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Baron Klatz

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Everything posted by Baron Klatz

  1. At least there’s always Stormcast allies/draconiths to aid their fiery comrades and buff up their chances. Fire and Thunder! Also shout-out to this guy taking his bois to Vegas. Running a heavy hero list, send good vibes his way!
  2. I’m imagining it’ll probably be all NightHaunt (hopefully the boat thing included), their new tome and rereleases of all their stuff still stuck in Soul Wars with the ending being teasers for future Deepkin & Fyreslayers releases. (Fury of the Deep’s Aqshy realm rules might tie into this year’s Season of War)
  3. It’s possible we’re just all going nutty over nothing. Whole thing could just be Aeldari flood of content plus NightHaunt news of new models, tome and re-releases to quickly tie-into Nagash’s recent Warscroll change and solve the Soul Wars box issue of missing miniatures. We might have to have this dire duardin division argument again in a few months when they actually plan to unveil a continuation for Fury of the Deep. (With it having a lite-version of Aqshy Realm Rules maybe it’ll be tied to the new General’s Handbook in the Realm of Fire?)
  4. Oh I meant the blocky guy on the right since that armor could be tree-ish and the hair/vines done up like Lumineth but yeah that’s likely the avatar of Khaine guy. I’m thinking the guy on the left is a Corsair because what Kurnothi would need a falconer leash either when they’re apart of nature to a supernatural level? They should have the same level of equality that Stormcasts do to their Aetherwings and not need leashes or bridles. Corsair on the otherhand are supposedly flamboyant so having a collared pet similar to that space cat makes sense.
  5. Good catch on the blocky tree body. Could be the rumored Lady of Vines for Sylvaneth. A Ylthari 2.0 with the tree body but spite limbs that just resemble an aelf. Would aesthetically go with the new Warsong who combines some Sylvaneth ethereal spites with a hint of Lumineth icons. (edit: unless of course it’s more Aeldari. With 40k, Killteam AND Necromunda on the menu they have a lot of knife ear spots to fill for both those shadows) As for the NightHaunt I wonder if he’ll be connected to the Death book rumor engine? I had a theory they might act as Death’s version of Bluescribes as creatures that wander the infinite Realms to collect any knowledge. In this case to rebuild Nagash’s destroyed books he lost in his invasion of the Realm of Light?
  6. That’s be the crux of mitigating outrage at combining two factions of severely differing aesthetics. New models that actually show them combining instead of being jammed together. Give us gholemkin, mecha-duardin controlled by ancestral souls locked in them, elementals of Metal & fire, Fyreslayers outfitted with high tech Kharadron weaponry and Kharadron “Fyre Vessels” powered by Ur-runes and outfitted with lava cannons manned by the mercenaries and it’d be smooth aether-sailing because they showed they put in the effort to make this a stand-out faction full of love for both armies. A tome alone just won’t do. Especially for Kharadron who will suffer the most for a book they can already pull off with one of their ports.
  7. Yeah, 2.0 had some of the good soups. 3.0 feels like food trays where instead of actually “mixed” they’re just different tomes crammed in one book with their pages taken out and that don’t actually benefit eachother besides adding a Waaagh option they get forced together with. Now hopefully they buck the trend and start making good ones but I’m honestly more hopeful they’ll just do something that’s heavy on Coalitions instead and leave a duardin soup for future editions after both factions get more fleshed out to where it won’t matter much.(the Kharadron lore cram will still suck but by then Soulbound and the Dawncrusades will probably have enough Steampunk sky empires across the realms goodness to cover it)
  8. Thanks for clarifying! And yeah it could be Squats/Necromunda or something but I’m holding out hope for some radical Duardin(or even freeguild) rocking it them since high-tech equipment and floating rocks(especially with Dawncrusade Megaliths now) isn’t out of the question for the Realms.(at least the kitbash door will be open regardless) Here’s hoping we find out soon!
  9. I’m checking the Necromunda reveals and solved rumor engines but don’t see it. Got a link? Also is the flying rock foot solved yet and I missed it? That looked connected to the prosthetic leg and flying rocks would fit the Kharadron theme if it’s not Squats as well. Not to be negative but looking at their warscrolls the Irondrakes look like prime targets for the 3.0 water down, they have more rules than most 2 new unit warscrolls combined. If soup does happen it’ll be interesting to see how they juggle all those balances.
