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Baron Klatz

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Everything posted by Baron Klatz

  1. Yeah, I was gonna point you to the Lexicanum’s Time of Tribulations page before you found the article. Really great stuff, I especially liked Nurgle’s entry: “Nurgle respects Nagash, but the end of all life that Nagash plans, would end the cycle of life that Nurgle embodies. So the armies of the Plague God seek to defend all the children of the Mortal Realms, whether they accept him or not.” https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Time_of_Tribulations The Malign Portents book is worth grabbing it if you can. Some great stuff in there like how the cities had to deal with the Endless Spells (super)natural disasters happening everywhere that ranged from the Collegiate flying in human & aelven wizards to dispel stuff like giant flame skulls or ghurian jaws that were literally eating cities to how basic villages had to hire spell bounty hunters that could range to zealots with relics in stopping the stuff like magic clock-cogs overhead from rewinding time.
  2. Someone pointed out that looks to be a Fyreslayer rune in the flames too. Fingers crossed for those Fyreslayers vs Deepkin box rumors. So much they can build up on with the current Har-Kuron situation in the Realm of Fire after the Fyreslayer “Fyrepit” churches were taken after 9 days of battle and doused with magic blood rivers. A box of them either wanting revenge or defending territory from Morathi-khaine’s expanding empire by using the violent Fuethan Deepkin allies(already well known for depopulating coastal villages via bringing up swarms of hungry red-finned fishes & fire-breathing sea-beasts with them) would be aces.
  3. Well I’m super late to say Draconiths have landed but have some over-excited fan art I made instead from someone dealing with family moving problems. (Thus my rare posts here for now) https://www.deviantart.com/baron-klatz/art/AoS-fan-art-Stormcast-and-Draco-alliance-899468312 So hyped to one day field my ideal hero team of Gavriel, Gardus, Bastion and Krondys. The most pure-hearted celestial guardians of the Realms. This bit of news is overlooked but also those new keychains that harken back to AoS1 with Liberator and Bloodbound shields are excellent too. Then Audible has a Mortal Realms Saga audio collection that looks pretty sweet too. https://www.audible.com/pd/Saga-of-the-Mortal-Realms-Audiobook/B09MG3VB48?qid=1637948376&sr=1-1&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=7E79QAF02T04DKB0G29E And finally a bit of news that will soon be moot. There’s 12 hours left to get Age of Sigmar:Stormground on Steam for $15 as it ends on December 1st at around 7:00 am. Very nice little grab but if you miss no harm, it’s still half-price on Steam so it’ll only be $20 afterwards for a fun tactics game.
  4. It hasn’t been posted here yet but the Soulbound roadmap is looking sweet! ”Artefacts of Power: Artefacts of Power out now in PDF! You can pre-order your copy here and get the PDF straight away. Expected in stores Q2 2022. Champions of Destruction: Writing and art are now complete and Champions of Destruction is ready for editing. Expected PDF release Q1 2022, and expected in stores Q2/Q3 2022. Blackened Earth: Art and writing are well underway. Expected PDF release Q1 2022, and in stores Q3 2022. Ulfenkarn: City at the Edge of Death: Writing and illustration are underway for Ulfenkarn. This is a big book, so production will be a little longer on this one! Stay tuned for more on the expected PDF Release date in future updates. Reap and Sow (PDF only): Our Free RPG Day adventure, Reap and Sow will be available for download within the next week. Keep an eye out! NEW! Era of the Beast: The Mortal Realms quake as Kragnos, the End of Empires, escapes his centuries-long imprisonment and rampages across the realms. Era of the Beast offers players and GMs a chance to follow the ongoing narrative of the Age of Sigmar universe, and brings the timeline forward to the Era of the Beast and the emergence of Kragnos. This book recounts the events of the Broken Realms saga and updates the lore of major cities and the status of the gods of the realms. Era of the Beast details the lands of Thondia in Ghur, complete with monstrous creatures to face. The book also includes a number of new Archetpyes, such as the Scinari Loreseeker of the Lumineth, the Melusai of the Daughters of Khaine, and the Knight-Vexillor of the Stormcast Eternals. Era of the Beast has just begun pre-production. Expected PDF release Q2 2022, and in stores Q4 2022. Virtual Tabletop: We’re working hard on the Soulbound module for Foundry VTT and it’s looking great! Expect more news in the coming months.” Also awesome fan-art on DA the other day of their group’s Anvilgard carbine Aelf that was a former member of the Order of Azyr. https://www.deviantart.com/nictanova/art/Aelf-with-carbine-899145819 Their group is still pre-broken realms so I wouldn’t want to be the Melusai staring down the barrel of that thing from a anti-Har-Kuron resistance attack.
