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Baron Klatz

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Everything posted by Baron Klatz

  1. I was actually wondering about that yesterday. As sentient allied creatures would they even need riders? Love the Spyro energy from them. Hopefully the future Covenant Chamber builds on exotic Stormcast allies.
  2. That Ruinclaw article using that Ur-grub boost for Duinclaw has me wondering how far one could convert the warband into sea-insect silent people with a few covered heads and extra limbs... Also love the midnight card. I'm hoping besides more sea creatures the next Deepkin tome can boost the infantry with allegiance abilities that play on their obscuring soul-stealing & memory erasure fog magic.
  3. Maybe just stick to the Thunderstrike Elites and have only one or so Vindictor units that can have shield swaps to the classic look? A Redditor for example did a great job making the Praetors match his regular army. Covering up the God-king medals should be easy enough.
  4. I'm betting Grungni building golems or unleashing gholemkin allies. The new Steam and Steel supplement also has new Aether-powered Cogmunculi creatures in it and they have been on top of AoS news like an Anvilgard coup supplement a week before Broken Realms and their Bestiary showing Gravelords was updating Legions of Nagash into a vampire focus before the tome came out.
  5. Yeah, I could see them segwaying into new Start Collecting kits next year with the Souls War box split in half. (Or maybe sooner with how fast the Vanguard box went so it could be Start Collectings herald battleboxes with those popular armies)
  6. @Sleboda Sorry to bother you but what's that giant skull in the ranks? Is it the Purple Sun endless spell made into scenery or just a customized spell? Loving this thread, btw. Every battle report is a joy to read!
  7. Definitely the consequence of "less down time" is not as much breathing room to stand back and collect your thoughts in heated games. Reminds me of the complaint AoS:Skirmish had with it's own smaller and faster games meaning the more complicated one-model units were a challenge in themselves, probably why Warcry is super streamlined compared to it. All I can really think of to suggest is smaller games to keep things simpler. That or maybe easier armies like Lumineth(the auto-hit stuff) or SoB's alongside your other straightforward Destruction armies.
  8. Gonna agree with Lumineth Alariths because of their popularity and it feels like they've been showing up a lot more in warhammer community battle scenes.(subliminal messaging worthy of sneaksy aelves) Maybe Fyreslayers because they already did Kharadron and Ossiarchs are pretty likely now, especially if they get a new battletome then they'll definitely want to lure people into the Bone-tithe collection agency. I can't see Dominion forces showing up when they're already pushing them so hard with even more starter sets now. Feels more likely they'll just promote them as ally options. Some stalwart Alarith to hold the line while Annihilators act as a sky hammer to their mountain anvil while armored juggernaut Ironjawz charge in under a flurry of crossbow Kruleboyz shots.
  9. One of (the many) things I like that Age of Sigmar expanded on is that dragons are in a sense "primordial vermin" that are just everywhere from the beginning with even other worlds like the world-that-was being this scattered natural force of order that can be found on planets where only titans and monsters inhabit and fight over. This taken up to max with God-beasts like Dracothion and Ignax (the one that was chained down to a floating continent to act as a fire realm sun) to show off that "creatures of creation" vibe and how we commonly see them in the background everywhere from flying around cities to Carmine dragons in Shyish being the first victims of the purple sun Endless Spell as it wanders in from the realm edges. I'd very much love to see more realm dragons and their relations to the many races but my love us solidly with the celestial Stardrakes. Breathing lightning, calling down destructive starfalls, sending Stormcasts on heavenly quests to find their soul kept solargems above the stars.. They're just epic all over.
  10. More than a credit to the hobby he was a foundation. Here's wishing him many fortunes ahead in his well deserved retirement. And here's hoping that those that follow in his wake to bolster the Warhammer universes further share even a fraction of his enthusiasm for the hobby.
  11. Yeah it was the opposite discussion that GW flubbed up by understocking and that a good 8/10th was claimed by scalpers and their bots. If they didn't bounce back with made to orders it would've been a major fiasco. Dominion is how Indomitus should've went. A good week of sales for all those players begging to have it stick around until paycheck day so the vast majority of the community can enjoy it. That's good business and invigorating the hobby rather than people getting ripped off on Ebay with less to spend on GW proper. Besides, the box is now on Last Chance and all the bundles and special stuff is sold out. It went well. The tokens are hardly anything when people also look to their retailers to make the starter kit even more affordable.
