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Everything posted by azdimy

  1. Not that I know but at least, from this ruling chaos warriors are battleline in every other aspect in slaanesh so can be GV and fight on 2 ranks
  2. From this ruling the the last ghb errata Q: Are coalition units with the Battleline battlefield role treated as having that battlefield role for The Backbone of Success rule in the Power in Numbers battleplan? A: Yes.
  3. They did not count toward your minimum battleline requirement in the previous ghb (no idea if this is changing) but they remain a battleline unit per the latest ghb faq
  4. Hurler of obscenities command trait in Invaders is also a possibility if you dont run lurid haze and make your general a support piece. I ve had good results with it on a contorded epitome
  5. Khorne recently got a celestial tome but it s been quickly forgotten since it didn t help the faction
  6. I think the fact the Slaanesh is not even present in many 2 day events is also important data for gw to rework the faction. I did like the challenge to play an underperforming faction for over a year now but as I see no meaningful change are being.made, it is time for me to move on and play another faction for now where I can finish my games in time and have a fighting chance against every/most factions showing up at competitive events
  7. My biggest disappointment is that rhis Depravity table doesn t address the lack of damage our army can do and it chose to focus on resilience instead very mildly
  8. This white dwarf update seems to do very little to help the faction. It s not nothing and it does give narrative players a buff for not summoning but summoning is better than these buffs. Rally on 5+: our units die to a stiff breeze only use will be if you survive shooting +2 mvt: nice buff but summoning 30 deamonettes for 12DPs will be loads better 5+ ward: by the time the faction has 18DPs and not summon, it will have nearly nothing left on the table to be relevant
  9. When I used it, I always kept it out of combat as it dies very easily with 7 wounds and a 5+ save. Its near immunity to mortal wounds however make it very survivable to all the ranged mortal wounds out there. When I send it in combat it s against chaff or small support heroes,nothing killy or you ll lose it The reason to take it over Synessa or an exalted chariot is it can reroll casts and cast 2 spell. Its warscroll spell is also prettygood (one of the few ways to improve our damage outptut in melle and shooting)
  10. GW just needs to rewrite the Slaangor warscroll they should have the ogroid level of killiness
  11. Love all the leaks but where our the white dwarf leaks? That s all I really care about! 😀
  12. White dwarf is a marketing tool for gw. I doubt they ll publish an interview that states Slaanesh is in a bad place so we suggest you play something else until we release a new battletome for it Shoupdn t we see leaks of that white dwarf update in the coming days?
  13. That list is illegal, you can only have 1 in 4 units that are allies per 27.1
  14. We all remember too well the last white dwarf update for Slaanesh when everybody was saying the army was busted and we were given a sub faction that could summon twice as much. So yes, this is concerning
  15. Well it doesn t change Slaanesh poor attendance at events. But if a 5-0 win make people bring their hedonites armies to events. I m all for it as it s getting old to be the only Slaanesh player at events
  16. My thinking as well. Plus 6 being Slaanesh number, it fits the lore 😉
  17. I d like to see a ward save for all our deamons as an allegiance ability and the locus of diversion changed. Here is my take on a new locus for 3.0: At the end of the charge phase pick an ennemy unit within 3 inches. On a 4+ that unit cannot iissue or receive command in the next combat phase. Greater deamons add +2 to the roll
  18. From what I ve seen, he s achieved deamonhood and is now very much a deamon despite his mortal appearance
  19. Why is Sigvald not a Deamon? The locus would be nice on him so that s probably why
  20. Love how the article goes about how rare ranged units are in Death. Probably means they ll be conditionnal battleline in the new BT 😀
  21. Are you putting this army together? I have nightmare after the 1st bladebringer I assembled and seeing how there s no way it fits on the oval base it comes with makes me cry
  22. In addition to what has been already stated. One of the problem I have playing hedonites in a tournament setting is that : 1 it requires me a full 3hr to play most of my game to the end while most 1 day event I go to only give us 2.5hrs to play due to store hours so it limits my tournament play with them to 2 day events. Note that I have no problem finishing games in 2.5hrs with other factions I play. This is mostly due to our summoning mechanic I suspect. As opposed to other factions the later turns take longer than the early turns. 2- in the event that the game needs to be talked through to figure out the final score as we are out of time. Our summoning make it almost impossible to be taken into account when not playing the turn and not aleady on the table so we just go by what the score is when the time ends and what is on the table. It has never been in Slaanesh favor. This has been particularly frustrating for me when I see I have enough depravity to turn the tides in the turn we will not play hence issue #1
  23. If gw decides to reduce our summoning in order to lower the unit point cost accross the army, they really need to look at the deamon side of the army. Mine only see play from summoning as their warscroll are nowhere near where they are pointed and a 10-15% point reduction will not change that
  24. Yes, if that general is not a unique character, he gets a command trait
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