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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. I’m not an legal expert but I suspect it’s between there being lots of different laws around the world, as well as having the money, time and willpower to fight anything. I think generally sticking to common sense and not having carbon copies of things (models and descriptions), sellers will be fine.
  2. I have to say then, GW are just looking out for their business and I would do the same thing in their shoes. It’s like you have mentioned, if you make and sell a product that is labelled up as “Heroic Lighting Warrior Shield” for a shield that you can use with Stormcast and it’s not a direct copy, you will probably be fine. I suspect the tricky area is files for 3D printing and selling those but I don’t think there is a lot they can do about anything you make yourself.
  3. Just to check - Is this for selling second hand models on eBay or people selling 3D printed models which are exact copies or very, very similar to the original file on eBay? Also what’s the source for this?
  4. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a nudge back to rumours please. If you want to discuss how the true children of Chaos could end up in destruction, start a new topic 😉
  5. At the moment nobody knows. The assumption is that it will follow the 40K model, so if you subscribe you have access to the warscrolls but will need the digital codes from the books to see the rules for an army. All old stuff is viewable. Please use the following link to give some feedback about the app and how you would like to see the warscrolls without subscribing. Be polite but it may work if enough people ask about it! https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/3DSRJ8N?utm_source=WarhammerCommunity&utm_medium=Post&utm_campaign=TryOutWarhammerAgeofSigmarTheAppandtheStormForgeArmyList-buildingToolRightNowforFree15092021&utm_content=TryOutWarhammerAgeofSigmarTheAppandtheStormForgeArmyList-buildingToolRightNowforFree15092021
  6. I think because it’s Gencon and they are showcasing products that are in partnership with other vendors. A schedule would give away who they are working with
  7. Too be fair, they look quite nice. Wrong colour but nice 😁 I’m very curious about what 40K news they have as part of me is wondering about the squat rumours. I doubt they will announce anything other than board games or action figures, but I’m hoping that these rumours are wrong and it’s not squats but chaos dwarfs
  8. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Back to rumours please. GW have just started announcing stuff so there should be some more news over the course of today about Warcry
  9. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Can we get back to the app. Not the stuff around the app like costs and how GW operate. The actual app and feedback on it.
  10. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just to step in before it gets heated, I’ll just tap the sign about how we want everybody to be respectful to each other.
  11. I think you’ve made a valid point and good feedback. If you’ve not seen it, give feedback below: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/3DSRJ8N?utm_source=WarhammerCommunity&utm_medium=Post&utm_campaign=TryOutWarhammerAgeofSigmarTheAppandtheStormForgeArmyList-buildingToolRightNowforFree15092021&utm_content=TryOutWarhammerAgeofSigmarTheAppandtheStormForgeArmyList-buildingToolRightNowforFree15092021 If I’m honest, I like the idea but I suspect it won’t happen because you would need to get somebody to do it and the sort of person you need to do it (focused, attention to detail) would be better doing other stuff.
  12. Just to let people know, GW are doing a survey for this to get some feedback: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/3DSRJ8N?utm_source=WarhammerCommunity&utm_medium=Post&utm_campaign=TryOutWarhammerAgeofSigmarTheAppandtheStormForgeArmyList-buildingToolRightNowforFree15092021&utm_content=TryOutWarhammerAgeofSigmarTheAppandtheStormForgeArmyList-buildingToolRightNowforFree15092021 Feel free to to pass on any feedback you have but I would suggest rather than phrasing things like “paywall” try saying that you like having access to all the warscrolls now off the website or in the Azyr app. I can honestly say if you have your feedback in such a negative stance (for example, the app is okay but I hate the way you have put everything behind a paywall), the person reading the feedback will just see it as moaning rather than a genuine comment. It shouldn’t work that way but unfortunately it does. Im not excusing that but if you want a chance of seeing the warscrolls on the basic membership, I would suggest this plan of action. If enough people comment, it may help it. From my experience with the app, I quite like it and it’s way better than the 40K one (even though it seems the same engine). Quite easy to pick up and use and all the info seems correct.
  13. I’m now hoping it’s a Henry Carvill inspired miniature and then the Internet will go insane! My first thoughts were Wood Elfy looking at the scabbard of the sword but now I’m thinking it’s what @HollowHills has said and it’s a Stormcast model for Underworlds
  14. +++ Mod Hat On +++ As already mentioned by Runebrush, we don’t want people saying it’s okay to Pirate stuff because GW have changed how they do things. Just plain up no. Not going to discuss copyrights in different countries as I would like to think you would agree that pirating things is wrong. Any further talk in this topic l, along the lines of “I’ve not got free warscrolls, so you have to pirate/steal it” will result in moderator actions. I would suggest you follow Runebrush’s example and email aosfaq@gwplc.com. Remember to keep your comments polite and constructive.
  15. I’m now thinking maybe the squat rumours are actually the chaos dwarfs….
  16. Humm… I was going to do a new AOS3 army when the new books dropped but now I’m going to wait and see how this pans out. 😁
  17. Only for the updated Endless spells. The generals handbook is just rules, scenarios and points.
  18. My thoughts as I have a moment (and no hats). I think having free rules and warscrolls are great. It’s a great way to keep the game open to new players and to let existing players look at what does what. Keeping the army wide rules in the books made sense and was a nice hook for players who wanted to use more in their games. I can however see why GW are doing this as it makes it easier to maintain the warscrolls if changes are made and gets people using their Warhammer+ service. I’m not going to get my pitchfork out though as I gave up trying to collect all the books and try and know everything (from the number of scrolls and rules it’s very difficult). I hope that this is just a temporary measure and they get released at some point, but like I said I’m not going to be upset if that doesn’t happen.
  19. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Firstly to make it very clear - I’m not a fan of not having the warscrolls on the GW site but I’m expecting you all to reply to this topic following the forum rules. Secondly - @HollowHills I’ve tweaked the title of this topic as what you had was just negative and set the tone for this topic in a negative way. Do not change it
  20. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a nudge but if you want to discuss about the Warscrolls not being available, can we start a new topic? Back to rumours please as I’m eagerly waiting for the man reads book videos to drop!
  21. It’s what you and your gaming group want. Want to just use grey plastic, do that. Only want to use painted models do that. It’s all how you and your fellow players want your experience to be. Im not a fan of painting because I struggle keeping the project going after I have started (I’m really thinking I have ADHD now which explains a lot) but I love to see painted models on the table. That’s the experience I enjoy. I wouldn’t refuse to play anybody who hasn’t painted their models as I enjoy playing but it’s not the same as seeing two armies on the table. I also think with many of the tools and teaching aids people have access to, most people can paint something they are proud of. But it’s all what you and your group want to use 😉
  22. Just a nudge for information 😉 Probably didn’t help I was in a uninteresting meeting and then got asked a question during composing the reply 😭
  23. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a nudge but can we get back to rumours please. If you want to discuss the new battletome costings, please start a new topic but remember to keep it constructive.
  24. I suspect this may be October based on some of the Heresy Rumours about the new edition now happening next year. I strongly suspect we will see AOS releases this month. But again it depends on the logistic issues GW seem to be having.
  25. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a reminder to get back on the topic of rumours please. Pretty sure we might be seeing some AOS releases this month so we may see some rumours soon
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