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Everything posted by Walrustaco

  1. Damn, was hoping for a buff I'm obviously blind beyond the unchanged ranged profile, but do we all hit on 3s now??? Oh shitttttt!
  2. It's just warlord traits. I'm more concerned about allegiance abilities and our warscrolls, battalions and command abilities. Stay the course
  3. Ironguts! Now 3+ to hit Now have a new single new attack profile
  4. Hey, thanks for making a thread for us. These were recently posted on FB, some sample warlord traits. Overall slightly underwhelming, but just a taste.
  5. Thoughts on these? The Butcher one is interesting, but I so rarely end up against Endless Spells. The Frostlord one will be active a good deal. The tyrant one kind of sucks and I dont see myself ever using a hunter.
  6. I dont like the mournfang models all that much. Like you said, I've bought 2 BCR SC boxes, so I have 8 of the things. I'd only really be interested in taking a stonehorn/thundertusk or two with my gutbusters without needing to take them as allies. I'm really more looking to see how the gutbusters units are improved. I'm sure all my friends are sick of me talking about how much I want a buff for my 12 leadbelchers. I really do though. I want my ogre gunline army.
  7. You're correct. This saturday, youtubers (like GMG and dark artisan) should post videos of battletome reviews. We can squint at blurry pages and see what's in store for us then! 😃😃😃
  8. What are the chances that we become base 3+ to hit on all our ogor units? The Ironguts thing is more likely just to make them more elite, like how maneaters have a 3+ to hit (they shoot better than a tyrant too!) Also, is anyone else dying to see the ‘gluttons’ warscroll? The old one is very archaic in design and has a bunch of special rules on it, which I feel like will be modernised heavily.
  9. 1. As it stands currently: - Ogors (Gluttons) are meh when not in a big unit of 12. They're big slabs of wounds and can hit like a truck - especially on the charge. They have quite a lot of self contained buffs, which is something I like about them. - Leadbelchers, no matter how much I love them and rep them, suck real bad. - The Ironblaster is a big beautiful ******. - Tyrants are powerful heroes with a great command ability, but they aren't anything spectacular without a significant investment of artefacts and command abilities. 2. That remains to be seen. Right now it's just an allies choice. I expect a single allegiance. With subfactions that include both, but perhaps give bonuses to a certain flavour of ogres over others.
  10. I promise you, the rules cannot get any worse
  11. Preview of spells/prayers. Also a token for an old BCR artefact. (Should we make a new thread for Mawtribes?)
  12. They’d still be worse than any flavour of Troggoth at their current price, so I most certainly hope they do get a price drop😩
  13. The “Down to the Ironguts” thing is mostly unchanged actually. Which is a bit disappointing tbh, had hoped it would just become unconditionally once per battle. Oh well! Still looks great! Hoping their points come down too.
  14. Release OBR already thanks. Still mad that they teased ogres first and they'll still be after 😂
  15. It's pretty bad wording. You'd think it should read: "Units from this battalion that are wholly within 12" of the same battalion’s Big Boss at the start of the charge phase can charge even if they ran in the preceding movement phase." I think it's just supposed to be run and charge in your turn if wholly within 12 of your SBB.
  16. That's actually 920 pts 100+160+240+240+140+40. Room for a wardokk in there. Arrowboys are 240 for 20.
  17. Maybe you should tell GW that cause I’m puzzled as to when the hell it’s actually gonna come out?
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