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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. Just a couple of more thoughts on this. Suppose GW weren’t the company they are and were a small one man band creating artwork and selling it. Now say somebody came along and took one of those pieces of art (say off a website, social media post, etc) and made a T Shirt with it and made a lot of money. GW are in their right to start getting annoyed and doing something about it. That’s all this is. GW are doing what a lot of businesses do to protect their products. I also have to point out that none of the details have changed as such here around IP, I think they’ve just tapped the sign to make sure everybody is aware about the rules. They are just protecting their business. Errr… Thomas Cook was a combination of tough competition of booking holidays online and a global pandemic. Wire card was fraud? (Not sure).
  2. Can’t wait to see what you come up with and I’m jealous. If work wasn’t so silly at the moment I would be joining in!
  3. I think there is an element of that but I think it’s more them just wanting to protect Warhammer Plus. I just think they’ve been a bit heavy handed with it.
  4. My personal opinion - I totally get why TTS has chosen to do this but I think they would have been fine to carry on. I think GW will be focused on anything which is very similar to what they produce on Warhammer Plus. I think as long as you don’t do this or are being very rude or making a lot of money off a video with GW artwork you should be safe. I don’t think GW would bother with anybody unless it’s direct competition. So for example, Tabletop Tactics would be fine as they show no GW artwork and everything is their own painted miniatures. This is the same for a lot of other battle reports channels (Re-Rolling Ones for example) or some may need to make minor tweaks (Season of War and some artwork in background of some graphics). Lore videos may be impacted more but again if it’s the presenter talking and their own artwork or miniatures, it should be okay. Im no expert, so this is just my thoughts and I suspect GW want you to still create content. They could have done this for a lot of websites in the past but they haven’t.
  5. Nighthaunts look interesting with a Hexwraith focused list. Not as hard hitting as other cavalry lists but so movable and looks great a grabbing objectives. I suspect you may need support from Manfred as a heavy hitter, but should be a good list to play with. Got me very tempted at giving it a go when I get free time.
  6. I’d suggest contacting Customer Services. Here’s the Uk Email address but they should be able to help - uk.custserv@gwplc.com
  7. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Locked! Gone off topic too many times. Let’s all discuss Warhammer now. There’s some dragons and the old world coming back or something….
  8. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Okay, we’re not trying to right the wrongs of the world and things are going around in circles now. If things drift away from the topic, I’ll lock this thread.
  9. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a nudge here folks. Can we keep in the spotlight here and not wander off into the dark. Whilst not a positive topic, it is interesting one but can we keep it focused and on topic?
  10. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a reminder - this forum is for everybody. I’ve edited a post as it was offensive and we’ve had some complaints about it. I’m sure you all know it’s okay to not like something or someone without name calling. Please be respectful.
  11. Too my knowledge, it’s still being tweaked by Ben. However he’s the owner of his own business and a father, so has hardly any free time now! So please hang on
  12. I will only mention stuff I’ve been to and disclaimer, it’s been a few years! Nottingham Castle is well worth a trip and whilst you are there, you might as well visit the oldest pub - Ye Olde Trip To Jerusalem. The Robin Hood experience was good but that was a few years ago! Not sure about other stuff as bit fuzzy in my memory. Warhammer World is not by the City Centre but the tram runs past it so you should be able get to it. When me and my wife last stayed, we were in a hotel on Phoenix parkway (Junction 26 of M1 outside city) and caught tram everywhere. This was good as no stress of driving and we could drink. Can’t do that now with a five year old!
  13. I thought it was but all the gaming tables were in use. No where near as busy as it used to be. But I would recommend you book, even with what happens next week as I suspect GW will continue with their system for a few more weeks. No worries and that’s why I did it. If you ever get chance, I would recommend it as Nottingham has a few tourist bits which are okay and there’s plenty of stuff in the area. cool. Glad it wasn’t just me being grumpy!
