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Baron Klatz

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Everything posted by Baron Klatz

  1. Addressing the issue would be ideal. I get they don't want to draw attention to it so it can blow over faster once it's fixed but this silence is very negative for this length of time. I wouldn't call their articles petty though. They're the best thing to wake up to in the morning. I like this message. They already had to cancel and delay multiple big events and releases. If out of the numerous 2020 disasters ours is an app that's a few months out of date so they can focus on no stumbles for a huge release for our 40k brothers then I count that as lucky.
  2. Apply our A.C and B.C to the Necroquake. Before Quake and After Quake. Soul Wars: Tribulations, gods and armies begin to notice something is wrong as Shyish and Nagash's power leaks into other realms. Malign Portents, the great campaign to discover and stop the god of death's machinations ranging from mortals going crazy and yelling secrets from their rooftops to gods battling life & time eating black voids. NECROQUAKE, everything changes. Aftermath, Underworlds open up with millions of NightHaunt flooding the realms, Deepkin are driven out of hiding, Living Spells rampage from the realm edges as natural disasters, realmscapes and realmgate connections to sub-realms are altered. Forbidden Power, the Stormvaults are unearthed with the Penulbrum engines damaged by the quake. Evil secrets are found and relations with the aelven gods of light are weakened for the engine corruption. Battle of Lake Lethis, the weakened vaults has Nagash seek to claim the indomitable soul of Katakros beneath the undead lake. Wrath of the Everchosen, with the Ossiarchs complete Nagash strikes against the All-Gates/Eight-points which has been rocked by the Necroquake and made more vulnerable in both it's defenses and reinforcements from crumbled chaos kingdoms across the realms. With how far reaching the Necroquake is and it's effect we could see the continuation of the Soul Wars for quite a while. Even Gordrakk besieging Excelsis would be part of it as it was from a Stormvault he got his grand siege weapon. Then it extends to what else has changed in the realms and been awoken that we haven't seen yet.
  3. The Stormcast Knight-Azyros hero has always been a solid ranged ally choice for Order as his lantern lights up the enemy and give any friendly shooting units a bonus to hit them. His flying mobility and ability to fry chaos units are also pluses. Otherwise i'd say study what the Living City gives you. Bulky ambush units, healing units and a defense buffed general means you can definitely make the Phoenix temple work well with the deadly guards surprising foes and your phoenix creatures being healed and keeping their wound chart low and effective, anointed version means a tanky flying magic general option too if your Prince isn't cutting it.
  4. Works the other way too. If it's making little to no money then they won't care either on updating it any time soon over their huge 40k launch. The situation needs a balance to both let them know people are still invested in it but upset at a month now of no necessary point updates to a paid service for a new edition. So I count both amysrevenge and Dukeus as right here. Players of course are letting them know in others ways of the situation between constantly bringing it up on twitter/social media to them and complaints on the app store that dropped it from a solid 4.2 rating for over two years to a 3.6. So dropping subscriptions isn't the only way to get the message out but certainly fair for people that don't want to pay for a product not delivering.
  5. Definitely excited but personally I can wait. AoS2 is in a really good place right now and I think worth building off of for at least another year or two with more rule experiments like they did with Realmscapes. Edition changes are hype but exploring what we have with continued updates is fun too and give them more time to cherry pick the best ideas to roll into a new edition for more efficient improvements and increasing the narrative possibilities in the realms.
  6. Well of course, the God-king can literally look at it through his window.
  7. Eh, to some it will and to some it's just the ticket. Avatar-Gotrek and Realmslayer have been instrumental in getting a flood of World-that-was fans to try the new game and setting and actually enjoy it that the gamble paid off splendidly. Reddit was swamped by "Well looks like i'm playing AoS now." and Realmslayer has come up time and time again by fans saying why they moved over to the new AoS lore. When building bridges it's expected some will burn down but that doesn't stop the successful ones from helping tons of new people over.
