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Baron Klatz

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Everything posted by Baron Klatz

  1. That works, the sources about the specific times jump all over the place from the Realmgate Wars being anywhere from 100 to even 600 years and the Duardin in the White Dwarf stories commenting it's been a little over a century since the Necroquake. So decreasing the span by 50-100 years(or at least in Ghur) or so doesn't hurt things going from around 300 years to 200 years since RGW with a century per major campaign. (indeed, it justifies why Excelsis was in such a bad shape with so many events happening to it in a century.) But that all fits with how the realms officially work. When you're in realms so vast that some people have to tell time with the light realm cycles while others on the same mega continent have to use ghur suns that randomly fly through the skies like beasts (nevermind lands in Shyish still timelocked in the Age of Chaos) the time scope can be all over the place. That's why Age of Sigmar measures things in ages for it's timelines. Just that good ol' nebulous vastness of the Mortal Realms. Yeah I should've said "a bit of" a timeskip since 3.0 is opening up with full Kragnos worship spread and the chaos storm finally stretched itself thin over the realms compared to how realms like Ghur weren't even touched yet and had clean grey skies. At the very least a few decades unless they decide to go bigger(it'd be fun to see if the side effects of the life flood is longer lived humans. Upping the average person to 200 years would be a interesting alternative to Soulbound) Yeah, his shield has insane anti-magic properties. Certainly explains why Kroak didn't just drop meteors on him like he did to disintegrate the orruks flooding the outer city ways.
  2. So instead of- You meant to say- The Death god would welcome such a potent servant from Gorkamorka though to put his Soulblights back in line. But yeah, he can go get those artifacts now to reboot himself (and model) into a new champion of the true Destruction god. I imagine a crown made of fragments of Gorkamorka's tooth(the guy lost those things all over the realms bringing things to life) and something to connect to the Bonesplitterz like a maul-scepter made from Shattatusk's (Gorkamorka's God-beast mount whose lost tusk became a glacier) magic bone ice.
  3. This! The book is what I was hoping for! Thanks so much for the summary to confirm that. And yeah, the lexicanum guy who handles detailing the Free Cities even remarked: (Spoiler ahead) "I think the Colonnade is the only city I've ever enjoyed labeling as "Destroyed" on the Cities of Sigmar city table"
  4. I mean we did just get new mortal heroes with the witch hunters & Lumineth twins, a good 1/3rd of AoS stories focus on them and in Broken Realms quite a few get good side focus and shout-outs to, especially stuff involving the cities or when the Kharadron fleets stopped both the Mortarch and Belakor in Chamon. That's the thing though, no matter how you write them they're Gods. Eternal reality-warpers that shape entire realms, create entire civilizations and aren't even wholly there but using aspect avatars to interact with reality. Mortals can never be made to balance that out, it's like balancing out a mountain with rocks. You'd need thousands to accomplish what it can do and once it moves all those rocks turn to dust.(and i'd have it no other way, that's what Gods should be and the over-the-top cosmic bedrock AoS is built on to keep changing up the setting and it's races) It makes me interested what'll happen to the Witch Hunters. Malign Portents lasted 200 years(edit: 100-200 years depending on source) and 3.0 is already hinting at a big timeskip. They won't last very long Unless we finally get Soulbound written into the stories which would solve a lot of mortality problems and keep the narrative flowing along at that pace. This is an excellent point! That does make it feel why Kragnos can actually push Destruction to be legitimate threats to the other Grand Alliances as instead of fumbling their goals because they're focused on one of the two traits from Gorkamorka now we got Kragnos as a whole and very dangerous entity that can push the kunnin' and brutal at once.
  5. Tbf, if the big godly team-up at the end couldn't defeat the new Destruction god then Gordrakk as a demigod-tier power had no chance. At least he and the good boi cabbage give a good account of themselves to keep the title of Gork's chosen. Personally I just see him as post-game content to set up the sequel. Belakor was the actually final boss but now the stage is set for Kragnos to keep rampaging and the Slaanesh champions to continue playing their hands as the new edition focuses more on Excelsis and the Realm of Beasts as it was Glymmsforge and the Realm of Death before and Hammerhal and the Realm of Fire at the start. The missing Slaanesh champions are odd though. I imagine since they were teased at the beginning they got waylaid by all the crazy follow-up stuff that came after like the exploding realmgates, increased Seraphon activity, Death invasions trying to spread the Shyish Nadir and the life magic flood soon after. Nor should it be. Sprues and Brews did exaggerate a bit. Alarielle just remarked the purified Realm of Life Reminded her of Loren as it did in the beginning. Nothing about a "rebirth"(which would be silly, like a king of all the oceans being happy to get a lake back ) This is the important part. A cosmic yggsdrasil of the Realms is such an amazing glow up from when we first saw the poor thing toppled over and growing horizontally in Ghyran with 2015's "Quest for Ghal Maraz" Realmgate Wars campaign. Bonus points all those mythical lands of flying mountains and arctic naturelands where helpful frost jotunn reside are now up for grabs for new Sylvaneth-allied tree cities with Nurgle pushed back.