  12. Long belated response but take it in small steps. Just some cottages with coral and barnacles before you try running with undersea palaces. But the real reason I dredged this thread up from the Realm of Death is to appreciate the new Dawnbringer Azyrian architecture: There's just so much grand majesty from Azyr's celestial cities on display here from the focus of the Stormcast and Azyrians using their native architecture for the new colonies. Certainly have come a long way from the ramshackle buildings Hammerhal first had after the Seeds of Hope campaign when mortals first tried reclaiming the realms. Bonus points to the objective markers having architecture hints we've seen in Azyr like the horned gryph head. The blue candles are nice too since that's Azyr's main color. It's even noted in lore Azyr stones naturally glow blue so nobles have them imported from the heaven realm so their personal palaces and vista's glow in Azyr's blue light. The Hammerhal herald references that with it's "take a trip to the realm of light" poster since it's in a wealthy nobles quarter with blue stonework that Azyrians could afford. So yeah, i'll be painting my scenery blue to show my Stormcast bodyguarded Azyr colonists are bringing their celestial home down to the wilds of the realms. Final note that goes with the Lumineth poster, we got some eldritchly beautiful architecture and aethercrystal scenery in the new Corebook with them:
  13. Bump because I feel this thread is better for content creator focus. The incredible artist for the Soulbound Steel and Steam supplement posted some of his amazing work in it : Also shout-out to Realm of Plastic's Fortress name generator. They made it for AoS3's new Path to Glory but it'd work well for Soulbound adventurers looking to name a keep or refuge they claimed in the realms. https://www.realmofplastic.com/warhammer/age-of-sigmar-3rd-edition-stronghold-name-generator
  14. I'll be interested to see what happens after the dust settles and see which is the more popular "monster aid" option between hiring a Mega-gargant merc or turning heroes into wizards to turn other heroes into monsters. (Between this and the float spell I wonder how much Final Fantasy the devs played before writing the rules. ) This is my question too. Since it's "Era of the Beast" I could see Ghur, Ghyran and Aqshy being the main Realm rules while the other realm rules end up in campaign books as optional plays like paths that branch off from the main campaign if they don't cram. Because like we've already had chaos realmscape rules with Wrath of the Everchosen (Nurgle spores deterring flyers was neat) and Teclis' BR book has rules for fighting amidst the mountains of Ymetrica so it's not out of the question for campaign books entirely focused on more realmscape depth for both Matched & Narrative while the Ghb's make a smaller clear line of Matched Requirement Realmscapes.
  15. I'm definitely in agreement with you and think the new system of Matched Play being integrated with a Realmscape was a stroke of brilliance by GW. I loved Malign Portents huge Narrative variety and 2020's simpler standardization of different Realms of battle that had more differences happen but this feels like the perfect middle-ground, it's not random so armies can be built around it and it's super in-depth so the realmscape and missions have big impacts on battle as opposed to 2020's which watered it down. Though through it all this basically happened anyway all the way back when 2016's first Ghb Time of Battle rules introduced realm spells for wizards to get more options depending on where they fought. Some tourneys made packs to play on the new stuff while others stayed vanilla. I just say wait for the "scary change" dust to settle and enjoy all the new toys. Because even without Ghur the monsters in 3.0 got rampage buffs so those monster hunter battalion rules are super useful to counteract it. I think it'll get easier the more Realms get released. Then there's way more options for tourneys to build around a scene's preferred battlefield & battleplans and players that have become fully accustomed to the changes. (Like back in 2016 with some big tourneys that did Halloween Death Realm packs and had zombies spawn everywhere. Lots of fun choices ahead the more variety players can build around. ) My money's on the Realm of Metal. Lots of troubles brewing there in the narrative and would make a fun shift from monsters & hunters to war machines and sky battles amidst the shifting alchemical lands.
  16. Hmm...I still need to make a proper entry like Sylvaneth beetles/insects ridden by both Revenants and Ghyran freeguild or new Stormcast Azyr creatures that teleport via lightning flashes around the battlefield. However I saw this on the Eldenring sub-reddit and now want it as a Flesh-Eaters Court royal chariot.
  17. It's that time again! A glorious 6 years defending/conquering the Mortal Realms and making great friends along the way. Here's to many more ahead! Also did a commemoration sketch for the AoS sub-reddit reaching 90,000 subs. Let's keep this awesome community and setting growing!
  18. Lots of good stuff with Seraphon and Warmachines of the Mortal Realms now. Also fan shout-outs to a Soulbound podcast, absolutel chad making stats for the Aetar eagle people of Ghur and a artist porting a DnD party over to the Mortal Realms:
  19. Probably why they're being put in Cities so that's easier since it combines so many armies. If it makes Deepkin apart of that city(very possible looking at the other aelf cities) so you can freely take 1 in 4 of them then the Stormkeep CoS rule would let you have a large Stormcasts force to cover those parts while bringing in either KO or FS as allies. So it can be a good successor.
