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Everything posted by DinoJon

  1. I would love to see a new unit of Gutter Runners as a warcry band. Something with a lot of options for Warcry.
  2. More than likely the AoS release for October got pushed back due to everything else getting pushed back. What I've been able to gather the book first chaos book out will be Maggotkin with little chance of any new models.
  3. Have we've seen anything remotely "arachnid" from the rumor engine lately? How often do we get a model that hasn't been shown in the rumor engine?
  4. Just saw the allocations for US stores for the Stormcast and Orruk releases. Most stores should be able to get 10 of each item except for the dice and cards which are limited to 5. For most stores that should cover their players... hopefully.
  5. From Frogg Hurst in the Seraphon Facebook group "Took third place at the Orlando Grand Tournament with this list. 4 wins and 1 draw. Allegiance: Seraphon - Constellation: Thunder Lizard - Mortal Realm: Ghur - Grand Strategy: Beast Master - Triumphs: Bloodthirsty LEADERS Stegadon with Skink Chief (305)* - General - Command Trait: Prime Warbeast - Artefact: Amulet of Destiny - Weapon: Skystreak Bow Slann Starmaster (265)* - Spell: Stellar Tempest Skink Starseer (145) - Artefact: Fusil of Conflaguration - Spell: Hand of Glory Skink Priest (80) - Universal Prayer Scripture: Heal Saurus Astrolith Bearer (150) UNITS 5 x Saurus Guard (115)* 20 x Skinks (150)* - Boltspitters Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers 10 x Skinks (75)* - Boltspitters Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers 2 x Salamander Hunting Pack (240)* BEHEMOTHS Bastiladon with Solar Engine (235)* Bastiladon with Solar Engine (235) CORE BATTALIONS *Battle Regiment Command Entourage - Magnificent ADDITIONAL ENHANCEMENTS Artefact" After that he had some Q&A with the folks in the group and was a pretty informative discussion. Big take aways would be as follows. He would probably drop the starseer for something else and feels like non-general stegadons in Thunder Lizards are over costed.
  6. Im hoping it gets revealed sometime this week, if they are getting more models with the book launch. We should be getting the Pre-Order announcement this Sunday for SCE and Kruleboyz unless things got pushed back. Still hoping for Kruleboy cavalry.
  7. For those into the AoS Soulbound RPG. Stars and Scales Seraphon supplement is available for purchase at the cubicle7 site. They introduce a new constellation that we might see in the next Seraphon book. Chotec's Feather is in Aqshy near the old Anvilgard.
  8. They could really lean into the Warcraft aesthetic and make it 6 limbed. Personally I'm hoping for Gator like with more outrageous back plates and maybe tusks to mimic the Kruelboyz.
  9. The good Ole Whitefang react means you're on to something. Anything gator like would be appreciated. #gatorgang
  10. Pestigors would fit in line with other releases but who knows we might just get a new hero.
  11. Looks like Dominion numbers were halved for all independent retailers. Something with the boxes being held in customs. The rest will be in stores August 7th. Other products like GHB2021 and such are unaffected.
  12. There will still probably be updates to other factions in this time just maybe not as big..
  13. Go go translators. Seems in line with the other spoilers.
  14. As someone who works at a LGS, we haven't heard anything from GW yet in terms of pricing or allocation. We probably won't see anything like that until the following Monday. I'm anxious to take people's pre-orders but it's probably going to be a minute.
  15. That is my deepest hope as a trogg fan boy
  16. Kroak changes seem okay, it's a bit of a nerf but we'll expected. No shrug, no balewind and higher cost. What we got was more wounds and a new "feel bad" mechanic that swings both ways.
  17. Who knows? With Nagash currently K.O.ed by Teclis it might give room for more armies in Death with different views and goals. I think the Soulblight tome coming out is a good indicator that story wise Tomb Kings can come back.
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