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Baron Klatz

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Everything posted by Baron Klatz

  1. I really like this idea. Spend a stone to use a realm spell or realm command. Further for an interesting gimmick, inspired by a mix of lore characters using magic lanterns like the Lumineth & nostalgia for Final Fantasy crystal Chronicles, maybe the ability to nominate one hero a "realm lantern bearer" whose job it is to channel the energies of the stones with their various aether burners* to aid their people or serve their gods commands. *(ranging in form from crude iron lanterns with orruk glyphs carved in, graceful aelven lamps of spent aetherquartz or dreadful Pestilens incense totems. Could be great for modeling or the Anvil of Apotheosis creations) With this hero if they're within 3" of a realm stone carrier they can cast a realm spell without spending the stone thanks to the realm lantern, spend the stone to give units within 6" the buffs of a realm relic for one turn, "realm light alteration", or in a desperate act "light the necroquake fissure" where they destroy their lantern while spending a stone and roll a die where 4+ they can use a realm-enhanced version of an Endless Spell for that turn but on rolling 1 or 2 their light brought forth the hungry geists in the necroquake and the hero suffers D3 mortal wounds instead. Final note is from the recent Warcry article mentioning Varanite. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/10/15/warcry-lore-scions-and-shadowstalkers/ "It is to these claustrophobic halls that ambitious warbands are drawn from across the Eightpoints in search of glory, ancient relics, and the transmutational realmstone known as varanite, which is treasured above all else." Since it is a more potent warpstone I wonder if it should let you chose two realm of battle charts to get it's effects from? (Which could also mirror Eight-points purpose as a hub connection to the other realms) Edit: or maybe since Chamonite also transmutes it could automatically have realm of metal effects plus one other? Food for thought.
  2. My vote goes to the winged reverant Sylvaneth unit teased in the tome art.(it looks like the hero at first glance buy you can see more in the background) Let us re-enact the 7 day aerial war that took place over Ghyran's beautiful Jade Isles.
  3. Yeah, Sons of Behemet are taking off right now on Twitter with a bunch of conversions. Lots of armored up ones and undead mega-gargants. Held myself back though from spamming. I'll save it for the general hobby posts.
  4. Huzzah! It's back and you're okay. Well I guess posting the new Ghur map would set things off. And credit to Athrawes for this tidbit. "one of the cool conceptual descriptions of Ghur was that everything in the realm (including continents) are predators. I love how it looks like they all have jaws, and as per the lore blurb, you can see what eating a continent looks like. On the right side of the map above Andtor, is a place called Carcass Donse, it is described that Donse used to be another continent but is being consumed by Thondia, which is described as an Apex predator among the other continents. Love this." Then we got the Mega-gargant audio drama. https://www.blacklibrary.com/warhammer-age-of-sigmar/featured/sons-of-behemat-mp3-2020.html On that you can find the cover artist here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/B1a9lz And finally on the titanic news is two lore bits I liked from the new tome. First is Old Ropey, a Mega-gargant in the realm of death that's called Ropey because his muscles and veins hang down from his body like moss. A very gruesome fellow that be perfect for this month. And then this fellow from the battletome someone has gone and modeled. https://mobile.twitter.com/TheMortalRealms/status/1316050411321724928 "The Mortal Realms @TheMortalRealms So, a little late to the party, but always read the lore first! If you don't read the lore then how can you be inspired by GREEDY HEKK THE SPIDER KING??? @Pjschard went ballistic on reading it and insisted on converting it right quick!" @KingBrodd you might like this.
  5. What about the AoS boardgames? With Covid keeping people apart those could come in handy as easy steps for new players to get into and for families in quarantine to enjoy so when they finally come back out they'll want to see what else there is. Crypt Hunter, Dreadfane and Stormvault are the main ones while recommending people try hunting Gorechosen down is a good play too. Rise and Fall of Anvalor is the odd man out as it has no models but still offers a fun time with an AoS city which might spark interests in more content.
  6. Just looked for info on the AoS lore & Novel thread, inspirational art thread and for XKing. All gone. I take it something happened while I wasn't around and they left which deleted their threads?
  7. Whoops I should've checked into that page further. Thanks for pointing it out! Here you go though, the glorious archives of reddit. http://sombetzki.nl/files/aos/Hinterlands 2.2 - By Sam James.pdf
  8. Really creative kitbash to show the Duardin of the realm of metal blasting the foe apart with spirit fire thanks to their Ghyran allies, super lethal while being nature friendly.
