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Everything posted by PJetski

  1. Racial soup books like Orruk Warclans, Gloomspite Gitz, and Ogor Mawtribes are boring. I want these kinds of battletomes split apart with new model waves for each racial subfaction. Give me an entire army of Gutbusters or Troggoths. Give me new models for Bonesplitterz and their own battletome (again). The only soup book that is of interest to me is Cities of Sigmar since the City subfactions are generally not based on racial keywords. They might favour certain units but generally they allow a great deal of mixing the various subfactions, and they also have distinct "1 in 4" choices and ally rules. I wouldn't mind another book like that but it would also probably be boring (and likely not narratively appropriate) to have "Strongholds of Chaos" and "Temples of Death" and "Caves of Destruction". Fyreslayers need a second wave, not to be just another subfaction in a Duardin book.
  2. I really hope we see new Fyreslayers, Bonesplitterz, Ogors, plastic Saurus, and flesheaters before we see more aelves of any kind
  3. If there are charge reactions there could also be shooting reactions. Even if shooting becomes more powerful they can increase point cost of shooting units as needed (though I would prefer targetted warscroll changes) Increasing player interactivity during opponent turns is a good idea - the game can be quite boring when you don't do anything for two turns in a row.
  4. I don't disagree with your overall point but I think Desolators are actually pretty good right now, especially in Astral Templar lists. I've seen them used as a mobile and durable hammer unit in Anvilstrike lists too.
  5. Theyll almost certainly be splitting the minis from the Dominion box into smaller boxes after Dominion releases. They did the same thing with all other edition launch boxes (Dark Imperium, Indomitus, Soul Wars, etc.)
  6. Why post a spoiler article then edit out the spoilers an hour later?
  7. I'm looking forward to the new models and hope the game is more fun to play than 2nd edition. I think 2nd edition started out really well but the constant power creep and inconsistent design of army battletomes have spoiled my enjoyment of tournament matched play. GW has shown me they are incapable - or just don't care about - writing a consistent ruleset alongside balanced and varied army rules. They errata every book they release to fix basic things that shouldn't get past a QA check like typos or how a special rule is written without considering how the core rules function. Half the books they write have zero chance of being viable in competitive games. It seems to me that GW wants to give the impression that AOS is a competitive game as a marketing tactic but for one reason or another they always fall short of achieving that status. AOS is a game best enjoyed casually, because it's a frustrating mess when you try to take it seriously. I stopped caring about competitive play during the pandemic, and I doubt 3rd edition will change my mind. I hope every army gets a battletome as good or better than the Seraphon battletome. Failing that, I hope every army gets a battletome as weak as the recent Slaanesh and Gravelords books. I hope 3rd edition blows me away with a tight ruleset and awesome battletomes that make every model exciting and every army fun to play with and play against... but I have no trust left after so many years of disappointment. At least the new Stormcast models look great
  8. Kragnos warscroll mentions DRAKE keyword, probably a new Stormcast flying cavalry unit
  9. There are all sorts of interesting tidbits in his wascroll: The "defensible terrain" as you mentioned DRAKE keyword that does not belong to any existing unit Mentioning Mercenary rules Clarification on "endless spell ability" rather than just stating "endless spell" Now that I look at it again, I think the rules for including him in an army require an errata? When you pick an allegiance you become that army. For example, if you pick STORMCAST ETERNALS you have a STORMCAST ETERNALS army and not an ORDER army, so you can use the STORMCAST ETERNALS allegiance abilities and not the ORDER allegiance abilities. So it would seem that Kragnos can only be included in a "DESTRUCTION army" and not an IRONJAWZ or GLOOMSPITE GITZ army. Somebody correct me if Im wrong about that.
  10. Same way you kill everything in AOS 2 1. Fight first fight twice 2. Shoot at it until its gone 3. Magic at it until its gone 4. Shoot then charge at it and hope they cant do #1
  12. Re: Kragnos warscroll +Does a lot of damage on the charge +Hits like a truck in melee +2+ save makes him good against high volume, low rend threats +Good defense against spells +18 wounds is good against being pinged down -Cant benefit from allegiance so unlikely to ever get accuracy or attack boosts, relies on command points to reroll hit1 -only 10" move, cant run and charge -Cant reroll charges natively, relies on command points -No special defense against shooting or mortal wounds -Can't fight first or delay enemy fighting -Hurts his own army with Bellow of Rage He will probably be too expensive and won't counter meta threats like hearthguard blobs or faster armies that can deny his charge and make him fight last. Unless he is around 400p I doubt he will be a competitive... not that it matters since everything changes with 3rd edition anyway! Has anyone pointed out that there isn't a single unit in the game with the DRAKE keyword? Must be a new stormcast unit coming in 3rd edition.
  13. It would be cool if wh+ included subscriptions to the 40k app and inevitable updated aos azyr app (or whatever they replace it with)
  14. They will probably move their free YouTube paint guides and twitch livestreams behind the wh+ paywall
  15. It's definitely Thondia, since that's the continent with Excelsis
  16. This is really the best case scenario. I hate race-based soup battletomes and would prefer we get the "microfactions" split apart again but with updated model ranges.
  17. Yup this. I'm tired of a game where every army double taps shooting or fights first and fights twice or teleport charges or nukes you with +5 magic out of unbinding range. Aos 3 needs some serious power slump to counter the hideous power creep from 2nd edition
  18. He saved Smash, now he can save Warhammer
  19. You are describing bodyguards. Weren't you against this idea just a little over 24 hours ago?
  20. I don't recall ever saying this, but whatever helps you feel better I suppose
  21. You're right, that's not how blunt force works. The ball folded over the mask like putty, it didn't cause any damage. You and I don't survive it. Magical lightning-blood demigods clad in armor made from pre-time star rocks will probably be fine.
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