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Baron Klatz

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Everything posted by Baron Klatz

  1. Well hopefully that’s why they didn’t get even a mention in this reveal so they have more time for a big release down the road, be it a new godly army or those Fyreslayers in March rumors I cling to like a ur-gold tattoo.
  2. Not without a campaign at least or a few combined stories to actually explain why it happened. As is their efforts haven’t got the groups to agree on joining forces. Broken Realms built a bit towards it but then that build-up dispersed as Grombi was no where to be seen and Grungni hopped over to Azyr to help Sigmar and then had a White Dwarf story show him watching his people from a far and being impressed by their feats without him. And then we have the Corebook and current lore showing they’re still divided and even have instances of attacking eachother over their magic golds or depending which side of a in-debt Dawner party they’re on. If we get a campaign lead-up, Grungni and a new large force of mecha & Fyre mixed duardin that practically turn them into a new army of sci-fi pyromaniacs that control the skies and lava veins below so they can practically forge new lands, flying continents and even sub-realms(that is actually something Grungni taught the duardin to make artificial realms) then more than fine. That’s all badass and builds on new narratives while playing to their strengths an unique armies. But just throwing in a white bearded hero with off-hand soup and calling it a day? Nope. Won’t be happy about that and would vastly prefer different tomes to continue fleshing them out.
  3. Thought i’d resurrect this thread because most of the news is book related(fitting for the newest NightHaunt hero ) Really great humble bundle deal up for those who might have missed it today. And the hyped Gothgul Hollow novel is on the way. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/01/26/what-is-mhurghast-as-the-darkness-creeps-closer-we-delve-into-this-new-warhammer-horror-series/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=black-library&utm_content=blmurghast260122 Also loving the more spooky look at Shyish here. “It takes place on the lonesome Null Island, a place that already exists on maps of Shyish but has never been explored before. Gothic Horror relies upon its atmospheric settings, and the wild Shyishian landscape – with its melancholy moors, twisted forests of ossified trees, and gibbet-lined roads – naturally lends itself to the genre. The Hollow itself is a made-up region, though. We wanted the freedom to create locations specific to the plot and local folklore. An example is the Blood-rock Peaks, an ancient site of ritual sacrifice, which is perilous to navigate even without being haunted by its awful history. We took inspiration from places like the Derbyshire Dales” Wagonfolk Gulf remind me of Josh Reynold’s except of people in the Realm of Death back in 2017. ”Are there mortal cities in Shyish? What would they look like? -Randolph Carter Yes, a good many. And, as with most of the realms, the cities are diverse in appearance and nature, depending on their location. Some are shrouded mortuary cities, ruled by undying aristocracies of vampires or Deathrattle families, while others are mercantile-fiefdoms, ruled by elected councils. There are theocratic city-states, controlled by organised priesthoods who worship Nagash-Morr, and nomadic wagon-cities which trundle eternally across the vast swathes of desert that mark much of Shyish. There are the iceberg-citadels of the Great Chill Sea, and the hive-like Deep Towns, carved into the mountains of the far south.” While on that Death Realm note, quick summary to the Ossiarchs position right now after their White Dwarf update: “> -the Lumineth strategy worked; the Ossiarch Empire is rife with insurrection, many monuments are still rubble, and with much strength committed to the Arx Terminus they can't quickly deal with this > -the Triptych still hasn't been fully rebuilt > -it's suspected Archaon intends to strike at Gothizzar, though nobody knows how that'd be possible > -with Nagash gone the OBR legions no longer enjoy his favor as they once did and other undead want to capitalize on that, but OBR are also more autonomous for the time being > -Arkhan's secret HQ is rumored to be located in Anadiria, where the Null Myriad hold sway > the power vacuum has seen adversaries like Sigvald's Decadent Host and the Tarkan warglutt run wild > -Katakros is still paining from being struck down by Archaon, but he's also having strange episodes of visions and whispers that even being picked apart and transferring bodies can't seem to fix, and his thoughts will stray to his mortal home in Ghur > -Kragnos had a run-in with the Ivory Host's claim in Bjarl that did a number on them > -to replenish and up their game they're experimenting more with realmstone and monster bones with very few but gradually mounting breakthroughs” Also nifty thing on the “Monster” short story is it deals with an early Soulbound that worked for Sigmar & Grungni back in the Age of Myth who’s soul-connected to his axe like in their recent supplement.(and could be a Kratos shout-out 😛 )
  4. At least it’ll be on brand for the River Temple to water them down.
  5. Soup and defeatism, name a more iconic duo. Yeah, getting those airships and Sky-port subfactions watered down would hit hard against them. And I absolutely believe Disposessed(if they even get included) have that nerf bat hanging over them as both a Bonesplitterz situation and that stuff like Irondrakes have more rules than most two 3.0 warscrolls combined.
