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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Can we get back to rumours please? Can’t remember if it’s been mentioned but there’s a count down of the official Age of Sigmar site.... https://ageofsigmar.com
  2. It’s possible and was mentioned when news first dropped but no idea if that’s still the case. As I suspect they want to sell new models, I’m expecting a hybrid between fantasy battles and Warmaster. The models can be a scale between both and borrow rules from both systems. But then I’m thinking this due to the popularity of Total War
  3. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a reminder - this forum is for Age of Sigmar. Can I ask some of the references about the real world are left out as I’ve had to do some editing in this topic. Also when referring to references about the real world, please choose your words wisely as the ones I had to remove were quite insulting.
  4. 100% Also with new edition on the way means they probably don’t have anything to show until it’s out. New Stormcast models means new rules too 😉
  5. Goonhammer is quite good as not “man reads book” like many of the review videos but does a nice overview without spilling all the beans. Plus it’s words so may be easier to fit into day than watching a video. Face hammer have been doing some good stuff recently as well as the Just Play guys (Richie and Ian). Just make sure you have a few hours spare as it’s full of info and ideas
  6. Probably another year or two. 100% this. I know some people hate the double turn mechanic but it’s signature rule of the game. It’s not going anywhere.
  7. +++ Mod Hat On +++ I’ve just had to tidy up a few posts as some of you have been getting a bit grumpy with each other. Please keep it civil as at this time there’s loads of cool stuff being shown in a new way during a global pandemic.
  8. Maybe. Think it’s because people have been seeing what has been previewed so far and making a guess. My preference would be Warhammer Old world or Horus Heresy but I wouldn’t be surprised about the animation/TV work they are doing. I’m not expecting anything AOS3 related and that’s mainly as Kragnos isn’t out yet. But I do think it’s coming due to the lack of books announced on Black Library day for AOS
  9. I like your thinking and it’s what I’m thinking, however I’m not expecting AOS3 on Saturday. I’m not expecting that until after the Kragnos book is out. Personally I’m hoping for Warhammer Old World or Horus Heresy
  10. I suspect he’s off doing something only to come back and find out the ‘new’ guy has taken over. Should be a nice story arc
  11. Yup and I’ll be going internet silent until I get to see the streams. Need to wait until my son and wife are sleeping before I can watch in peace
  12. Scroll to bottom of page and there will be a drop down box for theme. Select the TGA theme.
  13. To be honest I’m not expecting any teasers until next broken realm book drops. The mystery reveal could be either Horus Heresy related or showing off the Old World. I’m excited either way
  14. Scroll to bottom of page and there will be a drop down box for theme. Select the TGA theme.
  15. It’s possible but at moment who knows. I’m expecting lots of Gravelord teasers if I’m honest. Depends how fast they want to get it out if 3rd edition is happening this summer
  16. Like with all rumours, take it with a pinch of salt. Also remember it’s a take on what the guy liked from what he has seen. So it’s stuff he was focused on and slightly out of context as you don’t have all the info. Let’s see what happens over the next few weeks😉
  17. Or they might release a FAQ or something when the edition drops.
  18. As a mod, I will abuse my power here and call first dibs on them 🤣 I liked what I heard and was very surprised as I was expecting some click bait or to be Ric Rolled. But as with all rumours, take it with a pinch of salt. Also if these are anywhere true, I suspect we will see some sort of announcement soon or a preview from GW
  19. I’ll probably be corrected but I’d say one is the average. I’ve seen lists with two but not often. The issue is to fill a battalion you can end up spending up to half your points on them (or more!). If you want to use more in games, play larger games or try open play.
  20. Scroll to bottom of page and there will be a drop down box for theme. Select the TGA theme. I don’t think @Ben has finished the tweaks for the night mode theme yet
  21. Honest answer - not sure but my thoughts are no. My brother in law is a printer and he’s not mentioned anything about issues with supply of card. This doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or there’s concerns about it but I don’t this is what has caused the change with Cursed City. Also thinking about production runs and getting stock out to people round the world, Cursed City would have been made and shipped a while ago. I think there has been some other issue such as a quality problem or the rumoured copyright infringement. Again, I don’t know and this could have just been a combination of sales technique (Fear of Missing Out) and planning (not wanting another Dreadfleet which by the way is a cool game). I don’t think we will ever know but the pause suggests there has been some sort of issue.
  22. Totally agree. Hopefully they have had a think and will replan over the next few weeks. Also I imagine it’s been an nightmare from your point of view with a buyers hat on! Hope things get better for you and no more last minute changes!
  23. You’ve put Spoilers in the title so all good for me. 😉
  24. Totally agree. It’s insane the pace they were moving at and I think it’s the right choice. It will be very interesting to see where things go in May, especially if third edition is scheduled this year. I’m happy if they release things in a bi weekly manner but I have enough stuff going on to suffer from the fear of missing out!
  25. I do not recall there ever being any assembly instructions with any of the older non plastic kits.
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