  6. Likely not fully with how huge it was, it's probably a reverse on the Age of Chaos situation where chaos controlled the realm center and kingdoms were pushed to the far edges so now Nurgle is gonna be clinging to the dangerous far places of the Life Realm. This.^ Lore guys were pretty livid with how many details and exaggerations they made with the Belakor book.(I wouldn't be surprised if they added in that Loren reborn bit just because they wanted to connect it to the Oak of Ages) Regardless, cool to see the Oak of Ages evolved into the Yggdrasil of the Mortal Realms with it's cosmic roots. That much life magic promises new races and indeed probably Kurnothi in the future as Cursed City showed it was in a Sylvaneth sub-realm only those with the lamentiri stomach seeds(Sylvaneth & Kurnothi) could be allowed in as they're literally apart of Ghyran.
  7. Nah, they bugs. Lexicanum team (awesome chaps all round) compiled their lore and they have larvae states and eggs. https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Silent_People As for these new orruks, my bet on the big guys is new Fellwater Troggoth-like beasts since the rumors are saying these guys are called Fellwater Morruks that came from places like the Drench. Honestly looking like Destruction's version of Ossiarchs. More tactical elite for Mork that contrast to Ironjawz Gorky goodness and use shield units alongside chimera monsters to fight smarter. Twisted flesh as opposed to Ossiarch twisted bones with both having shieldwall tactics that mirrors Stormcasts, especially since the squig-warg looks like a dracoline (Morruks could've bred them to adapt to the Stormcast hunting them)
  8. It's been a abysmal week for me so I haven't gotten it yet but i'm so hyped! I'm extremely okay with a small faction roster. It means there's more focus they can give each army especially with the realmscapes they're fighting on being affected or spawning objectives that particular army needs to take the advantage. I've no doubt Destruction dlc is in the cards to complete the Grand Alliance set. With the realmscapes being so important I imagine Gloomspite sprouting magic mushrooms and collecting loonshards from the moon god dropping them overhead. Best part is that crossplay across all systems. That's gonna be Amazing for longevity in keeping the online battles going. Last notes: There's a fan sub-reddit out called AoSstormground and for more lore focused games don't sleep on Tempestfall which have been doing a detailed AoS history blog and how the events tie-in to their VR game in the Soul Wars. https://tempestfall.com/category/tempestfall/
  9. At least it's not a rule of thumb they're going by. They could've easily tossed Flesh-Eaters into Gravelords since Nagash isn't running things as strictly and even Sons of Behemat could've been put in Gloomspite instead as just 3 models added to their Aleguzzlers. It has been pointed out that they're making factions more distinct like that and doubling down on seperate keywords making soups harder so it's a good sign Grungni is the exception rather than the norm.(if it even happens like that, we could be jumping the gun here and it's a different situation than a soup)
  10. I don't see it as anti-soup opinions (though I agree with loving sub-factions waaay more in new directions they can take forces and branch them out from there like Darnok said) but just this particular one is unwelcomed. Every other soup made sense and to the huge credit of the AoS studio they've made it so every sub-faction is represented and expanded on like BCR are still focused on the Everwinter while cleverly being written that they were able to re-ally with the foot-sloggers because some tribes were able to adapt to the curse and use it to their advantage rather than keep running from the eternal ice storm across the realms. This plus the interesting variations on their Everwinter curse along with being a badass monster cavalry nomadic army has kept Beastclaw's identity intact and usually more standout than the Gutbusters. Same for Gravelords, it's an 3.0 expansion of Grand Alliance Death that marks it very differently from the world-that-was vampire books at's grave-empires dynasty focused instead of bloodlines so you can have pure vampire-units-only forces or Deathrattle-only as the undead are respected as being a autonomous race that don't crumble without a vampire or necromancer around, mixed undead is just an option but any Death race can lead a dynasty. The door is even left wide open for more Deadwalker zombie heroes in the future like the ones in "Soul Wars" or the gravedigger from Cursed City for more representation of the zombie lords & middle-class in the Realm of Death. Kharadron + Fyreslayers though doesn't gel too well as Kharadron already can pull that and Fyreslayers can just jump to Cities of Sigmar for variety. If that's literally all the book is(even if some old Dispossessed get pushed in on the side) it'll be a major disappointment that'll suffer bloat. So hopefully even if Fyreslayers don't see a second wave yet a Grungni tome will actually bring in a bunch of new stuff that'll actually make Kharadron and Fyreslayer players look at it for new toys rather than try to fill a void that's already got a aether-gold plug in it. Just seeing a Grungni model with the god leading a elite taskforce of Gholemkin and duardin demi-gods to allow a united force would make worlds of difference in setting the tone it's a brand new thing fitting AoS and not leftovers reheated in the fyreoven. I can't imagine Grungni's been working away in secret for so long without anything to show for it.