  10. Because that’s really doesn’t compare at all to a full tome. Full fledged independent battletomes with new units and now both allies & coalitions means armies can expand bigger than ever. Like a Deepkin battletome can have DoK, Lumineth and Cities of Sigmar aelves in it’s Coalitions and pull off that pirate theme you want handily while also giving the faction full support with new sea beasts, warriors, elementals and even the chance for Endless Spells. Soup is unfortunately backburner support in comparison and those updates for it can go to other armies in the book instead of your sub-faction because you’re sharing room with others and when a update comes and goes to only give the others a bonus you just count by proxy without actually getting anything. Thus the worry. But means must, they know the statistics far better than we and if it’s the only way to save on resources and balances to continue building more exciting and unique new Mortal Realms armies down the road then so be it. (but still, please please please don’t soup! I’ve been burning for a big shiny Fyreslayer release!) Oh that’s an interesting theory. The Beasts of Chaos tome even puts him as a god entity of pure chaos worshipped by the Gavespawn. It could be an aspect they’re dealing with as some sort of manifested avatar split off by the Necroquake.
  11. So much teeth chattering over one little ship pic. I’m still holding out the fyre of hope for it to be a red herring or big dual launch instead for both independent factions. No reason they can’t just get both tomes out of the way at once. If they do go the soup route I hope the event actually takes us through it on why it happened. As is, the two forces aren’t getting along. The Corebook has Kharadron waving off Grungni after his return and avatar-Gotrek isn’t a good influence on Fyreslayers about it as he calls Grungni a straight-up Oathbreaker. But we shall see. 3.0 tomes are at least better for soup(or I call food trays) because they’re bigger and have way less rule-size so they can hold in tons more lore to accommodate everyone and the sub-factions are pretty independent(like how Orruk players either go full Ironjawz or Kruleboyz and hardly ever combine besides what they could’ve done with Allies and the Fyreslayers-only abilities will just reinforce that independence). So it doesn’t feel like mixed together soup so much as seperate apartments in the same building. Bottomline, just don’t be lazy with it if you must. Either give us new crazy units that show cooperation between the magical fire & steampunk armies or have it be the reforged White Dwarf leading an army of Gholemkin, some mecha-body duardin and the like that the other books rally behind.(would much prefer magma queens and fire lizard cavalry though..)
  12. I’m still hopeful for pure Fyreslayers. They have done images like that before that meant something else and could just be off the old travel ticket Hammerhal Herald pictures. So could be a red herring.(if not then Please give us models that actually fit both armies like steampunk fyresuits andMagmadroths with aether cannons harnesses ) Though now I’m wondering if those steampunk prosthetic-looking legs are gonna finally turn up? Could be a surprise Kharadron release if that isn’t squats. Though I’ve also found Prosthetics are actually pretty big in the Freeguild(and thus Dawncrusade) and wondering if that’s it? https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Medimantic_Appendage
  13. Interesting note on some earlier dev discussions a few weeks ago: “Champions of Destruction is going to have miracles of Kragnos in it, apparently. The one mentioned so far involves pulling flying enemies out of the air, with the option to empower it by opening a crack in the earth that sucks them in and traps them, it's explicitly anti-dragon” So worshipping the Earthquake God will be a good idea for any parties that have to deal dragons, giant monsters and God-Beasts stopping their Waaagh! (Unless of course you homebrew a Mega-Gargant archetype and wrestle your colossal problems down like Gorkamorka intended )
  14. He’s got a good track record so far. Predicted Red Harvest, Fury of the Deep and even called Nagash getting a new Warscroll and being playable with the NightHaunt. Besides that I give him credit for a sensible rumor list with no clickbait “whoa Chaos duardin and Dawncrusaders soon!!” But just Deepkin & Fyreslayers with Sylvaneth down the line lead by a Lady of Vines and NightHaunt release with a probable Gloomspite vs Slaves to Darkness box towards year’s end. Barring some extras like Cursed City expansions and more Realm Rules battlepacks it sounds like a quieter year for AoS to gather it’s feet after the having to juggle so many big releases while the world was on fire.
  15. None I’m afraid. However he never touched on UnderWorlds or Warcry releases so those are still wild cards to fill this year. Personally I’m expecting Clans Eshin to pop up later in UnderWorld’s Harrowdeep since they’re both on the map and their clans set-up in Ulgu to learn it’s sneaky shadow magic. Would be nice if it’s there they eventually do a overhaul on chameleon skinks and a shadows war box with Eshin since their origin is from the templeships absorbing shadow magic while sailing through that Realmsphere’s orbit. Replacing their Azyrian starlight physicality with something akin to the dark void between the stars instead. [Quote]”the first temple-ships that spawned Chameleon Skinks did not sail through the light of Azyr, but rather in the penumbral gloom of Ulgu. This interaction allowed the shadows of the realm to seep into the temple fleet's spawning pools, resulting in the unique abilities of the Chameleon Skinks. Perhaps as a result of this, Chameleon Skinks find it easy to become Coalesced in the realm of Ulgu's swirling mists”[/Quote]
  16. Fyreslayer and Deepkin battletome BUT also teases to their future new units too that’ll release alongside the tomes. I’m putting a lot of faith into the leaker that predicted Fury of the Deep when no one else did and he said afterwards he saw a playtester with 3 new Deepkin units & 2 Fyreslayer ones. “I hope you guys like short stack crab cakes” -his tease on them. So let the Ur-hopium flow with Magma Queens and Battle Crabs! the end teaser will be NightHaunt too for their glorious new tome(wishing for cool new sub-factions now that the ghosts have settled down with the Necroquake over) and Soul Wars independent rereleases. Edit: oh for wild card I’d say Sylvaneth teaser for insect cavalry based off the clean bug leg rumor engine.