  9. I second that. I recall the realm compass talk and I feel that'd be very useful to expand on for quests. One of the Autumn Prince short stories even had him have a special one made in Shyish so he could navigate the life-sucking realm edge for his lover's soul. When he asked the death city artisans on how effective it worked they assured him it's been confirmed highly accurate- by the ghosts of those who died while using it. Edit: (Also he offered several currencies ranging from glimmerings to shadeglass but also "Ulgu shadow crystals". It's the only time I heard of them and both the Warhammer community article on currency and Soulbound doesn't bring them up so that's worth looking into if it's not ear-marked for Shadowkin's release)
  10. They already have that when you subscribe to the community. They send you a newsletter on any big news on their platforms. Which is why it very much is a community and justifies the name, even the article OP linked ends with places viewers can go to and give feedback. Which is exactly what a community does. "How are you set up for your hobby needs? Share your building, painting, and gaming areas with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram – and remember that the staff in your local Warhammer store will be only too happy to help you out." Great shouts! I also highly recommend Rerolling Ones and Dark Artisan for great battle reports and fun hobby discussions.
  11. Yeah the targets are everyone. Adult veterans that are meta competitors looking for articles on "who would win", lore hounds after the world building, podcasts & free stories, collectors wanting the newest centerpieces and painting tips, teens wanting what's new and cool with advice how they can play it in their games like turning a Warcry/Underworlds warband into a AoS army and vice-versa while any kids and parents use articles meant for them with fun sections or news on cheap boardgames they can nab at their local stores or Barnes and Noble. The variety and fun comics are what keep me coming back every morning along with quick jumps to Facebook or Twitter for extra news I may have missed.
  12. I'd make the exception for 21st century stuff if they aesthetically upgrade them to be twisted things of monsters and magic like yugioh. That'd fit a lot closer to say a Chamonite city that could use runes and magic to connect their technology (like some instances in Zelda:Breath of the Wild) together or a chaos corrupted version of Aglorexi engineers from Aqshy going over to Tzeentch for such technical knowledge to make monster machines for a pseudo-modern look. As long as it's got a creative twist to it I'm game.
  13. Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong! A warning bell tolls for thee on the 13th. Only one week left until submissions go live on the 19th. For dark inspirations for your tales go check out the grim works of AoS28. https://www.exprofundis.com/introducing-aos28-inq28-meets-age-sigmar/ https://www.exprofundis.com/gallery/ https://www.exprofundis.com/lord-black-sloth-hell/ http://gardensofhecate.blogspot.com/2018/06/clxxvii-stormcast-questor-and-penitent.html?m=1 A bit off-topic but they also have a update to Hinterlands, the AoS Skirmish game the Warcry dev made before joining GW. https://www.exprofundis.com/aos28-expanded-hinterlands-rules/ Could be useful though if you need a quick bloody battle to decide the outcome of your tale.
  14. Oh yeah, we probably won't see the new sub-faction until 2 or more years down the line with a new tome to depict the events that happened past the Soul Wars, if they're winning back their lands in the realm of light and introduce us to the new add-on forces to the Alarith. At best we can hope for another Kurnothi warband surprise for river or wind temples. (Which seeing the increasing Ghur focus we'll probably get their battletome before Lumineth get one)
  15. Cowfish do need more love. They got a cool look already. But likely it'll be the wind temple. The fox spirits and their swift followers through Hysh's deserts got just a bit more attention than the river temple with it's water breathing aelves or zenith temples with their followers that turn incorporeal. (Though with Deepkin allies maybe river would be closer to fit their alliance?) You were probably just using it as a random example but heads up to anyone else that missed it that they and the other hero from the Aether Wars are on the store now as separate heroes. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Endrinmaster-with-Dirigible-Suit-2020
  16. They are advertising it, they put up it's release on their facebook, the last Hammerhal heralds are referencing it and they use it in their community articles. "Ever wanted to build your own hero? Got a favourite Black Library character you want to see on the tabletop? Perhaps you have a Soulbound RPG running and want to put your party to the test in Warhammer Age of Sigmar? In the latest General’s Handbook, you can do all that thanks to the Anvil of Apotheosis. " As for canon I say it pretty much is. C7 kept holding the release back so they could keep up with all the new lore like Malign Portents, the Corebook, Realmslayer and Forbidden Power and combine all that stuff like the cities Gotrek crossed and Slaves to Darkness tribes found on their battletome map to the rpg's Aqshy map. So it's pretty one-to-one on lore. Any embellishments by the devs can easily be handwaved by how vast and eldritch the Mortal Realms are and used as canon anyway.
