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Baron Klatz

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Everything posted by Baron Klatz

  1. Swimming through the belly of a dark god and disrupt it's prison so she can become a harder to monitor ally in the pantheon and spread her bloody sacrifice religion everywhere? Pretty sure she predicted a mountain shattering "NO!". To her credit though she did stop the surprise attack on Azyr and despite the coup on the cities is still a powerful ally hellbent against Chaos. The wise move now is to keep expanding her holdings so if Gordrakk's attack blows over she'll be in a better position to negotiate her new stand in the realms and on the pantheon. Though we'll see what happens because we already see more players moving to throw some nasty monkey wrenches into her machinations.
  2. On the bright side they've shown a great deal of worker and customer safety, articles and activities to support the quarantined community and still slam dunked their estimated profits this year so they'll be even more prepared for it. On the downside it definitely means more events being cancelled, releases post-poned and more setbacks to their goals of getting that second factory up along with more warehouses to expand themselves. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
  3. Yeah I feel that's the dual purpose of showing off the Asur Sea Guard outposts this early. It both shows they will squeeze in non-humans in a timeframe that mostly focused on humans but also army sizes will be small enough in variety to what you can expect to protect isolated outposts across the sea as a standard across the board going up against a fledging united medieval kingdom, hidden fey and a divided empire. Thus why it's at a timeframe so "limited" in resources compared to Wfb with a lack of gunpowder and mage colleges. It keeps FW from biting off more than they can chew so they have less chances of cancelling or delaying sculpts like they have so many times in the past.
  4. Sadly. The last rumor engine was the end of the run so it'll be awhile now before we get another. Now it's gonna be focus on NewYearNewArmy and Underworlds(and I really really hope a new short story soon).
  5. Yeah, even the NightHaunt who lethaly swarmed the realms in their millions didn't murder everyone, they spared those that submitted to Nagash or even kneeled to be ruled over by the geist army. That's actually closer to a Orruk Waaagh. Notably the one Gorkamorka lead in the beginning of the Age of Chaos where his armies rode roughshod over chaos and order all the way to the edges of the realms and then turned around and trampled over them again destroying any place that was trying to rebuild from the first Waaagh. Even then they leave survivors as they just want a fight and don't mindlessly hunt every creature down. Tyranids would be a God-king forsaken fusion of Death and Destruction so you have nigh-unkillable flesh craving horrors from Death are mixed with the unending aggression of Destruction so they hunt everything down and remove any notion of reason from them.
  6. That's my expectation. With the Gordrakk story recently dropping it feels like we're set for the siege of Excelsis tying into things so Morathi-Khaine can keep solidifying her empire & religion so the Stormcasts don't immediately crush it as they're preoccupied with saving a major city from a bigger threat.
  7. Really excited with how they emphasized the Stonemage's control over gravity. That can be exceptionally useful in a number of ways for both turning fights around and doing simpler sidequests.
  8. I got a bunch of AoS novels (like Oaths and Conquests) and shiny new Stormcast lead by Sureheart himself to be the stars of this Christmas night. And I wish a merry Everwinter to the glorious Mortal Realms. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you all, stay safe!
  9. I'll definitely agree it's a pity it ended as I loved the world building it did (and Grungni's chant in the Audio sequel I have put on repeat it's so good) but on the otherhand we've no shortage of order mortal tales from Path to Glory, The Red Hour, The Siege of Greenspire and almost every Warhammer Horror story going from a priest in Greywater's swamps to Azyr nobility in Shyish cities. And with both Soulbound & Broken Realms focus in the future we're assured lots of great new material to explore the realm cities. Odd. Works for me. Here's a direct link to the drive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zp2onbTYTBGuvuKtiuzJ7DS8DIqemS86/view
  10. Nah, that doesn't add up. They would've had plenty of time to finish the series by then, even in audio form like the sequel got, and there's Freeguild stories & novellas coming out even now that has mortals banding together to explore the realms. Even if the specialist historical gets stories it wouldn't affect any of that. It's likely just behind the scenes interests just shifted same as what caused several 40k series in the past to never get a conclusion. Just Hamilcar: Age of Enlightenment. Oddly it seems none of the Warhammer Horror novels utilize them yet(maybe just too obvious a threat). The only other appearances I can think of is their part in the soul wars campaign tomes(Forbidden Power & Everchosen), Soulbound's newest pdf and a pseudo-appearance in Realmgate Wars: Quest for Ghal Maraz with the origin and wrath of Celemnis the silver banshee of Anvrok. Otherwise the Malign Portents stories gave them the most haunted spotlight. (Archive link here for anyone that missed out on the site before Broken Realms replaced it.)
  11. It's on this thread too. They accidentally leaked the name on the Daughters of Khaine Shadowstalkers before editing it back to Daughters of Khaine. So as it follows -neth it's likely Malerion's aelves remade in his devilish image.
