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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a note but we want everybody to be nice to each other on this forum. After reviewing your previous posts in topics, you’ve been passive aggressive and it’s not what we want on this forum. I’ve issued a weeks ban. For anybody else, please note this. This forum is for enjoying toy soldiers not for snide remarks to each other. Just be respectful to each other.
  2. With Seraphon Warcry cards being up for preorder next week, I’m going to guess the new Seraphon book and terrain will be the week after 😁
  3. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Can we get back to rumours please? Guessing Seraphon book and terrain are up for preorder soon, paving the way for the Realmlords and Sons. When Adepticon again as I can’t wait to see the previews.
  4. Drop me a message when you get there and I’ll sort out
  5. You got called out because you were trolling. It is. GW are going to great lengths to promote this, for example yesterday’s announcement about the Warhammer Indent. As you’ve said, the issue you have is you don’t like that some of the stuff used to be in WFB and you just want a line to be drawn under that and everything to move on. I get that but also I understand that GW want to support players that have these models. They seem to be doing the right thing now by giving older ranges a book and not much else. This says to me they are gearing up for lots and lots of new stuff in the future 😉
  6. 100% this GW stores are for people new or just starting with options for experienced players to collect essentials such as paint or some kits. With the internet, I have loads of choice from who I want to buy models from and less likely to go into my local GW. I think last time I popped into a GW is near where I work and I think that was around September last year because I had a gift voucher (I got a white dwarf). Most of my purchases are online. Back on topic... I don’t think so. I like there is lots of choice and how the game is structured you can swap and change armies with allies and but things up. Will it always be a bit “messy” due to these updates? Yes but that only becomes an issue if you like to play competitively and want to know everything. However, it doesn’t seem to bother many of the top players so this is probably more of an issue if you just like things neat and tidy. 😁 Without the variety, I think the game would get boring and I think it would just end up where we were years ago. With the change it’s exciting and if I was to complain, there too much change because I want it all! 😁
  7. +++ Mod Hat On +++ This is trolling. I’m issuing you a warning with points now. Continue and we will look at a weeks ban. Please don’t carry on doing this
  8. I’m half expecting some models for a steampunk empire as I was just reading up about the background the other day in the main rule book about Grungini going off and creating an empire
  9. I like the fact that everybody in the studio listens to feedback and things can change. I also like they are contactable and will answer questions. For example... also Phil Kelly is doing a fantastic series of tweets with random facts about the mortal realms. This level of contact was unheard of years ago and shows how great GW are now
  10. It was him and a great job he did with it. He’s worked on quite a few things now and is a nice guy in person. I doubt that’s going to happen and I suspect we will see something for one of the great cities next annual they do +++ Mod Hat On +++ Also can I ask you to be mindful about your posts. I’ve been checking you last few and they are generally negative or designed to get a reaction out of people. This is not the behaviour we want on this forum. Please refrain from acting like this
  11. +++ Mod Hat On +++ I think this topic has reached its end as it’s going round and round in circles and I’m going to lock it. Firstly, generally the discussion has been great in this topic but I just need to remind some of you that TGA is for everybody and we should be nice to each other. Not everybody is going to agree on some things but there is no need to act childish or rude towards them. Secondly, this discussion has been going on for years. I remember going back to 96 and my first visits to Internet forums and people were saying the same thing. I remember playing DBM around the same time and people were saying the same thing then. It’s all a matter of perspective 😉 But I do need to point out that what we have now with GW with everything they do is a million times better than it used to be. So whilst some things may never be perfect for you, enjoy what we have now as it’s never been this good. Also don’t forget AOS (and many GW games) are just a framework for you to meet up with somebody and play a game against them. If you both agree something isn’t quite right, tweak it. Want to do something with matched play as well? Tweak it. As long as you all know what is happening, it’s fine.
  12. Agreed but I think it depends what we get shown next week. I suspect it’s a reveal of the race name as well as Teclis model so March is probably right. Also I wouldn’t be surprised if they drop a Seraphon release (new book, spells and terrain piece) between now and March.
  13. I quite like the design as it has shapes which you can seen in the Deepkin range, which nicely links these. With us finding out more next week, this could suggest a Feb release?!?
  14. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Two things: 1) Back to rumours please. 2) @Icegoat can you stop winding people up.
  15. Same here! Nice shock to read about and looking forwards to the reveal next week. Hopefully means models are by March as I have some vouchers I need to use by then 😁
  16. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a reminder - when participating in this topic, just be mindful how you reply. I know some of you are quite passionate about it but just make sure how you are replying is not offensive. Ive just had to tidy this topic up after some reports and a review. So however you like to play, just bear in mind other people may see it very differently.
  17. This sounds awesome! I would love to see this. Hopefully we will get some rumours about it soon
  18. It’s LVO. I think it will be a another teaser of the Pointy Aelves for AOS and we will learn the name of them
  19. I chose not to do this as a private message because I want to make it clear to all of you we want you to treat each other nice. I’m completely happy for you to disagree on things, just don’t call each other names or be nasty to each other.
  20. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Quick warning as I appreciate this is a new book - @Phasteon & @Eevika please stop bickering with each other. This forum is for everybody and we expect member to treat each other with respect. Any further behaviour similar to the last few posts you have added to this forum, will result in Warnings point being issued.
  21. Hard to say. I think it will be a bit of both as I think these Aelves will be trying to recreate the old world glory days when they had a big empire, so I suspect they will be a bit war hungry. Still only a couple of weeks before a teaser
  22. I do think in general most historical gamers are all about the story of the battle and doing fun stuff with the narrative. But this group were the complete oppersite and some thought themselves as experts. It generally led to games that became frustrating as you couldn’t get past turn two as if you had a lucky dice roll it turned into a grumpy debate about what could do what. I just wanted to play games. Anyway, I have faith in GW that the Old World game will be fun and great to play. Not sure it’s something I would jump straight into unless there’s a good gaming group near by.
  23. I was not aware about that (just had time to have a look). In that case it’s different but in the past we’ve had people want to do recasts of current models which is not what we want on this forum.
  24. I don’t know a lot about the scene down under but I know this happened quite a few years ago (see date of the article you’ve linked to 😉). The Oz scene seems great at the moment going off social media and YouTube
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