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Everything posted by PJetski

  1. Yes since you control both effects you can choose the order they are applied
  2. This is exactly the kind of stupid gimmick list I was talking about earlier! I think I would try running it with some Lord-Arcanum on Dracolines instead because -Pride Leader makes all DRACOLINE hit on 2+ without having to spend a command point with Gardus or get him into melee -Multiple wizards is always good -Multiple Cycle of the Storm is good -Cycle of the Storm + Martyrs Strength combo is good, especially with multiple Cycles -Multiple heroes on flanks with spirit flasks can wipe out key units before they have a chance to attack 1. Make your general a LADracoline and give him Martyrs Strength 2. Charge in 3+ LADracoline with Saintly Assault active. Position them such that the Arcanum with Martyrs Strength is within 3" of other LADs. 3. Use Spirit Flasks with all 3 LADs to deal a bunch of mortal wounds to the enemy, and kill your general LAD. Fight with Martyrs Strength (with +1 attack from Saintly Assault). 4. Prevent the mortal wounds from Spirit Flask with Cycle, heal a wound instead. Apply the next wound, "die" again, fight with Martyrs Strength again. Repeat for each Cycle of the Storm you have. This all happens at the start of the combat phase, you can even activate it in your opponents turn! It's a shame that the Pack Alpha command ability only works on EVOCATOR units Maybe a mix of Arcanums and Celestants? The Stormkeep battalion Wardens of the Stormkeep might be worth using with Gardus - you can use the extra command points to make a unit run & charge without having to bring a Heraldor. Putting Martyrs Strength on a Drakesworn Templar would be really good - piling in multiple times (especially with Cycle) to trigger Cavernous Jaws and Sweeping Tail multiple times. I wish the Skybolt bow worked on DRACOTH units and not DRACOTHIAN GUARD... who designed this stupid battletome
  3. That's not entirely correct. If you bring a CITIES OF SIGMAR PRIEST as part of the Stormkeeps allegiance then you can give them a Stormcast prayer since that unit is part of your army and not an ally, and the Prayers do not require the STORMCAST keyword. Since Bless Weapons does not require the STORMCAST keyword you can use it with any PRIEST. Translocation does require a STORMCAST PRIEST though. edit: Should have refreshed the thread before posting
  4. Why not both? Grombrindal could be the herald of Grungni's return.
  5. Gardus is powerful compared to other Stormcast, the problem is that Stormcast are not what they should be. To be fair, if they have plans to rewrite Stormcast rules to make them more elite then they wouldn't release a 3rd edition model into the current 2nd edition ruleset. It would be very strange if Gardus had a 3rd edition statline that was drastically stronger than a regular Lord-Celestant. In the past GW has released models right before a new edition with bad rules consistent with the current edition, and then later updated those rules after the new edition launched proper. The most prominent example of this are the Necrons in Indomitus. If you want to discuss what Stormcast could be like if their rules matched their models better, check out my thread here:
  6. Warhammer has never been a balanced game with a tight rule set... look somewhere else (video games, card games, etc.) if you really want that. Im not trying to be a ****** here - it has been proven time and time again that Games Workshop generally does not write good rules for their miniature games. You are only setting yourself up for disappointment if you want Warhammer to be a deep, balanced, and satisfying strategy game. I think Underworlds is the only exception and it only became a tight rule set after 3 iterations.
  7. Gardus is good, despite the 5 wounds and 4+ save and low rend/damage weapons. I would go so far to say that he is easily the best Stormcast hero warscroll, especially since he is only 110 points (there isn't much competition for that title). His 4+ save doesn't really matter that much because you don't need him to survive more than one turn. Re-rollable charges (great for scion drops) and +1 attack for all heroes around him that doesn't cost a command point is a great ability. I could see some kind of gimmick list with a bunch of mounted heroes like LADracoline, LAGC, LCDracoth, Stardrake to repeatedly attack with Martyrs Strength + Cycle of the Storm combo. It's not a meta breaker but it's playable and distinct from other Stormcast lists. I don't see him being impactful enough to ever justify playing Hallowed Knights in a competitive game. Playable and good for casual games, which is a fine place to be for a special character. His base stats are bad and not representative of what Stormcast should be, but that's consistent with every other Stormcast warscroll. There's a chance it will be rewritten with 3rd edition battletome like they did with some of the Necrons from Indomitus.
  8. He has an alternate "helmet" build so it would make sense that he could be a generic Lord-Celestant. They did the same thing with Neave Blacktalon in 2017.
  9. How is it possible that you have not heard of magnetic carrying cases
  10. Counterpoint: Two of the recently released Lumineth named character centerpiece models (Severith, Lyriol) are dual kits with a generic hero option. Could go either way at this point.
  11. Mutual hatred for chaos, mutual love of snakes
  12. New Kroak heralds the beginning of my wish list
  13. I agree that the model is so great it deserves its own thread I hope it's a dual kit for regular Slann
  14. It is not yet confirmed that Stormcast have a new battalion in BR: Belakor. Presumably Stormcast will get new rules for the Hallowed Knights since Gardus Steelsoul is involved with the narrative and is being released alongside the book and that could certainly include some new battalions but it's not yet confirmed to be the case.
  15. Too many Dracolines. Even if you somehow get them all in melee (huge bases, no room for 15 in combat) there's no way you will keep them all in range of the Lord-Arcanum for his buff effects. Your opponent will just put cheap disposable screens at the front, absorb your charge, and then counterattack to kill your expensive fragile thundercats. Many armies can fight first and kill you before you have a chance to attack. Stormcast need a mix of range and shooting. If you have shooting units you can kill those cheap screens before charging in with the cats. Drop 9 of the Dracolines to add some shooting (Judicators, Ballista, Longstrikes) and consider support heroes like the Azyros and Heraldor.
  16. I think his plan was to use the sacrifice of a living mountain (in typical necromantic fashion) in order to bring the shyish nadir into hysh. The idea of "sacrificing a living mountain" is very interesting when you consider what is happening with the Beastgrave right now.
  17. Oh boy can't wait for a battalion that lets me ignore Battleshock and a command trait for +1 to move characteristic Excited about Gardus though
  18. It is something I did consider, but unlike the Lumineth we have a great deal of unit variety within each Chamber. Each Chamber has a mix of melee, shooting, cavalry, etc.. There doesn't seem to be any kind of cohesive rules you could apply to both Evocators and Celestar Ballistae. My initial impression is that it would just end up being another set of rules to slap onto individual units and that just ends up feeling too bloated. I would rather consider adding Conclave rules (eg rules for all REDEEMER units, all JUSTICAR units, etc.) because they are a unique aspect of the Stormcast military structure and should be explored further. The rules are already so densely layered this would probably just end up taking another rewrite to make it all fit together properly. Great ideas to explore but I'm not sure there's enough gas left in the tank to bother with 3rd edition so close.
  19. Mortal wounds create an interesting rock-paper-scissors mechanic. Some units have a high number of models with many weak attacks that don't do much against good armor saves. Good armor saves aren't very good against mortal wounds. Mortal wounds aren't efficient against high wound targets. Hordes < Elites < Mortal Wounds < Hordes Current game has too many mortal wound abilities and spells. There was massive power creep in AOS 2.
  20. Yup its broken realms https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/04/05/this-dad-and-daughter-duo-just-love-hunting-witches-together/
  21. They're shown next to existing Freeguild models so I am guessing they are Broken Realm hero models, or just a Cursed City expansion
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