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Everything posted by Sokhar

  1. Hi folks, any ideas about netx preview show ?
  2. Striking Scorpions will be a sweet surprise, but i've some doubts about it. Aspect warrios are usually 5 team, and gangs for KT are usually 10... I red a rumor about Veteran Scout Primaris Marine vs Assault Guardians aeldari ( 10 men squad)
  3. Hi guys! I was thinking: the Combat patrol format seems to be a great incentive for new players or those with limited time for much larger games. I think it would be nice to have it also in AoS with the next edition. What do you think? Furthermore, even a Boarding Action in AoS, perhaps introduced with the Dawnbringer manuals and then made official with the 4th edition, would be a wonderful addition! Even considering the Skaven as the next major villains..
  4. Maybe there will be a new preview at the end of October for Warhammer Day
  5. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/02/03/underworlds-fighters-are-headed-to-the-eightpoints-in-warcrys-new-tome-of-champions/ FEAR THE CRAB !
  6. Skaven & Sylvaneth in summer with bT e battlebox like the last rumor from WhiteFang ? 😮
  7. Could be a Chaos Knights multikit ? A man can dream...
  8. Lost Kingdom Miniatures are awesome, but actually only available as 3d print files. I've some Russian Alt. dwarves, i can say they are very well scultped with good bits and different pose.
  9. No new Marauders/Darkoath models ? Really GW ?
  10. Nice !! But is he another Hammer of Sigmar character ? I'm waiting for a good miniature of Gardus or Hamilcar... Will be limited ?
  11. I am very disappointed with this battletome. I have been waiting for years to collect a force of Slaanesh like those outings for Tzeentch, Khorne and Nurgle but the GW does not seem to have understood the enormous potential, a pity. I will not buy anything.
  12. @Henin when will release an update :)? Thx
  13. Thanks ! I Hope to see again Greenskinz in a LoN battletome style with Bonesplitters and IJ.
  14. Any rumors about Destruction & Death ? Thanks a lot Ndabreaker
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