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Baron Klatz

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Everything posted by Baron Klatz

  1. I thought similar even before the pricing but the internet has proven that dead wrong. I've been looking for good Mega-Gargant merc armies but it's full Sons of Behemat armies as far as the eye can see be it Twitter, Reddit or especially Youtube. At most the "cheap" tactic people have been using is just to make the third Mancrusher out of odds and ends to give their kit-bashing & greenstuff muscles a work out. Otherwise everyone jumping into the army has been doing it like a Warstomper(both feet and full impact into the horde ) It's as Greyshadow said, the gargant collectors have been Fee Fi Foing before the Sons even rumbled the realms. This forum's Duke Gisoreux even showed off his Aleguzzler army on a discord to march alongside the Gloomspite when they released last year.
  2. I think for competitive that'd be the best combo. Warstomper is already the deadliest merc of the three and Skyrye ranged tech & numbers could offset the obvious Mega-gargant weaknesses. Plus as a merc he'd get this ability which I imagine would be nasty with Skaven following in his wake. Plus with Skyrye you could kitbash him with all sorts of crazy warp-tech to show they tried to enhance their new ally to unleash on the realms. I'd say asks the forum experts here:
  3. Reading the Forbidden Power tales again and I hope the next Gloomspite sub-faction is all the mutants they have. "He slowed as a fungus-keepa scuttled overhead from a crack in the tunnel’s roof. Recognising through some uncanny sixth sense that it was being watched, the once-grot paused. Snaggit swallowed, clasping tighter the jagged shard of loonstone that served as both blade and light-source as the creature twisted to look down upon him. It was more mushroom than grot now, peering at him with eyes mounted on long stalks like those of a slugfungus. Pulsating organic growths had spread all over its face and brow in a grim exaggeration of the Loonking’s crown. They sprouted through the creature’s skull, distorting it under the guise of parasitic ‘blessings’." https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/05/13/whispers-by-loonlightgw-homepage-post-2/ Guy on reddit made a great Scuttling Grots army and it'd be great for the hinted at Grotbag Scuttlers to be all manner of bizarre grots.(sky ships using spider webs and fungus growths as rigging while grotlings scurry about them on numerous legs) (Interestingly even though they're just Stabba proxies paring them with a Gobbapalooza Spiker makes them work just like if the Silver Tower Grotlings became an army)
  4. Read OP's post again. He's not talking about price but that there's no expansion to this army past the initial range. Which is kinda troggothing since that's the case for any army you buy all the units for. Two fun ways of continuing this army however is either focusing on the mercenary aspect and building them around another army or going through the lore and making a Mega-gargant from that if not making your own up. There's some on Twitter using Endless Spells as weapons that are great. Bonus is magnetizing your Mega-gargants so you can keep flipping the parts and tribes around from just one or a few kits. Feels like between price complaints and now the meta thing some people are trying to ride the negative wave. It'll pass. They filled the tome out with so many crazy kinds of Mega-gargants and lore of them growing into God-beasts that it feels all but certain it's to build up to that. At the very least I imagine King Brodd growing into a new model.
  5. Why don't they just head swap then? I prefer the tall horn helms as they stand-out but some kitbashed cavalry helm wouldn't go amiss on them. I don't think you can get more interesting than a God, a living suit of armor, a priestess that kills you with depression and a mage riding flying rocks.
  6. But then came Ward's Asur with their Dragon Banner that completely crushed them and everything else. Say what you will of the current balance but at least we're past those dark ages. AoS is far from perfect but nothing is really unfair. Even with cases like Daughters, and Tzeentch for launch powers we got Maggotkin, Gloomspite & Sons of Behemat which certainly weren't tourney dominators at their start but still a ton of fun. It's more a sales gimmick and made for kneejerk reactions (which it's certainly caused). Players see it without looking at the other info like how tiny those amount of tourneys are that leave out a large amount of other forces while having players with multiples of the same army and immediately jump on the bandwagon. With how much the article is promoting Lumineth I suspect it's a subtle way to get more people on them as a shooting & magic meta but I'm also hopeful it means more Kharadron releases in the future from GW cherry picking those best results for them.