  8. It's just some older lore staples that serve as winks to old fans. Honestly if you look up all the new characters native to the realms you get 50 characters for every returning character. Better yet is that the returning characters have to change and adapt to the new setting of the Mortal Realms as everything is new and different, many times the characters have to drastically change themselves like many of the new gods, Eltharion being a living suit of armor and Gotrek becoming a avatar that completely shifts his old views to a new brighter future. Edit: Really unless they've returned as a demi-god like Archaon or Gotrek then they're in name only like Gelt as a Stormcast obsessed with the realms & hidden gods or Snarsnik a living comet that orbits da bad moon. In fact that's the very purpose of avatar-Gotrek as shown in the Realmslayer interview: "Bringing an Old World classic like Gotrek to the Age of Sigmar was honestly the best bit. He hates that dwarfs now ride magmadroths. He hates that you can’t get a Bugman’s anywhere. He hates that Teclis is a god now. From my very first thoughts on this I wanted Gotrek to represent the old fan who never got on board with the Age of Sigmar. He’s the guy who snarks on message boards, who closes his eyes and prophecies the doom of Games Workshop. He’s the guy who sets fire to his Tomb Kings. But he’s in the Age of Sigmar now, he’s got to deal with it, and in doing so, reluctantly acknowledges that there’s a place for him in it." So the old returns are very much in character for Age of Sigmar and it's brand new direction and creations because they're not just returning, they're changing. That's the entire point of AoS, changing and challenging old ideas to create brand new ones with endless possibilities like the infinite realms themselves.
  9. It's possible that may be the direction or just a lingering threat to keep that door open. I don't see the God-king closing the Azyr gate now as that would be very extreme and reverse many fortunes in the Age of Hope when he has the power and numbers to meet Gordrakk still in open battle. The ram might be a deterrent more than anything to goad Sigmar himself out which is what Gordrakk wants as it's his wish to have the Hammer God at his prime again as a warrior in the realms instead of a king hiding in one realm. If Azyr does ever get opened up I feel it'll be a massive realm shift event like Malign Portents was. Probably something that makes both chaos & Azyr vulnerable*since they're mirrors of eachother (pantheons, blessed champions, daemons, worlds, dominion of one power, crazy massive populations & creations) and expand the realmscapes rules to 9 realms. Edit:*chaos realm becoming vulnerable by something like a realm rift so one of the pure realm magics cancel out the chaos one allowing troops to invade without madness & mutation immediately occurring. Also yeah, the gates can't afford to be closed. Too much has changed and made the realms more dangerous, least of all that the Stormcasts don't have the element of surprise anymore. If either Archaon or Nagash got free reign over God-beasts and the stormvaults then Azyr and it's allies would be in a desperate situation and unlikely to ever turn the tables again. Worse is Archaon would use the opportunity to fully hunt down and free Slaanesh knowing it's general location or Nagash to try to right his Pyramid ritual and growing Nadir that the centuries of siege would give them.
  10. That's how I see it happening. They'll probably release the factions as stand-alone tomes with ally options so they can delve (and hype) further into the new armies that a few years down the line they'll combine those certain factions into one tome to either play together, play separately or interesting mix-and-match themes for their empires or forces in other realms. Similar to the Orruk Warclans or Mawtribes. Fun too to see how the tome combining also builds on the advancing storyline like how Beastclaws couldn't be with their footslogger brethren in the past because of the Everwinter but now after centuries it's shown how the Beastclaws have mastered using the curse with some control over it which justifies the armies being able to work together. Seeing stuff like that for why Shadowkin would suddenly work with Melusai because of Morathi's Varanspire intel or why tribes of Kurnothi are closing ranks with the Sylvaneth groves as Alarielle is spreading her power in the realms would make great twists to the ongoing narrative.
  11. This needs more attention. Not only are the downloads nicely done for convenience but this is the first I'm discovering this awesome site. Maybe edit the title to "get your downloadable objective cards here!"? I skipped this thread because I thought you were asking for them.
  12. That's the point, they would get through. Archaon was already gathering God-beasts to breach Azyr back in 2016 with the God-beast campaign and the God-beast skull ram Gordrakk has hints it can do the same. Between the God-beasts and the evils hidden in the Stormvaults the Azyr gates would be breached. It's a narrative threat they're building to show Order has to keep pushing forward and growing. But yeah, let's cease this. This is a thread for people's minds on the franchise, not a narrative circle run.
