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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. Just to call this out as this is a misconception. To my knowledge non of the mods are friends with GW employees (I’m assuming you mean studio staff by the way) apart from Ben (who owns this forum). Also I’ve played games in events against studio staff as well as had a drink with them but I don’t think this means I’m on their list of people who would help them move house. 😉
  2. Depends how many they have filmed and if it’s only Wade presenting them. If it’s only Wade and they’ve only filmed a few shows, it’s going to be delayed as he’s had health issues.
  3. They did. Plans have changed but they didn’t put right say they did until some pressure from the community. As of now it’s September.
  4. I’m not a logistics person but here in the UK we are seeing shortages of some items in shops (which is most likely due to that B word thing but I’m not going to say any more about because it’s political ). If I was a company that had to get items out to shops and customers and these items were released on a regular basis, this sounds a nightmare. I suspect this is the issue we have now but GW should have made some sort of announcement about it and managed people’s expectations. EDIT - PS I imagine it’s a share reason not to spook investors about supply issues Going back to rumours, I suspect we probably will get a busy few weeks for AOS as I think a lot of stuff will drop at once as it’s going to be a busy few months getting all the releases they have hinted at for 40K. Not great as an AOS fan but I imagine it will be good next year. On another note, does anybody know more about boxes being repackaged? I’m sure I’ve seen some pictures somewhere of Orruk kits in the Dominion branding. Just wondering if this means updated warscrolls?
  5. Just to let you all know we have two new moderators - @Enoby & @KingBrodd. Welcome to the team! The moderator team now consists of: Myself, @RuneBrush, @Overread, @Enoby & @KingBrodd Any issues or concerns you can either report a post or person using the report feature or contact one of us. Our job is to keep this forum a nice place to visit and enjoy discussing Age of Sigmar (that’s including the good and bad bits). So please follow the forum rules, use a bit of common sense and be respectful to each other and we don’t need to use our mod powers!
  6. Just to be clear - I’m not associated with GW or get any perks or anything off them. I totally get what you are saying but I’m not endorsing Warhammer+. I do think it’s a good deal for all the stuff you get and I wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes the new White Dwarf. BUT I’m not signing up because I can’t consume it how I want to and looking at the components of the service, it’s actually quite messy (how many websites!?!). I do think they will fix a lot of the issues over the next few months. Now looking at why myself and the other mods have been vocal about this is because we don’t want this forum to be the place you come to moan. It’s to enjoy your hobby and discuss it with people who also enjoy it.
  7. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a nudge but can we keep on track with things being constructive? We all know it can take GW a few goes to get a FAQ right and I usually suspect it’s because they get distracted by anything new they are working on (Maybe a new DoT book?) but there is no need to be grumpy about things. Anything that doesn’t make sense or doesn’t work, let GW know. But keep the feed back constructive as moaning and being negative is a right turn off if you want somebody to look at something!
  8. Just for the record, I’ve not signed up Warhammer+ 😉
  9. +++ MOD HAT ON +++ Right time to tap the rules sign and unsheathe the ban stick. Very simple. It’s okay to not like Warhammer+ for a variety of reasons (you don’t like the content, you don’t want to pay, you feel they could do better, etc) BUT keep it constructive. So this is the warning now. If you post in a negative way (aka it’s not constructive and generally makes you sad), you will get warning points and/or a ban.
  10. Due to some of the posts we’ve seen recently, I think I need to remind some of you what we want to see here on TGA. The reason we all visit this forum, is because we like assembling, painting and gaming with Games Workshop miniatures and playing Age of Sigmar (or a combination of those or some of the other things they do). Now I’d like to think we are all a little bit mature and know that we may all like different things and not always agree on the same things. HOWEVER, some of you have been posting negative comments and if I’m honest, after a long day or work the last thing you want to read is somebody moaning about a hobby you enjoy and use to escape the horrors of the real world. Its okay not to like everything GW does. It’s okay not to agree with what everybody else says. Its okay to be a bit grumpy about something you have been looking forwards to and not have it turn out you would like it. BUT it’s not okay to moan and post negative comments. It’s just not great to read about something you enjoy. We Mods try to lurk in the background and steer things as they need to because we think you all want to enjoy this forum in the same way. We are not saying you can’t say you don’t like something but just be constructive with the criticism. If you are replying to something, just pause and think of what you are writing could be classed as negative. In no way am I saying we are going cancel culture, Woke or whatever you want to call this but I would like to think you could apply some common sense, care about your fellow hobbyists and players and generally keep this a great forum for discussing about Age of Sigmar. Thank You
  11. From what they’ve shown so far, there’s a few animations for the different races, so it’s not going to be all Space Marines. Same with Age of Sigmar, as there are a few shows lined up (I think a Hammer and Bolter short and a show about Neave Blacktalon). Also with the Loremaster show as well as painting and Battle Reports, I think there will be more Age of Sigmar content than what you might be expecting.