  17. Honestly that sounds like why it should be pure Fyreslayers tome with duardin coalitions. Otherwise they get the excuse to use the Bonesplitterz/AoS3 nerfhammer on the Dispossessed warscrolls too. (Personally I’m expecting the biggest change to just be avatar-Gotrek getting the Fyreslayer keyword. Not like he wants to work with Grungni who he calls an Oathbreaker) Hmm, kinda wondering if it should be a lava cannon instead of a drill? Would help add firepower to the Magmadroth and Fyresteel axe barrages. It’d also fit how Fyreslayers dig by controlling lava to burn away the ground. A lava tank just constantly blasting it’s payload underground to melt it’s way quickly around the battlefield would function similarly. I imagine it’s semi-sentient due to runes so it wouldn’t need controllers but act as a tank golem filled with lava, sorta like the Gunyolk from the Mario Rpg game. In other news, Woehammer has a new Fyreslayer tournament list that used 2 Stormcast ballista allies to win the day. https://woehammer.com/2022/01/21/top-three-aos-lists-from-coliseum-of-sigmar-floridaus-8th-january-2022/ “Zachary also won all three games and beat Stormcast Eternals/Hammers of Sigmar in Round 1, another Stormcast Eternals/Hammers of Sigmar in Round 2 and Cities of Sigmar/Tempest’s Eye in Round 3. Allegiance: Fyreslayers – Subfaction: Greyfyrd – Grand Strategy: Hold the Line – Triumphs: Leaders ———- Auric Runesmiter on Magmadroth (275)* – Artefact: Salamander Cloak – Mount Trait: Coal-heart Ancient – Prayers: Ember Storm Auric Runefather on Magmadroth (General)(285)** – Command Trait: Battle-Scarred Veteran – Artefact: Helm of Obsidia Battlesmith (125)** – Artefact: The Nulsidian Icon Battleline ———- 5x Heathguard Berzerkers (250)* 5x Heathguard Berzerkers (250)* 5x Heathguard Berzerkers (250)** Artillery ———- Celestar Ballista (140)* Celestar Ballista (140)** Units ———- 5x Auric Heathguard (250)** Core Battalions ———- *Battle Regiment **Battle Regiment Total Points: 1965 pts” 4th time I’ve seen Stormcast allies bring Greyfyrd’s to victory with last time being Drakeguards, Annihilators before that and then Aetherwings to help take objectives. it’a unintentional but I like how that fits their Nexus mercenaries across the realms nature.
  18. I do like stacking debuffs. A spammed magma volley slowing charges down so most of your units can pepper them with Fyresteel throwing axes to chop them up for a counter-charge. Also adding to my wishlist that Lodge Hermdar could change by cutting down on hero abilities(ex: Flamekeeper only needing 3 deaths) and with Fyreslayers & Flesh-Eater tomes on the possible horizon they both get their 2019 mercenary rules back using the new example Sons of Behemat set. Get some powerful named heroes(standard models tho) to work for different Grand Alliances and bring along some of their now watered-down troops not breaking the game with more opened up merc options.
  19. I’ve seen others wonder that too or at the very least leave the priest keyword out to not have to put a prayer section in. I brought that up in the Fyreslayer thread and several people pointed out it’s never happened before so not likely here either.(though I still wonder about the simplified data sheets 3.0 is starting to use) We’ll know for sure when the app is updated and if these rules stick. They actually might remain box level until the actual battletome drops and we see the full puzzle completed instead of using random pieces of it.