  5. Reap and Sow is now up as a Free PDF. Excellent for another beginner venture into the Mortal Realms. and probably a lesser note (I missed out on saying Cyber Monday yesterday had the corebook off by 66% :X) but they got Updated the files on Artifacts of Power. Don’t miss out if you want crank the mortal realms magic up to 12!
  6. News! (Some a little old by now but sue me) Slaves of Darkness hero Clovenhoof makes her made to order debut and charges back through the Realmgate onto the battlefields. “This Aspiring Champion of the Oathsworn tribes is the perfect addition to your Slaves to Darkness collection. She’s certainly tooled up for war – not only does she have a sword and daemonic shield strapped to her back, she’s carrying with one of the largest spiked mauls you’re ever likely to see. It’s clear to see how she earned her ‘Clovenhorn’ moniker, as one of her majestic horns had been shorn from her head – no doubt in a deadly duel with a rival champion from which she emerged triumphant.” “As an aspiring champion, Holga is perfect for leading your Chaos Warriors into battle, though you can also use her as a Chaos Lord or Exalted Hero of Chaos.* She’s so desperate to start killing in the name of the Dark Gods that she doesn’t have a pre-order window – you can order her miniature right now on a Made to Order basis.” and the VR game Tempestfall launched very recently so anyone blessed with Oculus or the like bolt down into the monolithic fortress of Shyish as the avenging lightning demigod the God-king knows you are and free those souls! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/10/29/be-a-stormcast-eternal-in-tempestfall/ and finally the Armies on Parade winners for the glorious Age of Sigmar with Twitter showing a very nice spread of Life Realm Order, Amethyst Realm Death and Beast Realm Destruction with the gods at the fore and aft about to plunge their otherworldly armies into war.
  7. Yeah the app is really top-notch. Quick, clean, well organized and updates nicely. (Would be nice to have the digital library back even just for a quick jaunt through old tomes but oh well) Interestingly I noticed the Ogor Mawtribes on the app can ally with Kruleboyz Troggoths for Mirebrute leaders & sloggoth beasts(those would make great Ghurian food carts) too but I can’t seem to find a reference to it elsewhere like in faqs. Stealth update I suppose?
  8. Eyes up, lads! Warhammer rpg and screen sale this weekend. Ends Monday so act fast! Also exciting news in Artefacts of Power for Soulbound on Pre-order. Realmgates, Realms stones and everything magical in-between to bolster your heroes in defending the Mortal Realms!
  9. Oh hey! Sorry for the late response! Day after you posted my old phone I use for this site went on the fritz and I had to get everything started on a new one(this forum is mean if you forget your old password 😢 ). Anyway yeah, check out Crash and Burn plus some links to other places you can browse for starter info. https://www.cubicle7games.com/product/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-soulbound-crash-burn/ https://ageofminiatures.com/soulbound-rpg-review/
  10. I think you're looking at it from the wrong angle. GW aren't scratching their heads, they're patting eachother on the backs for solid sales numbers Stormcasts provide because they fill three criteria. Iconic army that scream "Age of Sigmar" at a glance and are excellent starting gateways with their easy to paint large bodies and smooth high fantasy armor. Among the most popular armies with a large active fanbase across multiple forums like facebook and reddit. Like how every time they do a "Show us your Armies!" Stormcast posts outnumber the other AoS armies by easily a hundred on both their Facebook and twitter. And the biggest point that put them ahead at the beginning. Space Marine & Chaos Knight conversion material. Dominion gave a lot of 40k players the Thunder Warriors they always wanted and warhammer reddit was covered in Salamander memes about wanting to convert the new Drakeguard with a quick backpack slap-on. Solid starters, big fanbase and piggyback off Astartes sales makes Stormcast's place cemented as the future posterboys because they give reliable sales. Small price to pay if it's what's guaranteeing bigger and better AoS support that goes out to the other armies of the Mortal Realms.