  11. Indeed! There's also the Aqshy pseudo-eastern influences to play on with Fyreslayers using more Samurai-like attire along with naganata flame spears to go with their lodge icons based on that: And when Grimnir's physical form re-emerges those with pieces of Ur-gold in them can be transformed into Norse fire titan-like beings to bring a new scale to the army and show off their connection with their fire god/father.
  12. Yeah, the Fyreslayers aren't dried up for creativity in expanding them. The books and Soulbound rpg do it all the time with mentions of living volcanoes they make deals with, Hysh Lodges that use moon powered forges to make Fyresteel weapons out of crystal, herds of Firespitter lizards that do their name sake to where herders wear their scales as cloaks to protect themselves from the flames, herding fiery Aqshrams(literally rams made of fire), and the magma queen counsels who go to war with guards wearing special plate mail. That's not getting into the Chamon ones that own lodges inside a Nexus of gates allowing them to mercenary everywhere, ghyran Fyreslayers that stake claims on floating mountains and Ghur ones that excel in raising monster cavalry and allying with ogors. It's just a matter of resources more than anything if GW can work on them now or soup them and split them apart later when they have a good second wave to go. Lastly, can people please stop saying Fyreslayers = Slayers and they work that way. They ain't suicidal warriors and regular duardin(Dispossessed, Kharadron, etc) can't become a Fyreslayer anymore than a city aelf can become a Melusai, Deepkin or Lumineth. Fyreslayers are literally Grimnir's children and have smoke and fire in their veins to where they use metal Braille orbs to record things as paper can't stand their touch for long.
  13. It's a very interesting lore sandwich because it's right after the Cities are bonding with their duardin more and then gets put close to DoK and Deepkin who are close with knives at eachother's backs. (Which wouldn't be far off with the two duardin factions both being cut-throat mercs) So it does feel like Dispossessed are staying with Cities which makes sense as their examples of mingling in with other races in the lore and adapting to the realms wouldn't work as well with a duardin-focused faction: "Treelord Grundylach and Warden King Aedagrim are the joint rulers of Karaznethil. They are as close as brothers, and while stern when alone, they share inside jokes in each other’s company, grinning beneath their beards. Many such Sylvaneth-Duardin pairings exist in Karaznethil, from ‘Mossbeards’ who grumble away the days together to Duardin lineages who pledge themselves to a single Noble Spirit, each new generation befriending each new reincarnation. Refuges of the Realms, Pg. 4" Other books show the Dispossessed employing everything from giant sloths to Dobkine insect cattle in serving as battlefield beasts of burden to the wood armored Rootkings of Ghyran building their holds in giant trees like the other mortals employ their own strange realm creatures and contraptions to adapt and survive compared to KO & FS who are more demigod-tier and would fit with a new Grungni force of empowered duardin warriors and Gholemkin which all thrive in their realms rather than try to reclaim anything. It's in part why I wouldn't actually mind a combined aelf tome in the far future either. If we can one day get 3 Realm Warriors battletomes that has 8 types of humans, aelves and duardins for each realm and companion keywords. When we have a force of fire samurai-gladiator humans fighting alongside beastly centaur aelves and Duardin life druids is when Age of Sigmar will truly have peaked.
