at it (I would have so many Warmaster or Epic armies!!!). But it’s not going to effect GW too much at the moment because of the expense and time you need to invest in it. Bit like comparing a brewery to somebody who brews their own beer.
  4. No problem and yes it’s been around for years that printed books/magazines will go. They will at some point but culturally people like physical printed things. Anyway back to rumours…. As it’s October in a few days and the mess the UK is getting into, I suspect AOS wise we will just see the rest of the Stormcast releases, big sets for Christmas and maybe Warhammer Underworlds. I’m hoping we will see a preview show at some point closer to the end of the year.
  5. No. Not in the near future (few years). Lots of people like it in the format it’s in and it’s a great way to get new people introduced to Games Workshop games and miniatures. I fully expect it to happen in next 10 years but that will be more across the magazine industry as well.
  6. Whatever they want to do. It boils down to (in this case of content creators) do you want to have an “edge” and chance to show off new stuff but you may have to phrase some stuff carefully or have total control. Again with some of the stuff in there it’s how would it effect you. So if I had a YouTube channel as my main job, I would get legal advice but as a hobby I would be less likely to do that. Ive loss track of the saga now as the weekend has been and gone (I got to go out and see Russell Kane at a comedy show like how it used to be!!), but for me the stuff I’d be concerned about is selling stuff. Not so much about saying my thoughts on things as I think you can do that without resorting to being insulting.
  7. Not sure if these have been mentioned but as there is an explosion of actual rumours, here’s some off Twitter from @Jabber_AOS from Reddit/1d4chan. Lots of salt but Oathbreakers sounds an ace name 😁
  8. 100% this. It’s a rumour thread, so it’s part gossip, part leaked info or things overheard and part made up stuff.
  9. I think with the current issues in the UK, I suspect GW are keeping things close to their chest about releases. Considering how much planning needs to go into a release they could be sitting on a load of stuff they can’t move out.
  10. Only if you buy those books. There is a code in the back of them but at the moment you can make lists and see scrolls. All other books you can see but you will need to sign up to the Warhammer+ service once the beta finishes.
  11. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a reminder that we don’t like piracy here on TGA so comments like “we should do X” isn’t what we want
  12. If we really did that, do you think we would stop at that or stop you from posting anything and only allowing the type of comments you perceive we want 😉 Just for the record I agree with comments 2 and 3 you mentioned above (FOMO and Staff Pay) but I do not agree with what else you have mentioned. Also for the record, attitudes of some people posting here (again not naming anybody this is just a general comment), haven’t been great. My job is very stressful and at the end of the day, I want to enjoy my hobbies after a day at work. I imagine many people on this forum want to do the same. I imagine they don’t want to read about how bad GW are or how they have ruined things because they have charged some more money for a kit or created a new service. I can still enjoy my models without that service or I may have to change my approach on how I use my hobby funds (I’m married and have a child so the days of impulse buying have long gone). Now if another Mod wants to tell me off for going off topic, let’s get back to whatever this topic was originally 😁
  13. +++ MOD HAT ON +++ Just a nudge about the tone of some posts in this topic and I’m not singling anybody out. There is a few very anti GW tone from a few posts in this thread. Can I remind everybody that GW are not evil but a business. Yes there is some things they need to do better at but they are not here to bring about the end of the world. As we say here on TGA, constructive criticism is great but just moaning that GW are evil, putting things behind paywalls because they are greedy and out to stifle what people say about them isn’t what we want to hear after a long day and wanting to enjoy discussing about our toys.
  14. +++ MOD HAT ON +++ As @Beliman has quite rightly pointed out, points have been made. So let’s move on and enjoy Age of Sigmar. I’m not going to lock the topic but I think it’s clear we are going in circles now.
  15. Can I ask what you mean by “honestly”? Like I have previously mentioned, it’s one thing to say something like “GW haven’t done a good job here as this product I’m reviewing isn’t very good because it’s missing some components and it’s not as good value against the product I reviewed from them last time” vs “GW are the worst people in the world and if you buy this product your hair will fall out and it will make you a bad person because they are and they smell and they push small children over”.
  16. Just got to point this out here as I suspect a lot of people who are getting all flustered here are particularly looking at the bit about saying stuff that is harmful to GW. Now I’m not a legal expert but I’m fairly sure there’s a big difference between critiquing an army book or model kit vs saying GW are going to come into your house, burn all your models and go to the toilet in your fridge. This I believe is the intent here. Plus it’s also protecting them from anybody with very strong but not very nice views on things. As you have said, that’s assuming it’s real but it looks like a NDA and covers what I would expect it to say but as I’ve said, I’m not an expert.
  17. Can’t wait as I’ve had a sneak peek at it and can’t wait too see what else you have completed in it!
  18. Thank you! I was racking my brains and checking out the Forgeworld site as I couldn’t remember which Big Guys and Star Players they have released!!
  19. They do and sometimes they show things off but I think they prefer to leave them as just events. Means the evening entertainment is a quiz and chatting to other players! It’s possible they may tease something but I’m not expecting anything Heresy related apart from what they’ve announced already. I think they just want to focus on people having fun after not being able to play for such a long time! Also doesn’t help we could have issues around food and energy but that’s going to turn political and I must stop now! Yes you can but I’m not too sure if they have been cycled out if you plan to play competitively. Ask the question on the Underworlds part of the forum! Anyway, back to rumours…
  20. I like multi part kits as it allows you to be really creative and come up with cool conversions. But I have found that I need to slow things down as I think it’s very easy to fall into the mindset of getting the models assembled quickly to use (either for painting, gaming or both). I really enjoy taking my time but being married and having a small child makes it tough sometimes and I have to fight the urge to rush though a kit! I like the GW mono poses and would like to see it more for Battleline roles but from a GW point of view it makes more sense to have a kit that can make many different ones (Witch Aelves for example).
  21. Just to add that because GW are popular, it’s easier to get games in around the UK. I know if I was to move anywhere in the UK, I’m more likely to be able to get games in using GW games over any other system. Plus they are fairly easy to pick up and play so I don’t have to worry too much about remembering rules. It’s also why I like games like Kings of War as that’s fairly straight forwards to play
  22. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Back to rumours please. Nothing is deleted. All is good 😉 Does anybody know if there are any other big gaming conventions or events coming up? Just wondering if GW will be doing any more seminars between now and end of the year?
  23. Well my son loves Hand dryers and he’s decided he wants a collection of them, so I think he’s going to beat Wargaming! 😭 I 100% agree and looking at how we hobbyists use the Internet, social media and forums like this one, it’s to stay in contact with each other, discuss stuff and learn new things.
  24. Just to throw this out there but when you first started, did you? I’ve been playing GW games since second edition 40K and it never bothered me. You get a book explaining how the army works on the table, lots of cool pictures and all the background about it. I think as players get older and have seen a few editions, they look at the background differently because they know it and it doesn’t change much. My only concern about the removal of the free warscrolls is it makes the journey for new players different. But having thought about this for a week now, the barebones how to play will be with the models and you will most likely get the books as well.
  25. Can you expand on this as I’m not sure I understand what you mean? I personally think things are very diverse and outside of GW stepping back five years in how they communicate things, I think the hobby is in a good spot. There’s lots of tools easily available now to people and it’s easier to share how to do things (I remember the time before the internet!). However, if you mean it’s expensive, that is another debate that’s been going on for years and GW seem to know what they are doing as they are still going. For the record, I would love things to be cheaper but it’s a hobby and I’ve grown past the I need all the models right now stage of my life and happy to take things a bit slower.
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