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Baron Klatz

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Everything posted by Baron Klatz

  1. Reminds me of when Sons of Behemat landed. Saw two posts back-to-back on the discord of one guy losing his 5 games in a row while the other Mega-gargants player won his 5 games. AoS just has too many crazy factors in an average game (Scenery effects, Endless Spells, Double turn, etc) to get a concise result like that. That all aside, kinda tempted to run Hyshian Fyreslayers with the Arcane tome and dual-cast prism & fyre wall spells both for a laugh and to mess with shooters while my heavy troops march in to give them a taste of fyresteel & aetherquartz blades.
  2. @Tomplex @Forehead Lethis is noted as one of seven great fortress cities in the new Corebook as CoS' representative city for the Realm of Death(probably because Glymmsforge didn't get rules) so it might get a rules update in a new battletome. I imagine it could wind up a Anvilgard 2.0 if they don't get a rebellion faction so the Anvils of Heldenhammer have a new place to call home in their main realm since they lost the fire realm port.
  3. The way it talked about them being good monster hunters makes me wonder how much of the new Ghur realmscape rules were applying to that outcome. If the tester's opponent was going monster heavy he might have gotten more out of his large namarti force with the Underdog ghur battalion & beast realm buffs being added to them to beat monsters and carve up their supporters.
  4. Honestly I'm wondering if GW's getting ready to throw us a curveball. Despite the soup theories Kharadron in both the corebook and white dwarf aren't fans of Grungni and need to be tricked by him while certainly a very popular faction on their own so aren't that threatened by it. Meanwhile Sylvaneth are more and more showing their love for the little lads be it in Soulbound or their new allies focus being only the Duardin for CoS.(hilarious to think how they'd rather take them over Wanderers whose aelfy throats they still want to throttle) I'm wondering if we're due for a big surprise with Dispossessed being replaced with Clans of the Realms that are Fyreslayers + stuff like Grungni's new stuff (Gholemkin race of metal people) and other Duardin of the realms like the Rootkings & their Sylvaneth friends- -while the Kharadron and their sky empires are just allies to the clans and lodges growing their empires in the forests, volcanoes and eldritch living mountains of the realms. That way Fyreslayers get a huge revamp among other magical duardin above those of the mortal city kind(our fire-breathing ones, those that are full of life magic and ones made of metal replacing the old guys that can just turn into Kharadron as mortals+) for that Lumineth treatment as aelves made of light magic that all know magic and glow in the dark > mortal high aelves while Kharadron keep doing their own thing and occasionally get talked into helping their distant kin by Grungni's personas.
  5. Well I'm gonna echo most others that on the whole the Warhammer+ sounds fantastic. Up until the new apps that is. On a personal note i'm just happy they're letting the AoS 2.0 app stick around for a good while longer. I'm downloading it to all my devices for the excellent service it is and to use it for the far future in being a fast and efficient warscroll and rules finder. When 3rd edition got announced and I saw the size of the core rules I feared we'd get a overhaul update that replaced everything on top of a possible paywall. That would've been much worse than letting our noble app retire honorably. That all said I am hopeful for the new app. Yes I'm worried about their handling of it and how they're likely not carrying purchases over but IF they do factor in that Age of Sigmar needs more quality than 40k to pull players in and do everything right then this could be amazing! A well priced subscription service that opens tons of extras to a player along with an app army builder and Path to Glory system with all the in-app purchases available does a lot to make that paywall look pretty thin for all the good things you're getting. I'm also hopeful the app and it's new warscrolls and rules aren't behind a paywall either. The way they worded it did make it sound like your subscription unlocks the pay stuff (tomes, builder, PtG) while the free beta stuff remained opened. As always, hope for the best and prepare for the worst with fingers crossed as it is with both company decisions and rolls of the dice.
  6. Haha, it looks like it. Min-max eyes only see the numbers, not the fluff side that the Magmadroth is roaring in pain and it's fyrestream is becoming more erratic allowing heroes and monster hunter warbands easier times to dodge the magma than a full force could. That aside the Realm of Beasts focus is looking good for them. Hopefully next year we'll jump to Aqshy to give Fyreslayers a bigger boost on the hometurf amongst the lava and ash realmscapes.