  12. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a quick note about this topic as we’ve had some queries about this. This is all opinion and so far hasn’t gone too much one way or another. Here at TGA we don’t mind criticism as long as it is constructive. Not everybody is going to like Warhammer+ and they are entitled to that opinion, just as much as those who think it looks ace and want to sign up.
  13. I think this is what we should all be thinking personally. If anybody wants to sign up to it, do it. Warhammer+ sounds ace and seems like a bargain. I’m not subscribing purely due to limited supported apps to let me watch on my TV. If this support was here I would be signing up to it (also helps I have a £25 gift voucher to spend on GW stuff from my birthday a few months ago 😁). Yes I know about streaming from other devices but my TV doesn’t do that.
  14. 100% agree with this. From some of the replies I’ve seen so far from the Warcom team, I’m assuming they are piggybacking off some other services rather than something specific by themselves. For me this is a big stopper for me and the only thing stopping me signing up. I don’t think we will see number of subscriptions but I would guess there will be info in the half yearly/annual reports. I would expect most subscriptions to be a yearly one as you save a couple of months and you will be getting a voucher.
  15. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just so we don’t Get tarred with the same brush of editing things on the sly, I’m going to keep this in the open. You have been warned several times about your negative attitude and it’s not what TGA is about. We don’t mind valid and constructive criticism but you have not been doing this. It’s just constant negative comments. I get you are annoyed but on this forum we do not want to read about your constant moaning. You are going to be banned for a week to think about your attitude.
  16. Not a rumour I’ve heard but I’m fairly sure the Stormcast Vanguard Start Collecting set is no longer on the GW UK store. And that’s no longer exists rather than not being available, so I would guess they are repackaging it for the Stormcast release. No idea if this means it will continue as they are or the new set will be similar to the 40K Combat Patrols.
  17. I’m not in the know but they have better control over them. Some stuff they will never stop but over time they’ve identified some of the issues. For example people worked out how to see the shipping manifests of what was printed in China and that gave clues. But most of the photos are people getting sneaky snaps or over hearing things.
  18. I suspect it will be profitable as it’s actually quite a bargain for what you get and some of the shows are what they do already. They’ve just gone to the next logical step to support their models and games. I think the big push is to get people to sign up rather than wait for more content. I imagine they want Warhammer to be as big as Star Wars but I also imagine they know their brand and that they are nowhere mature enough in this area. It’s all supporting what they sell already. Personally I’m not signing up straight away because I like to watch stuff like this on my TV and limited to using the apps on the TV/Set Top Box and Console. My TV is a bit too old for casting to and I’m not a massive fan of Chromecasts.
  19. +++ MOD HAT ON +++ Can we please return to rumours and not getting grumpy about a release schedule. Rumours please!
  20. Click on the little star (if you have commented in topic) or circle (if you haven’t). Hope that helps
  21. I don’t think I need to argue my points. They are my thoughts. If I was a business that created something and somebody was making money off it, I would do what I could to protect it. I think we are going to have to agree to disagree. HOWEVER, I’m not happy with you accusing me of Gaslighting. I can say I am not doing this and I’m not particularly happy with you using this term.
  22. My take always from this topic are now…. 1 ) Some people like to moan about GW and there is not a lot they can do to please these people. 2 ) The guy behind the YouTube Channel in question sounds a bit burnt out but is getting a fair bit of cash still from Patreon and YouTube Ads 3 ) GW haven’t done anything yet or changed anything but it’s wrong. 😁 I think it still comes back to if you see GW as this evil corporation and how you feel about it. I like what they do and there’s a lot of nice people that work there. I 100% think they need to review some of the things that were mentioned last week but they sound like a lot of places I have worked at. I know if somebody was making money off something I created, I would be quite annoyed. So I think how GW have acted so far, has been quite tame and shows they do care about the community. In fact all of the noise is us talking about it!!!
  23. 100% agree. Closest I think we will see is maybe (and I mean maybe) rules for models from the old world for Age of Sigmar.
  24. You do have to remember there are a lot of people who seem to enjoy moaning about stuff like this. I’ve been in the hobby for about 25 years and this happens all the time. I think these people think they are defending the small business person or protecting somebody who makes cool content and are sticking it to “the man”. So there is loads of talk about boycotts and things become toxic. We don’t want that on TGA because it’s not nice to read about and in the grand scheme of things, GW aren’t evil. They do lots of things wrong and it seems they need some work to do internally as a business but they aren’t evil. It’s interesting some people on social media have been talking about not playing GW games and buying stuff, due to TTS shutting up shop but none of this in the previous discussion about staff. As I’ve mentioned, GW also haven’t done anything yet and in my opinion are in their rights to protect their business. So unless you are in direct competition of Warhammer plus, I think a lot of content creators will be fine. Plus it means some of them may need to up their game as well.
  25. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a nudge. Not sure if you meant this to be a friendly “Duh” or a sarcastic one. It comes across as sarcastic and we like to treat everybody nicely here, so in the future please be mindful about that. Thanks
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