  11. Bump in the night at all Hallow's eve. Wanted to share some great links Cubicle7 recently put out for our Hopepunk setting(loved that moniker a reviewer gave Soulbound). Awesome recap! : https://www.cubicle7games.com/age-of-sigmar-soulbound-line-recap/ "This is one of the best RPG releases of 2011-2020. Easily.’ RPG.net" Their Dark Rituals commentary sets the holiday mood too! https://www.cubicle7games.com/soulbound-dark-rituals/ " A Different Way to Play ‘O Great Nagash! Undying King above all! I beseech you! Grant me the power to raise my army! In your name! By your will! The Dawnbringers shall fall!’ — Sabbeta Seagrave, Soulbound Necromancer It’s safe to say that playing as a Champion of Death is a very different experience from playing as a Champion of Order. After all, it’s not every day that you step into the ossified feet of a flying 12-ft tall skeletal harbinger of death, powered by dead wizards’ skulls trapped within your ribcage. But there is more to being a Champion of Death than simply looking the part, and being a horrible undead monstrosity — you have to act the part as well. That’s where Dark Rituals come in. " Finally if you missed on on free rpg day for Reap and Sow don't forget it'll be up as a PDF in a month or two. https://www.cubicle7games.com/free-rpg-day-soulbound-adventure/
  12. Indeed. I think your point 2 folds into a secondary thing about Dominion in that it's not a "Beginner" Starter kit but more an expansion for players already in the game. A lot of newbies were turned away from the lack of low-point entry rules Dominion lacked so logically went to the Warrior starter which was intentionally made for them to start AoS. On another note I think how fast the Stormcast Vindictors went to "temporarily out of stock" on the site despite over-saturating all the releases plus free model month is a good tell that a lot of people (both vets wanting sturdy immortal spearmen added to their Order forces and beginners wanting to build on the magazine & freebie vindictors) just were waiting for them than a set of extras like the orruks they didn't want.
  13. I mean it was already stated before on here by Australia shops. When they usually get 20-30 kits ordered for Dominion they got flooded with up to 60 while stuff like the 40k squig orks they got like 1 box which is why that stuff sells out so fast. And then they put out the 3 cheaper starter kits before Dominion had been out for long driving down demand. You really need to visit more positive sites like AoS reddit who are booming and ecstatic over the new edition or any of the new AoS3 youtube channels with how well it's doing. You've been a worrywort over AoS since 2nd edition launched when you thought it wasn't attracting a crowd and they were gonna smash the realms together into a singular planet. Anyway that price drop is Noice. Definitely competing with my interest in grabbing the lowered Catacombs too.
  14. Azyrian gryph quills at the ready and prepare your finest Deepkin imported inks! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/10/27/write-up-a-storm-in-the-mortal-realms-black-library-submissions-are-open-now/
  15. I really like his Seraphon and Ossiarchs. The Seraphon orange skin makes them look like they fit perfectly with the Beastgrave background as they coalesced in the Realm of Beasts known for it's wastelands and amber they blend with while the Ossiarchs are a very threatening combo of unnatural white bones and polished bones that give you a sense they're something beyond mortalkind. If anyone missed it his Kruleboyz warband look fantastic too for the skulkers under the sea: then for the news segment Harrowdeep in-depth look with rivals, errata and free warscrolls for the warbands in AoS. link to the page: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/10/22/take-your-warbands-out-of-harrowdeep-and-onto-the-battlefields-with-these-free-warscrolls/ Big points leap from the old warbands being around 90 points to Xandire being at a whopping 265 but wow I love the synergy of attack, defense and support they have now between runic arrow crits; lightning lantern marking targets and our big hammer boi having a lodestone barrier that'll have him headbutt even a Ogor cavalry charge to a dead stop.