  7. Zilfin is a popular build but there are other ones and different unit compositions that have won top spots too. What an age we live in that duardin are the magic envy of Tzeentch! Priffa Dreng!
  8. It'd fit the aelven flyer trend, Sylvaneth have Zephyrspites to give them winged flight, Khainites have their winged sisters and Malerion's Shadowkin have descriptions as being devil-like with wings. So unless they stick to clouds it could go that way. Yeah that's consistent from what we got since Teclis showed up in "Pantheon" as a being of light in the Age of Myth. Then the Corebook furthered it by saying that aelves that attuned to the realm of light become such creatures themselves of living light. Similar to Stormcasts with too much Azyr becoming living storms contained in armor or Fyreslayers that hoard Ur-gold runes turning into walking volcanoes. I feel a similar creature like Celennar since they'd inhabit the celestial bodies as well. I assume the further you go away from the realm center the less the spirits will bother with looking like something recognizable since any creature by the edges will be supernatural as well. Basically since the aelven rune in the perimeter inimical is "sailing" I see it as basically the Lumineth are journeying to the stars to meet alien beings roaming the aether.
  9. Tbf that describes every aelven faction from Sylvaneth to Deepkin. They all do courts and masters at arms that lead by example be it the Jade Island courts where the Treelords entreat eachother and their goddess while reverant retainers hold the tails of their flowing golden leaf capes to Deepkin leaders charging into battle with their eel knights to show their eyeless lower castes on the glory of honorable battle. That's just the aelf standard if they're not at home in the wilds or shadows. I suspect Tyrion will mirror Teclis, as is the way of Hysh, by bringing in a few more basic Vanari but a new fantastical temple as well like the Zenith cloud spirits, their sages that fly to the heavens on cloud-back and their warriors that turn incorporeal as the Alarith turn mountain resilient. It'd solve the "angelic aelves of light" we read about back in 2018 with Tyrion leading their brand of angels from the sky/zenith. Though who knows, the Lumineth tome gave so many teasers of the strange spirits and magic-changed aelves there, like the river temples who breathe underwater, that we could get any crazy new aelves from it. Fingers crossed! I really want that tome.
  10. That's what I've been asking along with the inspirational art thread going kaput. Oh well, starting anew is better than nothing. Oh same. On their Facebook they showed a model showdown between him and the Mega-gargants and asked who would win so they're not blind to the opportunity. The pantheon has me greatly interested because not only was there a wide range of fantastical God-beasts that tried to claim the realms ranging from bone hydras to sentient amber blobs but Behemat's lore has him freeing him And his siblings from his father's guts. So there's even more out there. It all feels like foreshadowing that Gorkamorka's gonna show the God-king how to have a propa' pantheon with the primordial gods that first claimed the realms as home.
  11. I call bull with this complaint(pun intended). There's tons of people who love the Lumineth "battle-cattle" and it fits with their realm worship aesthetic of communing with nature and it's many creatures in the realm of light. Here very much because of the immortal mountain aurochs their temples live in harmony with. As the Lumineth move away from the standard infantry and get more realm-spirit temples like the wind foxes, river and zenith cloud creatures the animal motif will go much better together that the Lumineth are all about harmonizing with nature. The fleshier side where-as Sylvaneth are the barkier side of it. It's the theme of Order that they each co-exist in their home realms, be it the Seraphon and the stars of Azyr or the Fyreslayers and the flames of Aqshy. As for Brayherds they already explore those directions in the lore. Their battletome mentions shark & mammoth hybrid brayherds that stalk the wilds of ghur while Tzaangors gave us bird types already. More, one of their heroes that gets focus is a albino lion-headed beastlord that lives in the realm of death and goes around to eats souls not claimed by Nagash. https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Ghosteater Given your complaint if anything the Lumineth taking that cliche'd design cue, goats & cattle, away from beastkin is a good thing as it makes them explore elsewhere for new designs while the old ones can serve as a ying-yang to the Lumineth's divine bulls with their corrupted ones. Edit: I missed the "why be from Aqshy if there's already a fire temple in Hysh" on the elements part. That actually gives them more reason to visit a realm and settle there. The Lumineth are about harmony amd calm minds, a fire temple would mean they'd make pilgrimages to that realm to aid the fire spirits in burning brighter while controlling their passions so they don't burn themselves out. We see this already with the Alarith going to Beastgrave to calm the sentient mountain there as they feel it's pain. This has occurred in other elemental armies as well like with Fyreslayers going to other realm mountains & volcanoes to gather resources, worship their fiery gods or learn new trades like those in Hysh forging from moonlight and Sylvaneth go to the forests throughout the realms for different reasons like trying to bring life to the haunted ones in Shyish or helping the iron oaks to flourish naturally in Chamon so their allies can use them as forts and safe havens without harming them.
