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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. I hope not! I remember playing historical games when I was younger and the club I played at treated them as simulations, which basically led to arguments about what X could do against Y. As a child this put me off any game which tries to do this! Personally I’m hoping for something a bit like Warmaster and WFB. I think they will cherry pick the best bits from all games they have made over the years. Like @RuneBrush mentioned earlier, we remember the best bits more easily than the bad bits and I think a lot of games we used to play would seem clunky or not quite right.
  2. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Welcome to the forums but to make it clear, we do not want any discussions about using molds to do recasts. It’s against the rules about copying no matter how old the miniatures are. As for your questions, a lot of the stuff you are after are in the compendium Warscroll are are supported in the current edition (2nd) unless you want to play open or narrative play. There will be no points for them unless you choose to make some up with your gaming group.
  3. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a nudge but can we get back to rumours please? Think the next preview is the Las Vegas Open on 24th Jan which hopefully we will hear what other name the Pointy Aelves go by
  4. I’m just expecting some endless spells and maybe a terrain piece. Yes it would be great to replace some of the kits but GW seem to be more focused on a couple of kits to “refresh” a range and then put more effort towards a new army such as Bonereapers and Pointy Aelves.
  5. I suspect it’s more because Slaves to Darkness came out and the Facehammer guys are playing at a team event soon and preparing for that. Also I don’t think any of them play Ogors so they may not be interested in them. Bit hard to go into the detail they do if you aren’t interested. I’m sure they will get round to it but GW are working at such a fast rate it’s hard to keep up
  6. Looking good Chris. Do you have any comments or are you going to remain impartial? A lot of lists to take in but I think this will be good event. Are you doing any live stuff from the day?
  7. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Ive been reading through the last few pages of this topic and not over the moon about some of the comments here. Can I remind you, that you voice your opinion about things as long as they are constructive, aren’t overly negative, and aren’t insulting to anybody. I get some of you aren’t happy with some of the changes, but that’s no excuse to behave in this way. I have issued warning to some of you. Please just try and be constructive if you want to discuss things you don’t like.
  8. What @tom_gore has said. If in doubt mention it to your opponent. Most of the time it’s clear what can block LOS but I tend to say what I’m doing with a unit (bit of a narrative) just so my opponent is aware.
  9. In UK I think it’s per issue so would be £7.99. I don’t think you need to sign up for so many but not sure. I have a Forbidden Planet next to where I work so I’ll be getting a few issues when they come out. Im sure you could ask somebody to subscribe for you but not sure how practical that would be with getting your hands on the end product.
  10. In your opinion, I think you should add here.😉 But I do agree with you, the big markers which are bright colours are quite distracting. I think I could be won around to transparent ones but I prefer what many players do and make their own. Personally, I like the fish tank lights they have used on The Honest Wargamer as I like how it’s easy to show who has an objective
  11. They have mentioned some of those animations are concept so may not see light of day. Also I like seeing different styles but I am a snob and like to see things animated well rather than rushed
  12. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Back to rumours please. Im quite surprised nobody is getting excited about the Warhammer Story Forge and Media sneak peek. Yes it was 40k focused but if it’s successful could we see Age of Sigmar content....
  13. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just read through the last few posts over the last few pages and can I remind you all that TGA is for everybody. We may not all agree on the same things but there’s no reason to be nasty about it. Any more toxic posts will result in this thread being locked and warning points being issued.
  14. Just wondering if anybody plays AOS in a league format? I want to play more games but I like the idea of smaller games, say 1000 points but want to have some structure round it like a football league. Does anybody do this? If so what are the league rules and do you have any tips? Thanks
  15. It’s a wait and see. 😉 I imagine if it’s popular, we can see a subforum for it. As for the other stuff, mention it in the feedback forum and tag Ben in. If there is call for it, it could happen
  16. At the moment, no. This is basically because we’ve got to wait a while before we know what is going to happen with it. As we get closer to the release we may do something like that but this topic should be the place to chat about it.
  17. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a nudge but can we get back to rumours? If you want to discuss things like what Idoneth weapons or clothes are made out of, start a new topic please.
  18. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Honestly I’m not happy about this thread. This forum is for everybody, no matter what their race or gender is. Im going to say this now, I do not want to see a topic like this again. This forum is for discussing Warhammer. Any more topics like this will result with point and possible ban happening.
  19. There’s a bit more about the next part of Psychic Awakening being teased this weekend and the 40k open day is next week. Im not expecting anything about Warhammer The Old World until next year and even then it could be anything.
  20. @Kyriakin send me a message with your IP details and I'll have a look. At a guess I would say it's on the Chinese side due to this being a message board. Thanks
  21. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Ive just had to remove a couple of posts which are not what we expect of members of this forum. This forum is for everybody, so just remember that when you post
  22. I actually think it’s something for Lord of the Rings. Has that sort of vibe to it
  23. No Mod Hat here but my own personal thoughts.... Do I think GW kits are expensive? Yes, but then they are the best model kits in the world, especially when compared to others. Yes some models from other companies are amazing but GW consistently makes kits that are a joy to put together and use. I also think as you get older things change. When I was younger, I had a lot more disposable income and I thought GW was expensive then but now I my circumstances are different. I have less disposable income and more responsibilities. Also things change in life as I’ve not been well and I’ve changed jobs, so I’ve not done much hobby stuff (doesn’t help my hobby area is now a portable set up now due to in laws stopping round whilst they are waiting for their house to be finished). I think for the pleasure I get from the hobby, GW stuff is great value. For example I have an Ogor army from a few years ago which I love playing and with the new book, I’ll get more fun out of playing it. I came to the realisation, I can no longer go out and buy all the models I want, so I’ve just dialled the pace back and it’s fun. I get stuff as I go and that’s okay with me. Besides, even if I brought all the models in one go, I don’t get the time to paint it all anyway! 🤣
  24. I would say anytime this afternoon. I think in the past it’s been around 4 or 5 UK time.
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