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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. Adepticon is happening at the end of March and it’s been confirmed there is a studio preview. Be patient 😉 Also GW are known for just dropping teasers out of no where 😉
  2. All of those at a guess. I suspect the idea is to reword some stuff and get the book working better and how players want to play it. From a sales point of view, it’s a simple update with a few models that will sell fairly well. Personally I would expect to see the other books done in a similar manner. If I was a betting man, I would say we would see Tzeentch after that and then maybe Nurgle with Slaanesh next year. But that’s guessing rather than a rumour. I do think AOS will get something cool this year (hard to forget AOS 2 dropped last year as well but that seems so long ago!!)
  3. Don’t make me put my Mod Hat On! 😉 I think the best way of thinking about it is like mirror universes where they share similarities but aren’t joined. Anyway rumours. If you go to the main GW site, there is now 10 days left on the countdown for Vigilus (40k). So basically next few weeks will be 40k focused, but I think we will see some AOS soon. I’m expecting Blades if Khorne 😉
  4. +++ Mod Hat On +++ As quite rightly pointed out by @BobbyB, this topic does not need constant updates if you have no rumours or anything to add about rumours. Can we please get back to some rumours? As for those of you who moan about the wishlisting and wot not, please have a chat down your local store or club about some rumours and keep it on topic 😉 Cheers
  5. No. They have just put up pictures. I’ve just had a quick look and they’ve not said or implied that they are posting pictures of armies that need new books
  6. You guys know about Warhammer Art? Not quite concept drawings but way to get some cool artwork https://warhammerart.com/gallery/age-of-sigmar/ Anyway.... Rumours 😉
  7. I agree with this. I think we will see the Shadowspear set drop at start of March and then the Khorne one around end of March. GW are very good at doing a lot of releases (scarily so now!!!) Probably because it's a nice bit of artwork and it sets the tone of the book nicely.
  8. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Folks, stay on target! This is the rumour thread so some wandering is allowed but stuff in the last few posts would be better as it’s own thread 😉😉
  9. Probably I think if there is something you want, I would just do it now if you can. I think we will see something cool this summer for AOS and I think we will see some new models and something cool. Yup. Chaos has always had a special place in my heart for 40K (been playing since 2nd edition). Really looking forwards to seeing the new kits for this. As for KO / Dispossessed, I wouldn't be surprised to see a new KO battletome with something new in it for them (say some new Aether-Khemist models and some 'spells'). But thats wishlisting and not a rumour
  10. Totally agree with this. It's a big release and basically resetting the CSM range (I have my hopes up!!) and cementing in the Primaris as the new Space Marines. I think this summer will be AOS and will be a big release. I think we will see lots of cool new models.
  11. Yup it's gearing up for the Shadowspear release in March. I'm looking forwards to it, mainly as it will hopefully see the end of the current Chaos Space Marine plastics. Will be interesting though to see how long the Daemon Rumour Engine lasts before it's banished. Hopefully it will hang around enough for some AOS Chaos Rumours.....
  12. Quite likely in my opinion. I would say anything that has had a Battletome will be getting a updated one if they need it as well as some new models (very least Endless Spells). But wherever that will happen now or later, I'm not sure. I would guess we would see the Ironjaws, Fyreslayers and Seraphon before the next Generals Handbook though. This is because I suspect they have had additional rules and formations in the book but I think we will see the book become more a place to collect the White Dwarf articles alongside the other updates. But I wouldn't count on it as GW seem not to be running out of steam with the releases and we may see a lot of other stuff before that happens!
  13. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a reminder but I have already asked @JackStreicher not to go on about this, which they have done (Thanks Jack! ). So I would like to ask you not to as I do not want to see the conversation again On a side note - If anybody is interested in how GW do the sculpts, try and chat with some of the designers/sculptors at one of the Open Days if you are able to go to them. They do plenty of them and can also be found at some Trade shows as well as they are always after new talent.
  14. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/02/04/feb4-this-week-at-the-lvogw-homepage-post-3/ Thursday Night at 2100 I think (US Time, as in Vegas Pacific Time?)
  15. Yup I agree with this. I also think there has been a strong demand for people with models for certain factions to have an army book of sorts and I think these sorts of books are ideal. They give players what they want but also allow GW to address the range and remove anything they aren't interested in producing (due to sales, complexity in manufacturing/something has happened the molds, or supporting from a game point of view with point updates and how the models interact in the game). I think with the minimalist touch as well it means that they can put more effort into the newer things they are working on as well. I also suspect they are doing a lot of investment behind the scenes, which probably requires a lot of resource for (word is they are looking at new generators, manufacturing equipment, ERP system, etc). Anyway, less of this talk and more rumour type talk. We have the LVO Preview happening this week (which I'm surprised about as I thought it wasn't happening), so we should be seeing lots of cool stuff to discuss. I think it will have a strong Chaos focus if I'm honest but let's see what happens. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/02/04/feb4-this-week-at-the-lvogw-homepage-post-3/ On another note, Martin from Warhammer TV has said on Twitter they will look to see if they can get a Skaven vs Flesh Eater Courts match on Warhammer TV. He's not confirmed if Ben Johnson will be playing both armies due to Ben being a massive fan of both. Also not sure if anybody has mentioned this yet.... That sounds amazing!!!!
  16. 100% this. I think it's quite a good change as it means that forgeworld can get on making cool models and the design studio can come up with the rules (which makes sense as it will fit in better with the game systems). I'm very interested to see what comes out of the LVO preview as I wasn't expecting there to be one! All I know it's more stuff for me to get excited over and never get round to doing as I will be excited about the stuff after them!