  7. Here's their quote: "Mangler Squig, Skarbrand are NOT the things to engage with. Also the Magmadroth from the Fyreslayers has a 3d6 MW shooting attack at it's lowest bracket. Can't be reckless." Looking at it they're likely referring to the Roaring Fyrestream though that only does D6 MW's so it's either a mistake with the 3D6 targets or something new. Looking over some stuff I wonder if it can go with "Unleash Hell" for another close range fyrestream. I'm a narrative player but Heroic Entourage looks good for all their heroes to get more command points. Looks fun to stack with the Realm of Beasts battalions and abilities for monster hunters. Plus with the core wizard option Fyreslayers can Metamorphosis a monster hero which would be neat for a storyline on a Fyreslayer hero juiced up on too many Ur-gold runes like in the lore that turns them into berserkers able to rip a daemon prince's head off bare-handed.
  8. So basically Deepkin sea cavalry lists like always with new priest & wizard stuff thrown in or go crazy on allies. Despite the Deepkin infantry getting the short end of the coral stick that does sound like fun. I run both Deepkin and Stormcast armies so trying out some mixes for the new edition can be fun with their tougher lightning infantry. Might try out Sylvaneth too.(and I still need that Kraken-eater merc) Hopefully a new battletome will address the infantry with buffs alongside expanding the warband into units. Harpoon namarti and battle crab units would be excellent.
  9. The Guerilla Miniatures playtesters are speaking well for them at least. They listed the magmadroth dropping 3D6 mortal wounds as their top monsters to watch out for in the new edition. Going by the lore leaks from the corebook makes me feel like if a battletome is made for the Dawnbringers that'll end up a pseudo-update tome for Fyreslayers. The new lore mentions that despite Grungni's return both duardin groups are starting to turn away from him to where the Kharadron are actually listed as an Order threat to the dawners with piracy and destruction if their escort wages aren't met. Fyreslayers on the otherhand are ironically the dawners most stalwart supporters with no mention of mercenary backstabbing for Chaos or the like. Likely why the article pointed them out alongside the khainites. Could be a way to slowly transition into a new CoS book in the far future with new azyrite humans, Fyreslayers replacing Dispossessed and Khainites taking the Darklings place. Edit: you can cry doko but ending up a realm representative sub-faction among 8 others would be a far better fate than bogging down the Kharadron's rich lore. Thank the God-king they haven't changed.
  10. Yeah, when the new 40k edition was posted on the general games reddit it exploded with interest like a big videogame reveal. AoS3's post got average results you'd see on a indie game people are excited for. Still great but not as great as the triple A boi. Which is a blessing really. That signaled the scalpers to attack 40k in droves. Age of Sigmar now benefits from having the majority of it's playerbase and new players get the box instead of fakes so next year AoS can jump up again to take it's place back on top of the charts next to 40k.
  11. When you get lockdowned at the gym for them gains! The Vindictor's simple warscroll makes me relieved they're not a must take powerhouse with multiple abilities like Sequitors were. It's much easier to run Liberators & Vindictors(and even throw in the Vanguard rangers) together as infantry that can support eachother and give the enemy a nasty zap when they all reforge. Hopping back to an older topic, I hope Dawncrusaders have some update goodies for Fyreslayers like their article hinted at. Them, Azyrites and Daughters working together would fit the Avatar-Gotrek & Maleneth partnership as she's both a khainite & Order of Azyr, fit with the Fyreslayers lore of them getting along with the Ulgu races "Caengan - Long ago, the Caengan lodge settled in the Realm of Ulgu seeking hidden ur-gold in the mists. Forming pacts with the Shadowkin in clandestine wars, the lodge has learned the subtle ways of battle from the Shroudling Kings." And besides looking for Ur-gold on the dawner expeditions they can also look for more lost feral lodges in Ghur which is 3.0's main focus. "The Wild Lodges - Tales of Fyreslayers living in the Vanishing Wilds of Ghur tell of feral duardin daubed in molten metal. Several Runesons of Aqshy rode out to find these lost brothers, but so far none have returned"
  12. Step 1: lower his demand to move other units. Step 2: Faq in much later he's the only way for Ossiarchs to use Command Points. Step 3: Profit. I do wonder though if he and Lord Kroak are safe since they both get extra casting values for their rolls so neither can actually roll a 2. It'd explain why the playtester was gungho on spell spams if it's something the god-tier casters can avoid. Could wind up another Faq if it's too much a deterrent for them. At least they took away his Priest keyword so hordes of Jehovah witnesses can't mass Dovahkin him back to the Realm of Death.