  6. Yeah, I don’t envy them on the chaotic supply issues that are popping up everywhere and I imagine news and releases are gonna get more sparse for all the games now that we’re approaching releases that were “worked on” back in 2020’s quarantine. Might be a very slow year and the next until they properly recover.
  7. They COULD be but like you said, you don’t know the raw deal Orruks got by soup(and lesser extent Ogors & Gloomspite that don’t synergize the sub-factions so they’re forced to fight individually anyway) Like if we can get a cool mini-campaign(with accompanying campaign book) to tell the story of why the soup happened and then a Good fleshed out Tome then I’d be alright with it too. However with 3.0 I’m especially wanting full seperate tomes because they can play with the new coalition rules better and promise more support for that faction. Hopefully that’s partly why they separated the Vulkites into two warscrolls so it’ll justify them filling out a tome with even artificial unit choices on top of a few new releases to get Fyreslayers really cooking.
  8. Hey now! Chainghasts actually have a 15” range with their thrown flails. (I actually never noticed until they became my top threat in AoS:Stormground) So I’m imagining 24” range with how elite the Cravenking’s guard look.
  9. The rules are so watered down now in 3.0 and nerfs plentiful you can see the Soulblight thread is terrified of a new tome replacing the rules-heavy one 2nd edition gave them. It’s super not likely to be anywhere that good unless the next tome wave is meatier than we got so far. No, that’s just wanting a bare-minimum bandage on a gaping wound. Full fledged tomes would solve all the problems and promise more support for each faction.
  10. See that’s the defeatism he’s talking about. Fair enough if you’re okay with it but others want more than “okay here’s your new Kharadron ship & blimp hero that also counts as the only thing either Fyreslayers or Dispossessed get for the next year or two and we only gave abilities that benefitted Kharadron units. Coalition variety? Nah, gotta sort out battlelines and keywords in the Duardin Waaagh for minimal mixing.” Big beautiful tomes and proper unit lines along with sweet new Coalition + ally rules are definitely the way to go compared to what Warclans look like.
  11. I’m still calling Malerion for 4th edition Order vs Order, Stormcast Angel/Prosecutor revamp vs devil shadowkin. I wouldn’t mind. I really like the heavier direction on golden face-masks too for both their infantry and Melusai. Nice blend of their decadence and a mirror to the Stormcast with Morathi-Khaine being the darker side of Order. (Also goes with one of my favorite minor Stormhosts the Thunder Barons who get along really well with the Daughters of Khaine so the idea of both marching/flying/slithering out in golden masks is a really cool image )
  12. Ulfenkarn is a Death port city(thus the Kosargi zombie Ogors being sea raiders). It would make sense for the Duke to call in a NightHaunt fleet for a favor since the “have the city pulled into the Nadir” plan fell short.
  13. People already pointed out they use the Kharadron ironclad ships as a fancy travel logo. It started with Hammerhal Herald “joke” and then they kept using it for deliveries and Christmas stuff. It was likely their way of saying safe travels to Vegas.
  14. Should’ve been Silent People to quiet the ranting. 😛 Okay that’s way more badass than a book. Seems NightHaunt are cornering the giant angry book market anyway. Leave it to Kharadron to be visionaries and have already moved passed that to start a new enterprise of angry sky-halls like a vengeful face constantly staring down at everyone that wronged them.
  15. Hear hear! Let kindle the flames of hope with the Fyreslayers and sail to new horizons of possibilities with Kharadron on seperate battletomes! Magma queens, fire spitters, demidroth cavalry, Gigadroth super unit, living volcanoes, dancing fire elementals, Kharadron super ships, aetheric mine-layers, shield ships, sniper squads with x-ray lenses(suck it Lumineth birb hacks), the steampunk bi-planes they broke Belakor’s siege with. There’s tons of glorious stuff there to fill out both tomes and stand up to the aelven tome horde! No more hiding in scrunched up caverns, it’s time for vast empires stretching across the skies and lava lands watched over by two shining tomes And More! Seperate Grungni Gholemkin book AND a Rootking tome of the Realm of Life Druid duardin with their wooden armored armies and soulpod forged weapons!
  16. I’m gonna Anvil of Apotheosis this guy so hard into a NightHaunt Chamon leader for the crossbows. Metal Ghost gunner leading the shooty boo bois. 😍 Someone pointed out the crossbows are basically just grimghasts with their hoods pulled back to reveal the helmets and I really like that detail. NightHaunt are basically militia ripped up from the countless afterlifes beneath Shyish that invaded the realms. Going from scythes to crossbows would be a fitting transition for ill-trained murderers that need weapons low in skill but high in lethality. Also cool the box connects with the story of the fall of Anvilgard. Love me some lore continuation.
