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Everything posted by Foe-Hammer

  1. Would love to see someone convert a brute to a wild brute, wearing nothing but a loincloth!
  2. That's a great idea, and gives me some ideas for my own boar boyz!
  3. I retract my previous statement, LOL! My FLGS still stocks a healthy supply of that box, so I thought it was still in print.
  4. Considering that the Greenskinz have a start collecting box, they may not be going the way of the Gitmob Grotz (who never had any AoS kits at all)... could be wrong though. 😏
  5. I have found it useful to have the big stabbas behind a screen of 10 boyz with spears. Stabbas do not handle prolonged combat very well, but their 3" reach, they can hide behind a small unit of spear boyz and use them to absorb some wounds.
  6. I like the orange robe grot, personally. It stands out more, and has a more "looney" aesthetic. 🤪
  7. Yes, please! That was my all-time favorite orc unit from the "world that was"!
  8. I can see the mega-battalions (Drakkfoot, Icebone, and Bonegrinz) becoming a clan keyword that is chosen for the army, and the current Rukks being shuffled a bit.
  9. The connection points for the hands/weapons are completely flat, so they will pop off with ease... I lost count of how many times they have popped off from being bumped or dropped. You won't have any issues at all with swapping them out.
  10. Same here... Two armies for the price of one! I also like your idea of looted dinos - Terradons as Deff Koptas and a Stegadon as a battle wagon!
  11. I had something similar in mind a while back... arrow boyz as boyz with shootas, morboyz as boyz with slugga and choppa, and boar riders as biker boyz.
  12. I have had some fair output from the pendulum endless spell and the geminids, but at the cost of fewer boyz... a giant can be fun and amusing to trigger the morboyz bonuses, but I eventually stopped squeezing the big guy in.
  13. My struggle with Kop Rukk and Drakfoot Warclan has been the core cost of the two battalions plus the min character tax, which doesn't leave a lot for boyz. Units of 10 do not seem to work, and even units of 30 do not really put out enough damage from what I have experienced... and lawnmower units just chew through them. The only time that I get decent damage (at best) are from spamming spells from 4-5 wizards or from using big stabbas... would love to hear if anyone has had success without using the Kunnin Rukk arrow spam.
  14. I do! PM me if you want to discuss.
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