  12. It shows his troggoth ways are evolving at least. Not one mention of Cities of Sigmar doom in that whole post. On another note is how much they're pushing shooting armies with this article. I feel like GW cherry picked the results to show off Kharadron more than anything else. It's a reach but between this and their Warcry band i'm hoping it's a set-up for new Kharadron releases in the near future. Some new shieldships to block the thunderous clubs of Mega-gargants as they explore Ghur in next year's narrative.
  13. Yeah, here's a recent UK tourney listing with much different results. 693 players counting results from 26 tournaments http://www.rankings.baddice.co.uk/armyranking/region=3&game=6&season=0 Edit: that you can have two similar mass tourney sizes and an army that ended up in 17th place for one and 1st in another speaks of remarkably decent balance to me for a game with such a crazy amount of factions that manage to keep their unique flavors. Looking at other big tournament listings this year shows a few consistent things like Tzeentch and Seraphon in high spots but it's still a pretty good win rate for any army from Flesh-Eaters to Hedonites taking top spots compared to the small meta example GW gave for a taste.
  14. No you definitely show up with Tzeentch too. They can dominate the magic and shooting phase just as well since 2017. Honestly surprised Kharadron are getting backlash for this. After 2018 they seemed the constant underdogs who couldn't survive with nerfed shooting and made low tourney lists. But eh, the meta will shift again next year. With more feedback/Ghur and Gordrakk in focus monsters amd melee may be kings again. In the lore that's how they're described so far. Winged & horned aelven devils like their creator Malerion. Shadowstalkers might be a branch off more towards Morathi since she was also behind the Shadowkin that explored the Silver Tower. I think she and Teclis will be the only ones with "normal aelves" when the legacy smoke clears. Her because as a demigoddess she needs any followers she can get to work alongside her few new races and Teclis because he's trying to recreate past glories. The other aelven gods don't have those hang ups and are pushing for new things (Tyrion can be speculated on this as he was the one that stopped Teclis from destroying the Deepkin and saw potential in them)
  15. The only thing i'm surprised by is the Kharadron and Daughters switching places. Otherwise that's the usual Meta you see with the lists AoS Shorts put out with their multiple tournament coverage in the years since AoS2. Magic and DPS armies on top of the rest. Edit: (though at the beginning of this year there was a good upset with Swiftwings coming in pretty high despite being a army left behind ) Thumbs up to the Kharadron guys out there who had the lowest win rates for the last two years finally getting to soar high again.
  16. Noice. The Shadow Well and Ember King Halls sound like the warbands starting places. Seed of Agony sounds like a good place for Sylvaneth to get involved with the narrative too. Surprised only one DreadHold in a sub-realm teeming with them but maybe that's because it's the only one that extends that deep down to the subterranean levels? Two other notes from Facebook. This won't be a limited release and the Set-up cards are in the catacombs tome. "FYI, Setup cards are apparently in the Catacombs book - I saw this question asked and answered by GW team in Facebook. So while not separate, it sounds like they do have them."