  17. Heck yeah he is! Also big red and that Aeldari dark reaper will be good conversion/proxy material for Blades & Bonereapers.
  18. Ghosts with Crossbows!! Heck yeah! That goes great with my wish for Chamonian NightHaunt just like the best crossbow Kruleboyz are native to Chamon in they mecha fortresses and captured Cogforts they outfitted with kill bows and winch-choppas to cut up monsters. Glory to the Realm of Metal!
  19. Yes please! Been waiting forever for this big lad to hit the States one day and I’d snap that up in a minute along with all the other Questing demigods I missed over the years if they were put on Made-to-Order.❤️
  20. Ah, the only reason I’d want a Fyreslayer lodge to move in with them. Burn that log! 🔥 But at least “That’s going in the Log!” sounds modernized (and probably makes a few Sylvaneth treebeards grin ) Edit: oh but I should note Grimnir being a kin to a murder god isn’t too far off from how he can manifest. There’s one notable Flesh Eater Courts battle where their victory over the Fyreslayers was causing a bloodthirsty Grimnir to manifest as an Aspect. “it's just that in this particular image, he is witness to a battle where the Fireslayers are losing. Since the Gods are powered and shaped by belief, the death of the Fireslayers, who picture him as a giant flaming dwarf, is slowly being replaced by the picture of him as whatever the Flesh Eaters might see him as. On the other hand, if it was Nagash who was witness to this battle, and the Fireslayers were winning instead of losing, Nagash might appear as a giant, burning skeleton.”
  21. That’s just crue- oh wait… I’m loving the humor of these new guys. Especially with that “Orky awards” line up on Warhammer Community with the Kruleboyz sneaking in that last entry so they’d tie. Kruleboyz got sadistic style for breaking the 4th wall.
  22. The only Book I care about is the Kharadron one of progress that doesn’t stagnant society with pointless grudges. 😛 “Sky-paths: The Nav-Leagues regularly publish detailed navigational charts describing every known and half-known sky-path within a given region of the Mortal Realms. Each new printing are divided by edition, one for each Mortal Realm, and further subdivided into volumes covering regions of the realm in question. These tomes are nicknamed The Book by the Kharadron pilots who rely on them. They normally carry with them one version covering the regions they will traverse.” And Fyreslayers have no book since they combust at their touch(thus they read Braille runes inscribed on metal orbs for their “books”) Your meme has no power here, Clan Cynic the Grey.
  23. I remember back in 2019 they actually had a really cool White Dwarf battle against eachother. Ur-gold landed beneath a church dedicated to Khaine so the Khainites took it as a divine gift and melted it down to built an Avatar of Khaine out of it. This of course crossed several lines with the local Fyreslayers who hear a piece of their god was turned into the focus of worship for a god of murder(not far off from Grimnir himself when you think about it) and demanded the sacred relic destroyed which resulted in the battle of faith between two Order forces just respecting their deities. It was a very cool scenario with neither side actually in the wrong but still understandable they came to blows over the situation.
  24. Oh that’s gorgeous! Would go really well with the Darkmills cloud refinery Kharadron stuff:
  25. There’s a substantial shake-up for the NightHaunt since Broken Realms that I’m looking forward to their new tome exploring. With the Necroquake closed off the majority of their endless waves from the Underworlds caused them to go from a Tyranid-like force that immediately replaced all their loses with new soulmatter(biomatter) to being slightly more conservative and digging in on their gains when they flooded the realms in their billions. I’m hoping that’ll mean some nice flavorful sub-factions for them now that they’ve settled in the realms, like say a force that references the heroic ghosts of Hallost(noble spirits that hunted chaos invading their underworld during the Age of Chaos, had their lands threatened to be swallowed by the Nadir during the Soul Wars and now the 3.0 Core Book confirms Hallost is saved that fate and the hero ghosts are riding out to aid the Dawncrusaders) and it’d be nice to get NightHaunt that trade their ethereal rules for something like a 3+ Save by being Metal ghosts from Elixia in Chamon. I Really liked Elixia and would like it’s flying sword banshees to get another go via the NightHaunt. https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/Downloads/aos-warscroll-ruins-of-elixia-en.pdf Also would be cool to see if they reference the fiery NightHaunt leader, the Lady of Ashes, that invaded the Ghyranite treetop cities from the Stormground videogame.(she ripped my forces a new one twice) Fingers crossed we’ll finally hear from Silent People or the Gloomspite will finally get more love with an armada of Grotbag Scuttler airships aiding them.
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