  16. 1. Gonna echo Spear of Shadows and City of Secrets here. Just too good for a first step into the Mortal Realms for newcomers. Honorable mention to "Hammerhal and Other Stories" for another beginner recommend. 2. Soul Wars just inching above Hallowed Knights: Black Pyramid. More Josh greatness put into ink with lots of great characters and fantastical settings. 3. Realmgate Wars: Hammers of Sigmar, definitely a case of Stormcast bias on my part but I very much enjoy how much stuff the book goes over with greenhorn Stormcasts immediately going into a over-the-top battle against Khorne, a torture bridge made of welded cages and a evil moon's gravity pulling combatants into orbit. And that's just the first few pages before we see mortals living in hellish conditions under chaos from a priestess' view of her ruined homeland, two realms getting a chance to shine and epic battles galore leading to a bittersweet ending. It packs a lot into itself. Another honorable mention to Realmgate Wars: Warstorm here. Very nice stories that give good views of the Stormcasts and bizarre realmscapes. On the subject of Dominion. Good book, not a great beginner story though. It's too dark and treats Ghur like a 40k Death World instead of Monster Hunter on mythology steroids. A lot of newbies I talk to wonder how anyone can even try settling territory there which discourages their imagination with making any narrative in the Realm of Beasts. It's the opposite of Spear of Shadows which played on the amazing places and high fantasy upbeat locations found there. It's a better book for intermediates who know the realms can have both dark and light whimsical elements. Like some parts of Ghur you're gonna find a forest that wants to eat you that's on the back of a mountain that wants to eat both you and the monster forest while other times you're gonna run into areas like the Black Marsh Barony with it's coast cities on the backs of land-eating giant turtles whose excrement is mined for gold they can't digest. https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Black_Marsh_Barony Oh that wasn't a retcon, they had hints of it from the get-go. In the first starter book with Gorkamorka's Waaagh hitting the edge of the realms and turning back and the 2015 Clans Pestilens tome showing the spherical realmspheres for the first time. All 2nd ed did was define them better instead of leaving it vague how infinite they were. I mean do you remember when people saw this Ironjawz art and thought this was how you traveled between the Realm of fire and life with the realms being an abstract planet? It's far better they defined how infinite the realms are like this: "Realmspheres are spheres of reality, coalescing and breaking apart within the Aetheric Void. After the destruction of the World-That-Was, various kinds of magic formed new realities of near-infinite scope and grandeur by clustering together, crystallising and combining with nebulae, cosmic dust and debris " https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Realmsphere Ever expanding realm edges, countless sub-realms inside and outside the realmspheres that keep multiplying, mega-continents you can fit several Earths on with more lands and sky islands made all the time, knowing the 8 Mortal Realms are the largest but not the only realms in the void. The setting is as endless as ever. We just can see the infinite potential better now. I hope that doesn't include Soulbound material. Simply phenomenal stuff. I'd also say just give Omnibuses like "Sacrosanct and Other Stories" & "Oaths and Conquests" a try. Tons of unique larger than life characters and views of the vast crazy realms they adventure through.
  17. Matched play: The big boi of the game and very useful for quick set-ups that two new players can agree on(which was always the biggest hurdle in the pointless days, people like the Illusion of fair play even in a Rng game based around 50% chances). I really love it for getting a fast battle in between skirmish size to medium forces(750 to 1500). Narrative play: 100% my jam. Stories, homebrews, hero building & using the Anvil of Apotheosis, building army background in your favorite realm, Path to Glory goodness and just a fun and light hearted time all round. Seeing them taking more and more Narrative elements and add them to Matched Play so even a quick battle can have lots of fluff is a wonderful balance that I feel AoS3 does really well. (Though I have those AoS2 Realmscape narrative rulelists stored away for a reason ) Open play: Underrated gem. It's Narrative on steroids and great for wild unbalanced games with good friends that we all have a soft spot for with the insanity of Warhammer and rolling tons of dice between armies we only "eye-balled" instead of min-maxed. The glory days of AoS1 when anything was possible and players and hobby stores were making crazy living-ship battles, zombie swarms last-stands and hero dog-piles on a god to see who gets the most hits in before going down. I'll never be able to express how happy I am they kept it alive with Open Play and keep giving it such fun support. Really need to break out Aether War rules now that there's some normalcy in the world.
  18. Soulbound Discord is having a one-page writing contest. And a useful White Dwarf tweet by Cubicle7
  19. They should rip the bandaid off and squat all older armies like that did with Asur instead of slowly hobbling them over time and give them proper Mortal Realms crazy replacements like they did with glorious Vampire-centaurs and Lumineth battle cattle & kangaroos but with even crazier hats. The sooner Seraphon, Skaven and Cities of Sigmar get condensed down to 15 models each with stuff like magi-tech sci-fi dino-cyborgs & Aqshy mortals in firelizard-scale cloaks armed with flaming greatswords so we have more room to move on to all new races like Silent People, Aetar, anti-chaos sea daemons amd gholemkin the better. Also no more old reference models beyond god-Tyrion and monstrous Malerion. Pure new characters and races that can't be traced back to the World-that-was like the all new Kragnos and Krondys. Note:(these are all personal feelings. Fully understand GW dragging it's feet and wanting to make AoS have something for everyone as infinite realms can.)