  17. Yeah I don't see Morathi sharing that kind of power with anyone. I wouldn't be surprised if the "shadow daemon possession" in their lore so far winds up being the Umbraneth allies are under her power and can't report back to or do anything for their real master, Malerion and his empires of shadowy devil aelves. It even goes back to the naming conventions you mentioned. She personally created several races of aelves, Melusai, Khinerai and the Gorgai's. They belong to Her and bow to no other, only those she permits them to for her grand plans.
  18. Apparently on Facebook the devs said it will be apart of the regular line-up. So it looks like it won't be limited this time. (Very good thing for players that want it but kinda already blew their hobby budget on shiny aelves with great hats/battle cattle & plus-sized gargants so need recovery time) This has my vote. In the delusional eyes of a noble knight jauntily walking the streets of Shyish those chains are fine chainmail ringing about the flowing enchanted tabard that lifts him skyward to battle cowardly foes while an ivory trinket won in some far off battle is pinned upon the armor with pride. So Vargheist hero patrolling the next AoS Quest is where I put my glimmerings.
  19. People pre-Necroquake: "Poor Death, stuck mostly to one realm with no big influence anywhere else. We wish they could get more attention." Nagash standing in front of the "Fu#& everyone but me" realmstone pyramid button : "Oh I'm gonna break all the knuckle bones on that monkey's paw!" Hyped!
  20. Or just waiting for the Catacombs to eventually break up into seperate releases. I know that's my route for Flame Scions forces. I feel that's an effective enough divide to feel fresh for both groups. Hopefully the next Quest brings back & adds more solo options/system A.I as now the AoS RPG has the dungeon master focus covered which is what Shadows over Hammerhal heavily leaned into.
  21. I'm looking forward to their take on Anvils of Heldenhammer who built the similarly dour city as they did a nice job of building on the Celestial Warbringers in Brightspear. One poster put it best on their Writmark holiday: "I feel you do everyone a slight disservice, by not mentioning that that holiday involves the Celestial Warbringers awkwardly trying to party with mortals... by offering to fix their houses and acting as streetside lawyers for a day." That works nicely with the stuff in their battletome on how they tried to get along with their mortal allies (usually by keeping their future-seeing lips shut on bad futures about to happen ). Direchasm waiting for the opportune moment to strike. That honestly sounds like a great puzzle for a future Lumineth quest. Trying to roll the right code so the lamp light reveals runes to open a secret reward.
  22. Won't be this year(or probably the next unless I hit a lot of life jack pots) but I've been building up floating island themed stuff like Stormcast prosecutors, Deepkin, kharadron, etc for flying armies battling in the aetheric skies of the realms. Been building up undead for that mythological classic of underworld vs the heavens feel but every release has me push it back since I want to add more. Ossiarchs for the abyss and Lumineth Alariths & Kraken-Eater for "sky island movers" hasn't helped matter nor the promise of future cloud Buddha stuff from the Lumineth battletome either. And I just know Stormcast are due for more angelic flyers that'll keep my list growing.
  23. Solid! Realm of Fire dice are a nice touch. Kinda wish GW did them though just to see what crazy design they'd try like with the squig or Alarith dice. I'd love throwing little fireballs around the table.
  24. Mostly because they view it from a bubble in which you always get "my company is the worst" when compared to others it's actually benign. Like with chinese stuff GW only does some terrain and has a store in Hong Kong. That's very little compared to others who have all or the majority of their stuff there. Like it was a big shock to a lot of people when companies like Nintendo & Microsoft got outed for that stuff a few months back. Definitely, plus the article OP found "cringey" is sitting at over 90 likes which is a high score on that page along with it's Twitter post getting very positive reception. with people showing off their own hobby caves. "Lord Stuert @lordstuert · Oct 12 Replying to @WarComTeam My little hobby cave! Thanks everyone at @GW_officialuk and @WarComTeam that has been here and kept us company through these difficult times!" So i'd say they keep showing that community spirit.
  25. Better get those creepy story ideas rattling around in your skull like a Ossiarch at the Shyish writing desk- (I provided the image for mental efficiency) -because submissions are open today! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/10/19/warhammer-horror-submissions-open-now/
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