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Posts posted by CountryMou3e

  1. 3 hours ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    I have found change-host be be a solid option.  The battalion ability is a complete game changer and lots of the demon unit are under rated.  Not going to be wiping out other armies but they are amazing at objectives.

    How so? Since the FAQ and points increase , it feels far from game changing 

  2. 1 hour ago, Asimov said:

    Really liked painting Vilitch:

    I agree though, it could use a  new style and the Fatemaster do need a good revamped. 

    Curseling Front.jpg

    Curseling Back.jpg

    looks cool! little tip with resin though, place it in recently boiled water then under a cold tap and the sword would have been nice and straight :)

  3. 1 minute ago, Deadkitten said:

    Ah so not just Enlightened but the Enlightned on Discs.  Yes, that's a definite step up into calvary range.  They add the movement which my list does lack.  I'm not sure all the missions would even be winable which is troubling.  Thanks for your other comments.  I've only had the battletome for a couple days now.  


  4. 39 minutes ago, MrRoff said:

    Thanks you! Got a buddy who's been playing with 2-3 battalions with the prices from the tome, so he hade like 3 extra commandpoints and artifacts for shy 100p extra.
    Thanks for the clarification!


    Edit: I now also see that the correct point costs are in the Battlescribe app, is that a reliable source to use?

    Always go by the latest generals handbook or battletome 

  5. 45 minutes ago, Deadkitten said:

    Allegiance: Chaos

    Herald of Tzeentch (140)
    - Staff of Change
    Herald of Tzeentch (140)
    - Staff of Change
    Lord of Change (380)
    Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch (180)

    10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (200)
    10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (200)
    10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (200)

    10 x Chaos Chosen (280)
    10 x Blue Horrors of Tzeentch (100)
    10 x Blue Horrors of Tzeentch (100)
    10 x Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch (70)

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 109

    Listhammer!  Not sure Multitudinous Host is worth it but I do sort of want to go with that feel.  I want a good close combat unit as a counter-strike reserve.  Blues/Brims as general screening.  I'd like the Brims to just be more Blues but I think the Gaunt Summoner is too good to pass up.  Too many characters?  Not sure I need the LoC either but I sort of want a centerpiece monster.  He seems fun. 



    You don’t really have any damage threats outside of the gaunt / loc which if unbound , won’t do any damage. Is the list just what you have in models ? I’d highly recommend some enlightened (I’m a broken record here) , they’re very good right now :) 

    couple of endless spells would help speed up your blue point generation and threat range of your casters 

  6. 2 hours ago, obmik1 said:

    Yeah, originally I had the blue scribes in the list. But finding 100 points for the karic acolytes is difficult. I could purchase some enlightened but I imagine theyll go up in points in ghb19. And with a bit of luck skyfires will come down some! Plus the shooting is great.

    I cant see sky fires changing in price at all to be honest, they are appropriately pointed. But i totally agree the enlightened will go up , back to 160 is the most probable. I honestly don't think you need a big block of acolytes, they are chaff and do chaff well, knock it down to 10 and put the blue scribes in and your not far off what I run. 

    6 enlightened wouldn't go amiss In your list, 9 is nice but overkill in most situations. (Subjective choice!)

  7. 10 minutes ago, obmik1 said:

    I've been running 3 units of pinks as my battle line. In smaller games where that's all I've had along with heroes I've managed to pull some victories off but it needs something more. In the larger games I've been fielding 9 skyfires which has been successful. I've come to the same conclusion as you in that it needs more bodies on the board. Although choosing that unit has been difficult. Marauders would full the roll perfectly but o suspect they'll be obsolete models and rules in the not to distant future. 

    My own question, is 2 heroes in a list enough? I have limited resources and try to build a 2k that I can play against everyone and in every scenario. I'm fine with proxing some games to get a feel.  I have the majority of models i need already excluding my big block.


    This is what I'm thinking:


    Allegiance: Tzeentch

    Gaunt Summoner and Chaos Familiars (180)
    Lord of Change (380)

    10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (200)
    10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (200)
    40 x Kairic Acolytes (300)

    9 x Tzaangor Skyfires (600)

    Endless Spells
    Aethervoid Pendulum (40)
    Umbral Spellportal (60)
    Balewind Vortex (40)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 115

    Imo you want one more hero that’s fast , makes dropping your blues around the table much easier to achieve. Blues win games ! 😁

  8. 13 minutes ago, MrRoff said:

    Yeah i get that, but what if 4 models had been slain previously, but then i summon in more to the unit before i return the slain models?
    So now the unit is full again but it still has slained models

    Using pinks as an example: 

    From a 10 pink unit, 4 died in turn one but I rolled a 1 for battleshock and returned 6 (cause in this example, I’m legit lucky)

    turn 2 , I fold reality and roll a 6 again (who’d have thought! :) ) but only get to return four models to the unit that had previously been slain 

    now my unit of pinks is 16 

  9. On 1/25/2019 at 11:17 AM, zombiepiratexxx said:

    Thanks for the LoC/Kairos advice! I've worked out the rest of the list and posting for feedback; 


    +++ New Roster (Age of Sigmar) [1980pts] +++

    ++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Chaos - Tzeentch) [1980pts] ++