  20. I think when they said at 2020 Warhammer World it’ll be ready between 2023-2025, they probably were leaning really hard on that 2025. Like it took AoS well over 5 years to be created with concepts stretching back to 7th edition and rules designs done in 2010 under their “Project Stanley” and then models produced in 2013. Now think about trying all that again with Covid and Brexit throwing a barrage of monkey wrenches into everything. But anyway I’m loving all this good news and we can finally dust the salt off Dominions success which deserved a lot more praise than it got(seriously the 180 fans did on “oh great another launch taken by scalpers” to “why isn’t it gone yet?! I bet it’s flopped!” was baffling to say the least). Here’s to looking forward to Age of Sigmar’s continued skyrocketing fortunes towards the aether of success and more fun videogames(and animations) we can further explore the glorious Mortal Realms in! 😃🍻
  21. I imagine they’ll have to give the sub-factions something good since they’ve been watered down in 3.0 to 1 army bonus and a new battleline, the latter of which Fyreslayers already unlock super easy as is. So something like Lodge Greyfyrd buffing the Auric Magmabolts to always cripple enemy units so they can barely charge (lore mix of their mercenary tactics to aid other armies and stronger Chamon alchemy magmas used) and Lofnir giving them their anti-monster bonuses back but for the whole army ala Astral Templars sub-faction as they’re monster experts so give their Magmadroths an advantage. If 2 new units do appear as rumored I could see that being how they bring the lodges up to the 6 sub-factions standard with both units each getting a new Lodge built around them. Edit: oh yeah about the DoK vs Slaanesh responses. That was still 2nd edition. 3rd edition is when they started introducing the simple data sheets with the Stormcasts and Orruks first. Could apply here to a degree like a few missing extras but likely just the nerf before the battletome storm.
  22. That’s a good point for a possibility. Others are saying it might also be their watered down separate release strategy like how kits just give you simplified data sheet cards instead of full warscrolls. This all could be contained to the box to spice up the fights. So things could be radically different for the tomes. speaking of which, 3.0 battletomes seem to love army-wide effects. What do you guys figure Fyreslayers can get out of that? Being an army that’s usually covered in fire or magma I hope it’s more exciting than wards(though that could fit with the rune tattoos) and they cause a heat-wave debuff to enemies they fight. Opposite to the wards & diseases of Maggotkin as Fyreslayers soften you up with sling shields, slowing magma bolts and heatstroke so their charge can smash an enemy’s defense to pieces or make them regret fighting Fyreslayers on the defensive as the losses make them stronger(Flamekeepers here) and keep the enemy down.
  23. Well Flamekeeper at 80 is the cheapness I was hoping for to spam them in a procession. The non-priest thing is super weird though and I can’t help but think it’s an oversight like the Sloggoth which wasn’t even a Kruleboy at release that they fixed later. Whole thing definitely smacks of the nerf-bat adjustments they’re making for a upcoming battletome and this is just an incomplete piece of the puzzle. Time will tell and hopefully the monster-focus means Magmadroths and maybe even new units rumored(accurate guy said 2) can shine.(and at the very very least we won’t hear “they weren’t selling so they made them OP to move stock” complaints ) Edit: I’m also wondering how much the scenario book is favoring Fyreslayers as defenders with these rules since they’re fighting on their own turf in the Realm of Fire. That could indirectly help them too if the new Season of War switches to Aqshy.
  24. If he’s cheap I foresee “Grimnir Fyre-Dirge Processions” chains of these priests so they can all benefit from Fyreslayer deaths at once and multiply the benefit for as few losses as possible that can quickly be brought back with Healing & Rally. Looks interesting enough and I love the model so seems good to me. Looking forward to seeing how this develops, his pure Fyreslayer focus could really pay off if we see the units changed up(hopefully in a Fyreslayer tome with new priest traits to boot)
  25. She already forgave the Wanderers back at the end of 2016 after the Seeds of Hope campaign. The problem is the Sylvaneth themselves haven’t so we got things like 2018’s “Heart of Winter” where a Wanderer in the city of Izalend despises the forests because Sylvaneth slaughtered his tribe trying to settle in the woods there after coming back from Azyr. Sylvaneth even call the tribal tattoos they wear “traitor marks”. Just for the record, the Kurnothi are actually a type of tree people and not pure flesh aelves. That’s why they all have Lamentiri seeds in their stomachs and the Cursed City Kurnothi was both hidden in a sub-realm only Sylvaneth are allowed in and her rules make her apart of the glades rather than the cities. So it wouldn’t be actually Wanderers that hid in Ghyran but that Alarielle finally regrew a new people that are literally apart of nature. Tree people in the flesh so the other Sylvaneth will accept them. Ones like the antlered Kurnothi might be super special types grown only in Ghyran’s secret realms that lead while the more bestial mixed Kurnothi are common from being in the wilds like Ghur(flowers to weeds comparison). BUT I’m personally expecting just Sylvaneth insect cavalry. One of the accurate rumor guys that called the recent box said “non-Kurnothi Sylvaneth” release so going by that. Wouldn’t be the first time Warhammer Quest & UnderWorlds made models(especially aelven ones) that didn’t go anywhere just like Silver Tower Warpriest, Grot snarlfang riders, Brayherd and sadly Bonesplitterz didn’t lead anywhere. Some things are just fun one-offs the designers explore.
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