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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. I do not recall there ever being any assembly instructions with any of the older non plastic kits.
  2. 100% this I’m not against any of those but let’s see what happens if there is a new edition. I suspect Charge Reactions will use a command point or there may be a test of some sorts.
  3. Whilst I would love to claim credit, it’s all @Ben so any thanks should go to him.
  4. No idea if @Ben is aware about this yet but I know he is tinkering away with the features
  5. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Yes it has. However, please don’t let things get carried away on this forum. Reading about people moaning is not fun. If anybody wants to complain to GW (and I suggest you do), complain through the proper channels. https://complaints.games-workshop.com I don’t think GW have handled this well but at the same time some of the abuse they have had hasn’t been warranted. +++ Mod Hat Off +++ Back to rumours.... So with BR Belakor up for preorder today, I reckon there is one book left and then this has the feeling of a new edition all over it. Hopefully we see another Preview in May (probably closer to June).
  6. +++ Mod Hat On +++ A nudge at @Nasrod (as well as anybody else thinking of doing anything similar). I know what you said was part in jest but please remember that a lot of people in this topic just want to talk about one of their favourite armies. They don’t really want to see comments about their army being negative and I think how the world is still, it’s nice to have a sanctuary to go to. Also I’ve been playing GW games for over 25 years and I’m pretty such things will work themselves out. With Broken Realm books, there’s a feel of new edition coming, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see other armies being similar when they get done or updated.
  7. +++ Mod Hat On +++ I’ve had a nice day playing with my son today after quite a busy and tough week at work and I was looking forward to reading about the LRL released and peoples thoughts on them. I did not expect to see some of you moaning and going on and on. Im not going to bother explaining about needing to play some games, actually reading the story and not a summary, or how we may have a new edition this year and things change. I’ve even developed a twitch when I see the phrase “Negative Play Experience”. This forum is to enjoy Age of Sigmar, especially in the times of a global pandemic where many of us are restricted about how we enjoy our hobby. I’m not expecting everybody to be fanboys but I do expect you at least give constructive criticism. If you can’t do this, this may not be the forum for you. So please, no more moaning. Be constructive and respectful to each other
  8. +++ Mod Hat On +++ I’ve had a nice day playing with my son today after quite a busy and tough week at work and I was looking forward to reading about the LRL released and peoples thoughts on them. I did not expect to see some of you moaning and going on and on. Im not going to bother explaining about needing to play some games, actually reading the story and not a summary, or how we may have a new edition this year and things change. I’ve even developed a twitch when I see the phrase “Negative Play Experience”. This forum is to enjoy Age of Sigmar, especially in the times of a global pandemic where many of us are restricted about how we enjoy our hobby. I’m not expecting everybody to be fanboys but I do expect you at least give constructive criticism. If you can’t do this, this may not be the forum for you. So please, no more moaning. Be constructive and respectful to each other
  9. +++ Mod hat on +++ Back to rumours please folks
  10. I’ll just echo what’s been said already. If you get a good one, it’s okay but you need to check them carefully. Lots of finecast models can have bubbles/holes, mould slippage and/or broken parts. GW are really good at replacing faulty models so don’t let the horror stories put you off. If there is a model you want, get it.
  11. It’s one for @Ben. I’m guessing there is an option to do it.
  12. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just to make it VERY CLEAR for some of you. This is the RUMOUR thread. Any more moaning in this topic about Lumineth Realm-Lords will result in mod action. This can range from points being issued to a cool off period (a temp ban) for you if you moan about them. You are welcome to make a new topic to discuss but it should be CONSTRUCTIVE criticism about them. This forum is for people to enjoy Warhammer, not read about people moaning about it. This is very important with the global pandemic happening around us right now!
  13. +++ Mod Hat On +++ I hate the fact that I need to remind some of you, but be mindful of how you post on here. I’ve just hidden a few posts which are offensive. Now back to rumours
  14. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a nudge but can we get back to rumours? If you want to discuss background or anything else, please start a new topic.
  15. I could swear it’s plastic! Just had a look and yeah metal. No idea then 🤣
  16. I imagine it’s because it’s a plastic kit that has a square base on the frame as the model came out during WFB. Round base is to let you use it in AOS. I don’t think there is any secrets or anything
  17. Maybe it’s when the new Battletomes pop out 😉 When a new books appears, we will expand it out and have its own sub forum. So expect more in the future.
  18. I suspected but always best to check. All done 😉
  19. So is that... 1 ) Loyal Son of Khemri 2 ) Loyal 3 ) Son of Khemri Just want to make sure as not clear with the quotes
  20. What would you like it changed to?
  21. My Predictions We are going to see lots of cool stuff! My Hopes I get chance to watch and my wife and son allow me the hour to watch without too many distractions. Seriously, I think we will have a bit of a recap on LRLs, more Cursed City and the Soulblight stuff. I’m hoping we see some teasers for later this year as I’m hoping for a new edition but depends on how many broken realm books we are getting
  22. One for @Ben again on how he wants it configured. I’m sure he sort it when he can
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