    + Leader +

    Herald of Tzeentch : 6. Tzeentch's Inferno, Ritual Dagger

    Lord of Change : 1. Bolt of Tzeentch, 3. Magical Supremacy, Baleful Sword, General

    Ogroid Thaumaturge : 6. Treacherous Bond

    Tzaangor Shaman : 1. Bolt of Tzeentch

    + Battleline +

    Kairic Acolytes : 2x 10 Kairic Acolytes, 20x Cursed Blade and Arcanite Shield

    Tzaangors : 10 Tzaangors, Brayhorns, Icon Bearers, 6x Savage Blade and Arcanite Shield, 4x Savage Greatblade

    Tzaangors : 10 Tzaangors, Brayhorns, Icon Bearers, 6x Savage Blade and Arcanite Shield, 4x Savage Greatblade

    + Other +

    Blue Horrors of Tzeentch : 10 Blue Horrors

    Flamers of Tzeentch : 3 Flamers

    Tzaangor Enlightened on Discs of Tzeentch : 2x 3 Tzaangor Enlightened, Disc of Tzeentch

    + Allegiance +

    Allegiance: Allegiance: Tzeentch

    + Game Options +

    Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost

    Created with BattleScribe

    I already own the LoC/Kairos, Herald, the flamers and the Blue Horrors so they're in there to use (I have a start collecting box as well as the LoC and Blue/Brimstone box). I thought the Blues could sit on an objective while the rest of the army advances and does the real work. 

    Try incorporeal form on the loc, he’s surprising dirty in combat 

  10. 2 hours ago, TactfulSaturn said:

    Works well for me, I don't really miss having pinks as I tend to prefer a 'hit them hard and fast' kind of play style and then grab objectives when they haven't got much left.  I'm also toying with the idea of changing the Tzaangor for another unit of 10 Acolytes and a seperate squad of 6 Enlightened but I haven't decided whether to make that investment yet or not. 




    at least one unit of pinks needs to be staple in most lists I think. Along with an endless spell to start farming blues, its a really underrated strong point of tzeentch right now. One I used to great effect at a recent tournament, well timed deployment of summoned blues won most of my games. yes killing things hard and fast is great, but this is an objective game at the end of the day :) 

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  11. 33 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    Compare it to the Incantor which also costs 140. Incantor has a much better spell, Spirit Flasks, and a dispel scroll.

    The issue here is that the Relictor is overpriced. I haven't used him since they raised it to 100. If they dropped the Relictor back to 80 then an Exorcist with PRIEST keyword at 140 would be fine.

    The relictor is appropriately costed now, he’s still be worth 120 to be fair 

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  12. 12 minutes ago, Luke1705 said:

    He’s a force multiplier. Makes the enlightened even better. You can always hit the fold reality button to bring back enlightened (indeed that is what Kairos is for) but you can’t do that for a dead shaman. So there’s no reason to let him die and let your enlightened get worse. You could argue that the enlightened are good enough without him (probably true) but why let him die? There’s no upside for you.

    Also,  some missions you need heroes or wizards to score. He’s great there because who is mulching through 36 wounds in a turn? Not a lot of units, especially if you charge properly. But anyone can kill a lone hero.

    who's going to have which spell in that case? The shaman can only take one. I also get what you are saying but there are better heroes to use if you need something tanky, it will make you play him quite defensively as the chaff wont be able to keep up?  

  13. 1 hour ago, obmik1 said:

    What are people's thoughts on the blue scribes? He's an auto include just for his own spell but late game he tends to go out and claim objectives and win games. He's got so many cool rules it's a shame they can't all be used at once. I haven't seen them in many lists on here or anywhere else for that matter.

    I also tend to use wellspring of arcane might for redundancy. 



    I run him in all my lists , he synergises well with our casters and the ability to learn some pretty nasty spells then cast them on a 2up is awesome. 16” move and 140pts , he’s a barg for sure. Squishy though , looks after them and they’ll  bag you some objective points ! 

  14. 10 minutes ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    The bonus from either is nice, but hardly essential, in my experience.  I find max enlightened units are usually overkilling units without the bonus and 180 point is a lot to drop for a 1 cast (2 once) wizard who is bad in combat.  That said, it is important to have a hero who can keep up with them, losing them to battle shock really stings.

    I tend to use my shaman to drop blues on objectives or zone out / protect the enlightened if needs be. the shaman is also well worth the points if its buffing 3 units in my case :)

  15. 1 hour ago, Grotruk said:
    Hey guys.
    Dou you think either a lord sorcerer or a tzaangor shaman is always a must have in a 9 enlightened/skyfire list ?
    Have a good day !

    @mmimzie is great with the maths here. I believe the Lord Sorcerer is 'better' if just running the 9 enlightened. However, if running both the shamans buff will get you more mileage. Take this with a pinch of salt though as we are looking at this in a vacuum and not comparing across different scenarios, play styles and list composition.

    I personally prefer the shaman due to his increased mobility and additional spell if needed along with the buffs to both units, just remember to factor in the wholly within requirements and your good to go.

  16. 2 hours ago, Mo7650 said:

    Guys what is your opinion about the skyshoal coven battalion? Is it competitive? I was planning to use it and give my shaman the windthief charm to zip around the battlefield.

    I rate it ;) and your artefact choice is perfect complement to the battalion for the shaman.

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