  13. Oh sweet God-king will you guys give it a rest. Mods are gonna lock this thread at this point, it's like a train yeeted off the tracks by a mega-gargant. Well if we're going that rout I say Skeletor + Dr.Doom. Both megalomaniacs with Doom's prosperous country rulership barely ever shown besides the castles and superweapons for the action focused stories. (I've no doubt the nuances will come out when Cubicle 7 gets their turn to play with the death god and his realm ) They really nail Nagash's sinister sympathy side in the audio dramas. His promises and "see how they've wronged you?" speeches to twist people into his faith is very chilling. Nice! That'd be horrifying to see if you kept the model hidden for the story element. Also that gives me an idea for my rpg groups. A "Help corral the admiral's flying menagerie in Ghur" would be really fun and full of plot-hooks like poaching angering the Sylvaneth, Kurnothi or a local God-beast or they got their more exotic catches from a gargant tribe camped around a hidden chaos realmgate making a Varanspire sorcerer take action to stop the menagerie reaching any curious Stormcasts before he's found out. He could but last time he had powers like the multi-realm spanning Lantic empire and weapons from the Age of Myth make a last stand for Order so the people of the realms could get through the closing gates in mass exodus. With the fledgling kingdoms now and only just rediscovering lost Myth weapons & powers it'd be a death sentence to everyone not near a Azyr realmgate. Worse, the Stormvaults are open now and Archaon has more knowledge of the God-beasts now than back when it was a siege theory to open Azyr in addition to knowing the general location of Slaanesh's prison and other powerful realmgates like the duardin-built Silver Way in Chamon which acts as a bridge to multiple realms. Order cannot afford to lock itself away again when the enemy is now so knowledgeable about the realms this time as long time conquests and natives instead of foreign invaders who were just discovering the incredible powers the mortal realms offered.
  14. Ah, since your Chamon Ossiarchs are going to be mechanically upgraded then you might want to look at this fellow's ideas for Frankenstein ghouls from the realm of metal to accompany your Ossiarchs(be it by proxy, Death grand alliance or multiplayer).
  15. Probably underproducing since the AoS store page still has it's Bestsellers as all the new chaos stuff, Wrath of Everchosen book and the new heroes which none have made it to that page. Though I don't see Gotrek on the US site's fast selling, he's only on the lower parts of the AoS best selling list. Edit: scratch that, he's there, my phone just didn't load properly. It's likely their way of warning players some of those things are going away eventually like with the Black Fortress stuff and Freeguilders so they're gonna keep hitting temporarily out of stock soon as they allocate resources to newer & more popular sets before the outdated stuff is discontinued sometime later. Thus why the filter has it under "limited". Bit more preparation than last year's Greenskinz & Asur sudden clear-outs.
  16. More a suggestion than anything, certainly not wanting to add to your workload. But are formats in the style of those Realmscape rules possible? I really love the new Realmscapes and how their new rules can all fit neatly on a warscroll-like card. I can make do with the current system but it'd be neat to have for custom realmscapes and realm rules for other settings.
  17. It's also negatively impacted the opposing factions by breaking up their lines of logistics. Losing those important cities and their realmgates means the enemy can "reconnect" and better maneuver and resupply against Order who'd only have Stormcast, Seraphon and Deepkin able to move strike forces around but not civilizations worth of civilians & necessities, starting a new Age of Chaos, Death or Destruction.
  18. Wanted to personally thank you for this. I was already connecting to his character but that's me full stop when discussing AoS or multi-reality fantasy settings with my friends. Even went into it with a friend's joke response on that being me. Friend: "Thou'st has been exposed, Nurglite! What say ye in thine defense?" Me: "It was easier going Nurgle than being hygienic and trying to find soap in the seventh level Twilight sub-realm of the Geminid conference between the Hysh & Ulgu realms where it's too dark to see and thus nobody cares about appearances anyway."
  19. Oh, that defensive siege bonus their faction gets in Wrath of Everchosen as the attacking army will balance out better then. Will be interesting to see the results now with then bringing the fight to the walls.