  14. As part of the annual celebration of my emergence from the spawning pool, me and my family visited Warhammer World. I’ve not been for a while and with restrictions lifting in the UK, I thought I would just go through my thoughts and of course drop some photos. The Good Its Warhammer World and basically Warhammer Mecca and I’d say if you can, go visit it. There’s loads of cool stuff to see and it’s really nice to have inspiration all around you. The venue is nice, Bugmans has nice food and drink and from a Covid point of view, I felt they were doing a good job. The Ugly The exhibition hall is amazing but it’s not great value for money. It’s £7.50 each person but I felt it should be a bit cheaper or you got some extras. Might be me being a parent and seeing things a bit differently now. Also you need to book for everything. This is Ugly as if you don’t know this, you aren’t going have a good visit. The Bad Its not child friendly, especially a child with SEN, so please have a rethink if you want to bring a child who’s not playing the game or a teenager. Also I’m quite annoyed about a member of staff being a jobsworth and not letting me wife and son into Bugmans to go to the toilet. I get covid restrictions but this is a child who needs the toilet. My wife had to go round the one way system back to the entrance to use them. Anyway some photos, not going to be everything as you need to see some stuff if you can visit:
  15. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Can we please get back to Age of Sigmar rumours!
  16. I’m not going to disagree with you on any of that. I agree that there’s many people wondering about upcoming books and not wanting to commit. There could be also lots of reasons why GW aren’t promoting this (staff issues, schedule conflicts, etc). All I know is this is the best version of the game and I’ve already forgotten loads about the previous edition, so I’m ready to enjoy it 😁
  17. Not really. At a guess they don’t want to distract from Dominion plus I suspect it’s going to be supporting the release by showing Stormcast and Kruleboy releases.
  18. I think it will be answered via FAQs and tidied up as warscrolls get updated. I have no idea what would happen with an Icon Bearer as rules wise it makes sense to have one be nominated as a champion (and having multiple gives some redundancy here) but I suspect from a background point of view you could say they aren’t due to the nature of Thralls. And you could argue that case for a lot of units too! So I’d say let’s wait for FAQs and if it’s not in there now it will get updated at some point after constructive feedback
  19. +++ Mod Hat On +++ I know it’s release day in a few days and there’s a preview coming up, but can we please get back to rumours
  20. Yup. Abilities that let you pick and remove models are huge now. Let’s you tactically remove a champion to prevent commands being issued (such as preventing Redeploy to move a unit that wants more models on an objective). Ive not played any games yet but I’ve been really enjoying the battle reports on Season of War on YouTube Well worth checking out as you can see the game working and it’s clear at each stage what is happening
  21. I think so but nothing officially has been confirmed. Thinking about it though, it makes sense for them to do it to prevent somebody else doing it. We will see in a few days. If it’s happening, probably a week or two after release day. No insider info but I suspect it will happen when FAQs drop on 3rd.
  22. I think it’s the noise factor. Those who aren’t fans of AOS or GW relish in this sort of thing. I have no issue with people being critical of GW or AOS (or any game) as long as it’s constructive. Anything else is just annoying and not nice to read. On about the Heresy leak - I don’t think this would have effected sales much. Most people interested in Heresy would be getting it anyway and if they wanted Dominion, they would probably get it if they wanted it. I suspected if Dominion had some filthy units in it, it would have sold out instantly. It’s a great set and like I said if there are some around when I’m in Warhammer world, I can see me getting a copy but it’s not high on my list.
  23. I’d say everything you’ve mentioned but I suspect the boxed sets will be hinted at and teased.
  24. I’ve not heard any rumours about Dominion not having great sale. I think GW got the numbers right and made sure there was enough for demand. Id also echo what has been mentioned in this thread and 40K is vastly more popular than AOS but also the player base is very different. Also with the stuff included with Indomitus, it fed into the arms race 40K has become. Many of the Space Marine units were very good and that made it a must have set. Personally for me, I didn’t order Dominion because I had Indomitus last year and it just sat around gathering dust. I didn’t want to repeat the same with Dominion. However im going to Warhammer World in a few weeks and I can see me getting a copy if they have any left. It’s a cool set but I’m mostly immune to the FOMO with things now
  25. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Ive had to do some moderating with some of the recent replies to this topic. Again please keep in on topic and very importantly be nice to each other!
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