  20. Free intro for Age of Sigmar:Soulbound. Defend a Dawner party colony in the Realm of Death. "AndInStrangeAeon: Since it doesn't appear to say it anywhere above, it seems to be the 16th-17th of October this year. Does anyone know if DriveThruRPG or any other sites will offer downloads? u/Emmetation: Yep, we'll offer it about a month later I believe. You'll be able to get it from our store and from Drivethru" X
  21. Once more onto the scholarly breach! "This time we want all aspiring authors to immerse themselves in the newest Mortal Realms lore and pen original, gripping tales taking place in the time of the Dawnbringer Crusades. As brave Freeguilds answer the Crusader’s Bell and take up the sword, will you take up the scribe’s quill? If you want to submit an idea in this window, all you have to do is send us a 50-word summary of your proposed short story, along with a 500-word writing sample. " https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/09/29/become-a-published-warhammer-author-with-black-librarys-open-submissions/ I'm interested in the stories that'll come from this part. "What do Bloodbound hosts or the deathless minions of Nagash make of these titanic migrations and the upheaval they bring? Are the orruk warclans – newly bolstered by kunnin’ Kruleboyz – delighted by the prospect of the fighting coming to them for a change? "
  22. Oh ho. Brutal art even if it is against a bloodless tree-aelf wraith. I like the "Illusion upgrade" weapon looks like glass since it'll break if you get hit. (I wonder if the devs were playing Cadence of Hyrule at the time ) The gloom rules look really fun for sneaking around the Realm of Shadow battlefield. Gets my mind going if they'll incorporate them into a future AoS Ulgu Realmscape battlepack. A Shadow Realm Core Battalion that gives ambush bonuses, Realm Command that acts similar to the Kruleboyz Bladegrinz mist for attacking under the cover of a darkness that follows you and Ulgu traits for a "All-Out Defense" free command near terrain to copy the Gloom token's defense buffs as you use the shadows to your advantage. Between Harrowdeep and possible Ulgu Realm rules I'll be playing a lot of Yugioh Panik music. To the Shadow Realm!
  23. The Ossiarchs and Deathrattle stuff is so good. More info on their Ghur empires stuff is very fitting for this Era of Beasts. (I like the sound of Tusks Ossiarchs. That could lead to bulky "Annihilator" versions with mammoth and monster skull bones) Honestly surprised this thread went so silent after the big announcement of all those upcoming releases like Excelsis, Ulfenkarn and Dawncrusader supplements alongside all the Death faction news. Oh well. Gonna see how much of blending between Ossiarchs and Warmachines i need to do to get a Bonemason corpse mecha.
  24. My only problem with this is they "took off the bandage too fast". I was expecting them to at least wait until all the battletomes came out to invalidate the old warscrolls. That said, very sad about this decision but I was bracing myself for it since this year began and I wondered what's the most controversial changes a new edition could bring. But with AoS' constantly growing success it makes sense they'd take the training wheels off eventually now that it can stand on it's own legs just under 40k. God-king knows the yearly focus more and more on Matched Play showed them who was really turning AoS into a pillar for the company. (Good ol' competitive blood) A pity everything's in 40k's corner right now or they could've soften the blow with more free stuff like Warcry/Underworlds scenarios, battleplans and even more stories. We'll adjust. Looking forward to my battletome and cards. (Really helps i'm all about physical stuff despite my narrative drive) Honestly not the worst thing(though indeed a downgrade) with the meaty free Core Rules. Tutorial data cards for quick intro battles with the main rules giving your heroes, terrain and unit command/core battalion boosts would be great for newbies. After that It's an eventual buy into a tome or the app which W+ is making more and more a value deal as the weeks go by and they keep adding to it.(just wish they'd dropped more AoS stuff already for it. )
  25. Blades of the Varanguard? Ooohh. The Spider Empire might be coming for revenge all the way back from the Age of Chaos. (2015 Everchosen Battletome)
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