  17. +++ Mod Hat On +++ @JackStreicher - just a simple warning. You have made your point. No need to labour it any more. This forum is for everybody and nobody wants to listen to somebody going on about the same thing. Cheers
  18. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Okay, can we please have less of the pitchforks and torches please. There is no grand conspiracy or this forum being in GW's pocket. If you think how long this topic has been active, mods have only gotten involved when: You say something nasty about somebody You post pictures which aren't official ones (this is purely because those sorts of pictures usually make the models look not as good) At the end of the day, Rumours are rumours. Some are true and some are not true. However, the issue in this case is when somebody who is a member of this forum creates another account to post up 'rumours'. This is bad as it can mislead people about things just so somebody gets a kick out of the 'excitement' being generated. +++ Mod Hat Off +++ So stepping back on the Rumour Train.... Stuff we know: Flesh Eaters vs Skaven is coming (Carrion Feast) There will 'probably' be a Flesh Eater Battletome and Skaven Battletome over next 12 months Darkoath are probably coming Slaanesh stirs With the Horus Heresy Weekender happening this weekend, we may see some tidbits pop out but I would expect more stuff over next month or two PS - @Greasygeek, Pats all the way!
  19. Okay.... just to steer this back on course now.... At the moment we have the following rumours (in no order, from no particular source and I'm going to miss some stuff) New models for Skaven and a bumper Battletome combining them into one book (new models 100% due to Carrion Feast Box) New Models for Flesh Eater Courts and Battletome (new models 100% due to Carrion Feast Box) Seraphon Battletome (March/April 2019) Darkoath Release (Summer 2019) Slaanesh Release (ooh err missus ) Gutbusters Battletome Duardin Battletome Light Aelves I think that's it. Now just food for thought but I suspect some of these may become White Dwarf rules that end up in the General's Handbook later this year and may never ever get a full release. If I was GW, that's the way I would tackle some of the older factions now and concentrate on new things but time will tell. I never ever thought we would see a AOS 2 last year and was proven wrong, so what do I know! Now looking at how GW drop titbits for us to consume in our rumour gullets, one thing we can do is look at some events coming up where they could do some announcements. The LVO (Las Vegas Open) is next weekend but I don't think GW are going this year as it looks like the LVO are doing their own coverage via Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/frontlinegaming_tv) but there will be Hobby Seminars with Chris Peach (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16K8di83_jE_9--z0yq1wHgi0Y8Le2m0tXBFDfWrXBsI/edit). Also it looks like there won't be a big Adepticon presence this year either. So looking at the Warhammer World Calendar (https://s20889.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2018-public-calendar-16.01.19.pdf), there seems to be a few TBAs but I don't think we will see any 'proper' open day type events until May or June (Plus UK Games Expo if they are doing a seminar). I still suspect we will see things drop out via Facebook and Youtube though
  20. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Firstly, thanks to @Ndabreaker for dropping some rumours into this topic. It has generated some interesting discussion which is good. Right, everybody else - Just a gentle poke that can we please treat @Ndabreaker with courtesy wherever you believe their rumours or not. At the end of the day, these are RUMOURS so you should take a pinch of salt with them. Only time will tell if these are true or not. +++ Mod Hat Off +++ A lot of the recent rumours appear to be quite plausible but as I know they are rumours I'm not going to believe them too much. As much as I like the idea of new battletomes to replace or update some factions, I would rather see lots of cool new stuff that I would have never have dreamed of years ago. For example, Kharadron and Deepkin are amazing concepts and I want more of that (give me my bio guyver mecha culthul fantasy army please GW!!!).
  21. I'm fully expecting it. Using 40K as an example, the Eight (Tau super friends) is something that could have appeared in a White Dwarf and I think all of the articles we will see will appear in Chapter Approved for 40K or Generals Handbook for AOS. It's a nice way of them to keep on selling the books with cool stuff in as well as the point updates. Welcome Same. I never got round to doing an army of them but they have always been one of my favourite armies (or Blood Bowl teams). Think it's due to the part of the world I come from and that I must like Evil Dwarfs! Hopefully somebody in the studio is working on them
  22. Still none the wiser. Hopefully you've not missed an A off that!!!! 😤 Do you have a link? (Do I want a link!?!) It would not surprise me that they are working on them. Looking at some of the dates on the concept art for the Gloomspite Gitz, it looks like it took a few years for the miniatures, so it's safe to say they could be working on something for Dispossessed (or in that range)
  23. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Can we have some rumours please!!!!! +++ Mod Hat Off +++ Ooh whats the Hellhole Curious about this rumour as not sure how a data analyst would hear about that and I would have thought NDAs would have been in place.
  24. That will do @eciu, that will do This is what I would expect. Range doesn't need much apart from Characters and the book just needs tweaking. I'm fully expecting to see this out over the next few months. We know they are on the cards due to the 'hint's we have seen recently. If I'm honest, I'm not too sure what to expect. We might see a reimagining of the 'classic' Slaves to Darkness or just a opposite version of Stormcast (lots of Darkoath warriors backed up by a few super elite Chaos Warriors). But it's tough as GW seem to be very good at looking at their concepts and dialing it up to 11.
  25. No. All rumours at moment will be going towards Horus Heresy as they have the Heresy Weekender coming up soon. Personally I'm expecting this set towards the end of February as we will most likely see 40K Genestealers over next few weeks, Heresy stuff and then I think Skaven vs FEC. After that it's the 40K Vigilus Campaign part 2 which will most likely focus upon Chaos Space Marines EDIT I suspect this picture is showing the contents of the box.
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