  20. Hear hear! Paint section if you want to show your paint progress and take useful critiques on your painting and models, army section if you want list advice and critique on strategy, battleplans and what additions to your army would be helpful. So probably army section but no reason it can't be both to better aid you fighting in style. 😎 Also another nice thing about double turns is it helps with narrative writing. Having battles upon the magical realmscapes fits the sudden shifts in fighting and can be an epic spice if you enjoy writing what happened like an account. (Ironjawz double turn in Aqshy) "The fierce combatants were evenly matched but upon the burning winds of fire a resounding Waaagh was heard as if echoed down from the gods of the broiling skies. Orruk tempers flared and their eyes alit with soul fire as they pushed beyond their limits and carved deep into enemy lines like a savage wildfire." ( Kharadron going second in Ulgu) "By the code this skirmish was proving a drain on profits. Foes and foul things alike loomed in the shifting mists on both land and sky while a most vile living spell stalked the outskirts devouring hapless soldiers misplaced by the likewise living shadows. However the time had come. By mixing aethergold with the mists they had bribed the shadows onto their side. Mighty flying ironclads appeared torn and rusted, gleaming guns & aethertight armor disguised to seem dull and spent while the living spell seemed to watch him. The enemy surged on with overconfidence that his cannonades and skypikes would sorely prove misfounded and more costly than his waning stocks." Fun stuff like that.
  21. Making them into SCE lightning golems could work. Good blend of close combat, shooting and large proxy units to have what you want while actually making brightly colored Necrons which would be unique. Though you could go dark too with Anvil Sacrosanct that delved too deep into realm of death soul research and lost themselves to the Nadir. Certainly has worked for basing other dark armies around like with Kurgan's Warrior Chamber Soulblights. https://mobile.twitter.com/WarbossKurgan/status/1284070161176297474 "Warboss Kurgan @WarComteam Soulblight Vampires #WardensOfTheColdFlame (I plan to play they in Warcry, using the rules for Stormcast Warrior Chamber)"
  22. Yeah, realm of metal Ossiarchs seem solid. Otherwise you could do gunners as Kharadron proxies and claim they're Cogmen allies(living mechanical natives in Chamon along with the Gholemkin). Maybe try to replace the spookier parts with steampunk bits goodness. Third option that comes to mind is Clans Skryre. Just slap some skaven and levers on their backs with maybe a few heads swapped with simpler robot heads or just gears & warpstone jutting out of the necks as the mad inventors field test their new toys they cobbled together from Cogmen/Kharadron ship graveyards.
  23. Between them stating from the get-go AoS is a living ruleset they'll keep refining(implying it'll always stay true to the core as it has) and that this current general's handbook actually has missions built around the double play it's guaranteed it's a mechanic they like so they'll keep it in as it is with them still pushing no points play(Open play/White dwarf battles) since the beginning and making realmscapes a requirement. AoS3 will likely just do what stuff like Blade's Edge does and the earlier double turn penalties with Endless Spells by making the new tactics around it a core standard. Also AoS wasn't quickly written. They had rule developers from both in-house and freelancers that worked on Kings of War making the warscrolls and core rules since 2010 under Project Stanley. That's 5 years of development. Well first, welcome to our side of the hobby and the Mortal Realms! Freeguild and Soulblight and very fun armies for teaching this. Just go easy on any gunlines (never fun in any system) and they're good for showing why gambling on slow Duardin to take a position, freeguild to screen a defense for a demigryph counter charge to make the enemy pay for over-extending their lines or just Soulblight filling the gaps with skellies through double turns can be really fun and keep the game tense & fast all session. Edit: One fellow back in 2018 kept his Demigryphs well screened by infantry to defend or exploit a double turn and got really far in the tourney. And by the God-king can it look cool. That'd be fun. You can rest assured we're more than happy to help you out with advice.
  24. How strange. Maybe it was an old pack from storage they needed to sell? I know it was close to their reopening when I checked on it so maybe that had something to do with it. Either old storage or a link they forgot to close. Well regardless it's looking like the 40k one is winding down so here's hoping the quest comes back to the mortal realms!
  25. Hastings suspects an undead one so many unused spooky rumor engines. "Hastings: "I'm starting to think there may be a new WHQ AoS coming our way soon(ish) and that this, along with some other recent rumour images, are parts of it." TheMawr : WHQ AoS with undead being the heroes (while unlikely.. thats the vibe I get from the RE.. ossiarch berzerker with big axe, ghoul "knight" with massive stone shield and leaning on heroic sword.. vampire "fighter" with rapier and rangery boots..."
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