  14. Soups have two main cons: One, they foreshadow a faction being put on the back-burner and unlikely to receive more than some hero models down the line, if that. Two, your favorite sub-faction just became an extra ingredient rather than the main dish with whoever's on the front cover of the book taking the spotlight. That's why Dispossessed, Wanderer, Bonesplitterz, Spider Grots and even Deadwalker & Skaven fans like Pestilens or Eshin all keep hoping for a future break out like NightHaunt or Mega-gargants did or the Lumineth neo-army treatment. Soup has a lot of benefits and is understandable from a resource point-of-view because the armies need limits especially with brand new armies popping up every year but they need to be handled well. The big problem here though is how contrasting Fyreslayers are, they'd honestly do better with Cities of Sigmar as a new update to start expanding on elemental realm freeguild armies with some Aqshyian humans & aelves than lumped in with a sci-fi faction that doesn't need them and has very little lore cooperation with them beyond two seperate events in remote places. As is, Kharadron easily threaten to make them a extra ingredient army that loses focus. I'm really hoping they get a second wave instead & Grungni bringing in a add-on army that unites duardin keywords but if soup is on the menu then please GW give it the works, new models and heroes to show the two cooperating like Fyreslayer airships powered by their breath and Kharadron upgrading their Magma beasts with cyborg parts powered by their own body made steam. To say nothing of throwing in new demigod duardin like the 6 smiths Grungni made for Sigmar and a few units of Gholemkin to act like the Gloomspite Troggoth army but made of intelligent living rock & metal instead.
  15. Probably when either those antlers are growing out of their heads or their lower halfs are the deers. 😛 Plus they need seeds in their bellies.
  16. That would fit the Ironjawz tone. The whole faction started because Chaos kept krumping them for centuries but didn't dispose of the bodies which lead to them maxing out their size and strength as they adapted. So soon Chaos found themselves having their Ghur Dreadholds conquered by hordes of super orruks and the tables turned. Gotta agree, the "better a soup getting 2-3 year support rather than 4-6" doesn't really hold any weight for a franchise that's not even 6 years old yet and still has many soup armies that haven't recieved updates. I'm hoping add-ons and Lumineth waves become the norm and they just release multiple small sub-factions to armies like they said back in 2020 Lumineth article when they wanted more sub-faction focus going forward.
  17. Yeah my vote is new seperate Grungni faction. To me that'd be the best outcome and fit with how the upcoming Stormcast and Orruks look to be add-ons. Might be the way they do things for quick updates across the board now that soups are mostly done for the massive sub-factions in need of them. (Plus that Grungni idea of him getting an aspect model to fit into different armies is awesome) Hopefully Saturday will finally settle things and we can see on the new Age of Sigmar site what the 3.0 faction descriptions are. Aww, but that fits the God of Shadows and Deceit so nicely. Everything shrouded in mystery and misleading, just like the living mists of his realm.
  18. The Soulbound rpg already does that surprisingly. First it stated that the God-king finally relented and gave her Anvilgard in the face of greater threats(like Belakor which was a big spanner in his plan as he freed the Stormcast prisoners to goad a prolonged civil war but Sigmar saw through it), then Shadows in the Mist showed Morathi-Khaine's alliance starting to crumble as she ended up giving those that helped her take the city the short end of the stick(mainly the Darklings), only the Daughters really benefitted and there's nothing more to pay the Deepkin off with. So now she has to play nice to hold her new empire together until it can stabilize. So that "broke ties with the Stormcast" bit didn't last long. (The Broken Realms short story alludes to both as though Sigmar thunders about it the city is in Order's hands still and the Shadow Queen has to deal with more uprisings) But yeah, this will be a goodwill move to keep the God-king off her back. Gardus and the Hollowed Knights will likely vouch for her as they have been doing for the troublesome elements of the Khainites, Fyreslayers and Deepkin to keep the races united together.
  19. Malerion is also rocking a new look with the Shadow Realm warping him like it did his mother into a demonic entity. Between that, his new aelves being said to be made in his image as devil-like things like the Melusai were for the Shadow Queen and his new lore acting as the Loki of AoS with Order-aligned treaties, helping protect the Realm of Heaven and positive dealings with both Sigmar & Tyrion (but of course alterior secret motives behind his gifts) it's safe to say the name change is earned as he's almost a new character.
  20. Yeah, those both look like staves. I imagine they're more Stormcast armored priests.(some kind of acolytes to Relictors to help further bust up the chaos storm to connect with Azyr) As for the duardin, pretty sure that's just recapping them getting along as it also said the same for Khainites and Deepkin and we Know they're not getting souped. I'm fully confident Fyreslayers are remaining their own thing. They can help the Kharadron and Grungni a lot more by expanding their fire forces than by being mashed together with an army they don't fit. I bet Grungni just makes his own third faction that can ally them together (hopefully with Gholemkin) Spoiler-wise I am happy to see the broken ties between Melusai & Stormcasts didn't last and our favorite doctor got out of that one realm. Only the Faithful!