  13. "We mentioned earlier that the rules for Age of Sigmar have been expanded over the years from just 4 pages in the original game, to a more meaty 10 pages in 2nd edition – this has now grown to a core rules section of just under 40 pages, " Haha, Sprues apparently can't count. 2nd edition had 16-17 pages and 3rd edition is just 2 pages over 30, not near 40. If you take out all those diagrams and the additional "advanced" stuff like core battalions, monster rules, enhancements, etc, you'd get core rules around 20 pages and a great starter pack for beginners before they use those additional layers. I'm interested in how the AoS App will handle it since that seems like a lot of extra and the current doesn't even use a legible battleplan to save on space. Probably cutting down on all the sub-sub-sections, good clarity but that's easily adding 5 pages of dissected rules that could be read simpler.
  14. Just watched Miniature War Gaming's Dominion Core Book review, really great stuff! Had an audible oof moment at seeing the Core Rules at 32 pages though(I miss the days of 4 ). Indeed it's because of many diagrams, rules dissected into sub-sub-sections and all that added stuff like core battalions and pages of enhancements so it's due to so many additional strategies and expanded clarity than rules bloat. If you leave all that stuff out it'd probably be around 20 pages of condensed basics that'd be great for beginners and keep that AoS highlight of being easy to learn and play. Looking forward to how this will pan out with a rules layer approach AoS2 had with getting the basics down for an introduction and slowly introducing the advanced stuff like command points, endless spells and now core battalions, enhancements and monster rules. Hopefully the free download rules will show what's worth cutting out again.
  15. Sounds useful for the starter 750 pt battlefield. Your wizards will be few and close to the carnage on the smallest battlefield so a main "shotgun" spell is helpful.
  16. That's been my theory when they failed to show up. They had a long way to travel and would've been caught up in the life flood. Forests, jungles amd elementals popping up everywhere would slow down any force, especially the new Hedonites who look to be accustomed to open battles and deserts. That's true of every fantasy and historical wargame before they added second ranks with spears then allowing a third to fight. You could pull that with AoS 1-2 too, just now there's thicker screens 10-20 models long and either chainshot formations to hold multiple objectives or triangle island chains(three models per island) for a more offensive screen. I recommend you check out their LotR rules for a fantasy wargame on rounds, it's been pointed out how much AoS3 is borrowing from it(which makes sense as it started with that inspiration) for rules on the heroes, monsters and now activations during the opponent's turn. AoS3 feels like they took the LotR and 40k inspirations it had and cranked them up to 11 for the new edition. Which is great, LotR is undisputedly one of their best rulesets in combining large battles with small skirmish on the battlefield so coupling it with AoS' success, gorgeous models and fun streamlined gameplay is a excellent move. Indeed. Plus a trick I see is a new percieved "great value" by shrinking units down to 5. Now that Liberator box of 10 is a deal because you get two units. I assume that's why the Dominion box has 10 Vindictors but literally everything else shown is 5 of them. A lot of 10 unit boxes are going to look better with the new rules and up sales with players wanting two 5 man units that the core battalions will push to 3 to 4 reinforced units.
  17. If that is true then time to look forward to them joining the Dawn Crusade alliance and giving them Annihilator allies to turn the fiery tide. I'd personally like to buy extra Annihilators and for Fyreslayer allies hollow them out as lava pot golems in vein of the pot monsters from Elden Ring.
