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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. Maybe. How I understand the process, is that you don’t see the finished product until it’s out. I did some of the Epic Armageddon testing years ago for some of the lists that came out after the core game, and I found that Jervis kept changing stuff. I think he got excited and liked tweaking, which is fine if your job is 24/7 gaming but when you have a job and family gets kind of crazy at times. So just because you are a tester, doesn’t mean you are 100% certain of what will be at the end. Plus you are looking at so much different stuff, you don’t get chance to remember it all. As I’ve mentioned (either here or somewhere, I’m loosing track of time in lockdown), I personally think the only advantage you get being a play tester is communication skills and playing lots of games. But you tend to find all the good players do this anyway because they talk to each other sharing ideas and play lots of games 😉
  2. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Back to Rumours please. @Icegoat - enough about humans and you feeling short changed about them not getting any new models. I’m sure GW have plans and we will find out in the future but this is it now. I’m only not banning you because you have not quite crossed the line with this (even though you have been warned enough times). How about you try and enjoy cities of Sigmar and come up with some cool background for a army with humans and do lots of conversions.
  3. I think it’s this. They’ve got to the stage where all the old ranges have books now and they can now work on new stuff. I’m fully expecting them to revisit some ranges and expand on them but I think we will see new stuff now. Im expecting next set of human models will be very different to what we’ve seen before. With the way the story line has shifted, it would be cool to see them expand on the witch hunter idea
  4. I don’t think it’s designed for the average hobbyist. Looking around, The cheapest I’ve seen it is £88 and that’s a bargain personally. If you think there’s around £80ish of Minatures in there, plus a limited edition book and cards and gubbins, it’s a nice start collecting set. I’m really tempted by it but I’m holding out for 40k as it looks a good set. i would guess September but it’s hard to say due to how things are. Guessing GWs release schedule is really messed up so they will have been moving things around. With 40k for July and at a guess August, I think besides a splash release there will be little for AOS. But as I’ve said in the topic, I’m not a betting man and often get things wrong
  5. +++ Mod Hat On +++ No photos of any leaks please. I’m sure you can wait a few days for when the war scrolls appear due the box set release. Now back to rumours please
  6. This is why I’m not a betting man 😁🤣😉
  7. If I was a betting man (I’m not as rubbish at it), I would guess the following.... 1) Sons of Behemat will be the next AOS release as I believe it was shipped earlier this year 2) it’s going to be 40k for more weeks now. Box unveiling this weekend and guessing up for preorder the weekend after (20th June). Also guessing two week period for this as well due to most of their new editions happen in July and lots of people in UK typically get paid at the end of the month (so hoping for June pay check burning hole in people’s pocket). I think the issue is the logistics as 40k is their flagship product and they would have put a lot of resource and planning into it. AOS will have its moment and I’m sure there’s lots of special things on the way
  8. +++ Mod Hat On +++ I’m going to lock this now. My goal was not to be political but just let a topic exist because of what is happening in the world and I felt that some people may have wanted to do something similar with asking questions.
  9. +++ Mod Hat On +++ I left this topic alone because I thought with what was going on in the world, it is of interest and relevant. It wasn’t for it to go off on a tangent. If it does it again, I’ll lock it but I thought some of you may be interested in what others are thinking about in this aspect and may want to be asking GW similar questions.
  10. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just want to say I’m going to leave this topic as these are questions that do need to be asked and sending them to GWs investor relations and customer services is a great way of doing it. If you feel you need to, do the same.
  11. I think we will see something over next few weeks with a release before new edition of 40k. I imagine it’s been a logistic nightmare and they are juggling releases around
  12. Don’t worry. I’m sure in a week or two the Realmlords will drop.
  13. +++ Mod Hat On +++ We’ve been relaxed in this thread as some people need to say what they are feeling and have been fairly constructive about it. However, we seem to be edging towards that dark place and can I ask you all to not go there. With what is going on in the world, we want TGA to be a place you can come and connect with each other and enjoy talking about Age of Sigmar. So I’m going to ask you all now to keep it civil and constructive. Also consider this a warning, as if any of you start venturing away from the values we follow here, warning points will be issued which can lead to bans.
  14. @NkfPanda - we’ve said no more discussion about recasts here, so please no more. This is bang on. At a guess with the price rises, GW want people to spend around £400 on an army. So looking at myself, I’m unlikely to do any events this year and if I started a new army in a June and took six months in it, that works out to about £66 a month. I think the days of bulk buying have gone for many people and we just need to adapt. Ive been doing GW stuff for nearly 30 years and it’s like this every time there’s a price increase. I used to get annoyed about it but then I realised I like the models, the games and the people. Also being older, I’m realising I should slow down and enjoy all aspects of the hobby. I’ve lost count the number of times I’ve brought a load of models and not done anything with them. I’ll of course want all the models and be distracted a lot but there’s no way I would paint and play everything.
  15. +++ Mod Hat On +++ I’m locking this topic. These always go very negative since I’ve been in the hobby for nearly 30 years. Also your first topic after signing up shouldn’t be to vent frustration about a price change
  16. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Friendly nudge part two Folks, can we please step away from the price conversation. Nobody is super happy when prices get adjusted as it usually means it’s going up, but this is not the forum to moan about it. I’ve been in the hobby since the 90s and I’ve seen this many times and seen the “discussion” many times. It usually gets very negative and it’s not what we want here. Thanks
  17. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Can we get back to rumours and talk less about power creep on something we’ve not fully seen yet or the stuff that comes after it
  18. +++ Mod Hat On +++ As far as I’m aware, the mods that Tabletop Simulator use are okay but please don’t let this thread descend into what is and isn’t legal. +++ Mod Hat Off +++ Okay, I’ve had a bit of a play with this and followed the guide @meermouse posted and it’s good. It takes a bit of getting used to but I think this is a great way of getting games in during this time. It will no way replace playing the game with actual models but for when you can’t be with anybody, it’s good.
  19. +++ Mod Hat On +++ @Kurrilino You have made your thoughts clear on Slaves to Darkness in previous posts but I’m going to ask you this; in this time where many people are restricted to where they can go and worried about what is happening, the last thing we want to see is negative posts just moaning. You are not being constructive, so can you leave the subject alone now. If you carry on, we will issue a temporary ban. @Everybody Else: this also applies to you. Please continue as you have been but if we see you doing similar behaviour, we will look at points and a temporary ban if it’s needed.
  20. Need to source a dot matrix printer so I can have that authentic play by mail experience 😁 This will be good, thanks guys
  21. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a reminder, this is the rumour thread not the complaining about the price of things thread. Back to rumours please
  22. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a note but we want everybody to be nice to each other on this forum. After reviewing your previous posts in topics, you’ve been passive aggressive and it’s not what we want on this forum. I’ve issued a weeks ban. For anybody else, please note this. This forum is for enjoying toy soldiers not for snide remarks to each other. Just be respectful to each other.
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