  20. That does seem the obvious path for a easy soup if it happens. Though i'd imagine Dispossessed left for CoS and just given the 1 in 4 rules for a Kharadron & Fyreslayers crusader allegiance instead of bloating the tome with an identical army with less options than cities. They're still city dweller dispossessed after all which was the point of Grungni's goal to win back their holds and finally lose that title(probably will be when they're replaced by actual realms duardin ala Lumineth). This is my hope besides a Kharadron tome that's just allied to a Duardin+Fyreslayers tome. If they do get put together then give them a thematic connection army like that. Duardin soul golems that can be made magi-tech steampunk to fit the Kharadron or walking lava furnaces for Fyreslayers would justify their themes being combined and be a whole new spin on old concepts that Age of Sigmar excels at. (If not that and it is just KO+FS+a white dwarf figure only then at the very least give us some new Kharadron and Fyreslayer toys to bandage the wound. Aetheric mine-layer ships and the fire elementals unleashed by Ghyran's life flood would help a lot ) Oh you should get the new Core Book then. Lexicanum's resident Kharadron expert/fanatic got to read the fluff and as someone staunchly against soup and religious Kharadron he loved it. It shows nothing's changed with them and even with Grungni's return they're still giving him distrustful sideways looks and prefer technology and progress over gods and tradition as their sky empires continue to prosper and grow their trade monopolies. (Seriously Dispossessed, just go Kharadron. Ruling above the clouds with steam and steel beats living in holes that always get destroyed by earthquakes and rat/daemon swarms. Edit: or just make your holds in those Dawncrusade sky islands, perfect middle-ground, literally. )
  21. Haha, this is looking more like Opinions rather than Rumors why it didn't sell out. But yeah, they made too much with 40k amounts, dropped 3.0 at least a year too early, free rules make it less desirable beyond collectors & lore buffs and both the forces are add-on armies to existing ones. Stormcast are a very popular faction and Warclans have their hardcore fans but patch armies don't pull people in like big shiny releases like a new Chamber and Orruks battletome would've(could you imagine a Gordrakk's tome with Endless Spells, new Ironjawz monsters and even the Skybasha clans bringing in scrap airships to capitalize on the earlier Aether wars?) Which is the thing. It feels like a patch release rather than a full-blown big step release like the last two. Patch armies, patched in rules and patched up new lore bits. Mind, nothing here is a bad thing, it's still selling well. The important part is it is bringing in new fans* and doing a service to veterans as everyone has gotten their copy with no shortages in sight. As the year progresses and the new battletomes drop it'll smooth things out and get the game rolling. (Hopefully 4th edition will stay 4-5 years away this time though) Edit:*some nice reports out there of hobby stores seeing lines of people waiting to buy their box when they never had lines before.
  22. Gotta agree, just take a look at the front page of the Kharadron lexicanum. There's enough lore there that puts even some world-that-was army books to shame that kept recycling theirs over and over adding new stuff. Fyreslayers I can see getting mixed with something new but they've left enough breadcrumbs now that it can veer into CoS territory too which wouldn't be the worst thing. But i'm not really gonna buy into the KO/FS soup rumor until I actually see GW show it off. It's like has been said before, we've gotten big lead ups before that lead to nowhere (looking at you Gordrakk and your God-beast battering ram hyped up for 3 years now to just go poof)
  23. Stuff like this makes me think the article makers get paid extra when they cause a flare up in the communities. Oh wow, I never though about using aetherwings allies before. I always go straight for their tanky or shooty Stormcast units to add survivability.
  24. Okay? I mean up to them what they keep and expand on but with things like when Mengal Miniatures got his stuff used in Kharadron lore from the Legions of Nagash tome it's not like they'd drop awesome ideas floating around for their lore. "There are a bunch of cool little snippets, my favorite is about the Kharadron Overlords of Barak-Mor though, since this was a Skyport located in Shyish I invented back in April and was completely surprised to find them mentioned in this Battletome! I'm completely honored that GW decided to use that little bit of lore that I made up, even if they do come out on the wrong side of the fight here." http://www.mengelminiatures.com/2018/02/review-legions-of-nagash_5.html?m=1
  25. Well not only, earlier stuff did mention the Rootkings that were allowed to forge the Sylvaneth soulpods into weapons in Ghyran. It's great they're getting focus though, their whole thing of growing irontree fortresses for their duardin friends is amazing(and always funny to see duardin and Fyreslayers with more love from Sylvaneth than "traitor marked" Wanderers. ) They also reform into Gorkamorka either when they get serious or to show the waaaghs growing in strength when cunning & brutal combine making it more suitable. That's why I think it'd be more fitting for a new Grungni faction to actually represent his children to combine with Grimnir's children(if need be) rather than a race he has to actively deceive to work for him. Make Gholemkin and Fyreslayers the Ironjawz & Kruleboyz while Kharadron are Gloomspite, ready allies for a price but clearly have their own beliefs and agenda that don't match the others. Magic god-created duardin of metal and fire vs magi-tech duardin that control metal and fire. Also sidenote, Doko exaggerated that white dwarf bit about Phil Kelly saying "Fyreslayers and slayers are the same". The article clearly said(you can view it on their site) they are Spiritual Successors. Which is like, duh. magic lava dwarves with dragon allies that have mercenary societies vs a mundane suicide cult. I do like it mentions in the "Ask the White Dwarf" section that when Gotrek gets angry he bursts into flames. He could easily be a Kragnos for a future Fyreslayers tome and even be used in the Dawncrusaders. Him representing Fyreslayers and Maleneth being for both the Azyrites (order of Azyr) and Daughters of Khaine would be a fantastic way to make a new supplement for humans, Fyreslayers & DoK.
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