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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. +++ MOD HAT ON +++ Just to remind people - Do not pirate anything. It’s illegal and doesn’t support the people who make the game and miniatures or the shops that sell them. Any more talk about it will result in warning points being issued.
  2. +++ MOD HAT ON +++ Ive just removed @Drezden rumour post because of the swearing in the image. Happy for it to be reposted if a more forum friendly version is made
  3. +++ MOD HAT ON +++ Just a nudge but I’ve had to remove a few posts as they were getting insulting. Just remember this forum is for everybody, so treat everybody with respect
  4. Has anybody picked it up for PS4 yet? I’m slightly hesitant as it looks more suited to run on PC with the controls rather than on console. I love games like this and I’m a bit fan of Advance Wars and Wargroove. They worked well with a control pad but not sure about this game.
  5. Totally understand. You end up playing how everybody plays. Until I’ve seen full rules I’m not making a judgement but I think it will be fine. Plus new size makes it easier to play in my dining room table at home
  6. That’s at a tournament and you play to the rules of the pack. Outside that you play on what you want 😉
  7. Thing to bear in mind is this is most likely like the Indomitus 40K set last year. So not a starter set and one for you to get excited about but have a fear of missing out. Hopefully they will do some more later this year.
  8. As a husband and father, I’m never free for things like this. So I just avoid social media and the GW site until I’ve had chance to watch it on twitch.
  9. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Can we not use Bin and Sin to describe whoever worked on an Battletome? It’s not nice way to give feedback. Im all for criticising but please make it constructive. If you can’t do that, please don’t post (and if you can’t do that we will look at warnings and bans).
  10. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Back to rumours please folks. We have the cool tease of that axe and will find out more over next few days
  11. So Chaos Dwarfs? ….sorry…. 🤣😁 the still in the animation preview is interesting and sort of confirmed some sort of hobgoblins in third edition and I can’t wait for next week. On the animation preview, I loved what was shown but very disappointed they didn’t show much animation. Will be interesting to see the plan for how we all watch them.
  12. You’ll be fine. I have to watch the previews after all my family have gone to bed as my son hates me watching anything to do with Warhammer and my wife isn’t a fan of having it on either! I’m quite excited and can’t wait. Also can’t wait to watch the animation preview later tonight.
  13. Maybe tomorrow in the week preview? They seem to be doing okay with hype with the daily rumour images. I think we are just all eager for it
  14. I don’t think so as that will be next week. Today is all animation and next week is 3rd edition 😉
  15. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a reminder - this forum is for everybody and that includes gender. Just remember that when you are talking about a new model that GW is showing off and consider what somebody might think about what you are saying. You are welcome to critique things, but use some common sense!!!
  16. I suspect it’s possibly because the main welcome page and the forums aren’t linked up quite right. It’s on for @Ben to have a look at when he has chance but a work around is to do it from your account management controls. Select Activity and the unread content. Hope that helps.
  17. I don't think so as I suspect real life hit people. My life changed a lot between 2019 and now! If you have anything though, let me know and I can sort something out
  18. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a reminder - when posting things, try to make sure it sits in the forum rules. I just had to tweak the link in @Baron Klatz post as it was showing swearing. I also agree that Miura influenced some stuff at GW and it’s a shame he died so young.
  19. I think it’s different markets (player base) so unlikely. I like the idea of what they have done with 40K for things like this but not a massive fan of how it actually works.
  20. I’m pleased as well. I love all forms of animation and think it’s a great medium for telling stories. It will be cool to see what they are showing and hopefully not all 40K. I’ve just finished off Castlevania and got second season of Love, Death and Robots to watch, so the GW stuff has a high bar to hit!
  21. +++ MOD HAT ON +++ Just a nudge - can we try not to make it personal about who wrote what book and using terms like “Bin” and “Sin”. Whilst GW are a company that produces products, there are still actual people who write, design and create the things we enjoy. Using insulting comments like these aren’t great and generally stop the Studio wanting to interact with us. So if you don’t like something, that’s fine but be constructive and not insulting!
  22. +++ Mod Hat On +++ As just mentioned, can we please get back to rumours. If you want to discuss anything else, please start a new topic but remember the TGA rules about being nice to each other and keeping it about Age of Sigmar.
  23. If I remember correctly, it was revealed at the UK Games Expo via a seminar and showing off the models in person at their stand. Was quite cool seeing them in the flesh but nobody would say anything about the game
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