  12. That sounds about right, civil war that changes it to worship the rise of goddess Morathi-khaine since "The Fall of Anvilgard" is in the book and the Coven leader is said to be the behind the power in the city she could easily pull the shadowy mat from out under the Stormcasts boots. It'll probably go into the big Cities of Sigmar change they hint at, an extension to Morathi & Malerion worship and Ulgu cities alongside the God-king & Alarielle ones for bigger thematical builds and whether you build your city to opposing god (kinda like chaos marks) or united for when Gordrakk and Nagash get tired of being on the sidelines for this show. My other big wonder is how the Soulbound rpg will handle Anvilgard with this but that's better left in the rpg thread.
  13. Off-topic but does that God-king statue make anyone else want to make a Stonecast army with him a proxy Celestant-Prime that hops around like a Zelda Armos as they vengefully animate to smite chaos?
  14. They get a handwave there because we don't know their life expectancy. That's always a teased hint that "greenskins don't get older, only bigger". So even the average Grot/orruk hero can be said to live centuries by virtues of being fungus and Waaagh magic/belief.(and indeed, Gordrakk and the Loonking have) That's more my point, without a unique leader to lead them and build lore around while not dying through the ages, an army isn't going to happen yet. Like say if people saw their model of the Candlemen priest died in lore because more than a century passed after his God-beast 2016 campaign and now he'd get no more narrative focus or opportunities to get new rules with even White Dwarf. They'd feel robbed and certainly future buyers won't get an outdated model with a setting & game moving on without him. Oh certainly! I loved their brimmed spike helmets and the novels are full of human armies fighting to survive, be it the Glymmsforge black-cloaked guards with their magic rifles and silver shields or the Jercho hoplites with their leather armor and monster bone weapons. I hope they come in as future Freeguild someday. Even if their leaders never get around the mortality problem then at least Cities and Warcry gives us plenty of examples that they can have new unique Aelven, Stormcast or Duardin leaders take them into battle.(Stormcast leaders would make sense as most of the major city armies are founded by them anyway) Oh nah, like you said we already see designs in the artwork and the Corebook has examples of each realm human in the artwork. They just didn't fit at the beginning because the Age of Chaos meant too many human hero models would die as the ages moved on and now with their designs finally leaking out in 2018 it'll probably be the usual 3 year wait for the armies to go from concept to model(so 2021-2022) and fit with the order human cities finally regrowing from the twisted ruins of chaos. TL:DR, I'm not saying Order human armies won't happen i'm saying we got to wait for them to when the narrative & production time is right.
  15. "Hear that? Whispers in the dark that the end draws nigh." The 31st tomorrow is the final day to turn submissions in. So don't forget! And here's wishing you all a safe and happy Halloween!
  16. Well yeah, I meant functionally the same as healing support/semi-combat roles that can target chaos. Of course stats-wise the Castellant is gonna be greater. It's comparing an immortal to a mortal Fair enough on Devoted. Their sub-faction lost everything but one unit that got subsumed into cities so I wasn't sure if they truly counted.
  17. Cities has 19 leaders. Unless you meant something else? I'll agree the healing was nifty but I wouldn't call it great buffing across the lines like an Knight-Azyros or Lord-Ordinator does. Using a Ghyran city gets those heals across too. Mostly though I just see it as a sign that they're taking humans in another direction. Since he was a mortal version of a Lord-Castellant(gryph hound companion included) they'll leave that up to the Stormcast while realm natives focus on their realmscapes more. Though if Azyrites come about then we could get new warpriests. The Stormcast tome did have human warriors assembled under the Celestant-Prime like a new force of Devoted.
  18. He wasn't a waste, he was an excellent addition to the Silver Tower quest and made a nice addition to people's Order forces as his healing ability helped everyone. But he does serve as an example that order humans in the Mortal Realms don't last long, as per the natural order. At least he lives on in Soulbound. And neutral on the spears, at least you can cut them down to make the length manageable. They probably should've went more fantastical with them like plastic glow light effects around the sunmetal tips rather than pike sized.