  18. This Warhammer Horror one looks good for Flesh-Eater Courts: https://www.blacklibrary.com/warhammer-horror/he-feasts-forever-eshort-2019.html For Slaanesh I suggest "Red Hour" novella that even though it's from the freeguild's perspective puts a very interesting view on how the dark prince can also gain power from heroes and the just by a being from the Age of Myth fixated on those virtues. Then you can also grab the "Oaths and Conquests" omnibus for "The Garden of Mortal Delights" story which has some cool interactions between the life obsessed Sylvaneth and pleasure obsessed Hedonites. (My phone appears to have posted that sideways....spoiler protection via neck crane I guess? )
  19. Tbf, AoS 2.9 was a lot like that too with how much the battletomes added on with rule layers. That's why I just used the core rules as a basic and even AoS1 to help newbies into it. That is something I'm appreciating about AoS 3.0 (besides feeling like a walk around to AoS1's skirmish and Age of Hope vibes) is instead of the rules being scattered through multiple books to where the free download felt like a chunk of a bigger machine ripped out with incomplete stuff they're just putting them all in the Core Rules which is giving a feel of bloat but we're still free to pick and choose how much we use for a starter game like always and indeed the battle packs are even encouraging this. I do wonder if the download rules will be easier to chew though, AoS2 looked like it was gonna cram in realmscape stuff and a battleplan but that was all left in the rule books so the free rules were just the basics. I expect a similar case here(both altruistically for a lower barrier entry and cynically that the premium version of the core rules is paylocked in the corebook.) All in all I'm liking the more skirmish balance and the DnD 5th edition rules clarifications to keep things clear. If they can keep the core rules compact enough and offer some tips to help newbies into the game with Open Play casual rules then AoS can be in a great position to go even stronger. Haha, i've seen the opposite with their players on discord & reddit and indeed more people looking to jump into them now. AoS3's stronger monsters, heroes and fewer troops works to their strengths and fixes their biggest flaw of needing too much infantry that put people off.
  20. Haha, it's less they created the rules for that outcome and more just ported it over from 40k due to wanting smaller unit focus. Blocks won't mean diddly once the casualties & battleshock mount and hordes are being capped and crippled all over. it's MSU or bust. Which is fine for the finest fish cavalry in all the seas of the realms. Namarti are the obvious sore spot. Either they'll bring in something like 40k's second rank so the whole unit can fight or they'll tuna up the warscrolls so they're just deadlier fighters at 5 which seems to be the goal. Something like the Stormcast's "Blaze of Glory" for a army-wide buff would help too like maybe now they can feast on fallen souls to heal.
  21. I'd like uber-leaders in the sense of Kragnos and Nagash(probably Archaon & Belakor too, I don't bother much with Chaos) taking advantage of the Grand Alliances so more different armies can form up behind them. It's a cool thematic look to see so many diverse races lead by a god/demigod leader to show why they came together for their pantheons and would be great in both boosting Grand Alliance armies and giving a link to build off of for other armies. That's why I'm hoping it's the case with the Azyr Lord too. It'd already fit Stormcasts wanting to ally with all races and her coming from the higher tiers of Azyrheim means she has connections to the Grand Conclave which has representatives from multiple races on it's council to back up her authority.
  22. Haha, to me she was the opposite with being their death sentence. They could've easily made her a Wanderer (the Kurnothi short story even mentions animal mutations can occur in normal aelves) but instead they did everything to clarify she was Sylvaneth from keyword to giving her a stomach seed and being from a sub-realm only Sylvaneth are allowed in. So though it can still be up to speculation that seems very intentional they're doing more and more to push them out of the lore ever since Lumineth took over the niche of nature aelves that heal the land and commune with animal realm spirits.
  23. Mind I'd take all that with a large spoon of salt. Both Bob and Hastings are mostly going off of lore hints and what other rumors are saying. Seeing that both he's mistaken on that zone being named Athel Loren (it's a vague scene of the new clean woods sparking that memory in Alarielle) and the big reddit leak they follow was only half right about the Stormcast & Orruk release (it said slender Stormcast dragons & hobgoblin army with wolves) it's very likely there's more stumbles on the way. Personally expecting Kurnothi and new Grungni duardin to replace the old models ala Lumineth but I think it'll all depend on what the Dawncrusade entails. If it's a new Order of Azyr book then it won't affect much. If it's the Soulblight Gravelords treatment for CoS then it'll thin the forces down more to make room for new AoS races.
  24. Or even the other way around with Warclans first then Kruleboyz getting a separate one with a second wave of stuff like squig-warg cavalry. And honestly I could see Warclans hitting first just because 80% of the Coherency fears are coming from Ironjawz cavalry players. So a tome drop for quick warscrolls change to fit the new smaller cavalry focus could be in the cards for the massive greenskins.
  25. Gonna buy more Stormcast prosecutors, Retributors and judicators to theme around the new Thunderstrike heroes as auxiliaries sent from Azyr to aid my Ghyrian Stormhosts that are crusading into Ghur and Chamon. Also need that Deepkin warband for my Chamonian ones amd start on Ossiarchs finally. ....That's the plan anyway. Probably gonna end up slowly chipping through the most terrifying army of all. The grey legions.
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