  17. Probably reading way too much into it but I like those Destruction forces they have in front of the game screen. Come on "Waaaghbound" for next rpg!
  18. Yeah, it's a business thing to advertise but holy cow is getting mad at it going too far. 😕 It has articles showing people what they need to know and quick links to the information, helpful free downloads and systems like Warscroll Builder for players, a bunch of articles showing off people's armies or just their lore like these: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/04/17/vince-venturellas-cities-of-sigmar-armygw-homepage-post-4/ https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/01/14/robin-lundkvists-gargantous-bonehostgw-homepage-post-4/ https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/07/23/wizards-gnomes-and-weta-workshop/ And tons of stuff to help with kids getting into the hobby with free resources and paper cut out downloads. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/04/03/home-schooling-warhammer-stylegw-homepage-post-1fw-homepage-post-1/ https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/04/07/take-the-kids-to-the-skies-from-homegw-homepage-post-4/ https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/07/17/gaming-with-my-child/ That last one carries extra weight because he's a dad and when people responded to the article on twitter about more advice on their kids hobby experiences he answered them all with his own and helped them through it. So yes it's advertising but it's 100% a community too. Edit: even the page shown ends with community interaction. "How are you set up for your hobby needs? Share your building, painting, and gaming areas with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram – and remember that the staff in your local Warhammer store will be only too happy to help you out. Your local store may not be running painting or gaming activities in store at the moment"
  19. I haven't seen this posted yet but great vid by Dark Artisan on getting more leverage on one kit. (His Mega-gargant battle reports are fun too)
  20. Hear ye, hear ye! The physical pre-orders are up! https://www.cubicle7games.com/product-category/warhammer-aos/ It's pricey but look at that collector beauty. And so thicc. This made surviving 2020 worth it.
  21. I feel that's helpful with their mercenary focus. Get one big boi, a cheap army to build around it like Easy to Build Stormcasts or NightHaunt, which also come in boardgames like Crypt Hunter or Stormvault that can be found at places like wal-mart or Barnes and Noble that kids can enjoy, and build up over time from there as you save up your money for more biggins down the road.
  22. Been watching youtube reports on them and i'm super sold on a Taker Tribe. I already loved it's design and was taking it as a merc for my Order forces (especially my Deepkin it goes hand-in-hand with) but I like the objective taking playstyle and wizard tricks he adds. On Endless Spells i'll only go narrative for now until an official errata hits their facebook.(honestly can't see why not. Big lads need big spells after all! ) Ohh, that's big news! I know it's not optimal but I'm thinking Fyreslayer mercs. Mine can switch back and forth with who's doing the mercing, I can make a fun Aqshy sea & fried fish theme out of it and the Flamespitter Magmic Invocation can be useful anti-horde artillery to keep the Takers from being held up.
  23. Happy to help! More on aelves, I think a really cool challenge would be making houses that represent the Deepkin. We've gotten lots of great art of their elegant structures already. Graceful buildings with lots of curved spines, fins and covered in coral would be great for battlefields where either the Deepkin are establishing a colony or surface realm forces have deployed magic force fields underwater so their troops can attack the Deepkin directly (if not something that wouldn't need air like daemons, Sylvaneth, mutant greenskins or undead).
  24. Hear hear! It's your hobby, so do what you love with it. From Dreadforts to Mega-gargants, the plastic and enjoyment always outlast the sticker shock. Huzzah! I was so hoping that was the case, the clever grots working for GW kept putting jagged edged maps behind the Sons on Facebook so I was highly suspicious of what realm they connected to. Mega-gargants just gave us some big steps towards more Ghur focus and maybe even a campaign kicking off there. That's my bets on the end of the year reveals if a new Warhammer Quest still doesn't appear.
  25. I've seen some ideas to magnetize their parts since they're easy to assemble. Couldn't kitbash them as much but that'd be pretty nifty. Mega-gargant version of the magnetized Fyreslayer riders so you can use all the parts and change up your army strategy on the fly before battle.
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