  21. It'll depend what they do with those diagram pictures. Take out the basic ones like "how to move models" that take up half a page and you easily cut the core rules down to 10 pages or less. So i'm guessing 14 to 18 pages if they adjust that along with rule refinements. 20 pages max with full disgram use but I hope they surprise me and can cut it down to 12. That'd show efficient space used and is the God-king 's holy number.
  22. Definitely hyped. With the rules previewed so far of Double turns + streamlining and more elite focus where-as hordes are reduced AoS3 feels a lot more like AoS1 2.0 along with some exceptionally bulky thunder god Stormcasts and badass angels leading the way again instead of Ghostbusters with crossbows. It going more high fantastical again after so long is welcomed too. 2.0 was the grim Realm of Death but now we're going back to Ghur like Realmgate Wars with the crazy monster lands that we can now more visually see trying to eat eachother on the map alongside the God-king showing why this is His age by throwing down those insane golden forts into lands that look like they're from the Age of Chaos again. "the Soul Wars are over, the curse of the Necroquake is broken, and waves of life magic are sweeping across the realms. The narrative of the new edition sees the forces of Order pushing out across the Mortal Realms to finally reclaim land lost since the Age of Chaos, establishing outpost cities and growing Sigmar’s realm" If AoS1 and the Realmgate Wars were a crusade by the Stormcast then we're entering the Reconquest by the celestial realm and a new Age of Hope which I'm all for the ride from the living/hungry mountains of Ghur to the void seas of Aqshy and all the gods battling over them! Edit:Also hyped for devil-tailed Shadowkin and Pachyderm river Lumineth mentioned in the White Dwarf materials. Elephant hats let's go!
  23. They've been trying to do that since 2019 with making a second factory in UK and building more warehouses in both UK & US but then 2020 happened and all news on that stuff went silent(for obvious reasons). So hopefully with the world returning to some sense of normalcy and their fortunes continuing to skyrocket we'll hear of some grand openings eventually. (I like to imagine they cut the entrance ribbon with a replica of Slimux's gardener shears ) But yeah, big cheers to GW and their hard workers getting the fruits from all the hard work they've been putting in for both their products and active community support.
  24. Haha, as much i'd like that to be the case with AoS starting things I think you mean connected to Berserk. Though i'm happy to report a lot of Warhammer/AoS painters are wanting to make their own Guts' now. Sounds like a great time for you to try out the Dark Knight class, though. That's epicly fantastic! I'm sure he could've taken that army of demigods. Maybe single-handed just means he struck the toe of a Mega-gargant that fell over upon the column. Locals might call it the Klanging lightning canyon for the 100 bolts that flew back to Azyr and lit up the night, a raucous clanging waking up the nearby Ghurian villages that fed the titan. Best of luck with the rest of the heroic band. I'm sure many spicy Fyreslayer brews will be won, daemons vanquished under the bad moon's gaze and even God-beasts made wary of their exploits! Also, great reddit post here on so many other franchises inspired by Miura's hard work. https://www.reddit.com/r/Berserk/comments/nh14x1/thought_this_tweet_was_very_interesting_showing/?ref=share&ref_source=embed&utm_content=media&utm_medium=post_embed&utm_name=1c8ae267c25549ee99708effaab8e680&utm_source=embedly&utm_term=nh14x1
  25. Well it's very sad news that the writer for the Berserk manga has recently passed away. But i'm not making a gloomy thread because the man inspired the whole world in how to shape their dark fantasy genres. Fans all over are showing their support like the Final Fantasy mmo players in their hundreds banding together as the Dark knight class to look like Guts and honor Miura. Berserk inspired so much from Dark Souls, Monster Hunter, Dragons Dogma to even Age of Sigmar artwork for 2015 Everchosen: And there's been hundreds of amazing conversions and kitbashes to bring Berserk and it's inspired descendents to the Mortal Realms: And so i'm making this topic for any of your inspirations from Miura's work. Conversions? Army fluff? A old short story of your wandering warrior with a sword way too big for normal men to wield traversing the shifting Realmscapes. Or just as good, post what amazing things you've seen other hobbyists create as a tribute to the man's brilliant works. Take those ideas of evil and turn them into ideas of creativity.
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