  19. Case in point: people complain about a lack of human mortals but we've been getting them non-stop since Age of Sigmar started. They're just been mostly on chaos' side. 😛 It's intentional though, the only Order human model we got was the War Priest who came from a tribe just like all the chaos forces do. Because we're still in the dark ages of the Mortal Realms and life for humans is quick and harsh even inside the safer new cities. Chaos humans can get around this by being blessed by chaos for longevity or twisted immortality. Order humans not so much, we've had plenty of heroic humans between the Realmgate Wars and The Seeds of Hope but those were centuries ago and they're all dead by age now. Demigod armies of Stormcast and magic races of Fyreslayers, Sylvaneth and Deepkin aren't weighed down by that so the the lore can keep moving forward while humans stay on the sidelines for now until the realm tribes regrow into new powerful nations themselves (and likely humans changed by the magic of their native realms to give them life boons as chaos humans get)
  20. The site's down right now but go to AoS Shorts novels and they have a complete list in release order. Pretty much the case for Warhammer in general there(which fair enough these novels are more pulpy fan love of awesome lore than amazing literature) but they've been really fair with Age of Sigmar reviews. Nothing below 3/5 and some really good insights on the higher marked reads. The first commentor for Gloomspite excellently sets the atmosphere of it. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/51805321-gloomspite You've been lost in the shifting labyrinths of the Ghur canyons then. https://www.blacklibrary.com/warhammer-age-of-sigmar/quick-reads/the-warden-in-the-mountain-2019.html https://www.trackofwords.com/2019/09/24/quick-review-the-warden-in-the-mountain-eric-gregory/
  21. It's awesome. There's not much rule-wise so they pumped it full of lore instead and it's glorious. If I had to use one word to describe why it's worth it for lore and those Destruction chuckles then it's "Sole Wars". (Also kudos to them nicely tying in the Bonesplitterz Drakkfoot battletome lore into that. It reminds me how the Stormcast tome had both stuff from Malign Portents "spell hunters" in their cities section and expansion references for Excelsis. The lore devs who are taking the time to have so many connections between books and tomes need a Big raise. )
  22. Indeed, it makes for a good mix between them being a growing power like the other flourishing races but at the same time they aren't dominant as they're fighting from the shores inward to reclaim their continents so this nicely steps over the worries players had that armies like Bloodbound and Gloomspite couldn't fit in Hysh if everything was under aelven control. Stormcast Sacrosanct already had wizard units and that didn't cheapen the Lumineth's release as was befitting the creations of the greatest Order god of magic himself. If GW want they can easily release another earth focused faction with wizard units and make it largely different in flavor with a few tweaks. For example it can be the Gholemkin race in the lore, their realmcrust bodies allow them to be wizard units to cast Chamon spells until too much is chipped off (too many wounds)and they're walking earth elementals so that can be uniquely played on by having them do stuff like eat terrain to repair their bodies. It's like saying Kurnothi take the Brayherd's gimmick or Fyreslayers step on Khorne's firey berserker foot. As long as they have a distinct style then they there's no worry of the Mortal Realms races getting in eachothers way while they fill out the endless possibilities the setting gives them.
  23. Even then there's signs of them growing beyond the Realm of Hysh, they don't have the "been there for centuries" excuse other races do like the Fyreslayers or Sylvaneth so they're similar to the Kharadron/Ossiarchs who had to also slowly make their way out of their homes and a strong presence in the other realms as time went on. That's the best part of the Mortal Realms as a constantly growing setting, nothing is set in stone. For all we know with the next Broken Realms book the Lumineth might see bigger expansion through the realms to account for the Khainites mischief and whatever rumblings it causes Slaanesh so we end up with glistening ivory towers of bone in Ghur & flying trade spire cities in Chamon as aetherquartz and aether-gold exchange hands. It's also a subtle thing on their huge numbers i love. With their access to magic cloning being relatively common they've finally justified "as many aelves as the plot demands".
  24. Oh this is awesome. Commission for a Brightspear captain of the guard was posted on twitter. https://mobile.twitter.com/MoidDoesArt/status/1319329745163767808 "Moidagremlin (3/5 COMMISSION SLOTS FILLED!)@MoidDoesArt An Age of Sigmar commission for Viscontessa! This is Lionel Torchbearer, the head of the guard for the city of Brightspear. He's heavily styled after Landsknechts, in case you couldn't tell :V" Big bonus points on the Flamberge sword. An iconic weapon for the Realm of Fire as it's name means Flame-bladed which even the Flame Scion leader respects.
  25. Eh, I haven't seen much evidence to the contrary. Even on Facebook it seems people interested in Mega-gargants from the start are interested in going all in. But let's wait a few more months and see what happens. Could still be the hype train at full steam and the mercs will come into their own down the line. Certainly it's pulled a bunch of new players in that have dreamed of a full Gargant army. I helped one good fellow on reddit the other in ways he could use his new Mega-gargants army in Warcry & AoS Skirmish/Hinterlands with homebrew "raid boss" ideas. If people are happy to buy a gargant army around a resin behemoth then getting plastic behemoth(s) with more kit options is a much easier deal. But mostly it's just showing Sons have been a long time dream of many. Like our good King Brodd. Definitely. Taker Tribes hands down have the funnest reports. Their boys playing rugby with objectives while they can kick them to a new field goal and then go into a kaiju battle with the enemy's big leader/monster. Completely turns the game on it's head.
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